[Script Info] Title: Godzilla vs. Megalon ScriptType: v4.00+ Collisions: Normal PlayResX: 1920 PlayResY: 1080 [V4+ Styles] Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding Style: Default,Arial,30,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H80000000,-1,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,0,2,10,10,10,1 [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:00:05.00,0:00:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.00,0:01:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:01:00.00,0:01:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh she's in english?\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:01:16.00,0:01:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaiju doing step aerobics\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh she's in english?\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:01:28.00,0:01:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaiju doing step aerobics\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh she's in english?\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:01:56.00,0:02:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaiju doing step aerobics\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh she's in english?\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:02:02.00,0:02:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaiju doing step aerobics\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh she's in english?\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:02:28.00,0:02:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaiju doing step aerobics\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh she's in english?\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:02:30.00,0:03:57.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaiju doing step aerobics\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh she's in english?\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:03:57.00,0:04:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaiju doing step aerobics\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh she's in english?\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hello Megalonmaniacs\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:11.00,0:04:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaiju doing step aerobics\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh she's in english?\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love the Toho logo, so\Npsychedelic\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:21.00,0:04:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaiju doing step aerobics\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:37.00,0:04:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a dope blazer\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:47.00,0:05:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}smoooooke on the waaater\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a dope blazer\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N{\c&H56E6EA&} Scary Cheri \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've made popcorn and strong\NBritish tea. I'm ready to see\NGodzilla fuck shit up!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:05:48.00,0:07:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Earthquakes hate novelty\Npaddleboats\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}smoooooke on the waaater\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a dope blazer\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does not have cat\Nears so i'm already sad\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:07:16.00,0:12:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}painting your robot primary\Ncolors is the best way to get\Npeople to take it seriously\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Earthquakes hate novelty\Npaddleboats\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}smoooooke on the waaater\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a dope blazer\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm in a good mood tho\Nbecause the Yankees just\Nswept the rays\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:20.00,0:14:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay i kinda want that car\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}painting your robot primary\Ncolors is the best way to get\Npeople to take it seriously\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Earthquakes hate novelty\Npaddleboats\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}smoooooke on the waaater\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a dope blazer\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes. This is the stuff. If\Nit can't be done with rubber\Nsuits it's not worth doing.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:06.00,0:14:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They sure faked us out by not\Nhaving a monster rise out of\Nthe bubbling waters. Now I\Ndon't know what to expect\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay i kinda want that car\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}painting your robot primary\Ncolors is the best way to get\Npeople to take it seriously\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Earthquakes hate novelty\Npaddleboats\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}smoooooke on the waaater\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a dope blazer\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}loving this new Kaiju\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:16.00,0:14:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a very small mecha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They sure faked us out by not\Nhaving a monster rise out of\Nthe bubbling waters. Now I\Ndon't know what to expect\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay i kinda want that car\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}painting your robot primary\Ncolors is the best way to get\Npeople to take it seriously\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Earthquakes hate novelty\Npaddleboats\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}smoooooke on the waaater\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a dope blazer\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I wish I had a paddleboat\Nlike that.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:58.00,0:15:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ENTER... THE CONVERSATION\NPIT!\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a very small mecha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They sure faked us out by not\Nhaving a monster rise out of\Nthe bubbling waters. Now I\Ndon't know what to expect\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay i kinda want that car\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}painting your robot primary\Ncolors is the best way to get\Npeople to take it seriously\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Earthquakes hate novelty\Npaddleboats\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}smoooooke on the waaater\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a dope blazer\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}some very 70s fashions here\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:39.00,0:16:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so far the seventies-ness of\Nthis installment does not\Ndisappoint :blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ENTER... THE CONVERSATION\NPIT!\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a very small mecha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They sure faked us out by not\Nhaving a monster rise out of\Nthe bubbling waters. Now I\Ndon't know what to expect\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay i kinda want that car\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}painting your robot primary\Ncolors is the best way to get\Npeople to take it seriously\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Earthquakes hate novelty\Npaddleboats\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}smoooooke on the waaater\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's a dope blazer\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ha. This is all flooding back\Nto me.Had this film on VHS,\Nso I so it a million times.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:51.00,0:17:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Being targeted by burglars\Nand nuclear earthquakes is no\Nreason not to just let your\Nkid run around the\Nneighborhood unattended.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so far the seventies-ness of\Nthis installment does not\Ndisappoint :blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ENTER... THE CONVERSATION\NPIT!\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a very small mecha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They sure faked us out by not\Nhaving a monster rise out of\Nthe bubbling waters. Now I\Ndon't know what to expect\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay i kinda want that car\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}painting your robot primary\Ncolors is the best way to get\Npeople to take it seriously\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Earthquakes hate novelty\Npaddleboats\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:17:03.00,0:18:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ask Jet what pronouns to use\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Being targeted by burglars\Nand nuclear earthquakes is no\Nreason not to just let your\Nkid run around the\Nneighborhood unattended.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so far the seventies-ness of\Nthis installment does not\Ndisappoint :blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ENTER... THE CONVERSATION\NPIT!\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a very small mecha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They sure faked us out by not\Nhaving a monster rise out of\Nthe bubbling waters. Now I\Ndon't know what to expect\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay i kinda want that car\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}painting your robot primary\Ncolors is the best way to get\Npeople to take it seriously\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Earthquakes hate novelty\Npaddleboats\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:00.00,0:18:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a bug!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ask Jet what pronouns to use\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Being targeted by burglars\Nand nuclear earthquakes is no\Nreason not to just let your\Nkid run around the\Nneighborhood unattended.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so far the seventies-ness of\Nthis installment does not\Ndisappoint :blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ENTER... THE CONVERSATION\NPIT!\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a very small mecha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They sure faked us out by not\Nhaving a monster rise out of\Nthe bubbling waters. Now I\Ndon't know what to expect\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay i kinda want that car\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}painting your robot primary\Ncolors is the best way to get\Npeople to take it seriously\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:12.00,0:18:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}omg why didn't i have a\Nlittle tiny motorbike when i\Nwas a kid? my parents failed\Nme\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a bug!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ask Jet what pronouns to use\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Being targeted by burglars\Nand nuclear earthquakes is no\Nreason not to just let your\Nkid run around the\Nneighborhood unattended.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so far the seventies-ness of\Nthis installment does not\Ndisappoint :blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ENTER... THE CONVERSATION\NPIT!\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a very small mecha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They sure faked us out by not\Nhaving a monster rise out of\Nthe bubbling waters. Now I\Ndon't know what to expect\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:29.00,0:19:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the Italians are after that\NJet Jaguar technology\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}omg why didn't i have a\Nlittle tiny motorbike when i\Nwas a kid? my parents failed\Nme\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a bug!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ask Jet what pronouns to use\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Being targeted by burglars\Nand nuclear earthquakes is no\Nreason not to just let your\Nkid run around the\Nneighborhood unattended.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so far the seventies-ness of\Nthis installment does not\Ndisappoint :blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ENTER... THE CONVERSATION\NPIT!\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is a very small mecha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They sure faked us out by not\Nhaving a monster rise out of\Nthe bubbling waters. Now I\Ndon't know what to expect\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:19.00,0:19:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the Italians are after that\NJet Jaguar technology\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}omg why didn't i have a\Nlittle tiny motorbike when i\Nwas a kid? my parents failed\Nme\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a bug!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ask Jet what pronouns to use\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Being targeted by burglars\Nand nuclear earthquakes is no\Nreason not to just let your\Nkid run around the\Nneighborhood unattended.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so far the seventies-ness of\Nthis installment does not\Ndisappoint :blobrainbow:\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ENTER... THE CONVERSATION\NPIT!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:22.00,0:19:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the Italians are after that\NJet Jaguar technology\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}omg why didn't i have a\Nlittle tiny motorbike when i\Nwas a kid? my parents failed\Nme\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a bug!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ask Jet what pronouns to use\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Being targeted by burglars\Nand nuclear earthquakes is no\Nreason not to just let your\Nkid run around the\Nneighborhood unattended.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so far the seventies-ness of\Nthis installment does not\Ndisappoint :blobrainbow:\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:25.00,0:20:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol. lmao even.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the Italians are after that\NJet Jaguar technology\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}omg why didn't i have a\Nlittle tiny motorbike when i\Nwas a kid? my parents failed\Nme\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a bug!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ask Jet what pronouns to use\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Being targeted by burglars\Nand nuclear earthquakes is no\Nreason not to just let your\Nkid run around the\Nneighborhood unattended.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:00.00,0:20:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well this is taking an odd\Nturn\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol. lmao even.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the Italians are after that\NJet Jaguar technology\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}omg why didn't i have a\Nlittle tiny motorbike when i\Nwas a kid? my parents failed\Nme\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a bug!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ask Jet what pronouns to use\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Being targeted by burglars\Nand nuclear earthquakes is no\Nreason not to just let your\Nkid run around the\Nneighborhood unattended.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:25.00,0:21:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is their leader L Ron\NHubbard?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well this is taking an odd\Nturn\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol. lmao even.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the Italians are after that\NJet Jaguar technology\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}omg why didn't i have a\Nlittle tiny motorbike when i\Nwas a kid? my parents failed\Nme\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a bug!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:06.00,0:21:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians are amazing.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is their leader L Ron\NHubbard?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well this is taking an odd\Nturn\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol. lmao even.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the Italians are after that\NJet Jaguar technology\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}omg why didn't i have a\Nlittle tiny motorbike when i\Nwas a kid? my parents failed\Nme\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:12.00,0:21:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla vs Megalon: Seatopia\NStrikes Back\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians are amazing.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is their leader L Ron\NHubbard?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well this is taking an odd\Nturn\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol. lmao even.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the Italians are after that\NJet Jaguar technology\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}omg why didn't i have a\Nlittle tiny motorbike when i\Nwas a kid? my parents failed\Nme\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:36.00,0:22:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"C'mon Megalon, you can do\Nit!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla vs Megalon: Seatopia\NStrikes Back\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians are amazing.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is their leader L Ron\NHubbard?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well this is taking an odd\Nturn\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol. lmao even.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the Italians are after that\NJet Jaguar technology\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:22:02.00,0:22:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}men with 1 titty out, full\Nrug, in a lamé toga is also\Nwhat they took from us\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"C'mon Megalon, you can do\Nit!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla vs Megalon: Seatopia\NStrikes Back\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians are amazing.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is their leader L Ron\NHubbard?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well this is taking an odd\Nturn\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol. lmao even.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:22:13.00,0:22:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't ever piss off a Free\NLove Cult\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}men with 1 titty out, full\Nrug, in a lamé toga is also\Nwhat they took from us\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"C'mon Megalon, you can do\Nit!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla vs Megalon: Seatopia\NStrikes Back\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians are amazing.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is their leader L Ron\NHubbard?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well this is taking an odd\Nturn\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol. lmao even.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these days kids aren't\Nallowed to make their own\Ninternal combustion engine\Nscooters and ride off on\Ntheir own anymore. this is\Nwhat they took from us.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:22:52.00,0:23:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like how Megalon's symbol\Non the altar is a hip\Nchandelier\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't ever piss off a Free\NLove Cult\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}men with 1 titty out, full\Nrug, in a lamé toga is also\Nwhat they took from us\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"C'mon Megalon, you can do\Nit!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla vs Megalon: Seatopia\NStrikes Back\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians are amazing.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is their leader L Ron\NHubbard?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well this is taking an odd\Nturn\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol. lmao even.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As a child of the 70s I also\Nappreciate the approach to\Nparenting depicted here\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:02.00,0:23:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want some nerd to stand up\Nand point out that Seatopians\Nare also "People of Earth".\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like how Megalon's symbol\Non the altar is a hip\Nchandelier\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't ever piss off a Free\NLove Cult\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}men with 1 titty out, full\Nrug, in a lamé toga is also\Nwhat they took from us\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"C'mon Megalon, you can do\Nit!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla vs Megalon: Seatopia\NStrikes Back\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians are amazing.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is their leader L Ron\NHubbard?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well this is taking an odd\Nturn\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:05.00,0:25:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dig that groovy music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want some nerd to stand up\Nand point out that Seatopians\Nare also "People of Earth".\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like how Megalon's symbol\Non the altar is a hip\Nchandelier\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't ever piss off a Free\NLove Cult\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}men with 1 titty out, full\Nrug, in a lamé toga is also\Nwhat they took from us\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"C'mon Megalon, you can do\Nit!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla vs Megalon: Seatopia\NStrikes Back\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians are amazing.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is their leader L Ron\NHubbard?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:16.00,0:25:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}more flying robots should be\Ncontrolled by punch card, imo\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dig that groovy music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want some nerd to stand up\Nand point out that Seatopians\Nare also "People of Earth".\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like how Megalon's symbol\Non the altar is a hip\Nchandelier\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't ever piss off a Free\NLove Cult\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}men with 1 titty out, full\Nrug, in a lamé toga is also\Nwhat they took from us\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"C'mon Megalon, you can do\Nit!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla vs Megalon: Seatopia\NStrikes Back\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians are amazing.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:36.00,0:26:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We're in some kind of metal\Nbox"Good work scientist.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}more flying robots should be\Ncontrolled by punch card, imo\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dig that groovy music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want some nerd to stand up\Nand point out that Seatopians\Nare also "People of Earth".\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like how Megalon's symbol\Non the altar is a hip\Nchandelier\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't ever piss off a Free\NLove Cult\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}men with 1 titty out, full\Nrug, in a lamé toga is also\Nwhat they took from us\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"C'mon Megalon, you can do\Nit!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla vs Megalon: Seatopia\NStrikes Back\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:26:08.00,0:26:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. THIS is how a robot's\Ncontrol panel should look.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We're in some kind of metal\Nbox"Good work scientist.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}more flying robots should be\Ncontrolled by punch card, imo\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dig that groovy music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want some nerd to stand up\Nand point out that Seatopians\Nare also "People of Earth".\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like how Megalon's symbol\Non the altar is a hip\Nchandelier\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't ever piss off a Free\NLove Cult\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}men with 1 titty out, full\Nrug, in a lamé toga is also\Nwhat they took from us\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"C'mon Megalon, you can do\Nit!"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:26:51.00,0:27:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What does it mean that Jet\NJaguar's crotch indicator on\Nthe console is blinking red?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. THIS is how a robot's\Ncontrol panel should look.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We're in some kind of metal\Nbox"Good work scientist.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}more flying robots should be\Ncontrolled by punch card, imo\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dig that groovy music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want some nerd to stand up\Nand point out that Seatopians\Nare also "People of Earth".\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like how Megalon's symbol\Non the altar is a hip\Nchandelier\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't ever piss off a Free\NLove Cult\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}men with 1 titty out, full\Nrug, in a lamé toga is also\Nwhat they took from us\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:27:26.00,0:28:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you can make a pretty kick\Nass robot out of leftover\NPower Ranger parts\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What does it mean that Jet\NJaguar's crotch indicator on\Nthe console is blinking red?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. THIS is how a robot's\Ncontrol panel should look.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We're in some kind of metal\Nbox"Good work scientist.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}more flying robots should be\Ncontrolled by punch card, imo\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dig that groovy music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want some nerd to stand up\Nand point out that Seatopians\Nare also "People of Earth".\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like how Megalon's symbol\Non the altar is a hip\Nchandelier\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't ever piss off a Free\NLove Cult\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:28:21.00,0:29:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Good thing they left the keys\Nin the roadster\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you can make a pretty kick\Nass robot out of leftover\NPower Ranger parts\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What does it mean that Jet\NJaguar's crotch indicator on\Nthe console is blinking red?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. THIS is how a robot's\Ncontrol panel should look.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We're in some kind of metal\Nbox"Good work scientist.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}more flying robots should be\Ncontrolled by punch card, imo\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dig that groovy music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want some nerd to stand up\Nand point out that Seatopians\Nare also "People of Earth".\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like how Megalon's symbol\Non the altar is a hip\Nchandelier\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:28.00,0:30:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We could totally invent our\Nown robots if we wanted to.We\Njust don't have time.I'd\Nlaugh, but my coworkers and I\Ntell our boss that same thing\Non a regular basis.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Good thing they left the keys\Nin the roadster\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you can make a pretty kick\Nass robot out of leftover\NPower Ranger parts\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What does it mean that Jet\NJaguar's crotch indicator on\Nthe console is blinking red?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. THIS is how a robot's\Ncontrol panel should look.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We're in some kind of metal\Nbox"Good work scientist.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}more flying robots should be\Ncontrolled by punch card, imo\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dig that groovy music\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:58.00,0:31:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i love all of these cars\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We could totally invent our\Nown robots if we wanted to.We\Njust don't have time.I'd\Nlaugh, but my coworkers and I\Ntell our boss that same thing\Non a regular basis.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Good thing they left the keys\Nin the roadster\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you can make a pretty kick\Nass robot out of leftover\NPower Ranger parts\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What does it mean that Jet\NJaguar's crotch indicator on\Nthe console is blinking red?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. THIS is how a robot's\Ncontrol panel should look.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"We're in some kind of metal\Nbox"Good work scientist.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}more flying robots should be\Ncontrolled by punch card, imo\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:31:06.00,0:31:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a lot of downhill in this car\Nchase\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this car chase just got\Nawesome\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i love all of these cars\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We could totally invent our\Nown robots if we wanted to.We\Njust don't have time.I'd\Nlaugh, but my coworkers and I\Ntell our boss that same thing\Non a regular basis.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Good thing they left the keys\Nin the roadster\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you can make a pretty kick\Nass robot out of leftover\NPower Ranger parts\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What does it mean that Jet\NJaguar's crotch indicator on\Nthe console is blinking red?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yes. THIS is how a robot's\Ncontrol panel should look.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:31:40.00,0:32:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best chase scene\Never these vehicles are\NAWESOME\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a lot of downhill in this car\Nchase\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this car chase just got\Nawesome\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i love all of these cars\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We could totally invent our\Nown robots if we wanted to.We\Njust don't have time.I'd\Nlaugh, but my coworkers and I\Ntell our boss that same thing\Non a regular basis.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Good thing they left the keys\Nin the roadster\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you can make a pretty kick\Nass robot out of leftover\NPower Ranger parts\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What does it mean that Jet\NJaguar's crotch indicator on\Nthe console is blinking red?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:01.00,0:32:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"He is also aware of the\Nwhole story of our mission\Nhere!"Oh yeah? And how did\NTHAT happen?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best chase scene\Never these vehicles are\NAWESOME\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a lot of downhill in this car\Nchase\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this car chase just got\Nawesome\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i love all of these cars\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We could totally invent our\Nown robots if we wanted to.We\Njust don't have time.I'd\Nlaugh, but my coworkers and I\Ntell our boss that same thing\Non a regular basis.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Good thing they left the keys\Nin the roadster\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you can make a pretty kick\Nass robot out of leftover\NPower Ranger parts\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:15.00,0:32:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Who needs CGI, you\Nknow?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"He is also aware of the\Nwhole story of our mission\Nhere!"Oh yeah? And how did\NTHAT happen?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best chase scene\Never these vehicles are\NAWESOME\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a lot of downhill in this car\Nchase\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this car chase just got\Nawesome\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i love all of these cars\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We could totally invent our\Nown robots if we wanted to.We\Njust don't have time.I'd\Nlaugh, but my coworkers and I\Ntell our boss that same thing\Non a regular basis.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Good thing they left the keys\Nin the roadster\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:19.00,0:32:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the wacky 70s music, the\Nwacky downhill chasing, the\Nwacky carsit's all working\Nfor me\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Who needs CGI, you\Nknow?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"He is also aware of the\Nwhole story of our mission\Nhere!"Oh yeah? And how did\NTHAT happen?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best chase scene\Never these vehicles are\NAWESOME\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a lot of downhill in this car\Nchase\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this car chase just got\Nawesome\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i love all of these cars\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We could totally invent our\Nown robots if we wanted to.We\Njust don't have time.I'd\Nlaugh, but my coworkers and I\Ntell our boss that same thing\Non a regular basis.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:54.00,0:33:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the wacky 70s music, the\Nwacky downhill chasing, the\Nwacky carsit's all working\Nfor me\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Who needs CGI, you\Nknow?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"He is also aware of the\Nwhole story of our mission\Nhere!"Oh yeah? And how did\NTHAT happen?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best chase scene\Never these vehicles are\NAWESOME\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a lot of downhill in this car\Nchase\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this car chase just got\Nawesome\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i love all of these cars\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:33:34.00,0:33:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile Megalon is showing\Noff some funky moves\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the wacky 70s music, the\Nwacky downhill chasing, the\Nwacky carsit's all working\Nfor me\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Who needs CGI, you\Nknow?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"He is also aware of the\Nwhole story of our mission\Nhere!"Oh yeah? And how did\NTHAT happen?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best chase scene\Never these vehicles are\NAWESOME\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a lot of downhill in this car\Nchase\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this car chase just got\Nawesome\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:33:40.00,0:34:23.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MEGALOOOOOOOON! :ablobspin:\NThe *original* Super Beetle\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile Megalon is showing\Noff some funky moves\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the wacky 70s music, the\Nwacky downhill chasing, the\Nwacky carsit's all working\Nfor me\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Who needs CGI, you\Nknow?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"He is also aware of the\Nwhole story of our mission\Nhere!"Oh yeah? And how did\NTHAT happen?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best chase scene\Never these vehicles are\NAWESOME\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a lot of downhill in this car\Nchase\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:34:23.00,0:34:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}does megalon know that the\Nrobot is his ally?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MEGALOOOOOOOON! :ablobspin:\NThe *original* Super Beetle\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile Megalon is showing\Noff some funky moves\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the wacky 70s music, the\Nwacky downhill chasing, the\Nwacky carsit's all working\Nfor me\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Who needs CGI, you\Nknow?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"He is also aware of the\Nwhole story of our mission\Nhere!"Oh yeah? And how did\NTHAT happen?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best chase scene\Never these vehicles are\NAWESOME\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:34:30.00,0:34:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's titties in these\Nguy's truck\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}does megalon know that the\Nrobot is his ally?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MEGALOOOOOOOON! :ablobspin:\NThe *original* Super Beetle\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile Megalon is showing\Noff some funky moves\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the wacky 70s music, the\Nwacky downhill chasing, the\Nwacky carsit's all working\Nfor me\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Who needs CGI, you\Nknow?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"He is also aware of the\Nwhole story of our mission\Nhere!"Oh yeah? And how did\NTHAT happen?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:34:54.00,0:34:57.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Top Gun (2022)\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's titties in these\Nguy's truck\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}does megalon know that the\Nrobot is his ally?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MEGALOOOOOOOON! :ablobspin:\NThe *original* Super Beetle\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile Megalon is showing\Noff some funky moves\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the wacky 70s music, the\Nwacky downhill chasing, the\Nwacky carsit's all working\Nfor me\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Who needs CGI, you\Nknow?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"He is also aware of the\Nwhole story of our mission\Nhere!"Oh yeah? And how did\NTHAT happen?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:34:57.00,0:35:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fuck Boston\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Top Gun (2022)\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's titties in these\Nguy's truck\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}does megalon know that the\Nrobot is his ally?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MEGALOOOOOOOON! :ablobspin:\NThe *original* Super Beetle\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile Megalon is showing\Noff some funky moves\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the wacky 70s music, the\Nwacky downhill chasing, the\Nwacky carsit's all working\Nfor me\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Who needs CGI, you\Nknow?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:35:26.00,0:36:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't know what's going on.\Nbut it's great\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fuck Boston\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Top Gun (2022)\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's titties in these\Nguy's truck\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}does megalon know that the\Nrobot is his ally?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MEGALOOOOOOOON! :ablobspin:\NThe *original* Super Beetle\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile Megalon is showing\Noff some funky moves\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the wacky 70s music, the\Nwacky downhill chasing, the\Nwacky carsit's all working\Nfor me\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:36:07.00,0:36:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love shots of people\Nfalling down cliffs that are\Nobviously gentle hills with\Nthe camera at an angle.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't know what's going on.\Nbut it's great\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fuck Boston\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Top Gun (2022)\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's titties in these\Nguy's truck\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}does megalon know that the\Nrobot is his ally?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MEGALOOOOOOOON! :ablobspin:\NThe *original* Super Beetle\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile Megalon is showing\Noff some funky moves\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:36:34.00,0:37:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're still going to dump\Nthe package?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love shots of people\Nfalling down cliffs that are\Nobviously gentle hills with\Nthe camera at an angle.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't know what's going on.\Nbut it's great\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fuck Boston\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Top Gun (2022)\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's titties in these\Nguy's truck\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}does megalon know that the\Nrobot is his ally?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MEGALOOOOOOOON! :ablobspin:\NThe *original* Super Beetle\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile Megalon is showing\Noff some funky moves\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}and it ends as every car\Nchase should, with a kaiju\Nerupting from the earth\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:37:38.00,0:38:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Those roof-mounted weapons of\Nwar look like they double as\Ndental hygiene implements\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're still going to dump\Nthe package?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love shots of people\Nfalling down cliffs that are\Nobviously gentle hills with\Nthe camera at an angle.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't know what's going on.\Nbut it's great\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fuck Boston\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Top Gun (2022)\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's titties in these\Nguy's truck\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}does megalon know that the\Nrobot is his ally?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}MEGALOOOOOOOON! :ablobspin:\NThe *original* Super Beetle\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:38:08.00,0:39:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is wrong with these\Nshithead struck drivers lol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Those roof-mounted weapons of\Nwar look like they double as\Ndental hygiene implements\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're still going to dump\Nthe package?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love shots of people\Nfalling down cliffs that are\Nobviously gentle hills with\Nthe camera at an angle.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't know what's going on.\Nbut it's great\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fuck Boston\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Top Gun (2022)\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's titties in these\Nguy's truck\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}does megalon know that the\Nrobot is his ally?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:39:12.00,0:40:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't this kid do that?\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol wtf\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is wrong with these\Nshithead struck drivers lol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Those roof-mounted weapons of\Nwar look like they double as\Ndental hygiene implements\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're still going to dump\Nthe package?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love shots of people\Nfalling down cliffs that are\Nobviously gentle hills with\Nthe camera at an angle.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't know what's going on.\Nbut it's great\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fuck Boston\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Top Gun (2022)\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's titties in these\Nguy's truck\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:17.00,0:40:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was afk for a bit and now\NI'm seeing Megalon and I\Ncan't help but imagine him\Nspeaking in Zoidberg's voice\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't this kid do that?\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol wtf\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is wrong with these\Nshithead struck drivers lol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Those roof-mounted weapons of\Nwar look like they double as\Ndental hygiene implements\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're still going to dump\Nthe package?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love shots of people\Nfalling down cliffs that are\Nobviously gentle hills with\Nthe camera at an angle.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't know what's going on.\Nbut it's great\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fuck Boston\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:22.00,0:40:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well that would have\Ndefinitely killed both of\Nthem\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was afk for a bit and now\NI'm seeing Megalon and I\Ncan't help but imagine him\Nspeaking in Zoidberg's voice\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't this kid do that?\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol wtf\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is wrong with these\Nshithead struck drivers lol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Those roof-mounted weapons of\Nwar look like they double as\Ndental hygiene implements\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're still going to dump\Nthe package?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love shots of people\Nfalling down cliffs that are\Nobviously gentle hills with\Nthe camera at an angle.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't know what's going on.\Nbut it's great\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:40.00,0:40:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao this dude just dumped\Nhis buddies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well that would have\Ndefinitely killed both of\Nthem\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was afk for a bit and now\NI'm seeing Megalon and I\Ncan't help but imagine him\Nspeaking in Zoidberg's voice\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't this kid do that?\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol wtf\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is wrong with these\Nshithead struck drivers lol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Those roof-mounted weapons of\Nwar look like they double as\Ndental hygiene implements\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're still going to dump\Nthe package?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love shots of people\Nfalling down cliffs that are\Nobviously gentle hills with\Nthe camera at an angle.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:44.00,0:40:49.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien He\Ndoesn't drive stick\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao this dude just dumped\Nhis buddies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well that would have\Ndefinitely killed both of\Nthem\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was afk for a bit and now\NI'm seeing Megalon and I\Ncan't help but imagine him\Nspeaking in Zoidberg's voice\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't this kid do that?\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol wtf\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is wrong with these\Nshithead struck drivers lol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Those roof-mounted weapons of\Nwar look like they double as\Ndental hygiene implements\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're still going to dump\Nthe package?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:49.00,0:40:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh their dead now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien He\Ndoesn't drive stick\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao this dude just dumped\Nhis buddies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well that would have\Ndefinitely killed both of\Nthem\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was afk for a bit and now\NI'm seeing Megalon and I\Ncan't help but imagine him\Nspeaking in Zoidberg's voice\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't this kid do that?\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol wtf\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is wrong with these\Nshithead struck drivers lol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Those roof-mounted weapons of\Nwar look like they double as\Ndental hygiene implements\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:53.00,0:41:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}taking over all car companies\Nand discontinuing manual\Ntransmissions for every kind\Nof car\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh their dead now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien He\Ndoesn't drive stick\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao this dude just dumped\Nhis buddies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well that would have\Ndefinitely killed both of\Nthem\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was afk for a bit and now\NI'm seeing Megalon and I\Ncan't help but imagine him\Nspeaking in Zoidberg's voice\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't this kid do that?\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol wtf\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}what is wrong with these\Nshithead struck drivers lol\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:44.00,0:41:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret you had to be pretty\Nresilient to survive the 70s\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}taking over all car companies\Nand discontinuing manual\Ntransmissions for every kind\Nof car\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh their dead now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien He\Ndoesn't drive stick\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao this dude just dumped\Nhis buddies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well that would have\Ndefinitely killed both of\Nthem\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was afk for a bit and now\NI'm seeing Megalon and I\Ncan't help but imagine him\Nspeaking in Zoidberg's voice\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't this kid do that?\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol wtf\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:52.00,0:41:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When I was a boy, I to, was\Nvoiced by an old woman who\Nhated children.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret you had to be pretty\Nresilient to survive the 70s\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}taking over all car companies\Nand discontinuing manual\Ntransmissions for every kind\Nof car\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh their dead now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien He\Ndoesn't drive stick\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao this dude just dumped\Nhis buddies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well that would have\Ndefinitely killed both of\Nthem\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was afk for a bit and now\NI'm seeing Megalon and I\Ncan't help but imagine him\Nspeaking in Zoidberg's voice\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:58.00,0:42:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, so Godzilla is considered\Na good guy in this one right\Nfrom the start, then?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When I was a boy, I to, was\Nvoiced by an old woman who\Nhated children.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret you had to be pretty\Nresilient to survive the 70s\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}taking over all car companies\Nand discontinuing manual\Ntransmissions for every kind\Nof car\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh their dead now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien He\Ndoesn't drive stick\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao this dude just dumped\Nhis buddies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well that would have\Ndefinitely killed both of\Nthem\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was afk for a bit and now\NI'm seeing Megalon and I\Ncan't help but imagine him\Nspeaking in Zoidberg's voice\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:13.00,0:42:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}convenient that you made a\Nbackup remote control that\Nyou can fit around your neck\Nlol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, so Godzilla is considered\Na good guy in this one right\Nfrom the start, then?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When I was a boy, I to, was\Nvoiced by an old woman who\Nhated children.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret you had to be pretty\Nresilient to survive the 70s\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}taking over all car companies\Nand discontinuing manual\Ntransmissions for every kind\Nof car\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh their dead now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien He\Ndoesn't drive stick\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao this dude just dumped\Nhis buddies\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:25.00,0:42:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i bet the conventional\Nweapons will work on the\Nkaiju this time\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}convenient that you made a\Nbackup remote control that\Nyou can fit around your neck\Nlol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, so Godzilla is considered\Na good guy in this one right\Nfrom the start, then?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When I was a boy, I to, was\Nvoiced by an old woman who\Nhated children.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret you had to be pretty\Nresilient to survive the 70s\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}taking over all car companies\Nand discontinuing manual\Ntransmissions for every kind\Nof car\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh their dead now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien He\Ndoesn't drive stick\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:27.00,0:43:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Woo! Masers!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i bet the conventional\Nweapons will work on the\Nkaiju this time\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}convenient that you made a\Nbackup remote control that\Nyou can fit around your neck\Nlol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, so Godzilla is considered\Na good guy in this one right\Nfrom the start, then?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When I was a boy, I to, was\Nvoiced by an old woman who\Nhated children.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret you had to be pretty\Nresilient to survive the 70s\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}taking over all car companies\Nand discontinuing manual\Ntransmissions for every kind\Nof car\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh their dead now\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:43:14.00,0:43:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it sounds\Nunscientific, but what if\Nthrough the power of jeeps\Nand tanks, we shoot Megalon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Woo! Masers!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i bet the conventional\Nweapons will work on the\Nkaiju this time\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}convenient that you made a\Nbackup remote control that\Nyou can fit around your neck\Nlol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, so Godzilla is considered\Na good guy in this one right\Nfrom the start, then?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When I was a boy, I to, was\Nvoiced by an old woman who\Nhated children.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret you had to be pretty\Nresilient to survive the 70s\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}taking over all car companies\Nand discontinuing manual\Ntransmissions for every kind\Nof car\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:43:16.00,0:43:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Look more like\Nnegative scratches\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it sounds\Nunscientific, but what if\Nthrough the power of jeeps\Nand tanks, we shoot Megalon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Woo! Masers!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i bet the conventional\Nweapons will work on the\Nkaiju this time\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}convenient that you made a\Nbackup remote control that\Nyou can fit around your neck\Nlol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, so Godzilla is considered\Na good guy in this one right\Nfrom the start, then?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When I was a boy, I to, was\Nvoiced by an old woman who\Nhated children.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret you had to be pretty\Nresilient to survive the 70s\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:43:48.00,0:45:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fast movements like hops\Nreally ... break the\Nillusion. Why show that in\Nreal time? It'd look fine if\Nit was a little slower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Look more like\Nnegative scratches\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it sounds\Nunscientific, but what if\Nthrough the power of jeeps\Nand tanks, we shoot Megalon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Woo! Masers!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i bet the conventional\Nweapons will work on the\Nkaiju this time\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}convenient that you made a\Nbackup remote control that\Nyou can fit around your neck\Nlol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, so Godzilla is considered\Na good guy in this one right\Nfrom the start, then?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When I was a boy, I to, was\Nvoiced by an old woman who\Nhated children.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:17.00,0:45:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck I forgot to do my\NArkasodara quests, I guess\NI'll do them after the movie\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fast movements like hops\Nreally ... break the\Nillusion. Why show that in\Nreal time? It'd look fine if\Nit was a little slower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Look more like\Nnegative scratches\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it sounds\Nunscientific, but what if\Nthrough the power of jeeps\Nand tanks, we shoot Megalon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Woo! Masers!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i bet the conventional\Nweapons will work on the\Nkaiju this time\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}convenient that you made a\Nbackup remote control that\Nyou can fit around your neck\Nlol\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, so Godzilla is considered\Na good guy in this one right\Nfrom the start, then?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:20.00,0:45:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It sparks joy in me when\NMegalon plays hopscotch\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck I forgot to do my\NArkasodara quests, I guess\NI'll do them after the movie\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fast movements like hops\Nreally ... break the\Nillusion. Why show that in\Nreal time? It'd look fine if\Nit was a little slower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Look more like\Nnegative scratches\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it sounds\Nunscientific, but what if\Nthrough the power of jeeps\Nand tanks, we shoot Megalon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Woo! Masers!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i bet the conventional\Nweapons will work on the\Nkaiju this time\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}convenient that you made a\Nbackup remote control that\Nyou can fit around your neck\Nlol\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:44.00,0:46:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians appear to live\Nin a casino\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It sparks joy in me when\NMegalon plays hopscotch\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck I forgot to do my\NArkasodara quests, I guess\NI'll do them after the movie\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fast movements like hops\Nreally ... break the\Nillusion. Why show that in\Nreal time? It'd look fine if\Nit was a little slower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Look more like\Nnegative scratches\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it sounds\Nunscientific, but what if\Nthrough the power of jeeps\Nand tanks, we shoot Megalon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Woo! Masers!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i bet the conventional\Nweapons will work on the\Nkaiju this time\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:21.00,0:46:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wouldn't the seatopians be\Nfriends with godzilla?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians appear to live\Nin a casino\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It sparks joy in me when\NMegalon plays hopscotch\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck I forgot to do my\NArkasodara quests, I guess\NI'll do them after the movie\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fast movements like hops\Nreally ... break the\Nillusion. Why show that in\Nreal time? It'd look fine if\Nit was a little slower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Look more like\Nnegative scratches\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it sounds\Nunscientific, but what if\Nthrough the power of jeeps\Nand tanks, we shoot Megalon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Woo! Masers!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:27.00,0:46:43.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien imagine\Nif you had only seen the\Noriginal godzilla and shin\Ngodzilla and then you watched\Nthis\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wouldn't the seatopians be\Nfriends with godzilla?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians appear to live\Nin a casino\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It sparks joy in me when\NMegalon plays hopscotch\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck I forgot to do my\NArkasodara quests, I guess\NI'll do them after the movie\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fast movements like hops\Nreally ... break the\Nillusion. Why show that in\Nreal time? It'd look fine if\Nit was a little slower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Look more like\Nnegative scratches\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it sounds\Nunscientific, but what if\Nthrough the power of jeeps\Nand tanks, we shoot Megalon\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:43.00,0:46:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YOU ARE IN AN AIRPLANE!Why\Nare you close enough for the\Nmonster to PUNCH you?!?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien imagine\Nif you had only seen the\Noriginal godzilla and shin\Ngodzilla and then you watched\Nthis\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wouldn't the seatopians be\Nfriends with godzilla?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians appear to live\Nin a casino\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It sparks joy in me when\NMegalon plays hopscotch\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck I forgot to do my\NArkasodara quests, I guess\NI'll do them after the movie\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fast movements like hops\Nreally ... break the\Nillusion. Why show that in\Nreal time? It'd look fine if\Nit was a little slower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Look more like\Nnegative scratches\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:55.00,0:47:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Megalon, what happened to\Nyour zigzag yellow maser\Nbeam?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YOU ARE IN AN AIRPLANE!Why\Nare you close enough for the\Nmonster to PUNCH you?!?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien imagine\Nif you had only seen the\Noriginal godzilla and shin\Ngodzilla and then you watched\Nthis\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wouldn't the seatopians be\Nfriends with godzilla?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians appear to live\Nin a casino\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It sparks joy in me when\NMegalon plays hopscotch\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck I forgot to do my\NArkasodara quests, I guess\NI'll do them after the movie\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fast movements like hops\Nreally ... break the\Nillusion. Why show that in\Nreal time? It'd look fine if\Nit was a little slower.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:47:26.00,0:48:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's like half an hour\Nleft. i need godzilla to show\Nup now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Megalon, what happened to\Nyour zigzag yellow maser\Nbeam?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YOU ARE IN AN AIRPLANE!Why\Nare you close enough for the\Nmonster to PUNCH you?!?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien imagine\Nif you had only seen the\Noriginal godzilla and shin\Ngodzilla and then you watched\Nthis\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wouldn't the seatopians be\Nfriends with godzilla?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians appear to live\Nin a casino\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It sparks joy in me when\NMegalon plays hopscotch\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh fuck I forgot to do my\NArkasodara quests, I guess\NI'll do them after the movie\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:48:28.00,0:48:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay then\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's like half an hour\Nleft. i need godzilla to show\Nup now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Megalon, what happened to\Nyour zigzag yellow maser\Nbeam?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YOU ARE IN AN AIRPLANE!Why\Nare you close enough for the\Nmonster to PUNCH you?!?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien imagine\Nif you had only seen the\Noriginal godzilla and shin\Ngodzilla and then you watched\Nthis\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wouldn't the seatopians be\Nfriends with godzilla?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians appear to live\Nin a casino\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It sparks joy in me when\NMegalon plays hopscotch\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:48:35.00,0:49:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla gives Jet the old\N10-4\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay then\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's like half an hour\Nleft. i need godzilla to show\Nup now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Megalon, what happened to\Nyour zigzag yellow maser\Nbeam?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YOU ARE IN AN AIRPLANE!Why\Nare you close enough for the\Nmonster to PUNCH you?!?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien imagine\Nif you had only seen the\Noriginal godzilla and shin\Ngodzilla and then you watched\Nthis\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wouldn't the seatopians be\Nfriends with godzilla?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Seatopians appear to live\Nin a casino\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:29.00,0:50:18.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why's Megalon attacking\Nbuildings, those weren't the\Nones shooting at him?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla gives Jet the old\N10-4\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay then\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's like half an hour\Nleft. i need godzilla to show\Nup now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Megalon, what happened to\Nyour zigzag yellow maser\Nbeam?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YOU ARE IN AN AIRPLANE!Why\Nare you close enough for the\Nmonster to PUNCH you?!?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien imagine\Nif you had only seen the\Noriginal godzilla and shin\Ngodzilla and then you watched\Nthis\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wouldn't the seatopians be\Nfriends with godzilla?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:18.00,0:50:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love Jet Jaguar's\Nconversation with Godzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why's Megalon attacking\Nbuildings, those weren't the\Nones shooting at him?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla gives Jet the old\N10-4\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay then\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's like half an hour\Nleft. i need godzilla to show\Nup now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Megalon, what happened to\Nyour zigzag yellow maser\Nbeam?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YOU ARE IN AN AIRPLANE!Why\Nare you close enough for the\Nmonster to PUNCH you?!?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien imagine\Nif you had only seen the\Noriginal godzilla and shin\Ngodzilla and then you watched\Nthis\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:47.00,0:51:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I guess\Nthey didn't have synthetic\Nvoice technology worked out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love Jet Jaguar's\Nconversation with Godzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why's Megalon attacking\Nbuildings, those weren't the\Nones shooting at him?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla gives Jet the old\N10-4\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay then\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's like half an hour\Nleft. i need godzilla to show\Nup now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Megalon, what happened to\Nyour zigzag yellow maser\Nbeam?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YOU ARE IN AN AIRPLANE!Why\Nare you close enough for the\Nmonster to PUNCH you?!?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien imagine\Nif you had only seen the\Noriginal godzilla and shin\Ngodzilla and then you watched\Nthis\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:51:10.00,0:51:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I guess\Nthey didn't have synthetic\Nvoice technology worked out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love Jet Jaguar's\Nconversation with Godzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why's Megalon attacking\Nbuildings, those weren't the\Nones shooting at him?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla gives Jet the old\N10-4\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay then\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's like half an hour\Nleft. i need godzilla to show\Nup now\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Megalon, what happened to\Nyour zigzag yellow maser\Nbeam?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:51:39.00,0:52:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I guess\Nthey didn't have synthetic\Nvoice technology worked out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love Jet Jaguar's\Nconversation with Godzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why's Megalon attacking\Nbuildings, those weren't the\Nones shooting at him?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla gives Jet the old\N10-4\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay then\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's like half an hour\Nleft. i need godzilla to show\Nup now\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:52:32.00,0:53:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I guess\Nthey didn't have synthetic\Nvoice technology worked out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love Jet Jaguar's\Nconversation with Godzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why's Megalon attacking\Nbuildings, those weren't the\Nones shooting at him?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla gives Jet the old\N10-4\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay then\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:53:10.00,0:53:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey watch the cubes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I guess\Nthey didn't have synthetic\Nvoice technology worked out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love Jet Jaguar's\Nconversation with Godzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why's Megalon attacking\Nbuildings, those weren't the\Nones shooting at him?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla gives Jet the old\N10-4\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:53:36.00,0:54:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, lot of blood, for a film\Nlike this.\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey watch the cubes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I guess\Nthey didn't have synthetic\Nvoice technology worked out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love Jet Jaguar's\Nconversation with Godzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why's Megalon attacking\Nbuildings, those weren't the\Nones shooting at him?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:54:29.00,0:55:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So Gigan doesn't make an\Nappearance till the last reel\Nleaving the heavy lifting to\Nthe others\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, lot of blood, for a film\Nlike this.\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey watch the cubes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I guess\Nthey didn't have synthetic\Nvoice technology worked out\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love Jet Jaguar's\Nconversation with Godzilla.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:55:22.00,0:55:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh hell yeah this guy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So Gigan doesn't make an\Nappearance till the last reel\Nleaving the heavy lifting to\Nthe others\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, lot of blood, for a film\Nlike this.\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey watch the cubes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I guess\Nthey didn't have synthetic\Nvoice technology worked out\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:55:31.00,0:55:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Right on! More Kaiju MOAR\NKAIJU! :ameowbongo:\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh hell yeah this guy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So Gigan doesn't make an\Nappearance till the last reel\Nleaving the heavy lifting to\Nthe others\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, lot of blood, for a film\Nlike this.\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey watch the cubes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I guess\Nthey didn't have synthetic\Nvoice technology worked out\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:55:53.00,0:56:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is stoked to see\N80-year old child and his two\Nambiguous guardians\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Right on! More Kaiju MOAR\NKAIJU! :ameowbongo:\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh hell yeah this guy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So Gigan doesn't make an\Nappearance till the last reel\Nleaving the heavy lifting to\Nthe others\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, lot of blood, for a film\Nlike this.\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey watch the cubes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:56:35.00,0:58:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They grow up so fast\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is stoked to see\N80-year old child and his two\Nambiguous guardians\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Right on! More Kaiju MOAR\NKAIJU! :ameowbongo:\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh hell yeah this guy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So Gigan doesn't make an\Nappearance till the last reel\Nleaving the heavy lifting to\Nthe others\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, lot of blood, for a film\Nlike this.\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey watch the cubes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess dialogue in made up\Nalien languages without\Nsubtitles was a thing in the\N70s like it's just as\Nfantastic here as it was in\Nthe Star Wars Christmas\NSpecial\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:58:10.00,0:59:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is when guys in suits\Npeaked\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They grow up so fast\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is stoked to see\N80-year old child and his two\Nambiguous guardians\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Right on! More Kaiju MOAR\NKAIJU! :ameowbongo:\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh hell yeah this guy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So Gigan doesn't make an\Nappearance till the last reel\Nleaving the heavy lifting to\Nthe others\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, lot of blood, for a film\Nlike this.\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey watch the cubes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}damn, Franz Liszt is dumb\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:15.00,0:59:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is the best.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is when guys in suits\Npeaked\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They grow up so fast\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is stoked to see\N80-year old child and his two\Nambiguous guardians\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Right on! More Kaiju MOAR\NKAIJU! :ameowbongo:\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh hell yeah this guy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So Gigan doesn't make an\Nappearance till the last reel\Nleaving the heavy lifting to\Nthe others\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, lot of blood, for a film\Nlike this.\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey watch the cubes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The kid's got a\Nhelluva fast ball, er, plane\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:29.00,1:00:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I won'der how the Japanese\Ndefence forces will take to\Nhaving Godzilla summoned\Nwithout their having been\Ninformed\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is the best.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is when guys in suits\Npeaked\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They grow up so fast\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is stoked to see\N80-year old child and his two\Nambiguous guardians\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Right on! More Kaiju MOAR\NKAIJU! :ameowbongo:\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh hell yeah this guy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So Gigan doesn't make an\Nappearance till the last reel\Nleaving the heavy lifting to\Nthe others\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, lot of blood, for a film\Nlike this.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:00:29.00,1:01:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he just programmed himself\Nin someway to increase his\Nown size"yesthat makes sense\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I won'der how the Japanese\Ndefence forces will take to\Nhaving Godzilla summoned\Nwithout their having been\Ninformed\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is the best.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is when guys in suits\Npeaked\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They grow up so fast\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is stoked to see\N80-year old child and his two\Nambiguous guardians\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Right on! More Kaiju MOAR\NKAIJU! :ameowbongo:\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh hell yeah this guy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So Gigan doesn't make an\Nappearance till the last reel\Nleaving the heavy lifting to\Nthe others\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:01:04.00,1:03:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The monster's are all "Hey,\Nbro, how's it going!?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he just programmed himself\Nin someway to increase his\Nown size"yesthat makes sense\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I won'der how the Japanese\Ndefence forces will take to\Nhaving Godzilla summoned\Nwithout their having been\Ninformed\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is the best.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is when guys in suits\Npeaked\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They grow up so fast\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is stoked to see\N80-year old child and his two\Nambiguous guardians\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Right on! More Kaiju MOAR\NKAIJU! :ameowbongo:\N\N{\c&HED55A0&}Midjourney Sanders\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh hell yeah this guy\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:01.00,1:03:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just guys being dudes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The monster's are all "Hey,\Nbro, how's it going!?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he just programmed himself\Nin someway to increase his\Nown size"yesthat makes sense\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I won'der how the Japanese\Ndefence forces will take to\Nhaving Godzilla summoned\Nwithout their having been\Ninformed\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is the best.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is when guys in suits\Npeaked\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They grow up so fast\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is stoked to see\N80-year old child and his two\Nambiguous guardians\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Right on! More Kaiju MOAR\NKAIJU! :ameowbongo:\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:02.00,1:03:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Does he have a\Nprogram to make himself less\Nhapless?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just guys being dudes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The monster's are all "Hey,\Nbro, how's it going!?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he just programmed himself\Nin someway to increase his\Nown size"yesthat makes sense\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I won'der how the Japanese\Ndefence forces will take to\Nhaving Godzilla summoned\Nwithout their having been\Ninformed\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is the best.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is when guys in suits\Npeaked\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They grow up so fast\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is stoked to see\N80-year old child and his two\Nambiguous guardians\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:42.00,1:04:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why did they design his face\Nto look like a metal\Ncaricature of Jack Nicholson?\NDoes that help its\Nperformance?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Does he have a\Nprogram to make himself less\Nhapless?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just guys being dudes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The monster's are all "Hey,\Nbro, how's it going!?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he just programmed himself\Nin someway to increase his\Nown size"yesthat makes sense\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I won'der how the Japanese\Ndefence forces will take to\Nhaving Godzilla summoned\Nwithout their having been\Ninformed\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is the best.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is when guys in suits\Npeaked\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:05.00,1:04:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaijutsu is the best Japanese\Nmartial art\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why did they design his face\Nto look like a metal\Ncaricature of Jack Nicholson?\NDoes that help its\Nperformance?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Does he have a\Nprogram to make himself less\Nhapless?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just guys being dudes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The monster's are all "Hey,\Nbro, how's it going!?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he just programmed himself\Nin someway to increase his\Nown size"yesthat makes sense\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I won'der how the Japanese\Ndefence forces will take to\Nhaving Godzilla summoned\Nwithout their having been\Ninformed\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Jet Jaguar is the best.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:13.00,1:04:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is a Godzilla without\Ngravitas\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaijutsu is the best Japanese\Nmartial art\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why did they design his face\Nto look like a metal\Ncaricature of Jack Nicholson?\NDoes that help its\Nperformance?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Does he have a\Nprogram to make himself less\Nhapless?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just guys being dudes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The monster's are all "Hey,\Nbro, how's it going!?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he just programmed himself\Nin someway to increase his\Nown size"yesthat makes sense\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I won'der how the Japanese\Ndefence forces will take to\Nhaving Godzilla summoned\Nwithout their having been\Ninformed\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:37.00,1:05:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've always thought that if\NJet Jaguar was a little\Nsmarter, and had programmed\Nwith a little less sense of\Nfair play, he could have just\Nmade himself even bigger.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is a Godzilla without\Ngravitas\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaijutsu is the best Japanese\Nmartial art\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why did they design his face\Nto look like a metal\Ncaricature of Jack Nicholson?\NDoes that help its\Nperformance?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Does he have a\Nprogram to make himself less\Nhapless?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just guys being dudes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The monster's are all "Hey,\Nbro, how's it going!?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he just programmed himself\Nin someway to increase his\Nown size"yesthat makes sense\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:14.00,1:05:18.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla shadowboxing to\Npsych himself up\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've always thought that if\NJet Jaguar was a little\Nsmarter, and had programmed\Nwith a little less sense of\Nfair play, he could have just\Nmade himself even bigger.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is a Godzilla without\Ngravitas\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaijutsu is the best Japanese\Nmartial art\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why did they design his face\Nto look like a metal\Ncaricature of Jack Nicholson?\NDoes that help its\Nperformance?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Does he have a\Nprogram to make himself less\Nhapless?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just guys being dudes\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The monster's are all "Hey,\Nbro, how's it going!?"\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:18.00,1:05:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Next the monsters are going\Nto take Jet's lunch money\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla shadowboxing to\Npsych himself up\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've always thought that if\NJet Jaguar was a little\Nsmarter, and had programmed\Nwith a little less sense of\Nfair play, he could have just\Nmade himself even bigger.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is a Godzilla without\Ngravitas\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaijutsu is the best Japanese\Nmartial art\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why did they design his face\Nto look like a metal\Ncaricature of Jack Nicholson?\NDoes that help its\Nperformance?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Does he have a\Nprogram to make himself less\Nhapless?\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just guys being dudes\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:26.00,1:05:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the music and boing boing\Nsound effects. i can't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Next the monsters are going\Nto take Jet's lunch money\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla shadowboxing to\Npsych himself up\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've always thought that if\NJet Jaguar was a little\Nsmarter, and had programmed\Nwith a little less sense of\Nfair play, he could have just\Nmade himself even bigger.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is a Godzilla without\Ngravitas\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaijutsu is the best Japanese\Nmartial art\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why did they design his face\Nto look like a metal\Ncaricature of Jack Nicholson?\NDoes that help its\Nperformance?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Does he have a\Nprogram to make himself less\Nhapless?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:50.00,1:06:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't jet jaguar\Nprogram himself some bitches\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the music and boing boing\Nsound effects. i can't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Next the monsters are going\Nto take Jet's lunch money\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla shadowboxing to\Npsych himself up\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've always thought that if\NJet Jaguar was a little\Nsmarter, and had programmed\Nwith a little less sense of\Nfair play, he could have just\Nmade himself even bigger.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is a Godzilla without\Ngravitas\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaijutsu is the best Japanese\Nmartial art\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why did they design his face\Nto look like a metal\Ncaricature of Jack Nicholson?\NDoes that help its\Nperformance?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:06:55.00,1:07:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile the population of\NJapan has no idea this is\Nhappening\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't jet jaguar\Nprogram himself some bitches\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the music and boing boing\Nsound effects. i can't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Next the monsters are going\Nto take Jet's lunch money\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla shadowboxing to\Npsych himself up\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've always thought that if\NJet Jaguar was a little\Nsmarter, and had programmed\Nwith a little less sense of\Nfair play, he could have just\Nmade himself even bigger.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is a Godzilla without\Ngravitas\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Kaijutsu is the best Japanese\Nmartial art\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:02.00,1:07:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't even know which\Nmonster is screeching but i\Nwant them to stop\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile the population of\NJapan has no idea this is\Nhappening\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't jet jaguar\Nprogram himself some bitches\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the music and boing boing\Nsound effects. i can't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Next the monsters are going\Nto take Jet's lunch money\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla shadowboxing to\Npsych himself up\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've always thought that if\NJet Jaguar was a little\Nsmarter, and had programmed\Nwith a little less sense of\Nfair play, he could have just\Nmade himself even bigger.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is a Godzilla without\Ngravitas\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:20.00,1:07:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Full on tag team match THIS\NIS SO WICKED! :blobaww:\N:blobrainbow: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't even know which\Nmonster is screeching but i\Nwant them to stop\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile the population of\NJapan has no idea this is\Nhappening\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't jet jaguar\Nprogram himself some bitches\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the music and boing boing\Nsound effects. i can't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Next the monsters are going\Nto take Jet's lunch money\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla shadowboxing to\Npsych himself up\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've always thought that if\NJet Jaguar was a little\Nsmarter, and had programmed\Nwith a little less sense of\Nfair play, he could have just\Nmade himself even bigger.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:55.00,1:08:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Geez, what's with all the\Nspurting blood in this movie?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Full on tag team match THIS\NIS SO WICKED! :blobaww:\N:blobrainbow: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't even know which\Nmonster is screeching but i\Nwant them to stop\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile the population of\NJapan has no idea this is\Nhappening\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't jet jaguar\Nprogram himself some bitches\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the music and boing boing\Nsound effects. i can't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Next the monsters are going\Nto take Jet's lunch money\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla shadowboxing to\Npsych himself up\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I've always thought that if\NJet Jaguar was a little\Nsmarter, and had programmed\Nwith a little less sense of\Nfair play, he could have just\Nmade himself even bigger.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:09.00,1:09:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien But\Nperhaps the land of Seatopia\Nhas some legitimate\Ngrievances\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Geez, what's with all the\Nspurting blood in this movie?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Full on tag team match THIS\NIS SO WICKED! :blobaww:\N:blobrainbow: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't even know which\Nmonster is screeching but i\Nwant them to stop\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile the population of\NJapan has no idea this is\Nhappening\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't jet jaguar\Nprogram himself some bitches\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the music and boing boing\Nsound effects. i can't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Next the monsters are going\Nto take Jet's lunch money\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:09:53.00,1:10:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wicked pat-a-cake attack\Nthere\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien But\Nperhaps the land of Seatopia\Nhas some legitimate\Ngrievances\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Geez, what's with all the\Nspurting blood in this movie?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Full on tag team match THIS\NIS SO WICKED! :blobaww:\N:blobrainbow: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't even know which\Nmonster is screeching but i\Nwant them to stop\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile the population of\NJapan has no idea this is\Nhappening\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't jet jaguar\Nprogram himself some bitches\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the music and boing boing\Nsound effects. i can't\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:10:45.00,1:11:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he's been beheaded before,\Nit's not a big deal, let them\Ndo it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wicked pat-a-cake attack\Nthere\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien But\Nperhaps the land of Seatopia\Nhas some legitimate\Ngrievances\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Geez, what's with all the\Nspurting blood in this movie?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Full on tag team match THIS\NIS SO WICKED! :blobaww:\N:blobrainbow: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't even know which\Nmonster is screeching but i\Nwant them to stop\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile the population of\NJapan has no idea this is\Nhappening\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why doesn't jet jaguar\Nprogram himself some bitches\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:11:44.00,1:11:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}For future reference,\NMegalodon, you should lead\Nwith this maser/bomb attack,\Ndon't hold it back\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he's been beheaded before,\Nit's not a big deal, let them\Ndo it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wicked pat-a-cake attack\Nthere\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien But\Nperhaps the land of Seatopia\Nhas some legitimate\Ngrievances\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Geez, what's with all the\Nspurting blood in this movie?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Full on tag team match THIS\NIS SO WICKED! :blobaww:\N:blobrainbow: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't even know which\Nmonster is screeching but i\Nwant them to stop\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Meanwhile the population of\NJapan has no idea this is\Nhappening\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:11:54.00,1:12:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The soundtrack should be\NJohnny Cash's Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}For future reference,\NMegalodon, you should lead\Nwith this maser/bomb attack,\Ndon't hold it back\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he's been beheaded before,\Nit's not a big deal, let them\Ndo it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wicked pat-a-cake attack\Nthere\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien But\Nperhaps the land of Seatopia\Nhas some legitimate\Ngrievances\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Geez, what's with all the\Nspurting blood in this movie?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Full on tag team match THIS\NIS SO WICKED! :blobaww:\N:blobrainbow: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i don't even know which\Nmonster is screeching but i\Nwant them to stop\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:12:44.00,1:13:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh no. how will our heroes\Nget out of this one?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The soundtrack should be\NJohnny Cash's Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}For future reference,\NMegalodon, you should lead\Nwith this maser/bomb attack,\Ndon't hold it back\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he's been beheaded before,\Nit's not a big deal, let them\Ndo it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wicked pat-a-cake attack\Nthere\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien But\Nperhaps the land of Seatopia\Nhas some legitimate\Ngrievances\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Geez, what's with all the\Nspurting blood in this movie?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Full on tag team match THIS\NIS SO WICKED! :blobaww:\N:blobrainbow: :ablobspin:\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:13:12.00,1:14:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This fight except Johnny Cash\Nsinging Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh no. how will our heroes\Nget out of this one?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The soundtrack should be\NJohnny Cash's Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}For future reference,\NMegalodon, you should lead\Nwith this maser/bomb attack,\Ndon't hold it back\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he's been beheaded before,\Nit's not a big deal, let them\Ndo it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wicked pat-a-cake attack\Nthere\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien But\Nperhaps the land of Seatopia\Nhas some legitimate\Ngrievances\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Geez, what's with all the\Nspurting blood in this movie?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:14:55.00,1:16:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best Godzilla\Nmovie\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This fight except Johnny Cash\Nsinging Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh no. how will our heroes\Nget out of this one?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The soundtrack should be\NJohnny Cash's Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}For future reference,\NMegalodon, you should lead\Nwith this maser/bomb attack,\Ndon't hold it back\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he's been beheaded before,\Nit's not a big deal, let them\Ndo it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wicked pat-a-cake attack\Nthere\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien But\Nperhaps the land of Seatopia\Nhas some legitimate\Ngrievances\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:16:48.00,1:17:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}now Godizilla gets to grab\Nsomeone else's tail for once!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best Godzilla\Nmovie\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This fight except Johnny Cash\Nsinging Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh no. how will our heroes\Nget out of this one?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The soundtrack should be\NJohnny Cash's Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}For future reference,\NMegalodon, you should lead\Nwith this maser/bomb attack,\Ndon't hold it back\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he's been beheaded before,\Nit's not a big deal, let them\Ndo it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wicked pat-a-cake attack\Nthere\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien But\Nperhaps the land of Seatopia\Nhas some legitimate\Ngrievances\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:17:21.00,1:17:24.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla looks like he\Ndropped his keys down a drain\Nwhen he saw megalon fly away\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}now Godizilla gets to grab\Nsomeone else's tail for once!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best Godzilla\Nmovie\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This fight except Johnny Cash\Nsinging Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh no. how will our heroes\Nget out of this one?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The soundtrack should be\NJohnny Cash's Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}For future reference,\NMegalodon, you should lead\Nwith this maser/bomb attack,\Ndon't hold it back\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he's been beheaded before,\Nit's not a big deal, let them\Ndo it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wicked pat-a-cake attack\Nthere\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:17:24.00,1:17:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess the Seatopians got\Nwhat they wanted?\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla looks like he\Ndropped his keys down a drain\Nwhen he saw megalon fly away\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}now Godizilla gets to grab\Nsomeone else's tail for once!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best Godzilla\Nmovie\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This fight except Johnny Cash\Nsinging Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh no. how will our heroes\Nget out of this one?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The soundtrack should be\NJohnny Cash's Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}For future reference,\NMegalodon, you should lead\Nwith this maser/bomb attack,\Ndon't hold it back\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he's been beheaded before,\Nit's not a big deal, let them\Ndo it\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:17:40.00,1:18:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's 3 m + left in the\Nbasketball game therefore I\Nhave plenty of time to finish\Nthis movie and catch the last\N20m of the game\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess the Seatopians got\Nwhat they wanted?\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla looks like he\Ndropped his keys down a drain\Nwhen he saw megalon fly away\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}now Godizilla gets to grab\Nsomeone else's tail for once!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best Godzilla\Nmovie\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This fight except Johnny Cash\Nsinging Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh no. how will our heroes\Nget out of this one?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The soundtrack should be\NJohnny Cash's Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}For future reference,\NMegalodon, you should lead\Nwith this maser/bomb attack,\Ndon't hold it back\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:19.00,1:18:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm not a fan of Godzilla's\Nstripped down, non-glowy\Ndorsal fins\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's 3 m + left in the\Nbasketball game therefore I\Nhave plenty of time to finish\Nthis movie and catch the last\N20m of the game\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess the Seatopians got\Nwhat they wanted?\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla looks like he\Ndropped his keys down a drain\Nwhen he saw megalon fly away\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}now Godizilla gets to grab\Nsomeone else's tail for once!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best Godzilla\Nmovie\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This fight except Johnny Cash\Nsinging Ring of Fire\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh no. how will our heroes\Nget out of this one?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:21.00,1:18:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm not a fan of Godzilla's\Nstripped down, non-glowy\Ndorsal fins\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's 3 m + left in the\Nbasketball game therefore I\Nhave plenty of time to finish\Nthis movie and catch the last\N20m of the game\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess the Seatopians got\Nwhat they wanted?\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla looks like he\Ndropped his keys down a drain\Nwhen he saw megalon fly away\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}now Godizilla gets to grab\Nsomeone else's tail for once!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best Godzilla\Nmovie\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This fight except Johnny Cash\Nsinging Ring of Fire\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:42.00,1:18:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wanted a chest bump\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm not a fan of Godzilla's\Nstripped down, non-glowy\Ndorsal fins\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's 3 m + left in the\Nbasketball game therefore I\Nhave plenty of time to finish\Nthis movie and catch the last\N20m of the game\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess the Seatopians got\Nwhat they wanted?\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla looks like he\Ndropped his keys down a drain\Nwhen he saw megalon fly away\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}now Godizilla gets to grab\Nsomeone else's tail for once!\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the best Godzilla\Nmovie\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:46.00,1:19:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now they're just fooling\Naround.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wanted a chest bump\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm not a fan of Godzilla's\Nstripped down, non-glowy\Ndorsal fins\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's 3 m + left in the\Nbasketball game therefore I\Nhave plenty of time to finish\Nthis movie and catch the last\N20m of the game\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess the Seatopians got\Nwhat they wanted?\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla looks like he\Ndropped his keys down a drain\Nwhen he saw megalon fly away\N\N{\c&HA9A8F1&}Blue\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}now Godizilla gets to grab\Nsomeone else's tail for once!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:29.00,1:19:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i would just stay big\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now they're just fooling\Naround.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wanted a chest bump\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm not a fan of Godzilla's\Nstripped down, non-glowy\Ndorsal fins\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's 3 m + left in the\Nbasketball game therefore I\Nhave plenty of time to finish\Nthis movie and catch the last\N20m of the game\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess the Seatopians got\Nwhat they wanted?\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla looks like he\Ndropped his keys down a drain\Nwhen he saw megalon fly away\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:46.00,1:20:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Alexa, tell Jet Jaguar to\Ngo"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i would just stay big\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now they're just fooling\Naround.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wanted a chest bump\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm not a fan of Godzilla's\Nstripped down, non-glowy\Ndorsal fins\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's 3 m + left in the\Nbasketball game therefore I\Nhave plenty of time to finish\Nthis movie and catch the last\N20m of the game\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess the Seatopians got\Nwhat they wanted?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:20:10.00,1:20:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah ok good he's not\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Alexa, tell Jet Jaguar to\Ngo"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i would just stay big\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now they're just fooling\Naround.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wanted a chest bump\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm not a fan of Godzilla's\Nstripped down, non-glowy\Ndorsal fins\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's 3 m + left in the\Nbasketball game therefore I\Nhave plenty of time to finish\Nthis movie and catch the last\N20m of the game\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I guess the Seatopians got\Nwhat they wanted?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:20:22.00,1:20:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Close down all the exit\Npoints!"[Massive\NExplosions]"What! I mean,\Nlike, shut the door!"\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah ok good he's not\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Alexa, tell Jet Jaguar to\Ngo"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i would just stay big\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now they're just fooling\Naround.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wanted a chest bump\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm not a fan of Godzilla's\Nstripped down, non-glowy\Ndorsal fins\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's 3 m + left in the\Nbasketball game therefore I\Nhave plenty of time to finish\Nthis movie and catch the last\N20m of the game\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:20:58.00,1:21:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they just still down there?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Close down all the exit\Npoints!"[Massive\NExplosions]"What! I mean,\Nlike, shut the door!"\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah ok good he's not\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Alexa, tell Jet Jaguar to\Ngo"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i would just stay big\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now they're just fooling\Naround.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wanted a chest bump\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm not a fan of Godzilla's\Nstripped down, non-glowy\Ndorsal fins\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:04.00,1:21:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret ok we need do\NJet/Godzilla now\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they just still down there?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Close down all the exit\Npoints!"[Massive\NExplosions]"What! I mean,\Nlike, shut the door!"\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah ok good he's not\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Alexa, tell Jet Jaguar to\Ngo"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i would just stay big\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now they're just fooling\Naround.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wanted a chest bump\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:06.00,1:22:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret ok we need do\NJet/Godzilla now\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they just still down there?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Close down all the exit\Npoints!"[Massive\NExplosions]"What! I mean,\Nlike, shut the door!"\N\N{\c&HB7CED6&}Hypertuned Wow Platinum\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah ok good he's not\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Alexa, tell Jet Jaguar to\Ngo"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i would just stay big\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Now they're just fooling\Naround.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wanted a chest bump\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret It's Pride Month\Nafter all\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kiss him\N\N