[Script Info] Title: Shin Godzilla ScriptType: v4.00+ Collisions: Normal PlayResX: 1920 PlayResY: 1080 [V4+ Styles] Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding Style: Default,Arial,30,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H80000000,-1,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,0,2,10,10,10,1 [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}GO GO GO!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:00:06.00,0:00:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Let's fuckin go\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}GO GO GO!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.00,0:02:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}My first are y'all watching:\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Let's fuckin go\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}GO GO GO!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:02:14.00,0:04:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Participating in , may want\Nto mute that tag for a couple\Nhours if you don’t want to\Nhear me live tooting Shin\NGodzilla\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}My first are y'all watching:\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Let's fuckin go\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}GO GO GO!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:22.00,0:05:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They really just jump right\Nin with the disaster eh?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Participating in , may want\Nto mute that tag for a couple\Nhours if you don’t want to\Nhear me live tooting Shin\NGodzilla\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}My first are y'all watching:\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Let's fuckin go\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}GO GO GO!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:05:35.00,0:05:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. There is no possible\Nanimal that large living in\Nthe ocean.We've absolutely\Nnever seen any monsters in\Nthis area before.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They really just jump right\Nin with the disaster eh?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Participating in , may want\Nto mute that tag for a couple\Nhours if you don’t want to\Nhear me live tooting Shin\NGodzilla\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}My first are y'all watching:\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Let's fuckin go\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}GO GO GO!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:05:48.00,0:06:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK, everyone in a different\Nroom now!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. There is no possible\Nanimal that large living in\Nthe ocean.We've absolutely\Nnever seen any monsters in\Nthis area before.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They really just jump right\Nin with the disaster eh?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Participating in , may want\Nto mute that tag for a couple\Nhours if you don’t want to\Nhear me live tooting Shin\NGodzilla\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}My first are y'all watching:\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Let's fuckin go\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}GO GO GO!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:06:34.00,0:06:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don’t think any of the\Npeople in this room have ever\Nseen a kaiju movie\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK, everyone in a different\Nroom now!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. There is no possible\Nanimal that large living in\Nthe ocean.We've absolutely\Nnever seen any monsters in\Nthis area before.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They really just jump right\Nin with the disaster eh?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Participating in , may want\Nto mute that tag for a couple\Nhours if you don’t want to\Nhear me live tooting Shin\NGodzilla\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}My first are y'all watching:\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Let's fuckin go\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}GO GO GO!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:06:50.00,0:09:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant Unidentified Life\Nform.GULF.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don’t think any of the\Npeople in this room have ever\Nseen a kaiju movie\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK, everyone in a different\Nroom now!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. There is no possible\Nanimal that large living in\Nthe ocean.We've absolutely\Nnever seen any monsters in\Nthis area before.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They really just jump right\Nin with the disaster eh?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Participating in , may want\Nto mute that tag for a couple\Nhours if you don’t want to\Nhear me live tooting Shin\NGodzilla\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}My first are y'all watching:\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Let's fuckin go\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:09:20.00,0:09:43.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How can one be so sure that's\Na TAIL?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant Unidentified Life\Nform.GULF.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don’t think any of the\Npeople in this room have ever\Nseen a kaiju movie\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK, everyone in a different\Nroom now!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. There is no possible\Nanimal that large living in\Nthe ocean.We've absolutely\Nnever seen any monsters in\Nthis area before.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They really just jump right\Nin with the disaster eh?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Participating in , may want\Nto mute that tag for a couple\Nhours if you don’t want to\Nhear me live tooting Shin\NGodzilla\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}My first are y'all watching:\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:09:43.00,0:11:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}FUCK YEAH LIVE CAPTURE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How can one be so sure that's\Na TAIL?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant Unidentified Life\Nform.GULF.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don’t think any of the\Npeople in this room have ever\Nseen a kaiju movie\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK, everyone in a different\Nroom now!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. There is no possible\Nanimal that large living in\Nthe ocean.We've absolutely\Nnever seen any monsters in\Nthis area before.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They really just jump right\Nin with the disaster eh?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Participating in , may want\Nto mute that tag for a couple\Nhours if you don’t want to\Nhear me live tooting Shin\NGodzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:11:04.00,0:11:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MOAR ROOMS!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}FUCK YEAH LIVE CAPTURE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How can one be so sure that's\Na TAIL?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant Unidentified Life\Nform.GULF.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don’t think any of the\Npeople in this room have ever\Nseen a kaiju movie\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK, everyone in a different\Nroom now!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. There is no possible\Nanimal that large living in\Nthe ocean.We've absolutely\Nnever seen any monsters in\Nthis area before.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They really just jump right\Nin with the disaster eh?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Participating in , may want\Nto mute that tag for a couple\Nhours if you don’t want to\Nhear me live tooting Shin\NGodzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:11:17.00,0:11:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H5641E3&}"Extinct" Onceler\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Tonight, no for me. I watched\NVampire Diary (2007) and am\Nnow watching Becoming Jane\N(2007) which is an entire\Naccident, that they were made\Nin the same year. 15 freaking\Nyears ago. The latter of\Ncourse has *production\Nvalues* because it's a studio\Npicture with stars. The\Nformer has *cinema verite*\Nvalues because it's shot on a\Nfound footage conceit, which\Nalso helps one not to care\Nthat the blood seems fake and\Nthere is no way these actors\Nare method. But both movies\Nfeature British accents, so,\Nthere's that.\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MOAR ROOMS!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}FUCK YEAH LIVE CAPTURE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How can one be so sure that's\Na TAIL?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant Unidentified Life\Nform.GULF.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don’t think any of the\Npeople in this room have ever\Nseen a kaiju movie\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:11:38.00,0:11:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB4F389&}Relax Betas, It's Dark Humor\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}starting the movie now\N\N{\c&H5641E3&}"Extinct" Onceler\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Tonight, no for me. I watched\NVampire Diary (2007) and am\Nnow watching Becoming Jane\N(2007) which is an entire\Naccident, that they were made\Nin the same year. 15 freaking\Nyears ago. The latter of\Ncourse has *production\Nvalues* because it's a studio\Npicture with stars. The\Nformer has *cinema verite*\Nvalues because it's shot on a\Nfound footage conceit, which\Nalso helps one not to care\Nthat the blood seems fake and\Nthere is no way these actors\Nare method. But both movies\Nfeature British accents, so,\Nthere's that.\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MOAR ROOMS!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}FUCK YEAH LIVE CAPTURE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How can one be so sure that's\Na TAIL?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant Unidentified Life\Nform.GULF.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:11:55.00,0:12:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's time for ??I'm a little\Nlate, I hope I'm close enough\Nto synced up.\N\N{\c&HB4F389&}Relax Betas, It's Dark Humor\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}starting the movie now\N\N{\c&H5641E3&}"Extinct" Onceler\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Tonight, no for me. I watched\NVampire Diary (2007) and am\Nnow watching Becoming Jane\N(2007) which is an entire\Naccident, that they were made\Nin the same year. 15 freaking\Nyears ago. The latter of\Ncourse has *production\Nvalues* because it's a studio\Npicture with stars. The\Nformer has *cinema verite*\Nvalues because it's shot on a\Nfound footage conceit, which\Nalso helps one not to care\Nthat the blood seems fake and\Nthere is no way these actors\Nare method. But both movies\Nfeature British accents, so,\Nthere's that.\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MOAR ROOMS!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}FUCK YEAH LIVE CAPTURE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How can one be so sure that's\Na TAIL?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:09.00,0:12:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"a heretofore undiscovered\Nmarine species"Wow,\Nprofessor. Really going out\Non a limb trying to describe\Nthis mysterious monster that\Nlives in the ocean.\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's time for ??I'm a little\Nlate, I hope I'm close enough\Nto synced up.\N\N{\c&HB4F389&}Relax Betas, It's Dark Humor\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}starting the movie now\N\N{\c&H5641E3&}"Extinct" Onceler\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Tonight, no for me. I watched\NVampire Diary (2007) and am\Nnow watching Becoming Jane\N(2007) which is an entire\Naccident, that they were made\Nin the same year. 15 freaking\Nyears ago. The latter of\Ncourse has *production\Nvalues* because it's a studio\Npicture with stars. The\Nformer has *cinema verite*\Nvalues because it's shot on a\Nfound footage conceit, which\Nalso helps one not to care\Nthat the blood seems fake and\Nthere is no way these actors\Nare method. But both movies\Nfeature British accents, so,\Nthere's that.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:15.00,0:12:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H6036F1&} NOT Vintage!!! \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The only thing Shin Gojira\Nlacked was cicadas, that way\Nthere would've been NO doubt\Nit was a Hideaki Anno joint\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"a heretofore undiscovered\Nmarine species"Wow,\Nprofessor. Really going out\Non a limb trying to describe\Nthis mysterious monster that\Nlives in the ocean.\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's time for ??I'm a little\Nlate, I hope I'm close enough\Nto synced up.\N\N{\c&HB4F389&}Relax Betas, It's Dark Humor\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}starting the movie now\N\N{\c&H5641E3&}"Extinct" Onceler\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Tonight, no for me. I watched\NVampire Diary (2007) and am\Nnow watching Becoming Jane\N(2007) which is an entire\Naccident, that they were made\Nin the same year. 15 freaking\Nyears ago. The latter of\Ncourse has *production\Nvalues* because it's a studio\Npicture with stars. The\Nformer has *cinema verite*\Nvalues because it's shot on a\Nfound footage conceit, which\Nalso helps one not to care\Nthat the blood seems fake and\Nthere is no way these actors\Nare method. But both movies\Nfeature British accents, so,\Nthere's that.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:27.00,0:14:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Time to put on our worker\Ncostumes\N\N{\c&H6036F1&} NOT Vintage!!! \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The only thing Shin Gojira\Nlacked was cicadas, that way\Nthere would've been NO doubt\Nit was a Hideaki Anno joint\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"a heretofore undiscovered\Nmarine species"Wow,\Nprofessor. Really going out\Non a limb trying to describe\Nthis mysterious monster that\Nlives in the ocean.\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's time for ??I'm a little\Nlate, I hope I'm close enough\Nto synced up.\N\N{\c&HB4F389&}Relax Betas, It's Dark Humor\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}starting the movie now\N\N{\c&H5641E3&}"Extinct" Onceler\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Tonight, no for me. I watched\NVampire Diary (2007) and am\Nnow watching Becoming Jane\N(2007) which is an entire\Naccident, that they were made\Nin the same year. 15 freaking\Nyears ago. The latter of\Ncourse has *production\Nvalues* because it's a studio\Npicture with stars. The\Nformer has *cinema verite*\Nvalues because it's shot on a\Nfound footage conceit, which\Nalso helps one not to care\Nthat the blood seems fake and\Nthere is no way these actors\Nare method. But both movies\Nfeature British accents, so,\Nthere's that.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:08.00,0:14:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We've yet to identify what\Nkind of creature it is."It's\NGodzilla, I feel like\Neveryone already knows that.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Time to put on our worker\Ncostumes\N\N{\c&H6036F1&} NOT Vintage!!! \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The only thing Shin Gojira\Nlacked was cicadas, that way\Nthere would've been NO doubt\Nit was a Hideaki Anno joint\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"a heretofore undiscovered\Nmarine species"Wow,\Nprofessor. Really going out\Non a limb trying to describe\Nthis mysterious monster that\Nlives in the ocean.\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's time for ??I'm a little\Nlate, I hope I'm close enough\Nto synced up.\N\N{\c&HB4F389&}Relax Betas, It's Dark Humor\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}starting the movie now\N\N{\c&H5641E3&}"Extinct" Onceler\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Tonight, no for me. I watched\NVampire Diary (2007) and am\Nnow watching Becoming Jane\N(2007) which is an entire\Naccident, that they were made\Nin the same year. 15 freaking\Nyears ago. The latter of\Ncourse has *production\Nvalues* because it's a studio\Npicture with stars. The\Nformer has *cinema verite*\Nvalues because it's shot on a\Nfound footage conceit, which\Nalso helps one not to care\Nthat the blood seems fake and\Nthere is no way these actors\Nare method. But both movies\Nfeature British accents, so,\Nthere's that.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:26.00,0:15:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gil goo\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We've yet to identify what\Nkind of creature it is."It's\NGodzilla, I feel like\Neveryone already knows that.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Time to put on our worker\Ncostumes\N\N{\c&H6036F1&} NOT Vintage!!! \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The only thing Shin Gojira\Nlacked was cicadas, that way\Nthere would've been NO doubt\Nit was a Hideaki Anno joint\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"a heretofore undiscovered\Nmarine species"Wow,\Nprofessor. Really going out\Non a limb trying to describe\Nthis mysterious monster that\Nlives in the ocean.\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's time for ??I'm a little\Nlate, I hope I'm close enough\Nto synced up.\N\N{\c&HB4F389&}Relax Betas, It's Dark Humor\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}starting the movie now\N\N{\c&H5641E3&}"Extinct" Onceler\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Tonight, no for me. I watched\NVampire Diary (2007) and am\Nnow watching Becoming Jane\N(2007) which is an entire\Naccident, that they were made\Nin the same year. 15 freaking\Nyears ago. The latter of\Ncourse has *production\Nvalues* because it's a studio\Npicture with stars. The\Nformer has *cinema verite*\Nvalues because it's shot on a\Nfound footage conceit, which\Nalso helps one not to care\Nthat the blood seems fake and\Nthere is no way these actors\Nare method. But both movies\Nfeature British accents, so,\Nthere's that.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:30.00,0:15:33.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I appreciate the Japanese\NSign Language interpreter,\Nand wish we had more shots of\Nher! Elegant signer!EDIT: YAY\Nmore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gil goo\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We've yet to identify what\Nkind of creature it is."It's\NGodzilla, I feel like\Neveryone already knows that.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Time to put on our worker\Ncostumes\N\N{\c&H6036F1&} NOT Vintage!!! \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The only thing Shin Gojira\Nlacked was cicadas, that way\Nthere would've been NO doubt\Nit was a Hideaki Anno joint\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"a heretofore undiscovered\Nmarine species"Wow,\Nprofessor. Really going out\Non a limb trying to describe\Nthis mysterious monster that\Nlives in the ocean.\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's time for ??I'm a little\Nlate, I hope I'm close enough\Nto synced up.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:33.00,0:16:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a fucked up godzilla ,\Nnot my favorite tbh\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I appreciate the Japanese\NSign Language interpreter,\Nand wish we had more shots of\Nher! Elegant signer!EDIT: YAY\Nmore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gil goo\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We've yet to identify what\Nkind of creature it is."It's\NGodzilla, I feel like\Neveryone already knows that.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Time to put on our worker\Ncostumes\N\N{\c&H6036F1&} NOT Vintage!!! \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The only thing Shin Gojira\Nlacked was cicadas, that way\Nthere would've been NO doubt\Nit was a Hideaki Anno joint\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"a heretofore undiscovered\Nmarine species"Wow,\Nprofessor. Really going out\Non a limb trying to describe\Nthis mysterious monster that\Nlives in the ocean.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:02.00,0:16:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Amazing.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a fucked up godzilla ,\Nnot my favorite tbh\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I appreciate the Japanese\NSign Language interpreter,\Nand wish we had more shots of\Nher! Elegant signer!EDIT: YAY\Nmore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gil goo\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We've yet to identify what\Nkind of creature it is."It's\NGodzilla, I feel like\Neveryone already knows that.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Time to put on our worker\Ncostumes\N\N{\c&H6036F1&} NOT Vintage!!! \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The only thing Shin Gojira\Nlacked was cicadas, that way\Nthere would've been NO doubt\Nit was a Hideaki Anno joint\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"a heretofore undiscovered\Nmarine species"Wow,\Nprofessor. Really going out\Non a limb trying to describe\Nthis mysterious monster that\Nlives in the ocean.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:06.00,0:16:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Catazillar\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Amazing.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a fucked up godzilla ,\Nnot my favorite tbh\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I appreciate the Japanese\NSign Language interpreter,\Nand wish we had more shots of\Nher! Elegant signer!EDIT: YAY\Nmore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gil goo\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We've yet to identify what\Nkind of creature it is."It's\NGodzilla, I feel like\Neveryone already knows that.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Time to put on our worker\Ncostumes\N\N{\c&H6036F1&} NOT Vintage!!! \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The only thing Shin Gojira\Nlacked was cicadas, that way\Nthere would've been NO doubt\Nit was a Hideaki Anno joint\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"a heretofore undiscovered\Nmarine species"Wow,\Nprofessor. Really going out\Non a limb trying to describe\Nthis mysterious monster that\Nlives in the ocean.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:13.00,0:16:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Please put your mind at ease\Nthere is no chance it will\Ncome ashore(monster walks by)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Catazillar\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Amazing.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a fucked up godzilla ,\Nnot my favorite tbh\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I appreciate the Japanese\NSign Language interpreter,\Nand wish we had more shots of\Nher! Elegant signer!EDIT: YAY\Nmore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gil goo\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We've yet to identify what\Nkind of creature it is."It's\NGodzilla, I feel like\Neveryone already knows that.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Time to put on our worker\Ncostumes\N\N{\c&H6036F1&} NOT Vintage!!! \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The only thing Shin Gojira\Nlacked was cicadas, that way\Nthere would've been NO doubt\Nit was a Hideaki Anno joint\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:47.00,0:17:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Nothing in the second or\Nthird response manual\Napplies, either. What do we\Ndo?"\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Please put your mind at ease\Nthere is no chance it will\Ncome ashore(monster walks by)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Catazillar\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Amazing.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a fucked up godzilla ,\Nnot my favorite tbh\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I appreciate the Japanese\NSign Language interpreter,\Nand wish we had more shots of\Nher! Elegant signer!EDIT: YAY\Nmore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gil goo\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We've yet to identify what\Nkind of creature it is."It's\NGodzilla, I feel like\Neveryone already knows that.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:17:06.00,0:18:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ofc we're more worried about\Nhow to manage the messaging\Nthan dealing with the actual\Nmonster ripping the city\Napart\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Nothing in the second or\Nthird response manual\Napplies, either. What do we\Ndo?"\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Please put your mind at ease\Nthere is no chance it will\Ncome ashore(monster walks by)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Catazillar\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Amazing.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a fucked up godzilla ,\Nnot my favorite tbh\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I appreciate the Japanese\NSign Language interpreter,\Nand wish we had more shots of\Nher! Elegant signer!EDIT: YAY\Nmore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gil goo\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:12.00,0:18:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Starting to think the\Ngovernment might not be able\Nto address this effectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ofc we're more worried about\Nhow to manage the messaging\Nthan dealing with the actual\Nmonster ripping the city\Napart\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Nothing in the second or\Nthird response manual\Napplies, either. What do we\Ndo?"\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Please put your mind at ease\Nthere is no chance it will\Ncome ashore(monster walks by)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Catazillar\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Amazing.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a fucked up godzilla ,\Nnot my favorite tbh\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I appreciate the Japanese\NSign Language interpreter,\Nand wish we had more shots of\Nher! Elegant signer!EDIT: YAY\Nmore\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:45.00,0:19:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mmmmmmCARZZZ!nomnomnomnom\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Starting to think the\Ngovernment might not be able\Nto address this effectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ofc we're more worried about\Nhow to manage the messaging\Nthan dealing with the actual\Nmonster ripping the city\Napart\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Nothing in the second or\Nthird response manual\Napplies, either. What do we\Ndo?"\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Please put your mind at ease\Nthere is no chance it will\Ncome ashore(monster walks by)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Catazillar\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Amazing.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a fucked up godzilla ,\Nnot my favorite tbh\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I appreciate the Japanese\NSign Language interpreter,\Nand wish we had more shots of\Nher! Elegant signer!EDIT: YAY\Nmore\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:03.00,0:19:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this godzilla is just\Nglomping thousands of people\Nto death\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mmmmmmCARZZZ!nomnomnomnom\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Starting to think the\Ngovernment might not be able\Nto address this effectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ofc we're more worried about\Nhow to manage the messaging\Nthan dealing with the actual\Nmonster ripping the city\Napart\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Nothing in the second or\Nthird response manual\Napplies, either. What do we\Ndo?"\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Please put your mind at ease\Nthere is no chance it will\Ncome ashore(monster walks by)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Catazillar\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Amazing.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:36.00,0:19:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do something? but - but -\Nwe're the government!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this godzilla is just\Nglomping thousands of people\Nto death\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mmmmmmCARZZZ!nomnomnomnom\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Starting to think the\Ngovernment might not be able\Nto address this effectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ofc we're more worried about\Nhow to manage the messaging\Nthan dealing with the actual\Nmonster ripping the city\Napart\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Nothing in the second or\Nthird response manual\Napplies, either. What do we\Ndo?"\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Please put your mind at ease\Nthere is no chance it will\Ncome ashore(monster walks by)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Catazillar\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:55.00,0:20:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This whole part of the movie\Nhas such an Armando Iannucci\Nvibe\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do something? but - but -\Nwe're the government!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this godzilla is just\Nglomping thousands of people\Nto death\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mmmmmmCARZZZ!nomnomnomnom\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Starting to think the\Ngovernment might not be able\Nto address this effectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ofc we're more worried about\Nhow to manage the messaging\Nthan dealing with the actual\Nmonster ripping the city\Napart\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Nothing in the second or\Nthird response manual\Napplies, either. What do we\Ndo?"\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Please put your mind at ease\Nthere is no chance it will\Ncome ashore(monster walks by)\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:26.00,0:21:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I hope Godzilla stays in this\Ncrawling form forever.Going\Nback to his old self would be\Na disappointing cop-out.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This whole part of the movie\Nhas such an Armando Iannucci\Nvibe\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do something? but - but -\Nwe're the government!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this godzilla is just\Nglomping thousands of people\Nto death\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mmmmmmCARZZZ!nomnomnomnom\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Starting to think the\Ngovernment might not be able\Nto address this effectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ofc we're more worried about\Nhow to manage the messaging\Nthan dealing with the actual\Nmonster ripping the city\Napart\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Nothing in the second or\Nthird response manual\Napplies, either. What do we\Ndo?"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:39.00,0:21:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I never would have\Ntaken this role if someone\Ntold me I'd be responsible\Nfor decision-making.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I hope Godzilla stays in this\Ncrawling form forever.Going\Nback to his old self would be\Na disappointing cop-out.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This whole part of the movie\Nhas such an Armando Iannucci\Nvibe\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do something? but - but -\Nwe're the government!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this godzilla is just\Nglomping thousands of people\Nto death\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mmmmmmCARZZZ!nomnomnomnom\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Starting to think the\Ngovernment might not be able\Nto address this effectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ofc we're more worried about\Nhow to manage the messaging\Nthan dealing with the actual\Nmonster ripping the city\Napart\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:42.00,0:23:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I never would have\Ntaken this role if someone\Ntold me I'd be responsible\Nfor decision-making.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I hope Godzilla stays in this\Ncrawling form forever.Going\Nback to his old self would be\Na disappointing cop-out.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This whole part of the movie\Nhas such an Armando Iannucci\Nvibe\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do something? but - but -\Nwe're the government!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this godzilla is just\Nglomping thousands of people\Nto death\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:31.00,0:23:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I never would have\Ntaken this role if someone\Ntold me I'd be responsible\Nfor decision-making.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I hope Godzilla stays in this\Ncrawling form forever.Going\Nback to his old self would be\Na disappointing cop-out.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This whole part of the movie\Nhas such an Armando Iannucci\Nvibe\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do something? but - but -\Nwe're the government!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:50.00,0:24:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We can't just *do something*\Nwe haven't done any studies\Nyet!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I never would have\Ntaken this role if someone\Ntold me I'd be responsible\Nfor decision-making.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I hope Godzilla stays in this\Ncrawling form forever.Going\Nback to his old self would be\Na disappointing cop-out.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This whole part of the movie\Nhas such an Armando Iannucci\Nvibe\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:09.00,0:24:33.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao I love clumsy\Ntoddlerzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We can't just *do something*\Nwe haven't done any studies\Nyet!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I never would have\Ntaken this role if someone\Ntold me I'd be responsible\Nfor decision-making.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I hope Godzilla stays in this\Ncrawling form forever.Going\Nback to his old self would be\Na disappointing cop-out.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:33.00,0:24:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's already dead point borg\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao I love clumsy\Ntoddlerzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We can't just *do something*\Nwe haven't done any studies\Nyet!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I never would have\Ntaken this role if someone\Ntold me I'd be responsible\Nfor decision-making.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I hope Godzilla stays in this\Ncrawling form forever.Going\Nback to his old self would be\Na disappointing cop-out.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:34.00,0:24:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillasaurus Rex\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nobody does street panic\Nscenes like Toho\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's already dead point borg\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao I love clumsy\Ntoddlerzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We can't just *do something*\Nwe haven't done any studies\Nyet!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I never would have\Ntaken this role if someone\Ntold me I'd be responsible\Nfor decision-making.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:54.00,0:24:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}B'WAAHHH!?\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillasaurus Rex\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nobody does street panic\Nscenes like Toho\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's already dead point borg\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao I love clumsy\Ntoddlerzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We can't just *do something*\Nwe haven't done any studies\Nyet!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:58.00,0:25:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is my new favorite\Nimage.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}B'WAAHHH!?\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillasaurus Rex\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nobody does street panic\Nscenes like Toho\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's already dead point borg\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao I love clumsy\Ntoddlerzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We can't just *do something*\Nwe haven't done any studies\Nyet!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:11.00,0:25:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}baby's first steps! :blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is my new favorite\Nimage.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}B'WAAHHH!?\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillasaurus Rex\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nobody does street panic\Nscenes like Toho\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's already dead point borg\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao I love clumsy\Ntoddlerzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We can't just *do something*\Nwe haven't done any studies\Nyet!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:31.00,0:25:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is Godzilla a Pokémon?\NDiscuss.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}baby's first steps! :blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is my new favorite\Nimage.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}B'WAAHHH!?\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillasaurus Rex\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nobody does street panic\Nscenes like Toho\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's already dead point borg\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao I love clumsy\Ntoddlerzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We can't just *do something*\Nwe haven't done any studies\Nyet!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The thing I love so much is\Nthat everyone, from the\Nelected officials to the\Ngenerals to even the\Nacademics, is concerned first\Nand foremost with the effect\Nthat committing to something\Nwill have on their career,\Nand a distant second with the\Nactual situation unfolding in\Nfront of them\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:32.00,0:25:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I believe it's been\Nwalking on its shins\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is Godzilla a Pokémon?\NDiscuss.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}baby's first steps! :blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is my new favorite\Nimage.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}B'WAAHHH!?\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillasaurus Rex\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nobody does street panic\Nscenes like Toho\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's already dead point borg\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao I love clumsy\Ntoddlerzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We can't just *do something*\Nwe haven't done any studies\Nyet!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:39.00,0:26:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The subcommittee for kaiju\Npacification has greenlit\Nconsideration to remove\Nsafeties.We will reconvene in\Ntwo weeks to discuss any\Nfurther escalation.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I believe it's been\Nwalking on its shins\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is Godzilla a Pokémon?\NDiscuss.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}baby's first steps! :blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is my new favorite\Nimage.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}B'WAAHHH!?\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillasaurus Rex\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nobody does street panic\Nscenes like Toho\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's already dead point borg\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao I love clumsy\Ntoddlerzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:26:26.00,0:27:49.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}soft jazz and traffic reports\Nlol\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The subcommittee for kaiju\Npacification has greenlit\Nconsideration to remove\Nsafeties.We will reconvene in\Ntwo weeks to discuss any\Nfurther escalation.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I believe it's been\Nwalking on its shins\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is Godzilla a Pokémon?\NDiscuss.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}baby's first steps! :blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is my new favorite\Nimage.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}B'WAAHHH!?\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillasaurus Rex\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nobody does street panic\Nscenes like Toho\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:27:49.00,0:28:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh good. the stock market\Nwill remain open\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}soft jazz and traffic reports\Nlol\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The subcommittee for kaiju\Npacification has greenlit\Nconsideration to remove\Nsafeties.We will reconvene in\Ntwo weeks to discuss any\Nfurther escalation.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I believe it's been\Nwalking on its shins\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is Godzilla a Pokémon?\NDiscuss.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}baby's first steps! :blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is my new favorite\Nimage.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}B'WAAHHH!?\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillasaurus Rex\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:28:06.00,0:30:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if we play easy listening\Nmusak whilst reporting on the\Ndisaster it will prevent mass\Npanic\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh good. the stock market\Nwill remain open\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}soft jazz and traffic reports\Nlol\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The subcommittee for kaiju\Npacification has greenlit\Nconsideration to remove\Nsafeties.We will reconvene in\Ntwo weeks to discuss any\Nfurther escalation.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I believe it's been\Nwalking on its shins\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is Godzilla a Pokémon?\NDiscuss.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}baby's first steps! :blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is my new favorite\Nimage.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:07.00,0:30:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Prime Minister's go/no-go\Ndecision was basically a\NTrolley Problem in action\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if we play easy listening\Nmusak whilst reporting on the\Ndisaster it will prevent mass\Npanic\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh good. the stock market\Nwill remain open\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}soft jazz and traffic reports\Nlol\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The subcommittee for kaiju\Npacification has greenlit\Nconsideration to remove\Nsafeties.We will reconvene in\Ntwo weeks to discuss any\Nfurther escalation.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I believe it's been\Nwalking on its shins\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is Godzilla a Pokémon?\NDiscuss.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}baby's first steps! :blobaww:\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:45.00,0:32:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret if the stock market\Nis open and the kids are in\Nschool then\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Prime Minister's go/no-go\Ndecision was basically a\NTrolley Problem in action\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if we play easy listening\Nmusak whilst reporting on the\Ndisaster it will prevent mass\Npanic\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh good. the stock market\Nwill remain open\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}soft jazz and traffic reports\Nlol\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The subcommittee for kaiju\Npacification has greenlit\Nconsideration to remove\Nsafeties.We will reconvene in\Ntwo weeks to discuss any\Nfurther escalation.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I believe it's been\Nwalking on its shins\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is Godzilla a Pokémon?\NDiscuss.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:25.00,0:32:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao this is the perfect team\Nto take on Godzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret if the stock market\Nis open and the kids are in\Nschool then\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Prime Minister's go/no-go\Ndecision was basically a\NTrolley Problem in action\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if we play easy listening\Nmusak whilst reporting on the\Ndisaster it will prevent mass\Npanic\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh good. the stock market\Nwill remain open\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}soft jazz and traffic reports\Nlol\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The subcommittee for kaiju\Npacification has greenlit\Nconsideration to remove\Nsafeties.We will reconvene in\Ntwo weeks to discuss any\Nfurther escalation.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@wohali I believe it's been\Nwalking on its shins\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:45.00,0:32:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H7B44A5&}carith\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not watching but I am\Nreconstructing the movie via\Nreading the hashtag\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao this is the perfect team\Nto take on Godzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret if the stock market\Nis open and the kids are in\Nschool then\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Prime Minister's go/no-go\Ndecision was basically a\NTrolley Problem in action\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if we play easy listening\Nmusak whilst reporting on the\Ndisaster it will prevent mass\Npanic\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh good. the stock market\Nwill remain open\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}soft jazz and traffic reports\Nlol\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The subcommittee for kaiju\Npacification has greenlit\Nconsideration to remove\Nsafeties.We will reconvene in\Ntwo weeks to discuss any\Nfurther escalation.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:50.00,0:33:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Looking like this talking\Nabout the mutations..\N\N{\c&H7B44A5&}carith\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not watching but I am\Nreconstructing the movie via\Nreading the hashtag\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao this is the perfect team\Nto take on Godzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret if the stock market\Nis open and the kids are in\Nschool then\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Prime Minister's go/no-go\Ndecision was basically a\NTrolley Problem in action\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if we play easy listening\Nmusak whilst reporting on the\Ndisaster it will prevent mass\Npanic\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh good. the stock market\Nwill remain open\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}soft jazz and traffic reports\Nlol\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:33:01.00,0:34:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}point borg: it's definitely\Nnot nuclear\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Looking like this talking\Nabout the mutations..\N\N{\c&H7B44A5&}carith\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not watching but I am\Nreconstructing the movie via\Nreading the hashtag\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao this is the perfect team\Nto take on Godzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret if the stock market\Nis open and the kids are in\Nschool then\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Prime Minister's go/no-go\Ndecision was basically a\NTrolley Problem in action\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if we play easy listening\Nmusak whilst reporting on the\Ndisaster it will prevent mass\Npanic\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh good. the stock market\Nwill remain open\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:34:04.00,0:36:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sure it’s a giant monster,\Nand sure it leaves radiation\Neverywhere it goes, but we\Nhave NO EVIDENCE it’s\Nenough radiation to warrant\Nevacuating\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}point borg: it's definitely\Nnot nuclear\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Looking like this talking\Nabout the mutations..\N\N{\c&H7B44A5&}carith\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not watching but I am\Nreconstructing the movie via\Nreading the hashtag\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao this is the perfect team\Nto take on Godzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret if the stock market\Nis open and the kids are in\Nschool then\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Prime Minister's go/no-go\Ndecision was basically a\NTrolley Problem in action\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if we play easy listening\Nmusak whilst reporting on the\Ndisaster it will prevent mass\Npanic\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:36:08.00,0:38:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is honestly one of the\Nmost brutal and accurate\Npolitical satires ever made\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sure it’s a giant monster,\Nand sure it leaves radiation\Neverywhere it goes, but we\Nhave NO EVIDENCE it’s\Nenough radiation to warrant\Nevacuating\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}point borg: it's definitely\Nnot nuclear\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Looking like this talking\Nabout the mutations..\N\N{\c&H7B44A5&}carith\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not watching but I am\Nreconstructing the movie via\Nreading the hashtag\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao this is the perfect team\Nto take on Godzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret if the stock market\Nis open and the kids are in\Nschool then\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Prime Minister's go/no-go\Ndecision was basically a\NTrolley Problem in action\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:38:39.00,0:40:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret If only they could\Nmake it 99% cabinet meetings\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is honestly one of the\Nmost brutal and accurate\Npolitical satires ever made\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sure it’s a giant monster,\Nand sure it leaves radiation\Neverywhere it goes, but we\Nhave NO EVIDENCE it’s\Nenough radiation to warrant\Nevacuating\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}point borg: it's definitely\Nnot nuclear\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Looking like this talking\Nabout the mutations..\N\N{\c&H7B44A5&}carith\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not watching but I am\Nreconstructing the movie via\Nreading the hashtag\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao this is the perfect team\Nto take on Godzilla\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret if the stock market\Nis open and the kids are in\Nschool then\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:04.00,0:41:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, the Eva battle music\Nkicking in while not-Misato\Ngives a briefing is choice\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret If only they could\Nmake it 99% cabinet meetings\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is honestly one of the\Nmost brutal and accurate\Npolitical satires ever made\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sure it’s a giant monster,\Nand sure it leaves radiation\Neverywhere it goes, but we\Nhave NO EVIDENCE it’s\Nenough radiation to warrant\Nevacuating\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}point borg: it's definitely\Nnot nuclear\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Looking like this talking\Nabout the mutations..\N\N{\c&H7B44A5&}carith\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not watching but I am\Nreconstructing the movie via\Nreading the hashtag\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao this is the perfect team\Nto take on Godzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:10.00,0:41:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this music\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, the Eva battle music\Nkicking in while not-Misato\Ngives a briefing is choice\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret If only they could\Nmake it 99% cabinet meetings\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is honestly one of the\Nmost brutal and accurate\Npolitical satires ever made\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sure it’s a giant monster,\Nand sure it leaves radiation\Neverywhere it goes, but we\Nhave NO EVIDENCE it’s\Nenough radiation to warrant\Nevacuating\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}point borg: it's definitely\Nnot nuclear\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Looking like this talking\Nabout the mutations..\N\N{\c&H7B44A5&}carith\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not watching but I am\Nreconstructing the movie via\Nreading the hashtag\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:29.00,0:42:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we officially announce the\Ngovernment's unofficial name\Nof the monster\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this music\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, the Eva battle music\Nkicking in while not-Misato\Ngives a briefing is choice\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret If only they could\Nmake it 99% cabinet meetings\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is honestly one of the\Nmost brutal and accurate\Npolitical satires ever made\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sure it’s a giant monster,\Nand sure it leaves radiation\Neverywhere it goes, but we\Nhave NO EVIDENCE it’s\Nenough radiation to warrant\Nevacuating\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}point borg: it's definitely\Nnot nuclear\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Looking like this talking\Nabout the mutations..\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:08.00,0:42:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that netflix comet movie\Ntried to do what this movie\Nis doing and didn't do it\Nhalf as well\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we officially announce the\Ngovernment's unofficial name\Nof the monster\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this music\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, the Eva battle music\Nkicking in while not-Misato\Ngives a briefing is choice\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret If only they could\Nmake it 99% cabinet meetings\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is honestly one of the\Nmost brutal and accurate\Npolitical satires ever made\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sure it’s a giant monster,\Nand sure it leaves radiation\Neverywhere it goes, but we\Nhave NO EVIDENCE it’s\Nenough radiation to warrant\Nevacuating\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}point borg: it's definitely\Nnot nuclear\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:19.00,0:44:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so many digs at how the us\Ngov deals with other\Ncountries lol\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that netflix comet movie\Ntried to do what this movie\Nis doing and didn't do it\Nhalf as well\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we officially announce the\Ngovernment's unofficial name\Nof the monster\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this music\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, the Eva battle music\Nkicking in while not-Misato\Ngives a briefing is choice\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret If only they could\Nmake it 99% cabinet meetings\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is honestly one of the\Nmost brutal and accurate\Npolitical satires ever made\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sure it’s a giant monster,\Nand sure it leaves radiation\Neverywhere it goes, but we\Nhave NO EVIDENCE it’s\Nenough radiation to warrant\Nevacuating\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:44:19.00,0:44:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok I think it’s confirmed\Nthat Godzilla is a Pokémon\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so many digs at how the us\Ngov deals with other\Ncountries lol\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that netflix comet movie\Ntried to do what this movie\Nis doing and didn't do it\Nhalf as well\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we officially announce the\Ngovernment's unofficial name\Nof the monster\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this music\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, the Eva battle music\Nkicking in while not-Misato\Ngives a briefing is choice\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret If only they could\Nmake it 99% cabinet meetings\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is honestly one of the\Nmost brutal and accurate\Npolitical satires ever made\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:44:35.00,0:46:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want onigiri :(\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok I think it’s confirmed\Nthat Godzilla is a Pokémon\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so many digs at how the us\Ngov deals with other\Ncountries lol\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that netflix comet movie\Ntried to do what this movie\Nis doing and didn't do it\Nhalf as well\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we officially announce the\Ngovernment's unofficial name\Nof the monster\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this music\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, the Eva battle music\Nkicking in while not-Misato\Ngives a briefing is choice\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret If only they could\Nmake it 99% cabinet meetings\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is honestly one of the\Nmost brutal and accurate\Npolitical satires ever made\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:15.00,0:46:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is heading across\Nthe ocean to Linus Tech Tips\Nto get a water cooling\Nupgrade but HE WILL RETURN\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want onigiri :(\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok I think it’s confirmed\Nthat Godzilla is a Pokémon\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so many digs at how the us\Ngov deals with other\Ncountries lol\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that netflix comet movie\Ntried to do what this movie\Nis doing and didn't do it\Nhalf as well\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we officially announce the\Ngovernment's unofficial name\Nof the monster\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this music\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, the Eva battle music\Nkicking in while not-Misato\Ngives a briefing is choice\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:31.00,0:47:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awwwwww yissssss\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is heading across\Nthe ocean to Linus Tech Tips\Nto get a water cooling\Nupgrade but HE WILL RETURN\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want onigiri :(\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok I think it’s confirmed\Nthat Godzilla is a Pokémon\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so many digs at how the us\Ngov deals with other\Ncountries lol\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that netflix comet movie\Ntried to do what this movie\Nis doing and didn't do it\Nhalf as well\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we officially announce the\Ngovernment's unofficial name\Nof the monster\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this music\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, the Eva battle music\Nkicking in while not-Misato\Ngives a briefing is choice\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:47:47.00,0:47:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the fins are heatsinks,\Nyou just need helicopters\Nequipped with expanding\Ninsulation foam\Nsprayers.Better than masers.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awwwwww yissssss\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is heading across\Nthe ocean to Linus Tech Tips\Nto get a water cooling\Nupgrade but HE WILL RETURN\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want onigiri :(\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok I think it’s confirmed\Nthat Godzilla is a Pokémon\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so many digs at how the us\Ngov deals with other\Ncountries lol\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that netflix comet movie\Ntried to do what this movie\Nis doing and didn't do it\Nhalf as well\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we officially announce the\Ngovernment's unofficial name\Nof the monster\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:47:55.00,0:48:18.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh that? We aren't sure what\Nthat is. We call him\NGodzilla.Don't worry about\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the fins are heatsinks,\Nyou just need helicopters\Nequipped with expanding\Ninsulation foam\Nsprayers.Better than masers.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awwwwww yissssss\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is heading across\Nthe ocean to Linus Tech Tips\Nto get a water cooling\Nupgrade but HE WILL RETURN\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want onigiri :(\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok I think it’s confirmed\Nthat Godzilla is a Pokémon\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so many digs at how the us\Ngov deals with other\Ncountries lol\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that netflix comet movie\Ntried to do what this movie\Nis doing and didn't do it\Nhalf as well\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:48:18.00,0:48:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a hell of a tail\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh that? We aren't sure what\Nthat is. We call him\NGodzilla.Don't worry about\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the fins are heatsinks,\Nyou just need helicopters\Nequipped with expanding\Ninsulation foam\Nsprayers.Better than masers.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awwwwww yissssss\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is heading across\Nthe ocean to Linus Tech Tips\Nto get a water cooling\Nupgrade but HE WILL RETURN\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want onigiri :(\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok I think it’s confirmed\Nthat Godzilla is a Pokémon\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so many digs at how the us\Ngov deals with other\Ncountries lol\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:48:54.00,0:49:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ugh, Godzilla leaves an oily\Nresidue.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a hell of a tail\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh that? We aren't sure what\Nthat is. We call him\NGodzilla.Don't worry about\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the fins are heatsinks,\Nyou just need helicopters\Nequipped with expanding\Ninsulation foam\Nsprayers.Better than masers.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awwwwww yissssss\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is heading across\Nthe ocean to Linus Tech Tips\Nto get a water cooling\Nupgrade but HE WILL RETURN\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want onigiri :(\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok I think it’s confirmed\Nthat Godzilla is a Pokémon\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so many digs at how the us\Ngov deals with other\Ncountries lol\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:07.00,0:49:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I kinda miss the googly-eyes\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ugh, Godzilla leaves an oily\Nresidue.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a hell of a tail\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh that? We aren't sure what\Nthat is. We call him\NGodzilla.Don't worry about\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the fins are heatsinks,\Nyou just need helicopters\Nequipped with expanding\Ninsulation foam\Nsprayers.Better than masers.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awwwwww yissssss\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is heading across\Nthe ocean to Linus Tech Tips\Nto get a water cooling\Nupgrade but HE WILL RETURN\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want onigiri :(\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok I think it’s confirmed\Nthat Godzilla is a Pokémon\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:25.00,0:50:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if our boy doesn't shoot a\Nprojectile out of that tail\Nthere's no hope for him\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I kinda miss the googly-eyes\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ugh, Godzilla leaves an oily\Nresidue.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a hell of a tail\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh that? We aren't sure what\Nthat is. We call him\NGodzilla.Don't worry about\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the fins are heatsinks,\Nyou just need helicopters\Nequipped with expanding\Ninsulation foam\Nsprayers.Better than masers.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awwwwww yissssss\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is heading across\Nthe ocean to Linus Tech Tips\Nto get a water cooling\Nupgrade but HE WILL RETURN\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:09.00,0:50:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}>why is it coming here again\Nto start 3rd impact, of\Ncourse\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if our boy doesn't shoot a\Nprojectile out of that tail\Nthere's no hope for him\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I kinda miss the googly-eyes\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ugh, Godzilla leaves an oily\Nresidue.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a hell of a tail\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh that? We aren't sure what\Nthat is. We call him\NGodzilla.Don't worry about\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the fins are heatsinks,\Nyou just need helicopters\Nequipped with expanding\Ninsulation foam\Nsprayers.Better than masers.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awwwwww yissssss\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is heading across\Nthe ocean to Linus Tech Tips\Nto get a water cooling\Nupgrade but HE WILL RETURN\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:55.00,0:51:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H5891C4&}anubis2814\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok guys wtf is you keep\Ntalking about?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}>why is it coming here again\Nto start 3rd impact, of\Ncourse\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if our boy doesn't shoot a\Nprojectile out of that tail\Nthere's no hope for him\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I kinda miss the googly-eyes\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ugh, Godzilla leaves an oily\Nresidue.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a hell of a tail\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh that? We aren't sure what\Nthat is. We call him\NGodzilla.Don't worry about\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the fins are heatsinks,\Nyou just need helicopters\Nequipped with expanding\Ninsulation foam\Nsprayers.Better than masers.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:51:38.00,0:51:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would a State of\NEmergency restrict the number\Nof people who can order an\Nattack?Isn't it supposed to\Nwork the other way?\N\N{\c&H5891C4&}anubis2814\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok guys wtf is you keep\Ntalking about?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}>why is it coming here again\Nto start 3rd impact, of\Ncourse\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if our boy doesn't shoot a\Nprojectile out of that tail\Nthere's no hope for him\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I kinda miss the googly-eyes\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ugh, Godzilla leaves an oily\Nresidue.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a hell of a tail\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh that? We aren't sure what\Nthat is. We call him\NGodzilla.Don't worry about\Nit.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:51:39.00,0:52:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Well, we still haven't tried\Nshooting at it or anything,\Nwe're just kinda seeing how\Nthings develop - being chill\Ny'know?"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would a State of\NEmergency restrict the number\Nof people who can order an\Nattack?Isn't it supposed to\Nwork the other way?\N\N{\c&H5891C4&}anubis2814\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok guys wtf is you keep\Ntalking about?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}>why is it coming here again\Nto start 3rd impact, of\Ncourse\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if our boy doesn't shoot a\Nprojectile out of that tail\Nthere's no hope for him\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I kinda miss the googly-eyes\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ugh, Godzilla leaves an oily\Nresidue.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a hell of a tail\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:52:20.00,0:52:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Focus your fire on the\Ncreature's head and legs!"Uh,\Nwhich one sir? His head is\Nabout 100 meters from his\Nlegs.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we must stop it NOW or we\Nwill look wimpy to other\Nnations!!!! oh yeah and more\Npeople will die too I guess\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Well, we still haven't tried\Nshooting at it or anything,\Nwe're just kinda seeing how\Nthings develop - being chill\Ny'know?"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would a State of\NEmergency restrict the number\Nof people who can order an\Nattack?Isn't it supposed to\Nwork the other way?\N\N{\c&H5891C4&}anubis2814\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok guys wtf is you keep\Ntalking about?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}>why is it coming here again\Nto start 3rd impact, of\Ncourse\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if our boy doesn't shoot a\Nprojectile out of that tail\Nthere's no hope for him\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:52:51.00,0:53:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"there would be massive loss\Nof life""yeah, and we'd look\Nlike big pussies"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Focus your fire on the\Ncreature's head and legs!"Uh,\Nwhich one sir? His head is\Nabout 100 meters from his\Nlegs.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we must stop it NOW or we\Nwill look wimpy to other\Nnations!!!! oh yeah and more\Npeople will die too I guess\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Well, we still haven't tried\Nshooting at it or anything,\Nwe're just kinda seeing how\Nthings develop - being chill\Ny'know?"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would a State of\NEmergency restrict the number\Nof people who can order an\Nattack?Isn't it supposed to\Nwork the other way?\N\N{\c&H5891C4&}anubis2814\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok guys wtf is you keep\Ntalking about?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}>why is it coming here again\Nto start 3rd impact, of\Ncourse\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:53:04.00,0:54:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im more afraid of there being\Nso many helicopters so close\Nthan i am of godzilla\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"there would be massive loss\Nof life""yeah, and we'd look\Nlike big pussies"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Focus your fire on the\Ncreature's head and legs!"Uh,\Nwhich one sir? His head is\Nabout 100 meters from his\Nlegs.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we must stop it NOW or we\Nwill look wimpy to other\Nnations!!!! oh yeah and more\Npeople will die too I guess\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Well, we still haven't tried\Nshooting at it or anything,\Nwe're just kinda seeing how\Nthings develop - being chill\Ny'know?"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would a State of\NEmergency restrict the number\Nof people who can order an\Nattack?Isn't it supposed to\Nwork the other way?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:54:07.00,0:56:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get the maser trucks, you\Nfools!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im more afraid of there being\Nso many helicopters so close\Nthan i am of godzilla\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"there would be massive loss\Nof life""yeah, and we'd look\Nlike big pussies"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Focus your fire on the\Ncreature's head and legs!"Uh,\Nwhich one sir? His head is\Nabout 100 meters from his\Nlegs.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we must stop it NOW or we\Nwill look wimpy to other\Nnations!!!! oh yeah and more\Npeople will die too I guess\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Well, we still haven't tried\Nshooting at it or anything,\Nwe're just kinda seeing how\Nthings develop - being chill\Ny'know?"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would a State of\NEmergency restrict the number\Nof people who can order an\Nattack?Isn't it supposed to\Nwork the other way?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:56:35.00,0:57:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do they even HAVE masers?!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get the maser trucks, you\Nfools!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im more afraid of there being\Nso many helicopters so close\Nthan i am of godzilla\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"there would be massive loss\Nof life""yeah, and we'd look\Nlike big pussies"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Focus your fire on the\Ncreature's head and legs!"Uh,\Nwhich one sir? His head is\Nabout 100 meters from his\Nlegs.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we must stop it NOW or we\Nwill look wimpy to other\Nnations!!!! oh yeah and more\Npeople will die too I guess\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Well, we still haven't tried\Nshooting at it or anything,\Nwe're just kinda seeing how\Nthings develop - being chill\Ny'know?"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:10.00,0:57:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now hear me out: has anyone\Ntried using harpoons and tow\Ncables? Go for the legs?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do they even HAVE masers?!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get the maser trucks, you\Nfools!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im more afraid of there being\Nso many helicopters so close\Nthan i am of godzilla\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"there would be massive loss\Nof life""yeah, and we'd look\Nlike big pussies"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Focus your fire on the\Ncreature's head and legs!"Uh,\Nwhich one sir? His head is\Nabout 100 meters from his\Nlegs.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we must stop it NOW or we\Nwill look wimpy to other\Nnations!!!! oh yeah and more\Npeople will die too I guess\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Well, we still haven't tried\Nshooting at it or anything,\Nwe're just kinda seeing how\Nthings develop - being chill\Ny'know?"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:16.00,0:57:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I would simply wait for\NUltraman to show up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now hear me out: has anyone\Ntried using harpoons and tow\Ncables? Go for the legs?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do they even HAVE masers?!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get the maser trucks, you\Nfools!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im more afraid of there being\Nso many helicopters so close\Nthan i am of godzilla\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"there would be massive loss\Nof life""yeah, and we'd look\Nlike big pussies"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Focus your fire on the\Ncreature's head and legs!"Uh,\Nwhich one sir? His head is\Nabout 100 meters from his\Nlegs.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we must stop it NOW or we\Nwill look wimpy to other\Nnations!!!! oh yeah and more\Npeople will die too I guess\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:42.00,0:57:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like this is the\Nopposite of cooling him down\Nrapidly, that sounded like\Nthe good plan\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I would simply wait for\NUltraman to show up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now hear me out: has anyone\Ntried using harpoons and tow\Ncables? Go for the legs?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do they even HAVE masers?!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get the maser trucks, you\Nfools!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im more afraid of there being\Nso many helicopters so close\Nthan i am of godzilla\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"there would be massive loss\Nof life""yeah, and we'd look\Nlike big pussies"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Focus your fire on the\Ncreature's head and legs!"Uh,\Nwhich one sir? His head is\Nabout 100 meters from his\Nlegs.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:51.00,0:58:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How about tying logs to ropes\Nbetween building and then\Nswinging them together to\Nsmoosh Godzilla’s head?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like this is the\Nopposite of cooling him down\Nrapidly, that sounded like\Nthe good plan\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I would simply wait for\NUltraman to show up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now hear me out: has anyone\Ntried using harpoons and tow\Ncables? Go for the legs?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do they even HAVE masers?!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get the maser trucks, you\Nfools!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im more afraid of there being\Nso many helicopters so close\Nthan i am of godzilla\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"there would be massive loss\Nof life""yeah, and we'd look\Nlike big pussies"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:58:37.00,0:58:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay the bombs hitting and\Nthen blowing was sick nasty,\Nthat ruled, point Godzilla\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How about tying logs to ropes\Nbetween building and then\Nswinging them together to\Nsmoosh Godzilla’s head?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like this is the\Nopposite of cooling him down\Nrapidly, that sounded like\Nthe good plan\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I would simply wait for\NUltraman to show up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now hear me out: has anyone\Ntried using harpoons and tow\Ncables? Go for the legs?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do they even HAVE masers?!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get the maser trucks, you\Nfools!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im more afraid of there being\Nso many helicopters so close\Nthan i am of godzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:58:50.00,0:59:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so I gather the strategy here\Nis to pacify Godzilla with\Nsomething like an apricot\Nscrub to leave its skin\Nsmooth and rejuvinated?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay the bombs hitting and\Nthen blowing was sick nasty,\Nthat ruled, point Godzilla\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How about tying logs to ropes\Nbetween building and then\Nswinging them together to\Nsmoosh Godzilla’s head?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like this is the\Nopposite of cooling him down\Nrapidly, that sounded like\Nthe good plan\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I would simply wait for\NUltraman to show up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now hear me out: has anyone\Ntried using harpoons and tow\Ncables? Go for the legs?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do they even HAVE masers?!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get the maser trucks, you\Nfools!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:20.00,0:59:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the little tiny T Rex\Narms\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so I gather the strategy here\Nis to pacify Godzilla with\Nsomething like an apricot\Nscrub to leave its skin\Nsmooth and rejuvinated?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay the bombs hitting and\Nthen blowing was sick nasty,\Nthat ruled, point Godzilla\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How about tying logs to ropes\Nbetween building and then\Nswinging them together to\Nsmoosh Godzilla’s head?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like this is the\Nopposite of cooling him down\Nrapidly, that sounded like\Nthe good plan\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I would simply wait for\NUltraman to show up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now hear me out: has anyone\Ntried using harpoons and tow\Ncables? Go for the legs?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:47.00,1:00:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC78136&}malevolent dictator for life\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck it's him, the leader\Nof the monster mob, the\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the little tiny T Rex\Narms\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so I gather the strategy here\Nis to pacify Godzilla with\Nsomething like an apricot\Nscrub to leave its skin\Nsmooth and rejuvinated?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay the bombs hitting and\Nthen blowing was sick nasty,\Nthat ruled, point Godzilla\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How about tying logs to ropes\Nbetween building and then\Nswinging them together to\Nsmoosh Godzilla’s head?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like this is the\Nopposite of cooling him down\Nrapidly, that sounded like\Nthe good plan\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I would simply wait for\NUltraman to show up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now hear me out: has anyone\Ntried using harpoons and tow\Ncables? Go for the legs?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:00:11.00,1:00:18.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The target's been\Nsighted!"Really? Someone has\Nspotted our 200 meter tall\Nmonster? What luck!\N\N{\c&HC78136&}malevolent dictator for life\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck it's him, the leader\Nof the monster mob, the\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the little tiny T Rex\Narms\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so I gather the strategy here\Nis to pacify Godzilla with\Nsomething like an apricot\Nscrub to leave its skin\Nsmooth and rejuvinated?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay the bombs hitting and\Nthen blowing was sick nasty,\Nthat ruled, point Godzilla\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How about tying logs to ropes\Nbetween building and then\Nswinging them together to\Nsmoosh Godzilla’s head?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like this is the\Nopposite of cooling him down\Nrapidly, that sounded like\Nthe good plan\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:00:18.00,1:01:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao "the proposed US bombing\Nzone" just absolutely\Nsaturated with bombs\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The target's been\Nsighted!"Really? Someone has\Nspotted our 200 meter tall\Nmonster? What luck!\N\N{\c&HC78136&}malevolent dictator for life\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck it's him, the leader\Nof the monster mob, the\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the little tiny T Rex\Narms\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so I gather the strategy here\Nis to pacify Godzilla with\Nsomething like an apricot\Nscrub to leave its skin\Nsmooth and rejuvinated?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay the bombs hitting and\Nthen blowing was sick nasty,\Nthat ruled, point Godzilla\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How about tying logs to ropes\Nbetween building and then\Nswinging them together to\Nsmoosh Godzilla’s head?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:01:52.00,1:02:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Prime Minister, you MUST\Nevacuate. Let the Governor\Ntake care of it - nobody\Ncares about them."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao "the proposed US bombing\Nzone" just absolutely\Nsaturated with bombs\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The target's been\Nsighted!"Really? Someone has\Nspotted our 200 meter tall\Nmonster? What luck!\N\N{\c&HC78136&}malevolent dictator for life\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck it's him, the leader\Nof the monster mob, the\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the little tiny T Rex\Narms\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so I gather the strategy here\Nis to pacify Godzilla with\Nsomething like an apricot\Nscrub to leave its skin\Nsmooth and rejuvinated?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay the bombs hitting and\Nthen blowing was sick nasty,\Nthat ruled, point Godzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:02:45.00,1:02:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien Godzilla\Nis aspirational to all cats\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Prime Minister, you MUST\Nevacuate. Let the Governor\Ntake care of it - nobody\Ncares about them."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao "the proposed US bombing\Nzone" just absolutely\Nsaturated with bombs\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The target's been\Nsighted!"Really? Someone has\Nspotted our 200 meter tall\Nmonster? What luck!\N\N{\c&HC78136&}malevolent dictator for life\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck it's him, the leader\Nof the monster mob, the\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the little tiny T Rex\Narms\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so I gather the strategy here\Nis to pacify Godzilla with\Nsomething like an apricot\Nscrub to leave its skin\Nsmooth and rejuvinated?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay the bombs hitting and\Nthen blowing was sick nasty,\Nthat ruled, point Godzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:02:52.00,1:03:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}IMMEDIATELY blame the US,\Nonsite, don't even give\Nanyone enough time to blame\Nus, good for them, godspeed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien Godzilla\Nis aspirational to all cats\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Prime Minister, you MUST\Nevacuate. Let the Governor\Ntake care of it - nobody\Ncares about them."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao "the proposed US bombing\Nzone" just absolutely\Nsaturated with bombs\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The target's been\Nsighted!"Really? Someone has\Nspotted our 200 meter tall\Nmonster? What luck!\N\N{\c&HC78136&}malevolent dictator for life\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck it's him, the leader\Nof the monster mob, the\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the little tiny T Rex\Narms\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so I gather the strategy here\Nis to pacify Godzilla with\Nsomething like an apricot\Nscrub to leave its skin\Nsmooth and rejuvinated?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:17.00,1:03:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My group will travel there\Nby car."Sure, that makes\Nsense. The most important\Nteam in the government can't\Nget a few helicopters?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}IMMEDIATELY blame the US,\Nonsite, don't even give\Nanyone enough time to blame\Nus, good for them, godspeed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien Godzilla\Nis aspirational to all cats\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Prime Minister, you MUST\Nevacuate. Let the Governor\Ntake care of it - nobody\Ncares about them."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao "the proposed US bombing\Nzone" just absolutely\Nsaturated with bombs\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The target's been\Nsighted!"Really? Someone has\Nspotted our 200 meter tall\Nmonster? What luck!\N\N{\c&HC78136&}malevolent dictator for life\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck it's him, the leader\Nof the monster mob, the\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:25.00,1:04:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes are actually creepy\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My group will travel there\Nby car."Sure, that makes\Nsense. The most important\Nteam in the government can't\Nget a few helicopters?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}IMMEDIATELY blame the US,\Nonsite, don't even give\Nanyone enough time to blame\Nus, good for them, godspeed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien Godzilla\Nis aspirational to all cats\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Prime Minister, you MUST\Nevacuate. Let the Governor\Ntake care of it - nobody\Ncares about them."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao "the proposed US bombing\Nzone" just absolutely\Nsaturated with bombs\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The target's been\Nsighted!"Really? Someone has\Nspotted our 200 meter tall\Nmonster? What luck!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:01.00,1:05:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his massive ordinance\Npenetrates my II\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes are actually creepy\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My group will travel there\Nby car."Sure, that makes\Nsense. The most important\Nteam in the government can't\Nget a few helicopters?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}IMMEDIATELY blame the US,\Nonsite, don't even give\Nanyone enough time to blame\Nus, good for them, godspeed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien Godzilla\Nis aspirational to all cats\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Prime Minister, you MUST\Nevacuate. Let the Governor\Ntake care of it - nobody\Ncares about them."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao "the proposed US bombing\Nzone" just absolutely\Nsaturated with bombs\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The target's been\Nsighted!"Really? Someone has\Nspotted our 200 meter tall\Nmonster? What luck!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:25.00,1:05:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his massive ordinance\Npenetrates my II\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes are actually creepy\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My group will travel there\Nby car."Sure, that makes\Nsense. The most important\Nteam in the government can't\Nget a few helicopters?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}IMMEDIATELY blame the US,\Nonsite, don't even give\Nanyone enough time to blame\Nus, good for them, godspeed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien Godzilla\Nis aspirational to all cats\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Prime Minister, you MUST\Nevacuate. Let the Governor\Ntake care of it - nobody\Ncares about them."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lmao "the proposed US bombing\Nzone" just absolutely\Nsaturated with bombs\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:42.00,1:05:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his massive ordinance\Npenetrates my II\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes are actually creepy\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My group will travel there\Nby car."Sure, that makes\Nsense. The most important\Nteam in the government can't\Nget a few helicopters?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}IMMEDIATELY blame the US,\Nonsite, don't even give\Nanyone enough time to blame\Nus, good for them, godspeed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien Godzilla\Nis aspirational to all cats\N\N{\c&HB99C87&}Maddie, Wizard of Installs \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Prime Minister, you MUST\Nevacuate. Let the Governor\Ntake care of it - nobody\Ncares about them."\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:50.00,1:06:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his massive ordinance\Npenetrates my II\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes are actually creepy\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My group will travel there\Nby car."Sure, that makes\Nsense. The most important\Nteam in the government can't\Nget a few helicopters?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}IMMEDIATELY blame the US,\Nonsite, don't even give\Nanyone enough time to blame\Nus, good for them, godspeed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien Godzilla\Nis aspirational to all cats\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:06:29.00,1:07:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool guys don't look back at\Nexplosions.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his massive ordinance\Npenetrates my II\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes are actually creepy\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My group will travel there\Nby car."Sure, that makes\Nsense. The most important\Nteam in the government can't\Nget a few helicopters?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}IMMEDIATELY blame the US,\Nonsite, don't even give\Nanyone enough time to blame\Nus, good for them, godspeed\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:38.00,1:07:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla seepy now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool guys don't look back at\Nexplosions.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his massive ordinance\Npenetrates my II\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes are actually creepy\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My group will travel there\Nby car."Sure, that makes\Nsense. The most important\Nteam in the government can't\Nget a few helicopters?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}IMMEDIATELY blame the US,\Nonsite, don't even give\Nanyone enough time to blame\Nus, good for them, godspeed\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:47.00,1:08:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's wearing\Nradioactive pearls around the\Nneck\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla seepy now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool guys don't look back at\Nexplosions.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his massive ordinance\Npenetrates my II\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes are actually creepy\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My group will travel there\Nby car."Sure, that makes\Nsense. The most important\Nteam in the government can't\Nget a few helicopters?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:06.00,1:08:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WOW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's wearing\Nradioactive pearls around the\Nneck\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla seepy now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool guys don't look back at\Nexplosions.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his massive ordinance\Npenetrates my II\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the eyes are actually creepy\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:22.00,1:08:24.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tail's still feeling like\Nit's not contributing\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WOW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's wearing\Nradioactive pearls around the\Nneck\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla seepy now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool guys don't look back at\Nexplosions.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his massive ordinance\Npenetrates my II\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:24.00,1:09:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No, seriously. Wow.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tail's still feeling like\Nit's not contributing\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WOW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's wearing\Nradioactive pearls around the\Nneck\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla seepy now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool guys don't look back at\Nexplosions.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:09:32.00,1:11:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yaguchi's been hitting the\NRed Bull\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No, seriously. Wow.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tail's still feeling like\Nit's not contributing\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WOW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's wearing\Nradioactive pearls around the\Nneck\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla seepy now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool guys don't look back at\Nexplosions.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey here we go, wouldn't be\Nan Anno project without a\Npencil thin death-ray\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:11:14.00,1:15:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'd love a version of\NDecisive Battle that just\Nescalates forever, like\NRavel's Bolero\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yaguchi's been hitting the\NRed Bull\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No, seriously. Wow.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tail's still feeling like\Nit's not contributing\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WOW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's wearing\Nradioactive pearls around the\Nneck\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla seepy now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool guys don't look back at\Nexplosions.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wasn't there a missing old\Nscientist who knew The\NTruth?Are they still looking\Nfor him?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:17.00,1:16:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is a “quiet\Nsleeper.” That’s canon.\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'd love a version of\NDecisive Battle that just\Nescalates forever, like\NRavel's Bolero\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yaguchi's been hitting the\NRed Bull\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No, seriously. Wow.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tail's still feeling like\Nit's not contributing\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WOW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's wearing\Nradioactive pearls around the\Nneck\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla seepy now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool guys don't look back at\Nexplosions.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hmmm. point godzilla,, i\Nguess\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:16:09.00,1:18:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're in over their head.\NThey should consider using\Nthe fairies to contact\NMothra.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is a “quiet\Nsleeper.” That’s canon.\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'd love a version of\NDecisive Battle that just\Nescalates forever, like\NRavel's Bolero\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yaguchi's been hitting the\NRed Bull\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No, seriously. Wow.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tail's still feeling like\Nit's not contributing\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WOW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's wearing\Nradioactive pearls around the\Nneck\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla seepy now\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:25.00,1:18:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're in over their head.\NThey should consider using\Nthe fairies to contact\NMothra.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is a “quiet\Nsleeper.” That’s canon.\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'd love a version of\NDecisive Battle that just\Nescalates forever, like\NRavel's Bolero\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yaguchi's been hitting the\NRed Bull\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:27.00,1:18:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}CMV: is\N\N{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're in over their head.\NThey should consider using\Nthe fairies to contact\NMothra.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is a “quiet\Nsleeper.” That’s canon.\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'd love a version of\NDecisive Battle that just\Nescalates forever, like\NRavel's Bolero\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yaguchi's been hitting the\NRed Bull\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:41.00,1:19:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool dolly shot\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}CMV: is\N\N{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're in over their head.\NThey should consider using\Nthe fairies to contact\NMothra.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is a “quiet\Nsleeper.” That’s canon.\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'd love a version of\NDecisive Battle that just\Nescalates forever, like\NRavel's Bolero\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:41.00,1:21:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}freezing? where are the\Nmasers? get. the. masers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool dolly shot\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}CMV: is\N\N{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're in over their head.\NThey should consider using\Nthe fairies to contact\NMothra.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is a “quiet\Nsleeper.” That’s canon.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:35.00,1:21:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What happened to the\Ncoagulation plan? I'm missing\Nsomething\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}freezing? where are the\Nmasers? get. the. masers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool dolly shot\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}CMV: is\N\N{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're in over their head.\NThey should consider using\Nthe fairies to contact\NMothra.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:53.00,1:22:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}2023 challenge: Disney make\Nan MCU movie with the effects\Nbudget of Shin Godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What happened to the\Ncoagulation plan? I'm missing\Nsomething\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}freezing? where are the\Nmasers? get. the. masers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool dolly shot\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}CMV: is\N\N{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:22:38.00,1:24:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}epic phone calls music\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}2023 challenge: Disney make\Nan MCU movie with the effects\Nbudget of Shin Godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What happened to the\Ncoagulation plan? I'm missing\Nsomething\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}freezing? where are the\Nmasers? get. the. masers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool dolly shot\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}CMV: is\N\N{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:00.00,1:24:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rockin guitar for a chemical\Nproduction montage\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}epic phone calls music\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}2023 challenge: Disney make\Nan MCU movie with the effects\Nbudget of Shin Godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What happened to the\Ncoagulation plan? I'm missing\Nsomething\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}freezing? where are the\Nmasers? get. the. masers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool dolly shot\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}CMV: is\N\N{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:14.00,1:24:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, the freezing plan IS the\Ncoagulation plan. Thanks\Nnerdy misfits\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rockin guitar for a chemical\Nproduction montage\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}epic phone calls music\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}2023 challenge: Disney make\Nan MCU movie with the effects\Nbudget of Shin Godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What happened to the\Ncoagulation plan? I'm missing\Nsomething\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}freezing? where are the\Nmasers? get. the. masers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool dolly shot\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}CMV: is\N\N{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:39.00,1:24:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}saved by private-public\Npartnership\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, the freezing plan IS the\Ncoagulation plan. Thanks\Nnerdy misfits\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rockin guitar for a chemical\Nproduction montage\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}epic phone calls music\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}2023 challenge: Disney make\Nan MCU movie with the effects\Nbudget of Shin Godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What happened to the\Ncoagulation plan? I'm missing\Nsomething\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}freezing? where are the\Nmasers? get. the. masers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool dolly shot\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}CMV: is\N\N{\c&H9691E7&}Quezovercoatl quietly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not watching Shin\NGodzilla at the moment, but I\Njust saw a post mentioning\NClumsy Toddler Godzilla and\Ncould immediately picture the\Nscene.Back when our previous\Ncat Chester had a stroke, she\Nlost some mobility. We tried\Nto keep her comfortable and\Nstabilized in her cat bed,\Nbut she kept heaving herself\Nout and then collapsing on to\Nthe side as she asserted her\Nindependence and flumped her\Nway to food and water.Cont'd\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:48.00,1:30:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When we fold it like this we\Ncan find out who godzilla\Nwill marry\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}saved by private-public\Npartnership\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, the freezing plan IS the\Ncoagulation plan. Thanks\Nnerdy misfits\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rockin guitar for a chemical\Nproduction montage\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}epic phone calls music\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}2023 challenge: Disney make\Nan MCU movie with the effects\Nbudget of Shin Godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What happened to the\Ncoagulation plan? I'm missing\Nsomething\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}freezing? where are the\Nmasers? get. the. masers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool dolly shot\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:30:54.00,1:31:33.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's brilliant it's like the\Nback cover of a Mad Magazine!\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When we fold it like this we\Ncan find out who godzilla\Nwill marry\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}saved by private-public\Npartnership\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, the freezing plan IS the\Ncoagulation plan. Thanks\Nnerdy misfits\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rockin guitar for a chemical\Nproduction montage\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}epic phone calls music\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}2023 challenge: Disney make\Nan MCU movie with the effects\Nbudget of Shin Godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What happened to the\Ncoagulation plan? I'm missing\Nsomething\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}freezing? where are the\Nmasers? get. the. masers.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:31:33.00,1:32:49.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a good movie is the\Nthing\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's brilliant it's like the\Nback cover of a Mad Magazine!\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When we fold it like this we\Ncan find out who godzilla\Nwill marry\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}saved by private-public\Npartnership\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, the freezing plan IS the\Ncoagulation plan. Thanks\Nnerdy misfits\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rockin guitar for a chemical\Nproduction montage\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}epic phone calls music\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}2023 challenge: Disney make\Nan MCU movie with the effects\Nbudget of Shin Godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What happened to the\Ncoagulation plan? I'm missing\Nsomething\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:32:49.00,1:33:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK we will share our data\Nwith you to help save Japan\Nbut you have to sign our EULA\Nfirst\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a good movie is the\Nthing\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's brilliant it's like the\Nback cover of a Mad Magazine!\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When we fold it like this we\Ncan find out who godzilla\Nwill marry\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}saved by private-public\Npartnership\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, the freezing plan IS the\Ncoagulation plan. Thanks\Nnerdy misfits\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rockin guitar for a chemical\Nproduction montage\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}epic phone calls music\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}2023 challenge: Disney make\Nan MCU movie with the effects\Nbudget of Shin Godzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:33:15.00,1:34:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was gonna make an Operation\NYashima joke and then Anno\Nmade it for me\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK we will share our data\Nwith you to help save Japan\Nbut you have to sign our EULA\Nfirst\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a good movie is the\Nthing\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's brilliant it's like the\Nback cover of a Mad Magazine!\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When we fold it like this we\Ncan find out who godzilla\Nwill marry\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}saved by private-public\Npartnership\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, the freezing plan IS the\Ncoagulation plan. Thanks\Nnerdy misfits\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rockin guitar for a chemical\Nproduction montage\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:34:17.00,1:36:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought when they were\Ntalking about countdown they\Nwere referring to the time\Nwhen Godzilla's radioactive\Nbreath turns back on\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was gonna make an Operation\NYashima joke and then Anno\Nmade it for me\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK we will share our data\Nwith you to help save Japan\Nbut you have to sign our EULA\Nfirst\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a good movie is the\Nthing\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's brilliant it's like the\Nback cover of a Mad Magazine!\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When we fold it like this we\Ncan find out who godzilla\Nwill marry\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}saved by private-public\Npartnership\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, the freezing plan IS the\Ncoagulation plan. Thanks\Nnerdy misfits\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:36:36.00,1:36:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is an international\Ntrade deal on the sly?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought when they were\Ntalking about countdown they\Nwere referring to the time\Nwhen Godzilla's radioactive\Nbreath turns back on\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was gonna make an Operation\NYashima joke and then Anno\Nmade it for me\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK we will share our data\Nwith you to help save Japan\Nbut you have to sign our EULA\Nfirst\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a good movie is the\Nthing\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's brilliant it's like the\Nback cover of a Mad Magazine!\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When we fold it like this we\Ncan find out who godzilla\Nwill marry\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}saved by private-public\Npartnership\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:36:48.00,1:40:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}one of the good things about\Nthis movie is how fascist it\Ndefinitely isn't\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is an international\Ntrade deal on the sly?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought when they were\Ntalking about countdown they\Nwere referring to the time\Nwhen Godzilla's radioactive\Nbreath turns back on\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was gonna make an Operation\NYashima joke and then Anno\Nmade it for me\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK we will share our data\Nwith you to help save Japan\Nbut you have to sign our EULA\Nfirst\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a good movie is the\Nthing\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's brilliant it's like the\Nback cover of a Mad Magazine!\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When we fold it like this we\Ncan find out who godzilla\Nwill marry\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:40:48.00,1:41:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah, godzilla could wreck\Nthe borg\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}one of the good things about\Nthis movie is how fascist it\Ndefinitely isn't\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is an international\Ntrade deal on the sly?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought when they were\Ntalking about countdown they\Nwere referring to the time\Nwhen Godzilla's radioactive\Nbreath turns back on\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was gonna make an Operation\NYashima joke and then Anno\Nmade it for me\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK we will share our data\Nwith you to help save Japan\Nbut you have to sign our EULA\Nfirst\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a good movie is the\Nthing\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's brilliant it's like the\Nback cover of a Mad Magazine!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:41:01.00,1:41:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Curfew? Isn't this area going\Nto be nuked in less than a\Nday?Is that supposed to be a\Njoke I don't get?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah, godzilla could wreck\Nthe borg\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}one of the good things about\Nthis movie is how fascist it\Ndefinitely isn't\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is an international\Ntrade deal on the sly?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought when they were\Ntalking about countdown they\Nwere referring to the time\Nwhen Godzilla's radioactive\Nbreath turns back on\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was gonna make an Operation\NYashima joke and then Anno\Nmade it for me\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK we will share our data\Nwith you to help save Japan\Nbut you have to sign our EULA\Nfirst\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:41:06.00,1:42:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's gonna get all\Ntuckered out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Curfew? Isn't this area going\Nto be nuked in less than a\Nday?Is that supposed to be a\Njoke I don't get?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah, godzilla could wreck\Nthe borg\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}one of the good things about\Nthis movie is how fascist it\Ndefinitely isn't\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is an international\Ntrade deal on the sly?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought when they were\Ntalking about countdown they\Nwere referring to the time\Nwhen Godzilla's radioactive\Nbreath turns back on\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was gonna make an Operation\NYashima joke and then Anno\Nmade it for me\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK we will share our data\Nwith you to help save Japan\Nbut you have to sign our EULA\Nfirst\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:42:07.00,1:42:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa, Godzilla light show\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's gonna get all\Ntuckered out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Curfew? Isn't this area going\Nto be nuked in less than a\Nday?Is that supposed to be a\Njoke I don't get?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah, godzilla could wreck\Nthe borg\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}one of the good things about\Nthis movie is how fascist it\Ndefinitely isn't\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is an international\Ntrade deal on the sly?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought when they were\Ntalking about countdown they\Nwere referring to the time\Nwhen Godzilla's radioactive\Nbreath turns back on\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was gonna make an Operation\NYashima joke and then Anno\Nmade it for me\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:42:13.00,1:42:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i mean this definitely isn't\Na point for the borg, i'll\Nsay that much\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa, Godzilla light show\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's gonna get all\Ntuckered out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Curfew? Isn't this area going\Nto be nuked in less than a\Nday?Is that supposed to be a\Njoke I don't get?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah, godzilla could wreck\Nthe borg\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}one of the good things about\Nthis movie is how fascist it\Ndefinitely isn't\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is an international\Ntrade deal on the sly?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought when they were\Ntalking about countdown they\Nwere referring to the time\Nwhen Godzilla's radioactive\Nbreath turns back on\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:42:42.00,1:42:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There’s gotta be a way to\Nline this movie up with a\NPink Floyd album. It’s got\Nthe laser light show and\Neverything!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i mean this definitely isn't\Na point for the borg, i'll\Nsay that much\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa, Godzilla light show\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's gonna get all\Ntuckered out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Curfew? Isn't this area going\Nto be nuked in less than a\Nday?Is that supposed to be a\Njoke I don't get?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah, godzilla could wreck\Nthe borg\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}one of the good things about\Nthis movie is how fascist it\Ndefinitely isn't\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is an international\Ntrade deal on the sly?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:42:45.00,1:43:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Y’all keep in mind Anno is\Nresponding to Fukushima in\Nthis.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There’s gotta be a way to\Nline this movie up with a\NPink Floyd album. It’s got\Nthe laser light show and\Neverything!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i mean this definitely isn't\Na point for the borg, i'll\Nsay that much\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa, Godzilla light show\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's gonna get all\Ntuckered out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Curfew? Isn't this area going\Nto be nuked in less than a\Nday?Is that supposed to be a\Njoke I don't get?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah, godzilla could wreck\Nthe borg\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}one of the good things about\Nthis movie is how fascist it\Ndefinitely isn't\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:43:04.00,1:43:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the triumphant military music\Nas godzilla wrecks the\Nmilitary is great lol\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Y’all keep in mind Anno is\Nresponding to Fukushima in\Nthis.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There’s gotta be a way to\Nline this movie up with a\NPink Floyd album. It’s got\Nthe laser light show and\Neverything!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i mean this definitely isn't\Na point for the borg, i'll\Nsay that much\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa, Godzilla light show\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's gonna get all\Ntuckered out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Curfew? Isn't this area going\Nto be nuked in less than a\Nday?Is that supposed to be a\Njoke I don't get?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah, godzilla could wreck\Nthe borg\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:43:19.00,1:43:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck yeah it's shooting\Nshit out its tail point\Ngodzilla\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the triumphant military music\Nas godzilla wrecks the\Nmilitary is great lol\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Y’all keep in mind Anno is\Nresponding to Fukushima in\Nthis.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There’s gotta be a way to\Nline this movie up with a\NPink Floyd album. It’s got\Nthe laser light show and\Neverything!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i mean this definitely isn't\Na point for the borg, i'll\Nsay that much\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa, Godzilla light show\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's gonna get all\Ntuckered out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Curfew? Isn't this area going\Nto be nuked in less than a\Nday?Is that supposed to be a\Njoke I don't get?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:43:46.00,1:44:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah Looks like 9-11 too\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck yeah it's shooting\Nshit out its tail point\Ngodzilla\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the triumphant military music\Nas godzilla wrecks the\Nmilitary is great lol\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Y’all keep in mind Anno is\Nresponding to Fukushima in\Nthis.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There’s gotta be a way to\Nline this movie up with a\NPink Floyd album. It’s got\Nthe laser light show and\Neverything!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i mean this definitely isn't\Na point for the borg, i'll\Nsay that much\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa, Godzilla light show\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's gonna get all\Ntuckered out\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:44:52.00,1:45:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're doing like 3 reverse\N9/11's on him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah Looks like 9-11 too\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck yeah it's shooting\Nshit out its tail point\Ngodzilla\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the triumphant military music\Nas godzilla wrecks the\Nmilitary is great lol\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Y’all keep in mind Anno is\Nresponding to Fukushima in\Nthis.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There’s gotta be a way to\Nline this movie up with a\NPink Floyd album. It’s got\Nthe laser light show and\Neverything!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i mean this definitely isn't\Na point for the borg, i'll\Nsay that much\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa, Godzilla light show\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:45:12.00,1:45:18.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Beginning Operation Kaiju\NDentist\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're doing like 3 reverse\N9/11's on him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah Looks like 9-11 too\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck yeah it's shooting\Nshit out its tail point\Ngodzilla\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the triumphant military music\Nas godzilla wrecks the\Nmilitary is great lol\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Y’all keep in mind Anno is\Nresponding to Fukushima in\Nthis.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There’s gotta be a way to\Nline this movie up with a\NPink Floyd album. It’s got\Nthe laser light show and\Neverything!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i mean this definitely isn't\Na point for the borg, i'll\Nsay that much\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:45:18.00,1:45:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyes: still goofy\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Beginning Operation Kaiju\NDentist\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're doing like 3 reverse\N9/11's on him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah Looks like 9-11 too\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck yeah it's shooting\Nshit out its tail point\Ngodzilla\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the triumphant military music\Nas godzilla wrecks the\Nmilitary is great lol\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Y’all keep in mind Anno is\Nresponding to Fukushima in\Nthis.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There’s gotta be a way to\Nline this movie up with a\NPink Floyd album. It’s got\Nthe laser light show and\Neverything!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i mean this definitely isn't\Na point for the borg, i'll\Nsay that much\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:45:50.00,1:46:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Go Team Rainbow!\N:blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyes: still goofy\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Beginning Operation Kaiju\NDentist\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're doing like 3 reverse\N9/11's on him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah Looks like 9-11 too\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck yeah it's shooting\Nshit out its tail point\Ngodzilla\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the triumphant military music\Nas godzilla wrecks the\Nmilitary is great lol\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Y’all keep in mind Anno is\Nresponding to Fukushima in\Nthis.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There’s gotta be a way to\Nline this movie up with a\NPink Floyd album. It’s got\Nthe laser light show and\Neverything!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:46:35.00,1:47:57.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how do you turn God's kindest\Ncreature, the train, into a\Nweapon and not realize you're\Nthe baddy??\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Go Team Rainbow!\N:blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyes: still goofy\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Beginning Operation Kaiju\NDentist\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're doing like 3 reverse\N9/11's on him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah Looks like 9-11 too\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck yeah it's shooting\Nshit out its tail point\Ngodzilla\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the triumphant military music\Nas godzilla wrecks the\Nmilitary is great lol\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Y’all keep in mind Anno is\Nresponding to Fukushima in\Nthis.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:47:57.00,1:48:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In past movies there's\Nusually someone who suggests\Ndrugging Godzilla, and that\Nguy is always voted down.Nice\Nto see they're finally trying\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how do you turn God's kindest\Ncreature, the train, into a\Nweapon and not realize you're\Nthe baddy??\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Go Team Rainbow!\N:blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyes: still goofy\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Beginning Operation Kaiju\NDentist\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're doing like 3 reverse\N9/11's on him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah Looks like 9-11 too\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck yeah it's shooting\Nshit out its tail point\Ngodzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:48:05.00,1:48:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bold move planning all those\Ntrain bombs not certain that\NGodzilla could be maneuvered\Natop a rail switchyard at the\Ncritical moment\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In past movies there's\Nusually someone who suggests\Ndrugging Godzilla, and that\Nguy is always voted down.Nice\Nto see they're finally trying\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how do you turn God's kindest\Ncreature, the train, into a\Nweapon and not realize you're\Nthe baddy??\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Go Team Rainbow!\N:blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyes: still goofy\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Beginning Operation Kaiju\NDentist\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're doing like 3 reverse\N9/11's on him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah Looks like 9-11 too\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:48:12.00,1:49:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay point borg he's dead for\Ngood :)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bold move planning all those\Ntrain bombs not certain that\NGodzilla could be maneuvered\Natop a rail switchyard at the\Ncritical moment\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In past movies there's\Nusually someone who suggests\Ndrugging Godzilla, and that\Nguy is always voted down.Nice\Nto see they're finally trying\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how do you turn God's kindest\Ncreature, the train, into a\Nweapon and not realize you're\Nthe baddy??\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Go Team Rainbow!\N:blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyes: still goofy\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Beginning Operation Kaiju\NDentist\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're doing like 3 reverse\N9/11's on him\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:49:42.00,1:51:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Boston's Orange Line is\Nbeing put to good use!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay point borg he's dead for\Ngood :)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bold move planning all those\Ntrain bombs not certain that\NGodzilla could be maneuvered\Natop a rail switchyard at the\Ncritical moment\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In past movies there's\Nusually someone who suggests\Ndrugging Godzilla, and that\Nguy is always voted down.Nice\Nto see they're finally trying\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how do you turn God's kindest\Ncreature, the train, into a\Nweapon and not realize you're\Nthe baddy??\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Go Team Rainbow!\N:blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyes: still goofy\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Beginning Operation Kaiju\NDentist\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:51:15.00,1:52:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is weirdly similar to\Nthe end of Frozen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Boston's Orange Line is\Nbeing put to good use!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay point borg he's dead for\Ngood :)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bold move planning all those\Ntrain bombs not certain that\NGodzilla could be maneuvered\Natop a rail switchyard at the\Ncritical moment\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In past movies there's\Nusually someone who suggests\Ndrugging Godzilla, and that\Nguy is always voted down.Nice\Nto see they're finally trying\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how do you turn God's kindest\Ncreature, the train, into a\Nweapon and not realize you're\Nthe baddy??\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Go Team Rainbow!\N:blobrainbow:\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:52:40.00,1:53:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the real godzilla was the\Nfriends we made along the way\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is weirdly similar to\Nthe end of Frozen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Boston's Orange Line is\Nbeing put to good use!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay point borg he's dead for\Ngood :)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bold move planning all those\Ntrain bombs not certain that\NGodzilla could be maneuvered\Natop a rail switchyard at the\Ncritical moment\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In past movies there's\Nusually someone who suggests\Ndrugging Godzilla, and that\Nguy is always voted down.Nice\Nto see they're finally trying\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how do you turn God's kindest\Ncreature, the train, into a\Nweapon and not realize you're\Nthe baddy??\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:53:51.00,1:54:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the real godzilla was the\Nfriends we made along the way\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is weirdly similar to\Nthe end of Frozen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Boston's Orange Line is\Nbeing put to good use!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay point borg he's dead for\Ngood :)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bold move planning all those\Ntrain bombs not certain that\NGodzilla could be maneuvered\Natop a rail switchyard at the\Ncritical moment\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In past movies there's\Nusually someone who suggests\Ndrugging Godzilla, and that\Nguy is always voted down.Nice\Nto see they're finally trying\Nit.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how do you turn God's kindest\Ncreature, the train, into a\Nweapon and not realize you're\Nthe baddy??\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:54:07.00,1:54:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why did this literally\Nfreeze him? Like with ice?The\Npoint was to stop him from\Nventing heat through his fins\N...Shouldn't that have caused\Nhim to overheat, not\Nliterally freeze?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the real godzilla was the\Nfriends we made along the way\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is weirdly similar to\Nthe end of Frozen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Boston's Orange Line is\Nbeing put to good use!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay point borg he's dead for\Ngood :)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bold move planning all those\Ntrain bombs not certain that\NGodzilla could be maneuvered\Natop a rail switchyard at the\Ncritical moment\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In past movies there's\Nusually someone who suggests\Ndrugging Godzilla, and that\Nguy is always voted down.Nice\Nto see they're finally trying\Nit.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:54:20.00,1:54:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh.... xenomorphs?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why did this literally\Nfreeze him? Like with ice?The\Npoint was to stop him from\Nventing heat through his fins\N...Shouldn't that have caused\Nhim to overheat, not\Nliterally freeze?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the real godzilla was the\Nfriends we made along the way\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is weirdly similar to\Nthe end of Frozen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Boston's Orange Line is\Nbeing put to good use!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay point borg he's dead for\Ngood :)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bold move planning all those\Ntrain bombs not certain that\NGodzilla could be maneuvered\Natop a rail switchyard at the\Ncritical moment\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:54:22.00,1:54:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Convenient that Godzilla's\Nnow his own commemorative\Nstatue\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh.... xenomorphs?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why did this literally\Nfreeze him? Like with ice?The\Npoint was to stop him from\Nventing heat through his fins\N...Shouldn't that have caused\Nhim to overheat, not\Nliterally freeze?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the real godzilla was the\Nfriends we made along the way\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is weirdly similar to\Nthe end of Frozen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Boston's Orange Line is\Nbeing put to good use!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay point borg he's dead for\Ngood :)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bold move planning all those\Ntrain bombs not certain that\NGodzilla could be maneuvered\Natop a rail switchyard at the\Ncritical moment\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:54:32.00,1:54:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Does thanos show up in the\Npost-credits scene?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Convenient that Godzilla's\Nnow his own commemorative\Nstatue\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh.... xenomorphs?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why did this literally\Nfreeze him? Like with ice?The\Npoint was to stop him from\Nventing heat through his fins\N...Shouldn't that have caused\Nhim to overheat, not\Nliterally freeze?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the real godzilla was the\Nfriends we made along the way\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is weirdly similar to\Nthe end of Frozen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Boston's Orange Line is\Nbeing put to good use!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay point borg he's dead for\Ngood :)\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:54:55.00,1:56:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Thank you @Taweret for\Ngathering us together for\Nonce again! Another gooder\Nand the portrayal of the\Ngovernment as a bunch of\Nasshats was particularly\Nstrong in this one which was\Nfun\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Does thanos show up in the\Npost-credits scene?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Convenient that Godzilla's\Nnow his own commemorative\Nstatue\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh.... xenomorphs?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why did this literally\Nfreeze him? Like with ice?The\Npoint was to stop him from\Nventing heat through his fins\N...Shouldn't that have caused\Nhim to overheat, not\Nliterally freeze?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the real godzilla was the\Nfriends we made along the way\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:56:45.00,1:56:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@cheribaker Maybe they can\Ncome up with a kaiju script\Ninspired by Covid-19\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Thank you @Taweret for\Ngathering us together for\Nonce again! Another gooder\Nand the portrayal of the\Ngovernment as a bunch of\Nasshats was particularly\Nstrong in this one which was\Nfun\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Does thanos show up in the\Npost-credits scene?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Convenient that Godzilla's\Nnow his own commemorative\Nstatue\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh.... xenomorphs?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why did this literally\Nfreeze him? Like with ice?The\Npoint was to stop him from\Nventing heat through his fins\N...Shouldn't that have caused\Nhim to overheat, not\Nliterally freeze?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:56:51.00,2:00:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@cheribaker Maybe they can\Ncome up with a kaiju script\Ninspired by Covid-19\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Thank you @Taweret for\Ngathering us together for\Nonce again! Another gooder\Nand the portrayal of the\Ngovernment as a bunch of\Nasshats was particularly\Nstrong in this one which was\Nfun\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Does thanos show up in the\Npost-credits scene?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Convenient that Godzilla's\Nnow his own commemorative\Nstatue\N\N{\c&H3B4690&}Miredly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh.... xenomorphs?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why did this literally\Nfreeze him? Like with ice?The\Npoint was to stop him from\Nventing heat through his fins\N...Shouldn't that have caused\Nhim to overheat, not\Nliterally freeze?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!!\N\N