[Script Info] Title: Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters ScriptType: v4.00+ Collisions: Normal PlayResX: 1920 PlayResY: 1080 [V4+ Styles] Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding Style: Default,Arial,30,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H80000000,-1,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,0,2,10,10,10,1 [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:00:07.00,0:01:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's a damn anime now?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:01:50.00,0:02:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg it’s an anime?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's a damn anime now?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:02:04.00,0:04:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Any planet as long as it\Nisn't Tatooine\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg it’s an anime?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's a damn anime now?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:02.00,0:05:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!\N:blobastonished: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Any planet as long as it\Nisn't Tatooine\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg it’s an anime?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's a damn anime now?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:05:51.00,0:06:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol is this a sequel to Final\NWars?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!\N:blobastonished: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Any planet as long as it\Nisn't Tatooine\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg it’s an anime?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's a damn anime now?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:06:39.00,0:08:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I think\Njust the shuttle, not the\Ncatwalk mothership\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol is this a sequel to Final\NWars?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!\N:blobastonished: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Any planet as long as it\Nisn't Tatooine\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg it’s an anime?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's a damn anime now?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:08:07.00,0:10:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A Godzilla killed that\Nkid’s mom and dad!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I think\Njust the shuttle, not the\Ncatwalk mothership\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol is this a sequel to Final\NWars?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!\N:blobastonished: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Any planet as long as it\Nisn't Tatooine\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg it’s an anime?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's a damn anime now?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:10:17.00,0:10:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is grim so far\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A Godzilla killed that\Nkid’s mom and dad!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I think\Njust the shuttle, not the\Ncatwalk mothership\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol is this a sequel to Final\NWars?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!\N:blobastonished: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Any planet as long as it\Nisn't Tatooine\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg it’s an anime?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's a damn anime now?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:10:48.00,0:10:59.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait a moment! I signed up to\Nwatch a nice Kaiju movie, and\Nnow I've been tricked into\Nwatching some kind of anime?I\Nfeel betrayed. I want rubber\Nsuits.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is grim so far\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A Godzilla killed that\Nkid’s mom and dad!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I think\Njust the shuttle, not the\Ncatwalk mothership\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol is this a sequel to Final\NWars?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!\N:blobastonished: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Any planet as long as it\Nisn't Tatooine\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg it’s an anime?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's a damn anime now?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:10:59.00,0:11:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they should have\Nchosen a pastel color scheme\Nfor the ship to improve\Nmorale. 20-20 hindsight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait a moment! I signed up to\Nwatch a nice Kaiju movie, and\Nnow I've been tricked into\Nwatching some kind of anime?I\Nfeel betrayed. I want rubber\Nsuits.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is grim so far\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A Godzilla killed that\Nkid’s mom and dad!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I think\Njust the shuttle, not the\Ncatwalk mothership\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol is this a sequel to Final\NWars?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!\N:blobastonished: :ablobspin:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Any planet as long as it\Nisn't Tatooine\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:11:19.00,0:11:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Gloomy is not what I look for\Nin godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they should have\Nchosen a pastel color scheme\Nfor the ship to improve\Nmorale. 20-20 hindsight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait a moment! I signed up to\Nwatch a nice Kaiju movie, and\Nnow I've been tricked into\Nwatching some kind of anime?I\Nfeel betrayed. I want rubber\Nsuits.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is grim so far\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A Godzilla killed that\Nkid’s mom and dad!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I think\Njust the shuttle, not the\Ncatwalk mothership\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol is this a sequel to Final\NWars?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!\N:blobastonished: :ablobspin:\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:11:31.00,0:12:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla just walked away at\Nthe end of Final Wars right?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Gloomy is not what I look for\Nin godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they should have\Nchosen a pastel color scheme\Nfor the ship to improve\Nmorale. 20-20 hindsight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait a moment! I signed up to\Nwatch a nice Kaiju movie, and\Nnow I've been tricked into\Nwatching some kind of anime?I\Nfeel betrayed. I want rubber\Nsuits.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is grim so far\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A Godzilla killed that\Nkid’s mom and dad!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I think\Njust the shuttle, not the\Ncatwalk mothership\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol is this a sequel to Final\NWars?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:22.00,0:12:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The English voice acting is\Npretty good\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla just walked away at\Nthe end of Final Wars right?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Gloomy is not what I look for\Nin godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they should have\Nchosen a pastel color scheme\Nfor the ship to improve\Nmorale. 20-20 hindsight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait a moment! I signed up to\Nwatch a nice Kaiju movie, and\Nnow I've been tricked into\Nwatching some kind of anime?I\Nfeel betrayed. I want rubber\Nsuits.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is grim so far\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A Godzilla killed that\Nkid’s mom and dad!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien I think\Njust the shuttle, not the\Ncatwalk mothership\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:38.00,0:15:49.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}All the long shots in this\Nmovie look great but\Ncharacter close ups stay\Nweird looking\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The English voice acting is\Npretty good\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla just walked away at\Nthe end of Final Wars right?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Gloomy is not what I look for\Nin godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they should have\Nchosen a pastel color scheme\Nfor the ship to improve\Nmorale. 20-20 hindsight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait a moment! I signed up to\Nwatch a nice Kaiju movie, and\Nnow I've been tricked into\Nwatching some kind of anime?I\Nfeel betrayed. I want rubber\Nsuits.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is grim so far\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A Godzilla killed that\Nkid’s mom and dad!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:49.00,0:16:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}40 megatons of nucleoplasm???\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}All the long shots in this\Nmovie look great but\Ncharacter close ups stay\Nweird looking\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The English voice acting is\Npretty good\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla just walked away at\Nthe end of Final Wars right?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Gloomy is not what I look for\Nin godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they should have\Nchosen a pastel color scheme\Nfor the ship to improve\Nmorale. 20-20 hindsight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait a moment! I signed up to\Nwatch a nice Kaiju movie, and\Nnow I've been tricked into\Nwatching some kind of anime?I\Nfeel betrayed. I want rubber\Nsuits.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is grim so far\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:04.00,0:17:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Our ship is failing and our\Nentire species is dying.And\Nthen there's the problem of\Nthat essay!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}40 megatons of nucleoplasm???\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}All the long shots in this\Nmovie look great but\Ncharacter close ups stay\Nweird looking\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The English voice acting is\Npretty good\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla just walked away at\Nthe end of Final Wars right?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Gloomy is not what I look for\Nin godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they should have\Nchosen a pastel color scheme\Nfor the ship to improve\Nmorale. 20-20 hindsight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait a moment! I signed up to\Nwatch a nice Kaiju movie, and\Nnow I've been tricked into\Nwatching some kind of anime?I\Nfeel betrayed. I want rubber\Nsuits.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:17:12.00,0:18:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like nucleoplasm or\Nwhatever would be like a\Npowerup for a monster borne\Nof nuclear radiation rather\Nthan a good weapon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Our ship is failing and our\Nentire species is dying.And\Nthen there's the problem of\Nthat essay!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}40 megatons of nucleoplasm???\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}All the long shots in this\Nmovie look great but\Ncharacter close ups stay\Nweird looking\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The English voice acting is\Npretty good\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla just walked away at\Nthe end of Final Wars right?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Gloomy is not what I look for\Nin godzilla\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they should have\Nchosen a pastel color scheme\Nfor the ship to improve\Nmorale. 20-20 hindsight\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:08.00,0:20:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Subspace warp jump yesssss\Nlet’s gooo\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like nucleoplasm or\Nwhatever would be like a\Npowerup for a monster borne\Nof nuclear radiation rather\Nthan a good weapon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Our ship is failing and our\Nentire species is dying.And\Nthen there's the problem of\Nthat essay!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}40 megatons of nucleoplasm???\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}All the long shots in this\Nmovie look great but\Ncharacter close ups stay\Nweird looking\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The English voice acting is\Npretty good\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla just walked away at\Nthe end of Final Wars right?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Gloomy is not what I look for\Nin godzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:44.00,0:20:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}warp hyperspace lightspeed\Njump\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Subspace warp jump yesssss\Nlet’s gooo\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like nucleoplasm or\Nwhatever would be like a\Npowerup for a monster borne\Nof nuclear radiation rather\Nthan a good weapon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Our ship is failing and our\Nentire species is dying.And\Nthen there's the problem of\Nthat essay!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}40 megatons of nucleoplasm???\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}All the long shots in this\Nmovie look great but\Ncharacter close ups stay\Nweird looking\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The English voice acting is\Npretty good\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla just walked away at\Nthe end of Final Wars right?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:51.00,0:21:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they went too far back in\Ntime...if they went to like\N2016 they could have\Nleveraged social media to\Nbrainwash us with their\Nreligion much more\Neffectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}warp hyperspace lightspeed\Njump\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Subspace warp jump yesssss\Nlet’s gooo\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like nucleoplasm or\Nwhatever would be like a\Npowerup for a monster borne\Nof nuclear radiation rather\Nthan a good weapon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Our ship is failing and our\Nentire species is dying.And\Nthen there's the problem of\Nthat essay!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}40 megatons of nucleoplasm???\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}All the long shots in this\Nmovie look great but\Ncharacter close ups stay\Nweird looking\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:02.00,0:21:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well that little trip was\Neasy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they went too far back in\Ntime...if they went to like\N2016 they could have\Nleveraged social media to\Nbrainwash us with their\Nreligion much more\Neffectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}warp hyperspace lightspeed\Njump\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Subspace warp jump yesssss\Nlet’s gooo\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like nucleoplasm or\Nwhatever would be like a\Npowerup for a monster borne\Nof nuclear radiation rather\Nthan a good weapon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Our ship is failing and our\Nentire species is dying.And\Nthen there's the problem of\Nthat essay!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}40 megatons of nucleoplasm???\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:54.00,0:22:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if this is a sequel to Final\NWars, do these guys know that\NDon Frye woke up Godzilla on\Npurpose in that?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well that little trip was\Neasy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they went too far back in\Ntime...if they went to like\N2016 they could have\Nleveraged social media to\Nbrainwash us with their\Nreligion much more\Neffectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}warp hyperspace lightspeed\Njump\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Subspace warp jump yesssss\Nlet’s gooo\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like nucleoplasm or\Nwhatever would be like a\Npowerup for a monster borne\Nof nuclear radiation rather\Nthan a good weapon\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Our ship is failing and our\Nentire species is dying.And\Nthen there's the problem of\Nthat essay!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:22:46.00,0:23:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's never too soon for\Ncynicism!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if this is a sequel to Final\NWars, do these guys know that\NDon Frye woke up Godzilla on\Npurpose in that?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well that little trip was\Neasy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they went too far back in\Ntime...if they went to like\N2016 they could have\Nleveraged social media to\Nbrainwash us with their\Nreligion much more\Neffectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}warp hyperspace lightspeed\Njump\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Subspace warp jump yesssss\Nlet’s gooo\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like nucleoplasm or\Nwhatever would be like a\Npowerup for a monster borne\Nof nuclear radiation rather\Nthan a good weapon\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:14.00,0:23:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}come on. just land already\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's never too soon for\Ncynicism!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if this is a sequel to Final\NWars, do these guys know that\NDon Frye woke up Godzilla on\Npurpose in that?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well that little trip was\Neasy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they went too far back in\Ntime...if they went to like\N2016 they could have\Nleveraged social media to\Nbrainwash us with their\Nreligion much more\Neffectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}warp hyperspace lightspeed\Njump\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Subspace warp jump yesssss\Nlet’s gooo\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:56.00,0:25:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's still got it obvs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}come on. just land already\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's never too soon for\Ncynicism!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if this is a sequel to Final\NWars, do these guys know that\NDon Frye woke up Godzilla on\Npurpose in that?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well that little trip was\Neasy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they went too far back in\Ntime...if they went to like\N2016 they could have\Nleveraged social media to\Nbrainwash us with their\Nreligion much more\Neffectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}warp hyperspace lightspeed\Njump\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:19.00,0:25:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Life finds a way!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's still got it obvs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}come on. just land already\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's never too soon for\Ncynicism!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if this is a sequel to Final\NWars, do these guys know that\NDon Frye woke up Godzilla on\Npurpose in that?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well that little trip was\Neasy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they went too far back in\Ntime...if they went to like\N2016 they could have\Nleveraged social media to\Nbrainwash us with their\Nreligion much more\Neffectively\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}warp hyperspace lightspeed\Njump\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:20.00,0:29:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He should re-consider. That\Nprison cell seems no worse\Nthan the rest of the ship.\NIt's got a nice window.\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Life finds a way!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's still got it obvs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}come on. just land already\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's never too soon for\Ncynicism!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if this is a sequel to Final\NWars, do these guys know that\NDon Frye woke up Godzilla on\Npurpose in that?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well that little trip was\Neasy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they went too far back in\Ntime...if they went to like\N2016 they could have\Nleveraged social media to\Nbrainwash us with their\Nreligion much more\Neffectively\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:00.00,0:30:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lol they want to observe\NGodzilla’s organ\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He should re-consider. That\Nprison cell seems no worse\Nthan the rest of the ship.\NIt's got a nice window.\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Life finds a way!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's still got it obvs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}come on. just land already\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's never too soon for\Ncynicism!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if this is a sequel to Final\NWars, do these guys know that\NDon Frye woke up Godzilla on\Npurpose in that?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well that little trip was\Neasy\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:16.00,0:30:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kind of a(nother) Death Star\NStrategy\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lol they want to observe\NGodzilla’s organ\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He should re-consider. That\Nprison cell seems no worse\Nthan the rest of the ship.\NIt's got a nice window.\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Life finds a way!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's still got it obvs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}come on. just land already\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's never too soon for\Ncynicism!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if this is a sequel to Final\NWars, do these guys know that\NDon Frye woke up Godzilla on\Npurpose in that?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:45.00,0:30:59.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Eh, I would have just warped\Nsomewhere else at this point.\NLesson learned\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kind of a(nother) Death Star\NStrategy\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lol they want to observe\NGodzilla’s organ\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He should re-consider. That\Nprison cell seems no worse\Nthan the rest of the ship.\NIt's got a nice window.\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Life finds a way!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's still got it obvs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}come on. just land already\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's never too soon for\Ncynicism!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if this is a sequel to Final\NWars, do these guys know that\NDon Frye woke up Godzilla on\Npurpose in that?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:59.00,0:32:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bunch of men on a quest for a\Nmysterious tiny organ okayyyy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Eh, I would have just warped\Nsomewhere else at this point.\NLesson learned\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kind of a(nother) Death Star\NStrategy\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lol they want to observe\NGodzilla’s organ\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He should re-consider. That\Nprison cell seems no worse\Nthan the rest of the ship.\NIt's got a nice window.\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Life finds a way!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's still got it obvs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}come on. just land already\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's never too soon for\Ncynicism!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:02.00,0:32:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Church of the Face-palm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bunch of men on a quest for a\Nmysterious tiny organ okayyyy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Eh, I would have just warped\Nsomewhere else at this point.\NLesson learned\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kind of a(nother) Death Star\NStrategy\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lol they want to observe\NGodzilla’s organ\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He should re-consider. That\Nprison cell seems no worse\Nthan the rest of the ship.\NIt's got a nice window.\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Life finds a way!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's still got it obvs\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}come on. just land already\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}also what happened to the\NXillians?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:13.00,0:36:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, finally back to our home\Nplanet. Let's bomb it, for\Nold time's sake.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Church of the Face-palm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bunch of men on a quest for a\Nmysterious tiny organ okayyyy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Eh, I would have just warped\Nsomewhere else at this point.\NLesson learned\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kind of a(nother) Death Star\NStrategy\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lol they want to observe\NGodzilla’s organ\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He should re-consider. That\Nprison cell seems no worse\Nthan the rest of the ship.\NIt's got a nice window.\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Life finds a way!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's still got it obvs\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:36:51.00,0:37:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, if you want me to take\Nyou seriously, you NEED to\Nstop using the phrase\N"godzilla's organ"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, finally back to our home\Nplanet. Let's bomb it, for\Nold time's sake.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Church of the Face-palm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bunch of men on a quest for a\Nmysterious tiny organ okayyyy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Eh, I would have just warped\Nsomewhere else at this point.\NLesson learned\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kind of a(nother) Death Star\NStrategy\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lol they want to observe\NGodzilla’s organ\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He should re-consider. That\Nprison cell seems no worse\Nthan the rest of the ship.\NIt's got a nice window.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:37:07.00,0:41:23.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, there are pine trees\Nthat can cut through steel,\Nand everyone is just taking\Nthat as normal?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, if you want me to take\Nyou seriously, you NEED to\Nstop using the phrase\N"godzilla's organ"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, finally back to our home\Nplanet. Let's bomb it, for\Nold time's sake.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Church of the Face-palm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bunch of men on a quest for a\Nmysterious tiny organ okayyyy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Eh, I would have just warped\Nsomewhere else at this point.\NLesson learned\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kind of a(nother) Death Star\NStrategy\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lol they want to observe\NGodzilla’s organ\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:23.00,0:42:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Are they going to discover\Nthat the earth is run by apes\Nor something now?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, there are pine trees\Nthat can cut through steel,\Nand everyone is just taking\Nthat as normal?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, if you want me to take\Nyou seriously, you NEED to\Nstop using the phrase\N"godzilla's organ"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, finally back to our home\Nplanet. Let's bomb it, for\Nold time's sake.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Church of the Face-palm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bunch of men on a quest for a\Nmysterious tiny organ okayyyy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Eh, I would have just warped\Nsomewhere else at this point.\NLesson learned\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}kind of a(nother) Death Star\NStrategy\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:41.00,0:44:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we probably should've checked\Nfor dragons before we landed,\Nhuh?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Are they going to discover\Nthat the earth is run by apes\Nor something now?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, there are pine trees\Nthat can cut through steel,\Nand everyone is just taking\Nthat as normal?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, if you want me to take\Nyou seriously, you NEED to\Nstop using the phrase\N"godzilla's organ"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, finally back to our home\Nplanet. Let's bomb it, for\Nold time's sake.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Church of the Face-palm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bunch of men on a quest for a\Nmysterious tiny organ okayyyy\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Eh, I would have just warped\Nsomewhere else at this point.\NLesson learned\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:44:28.00,0:45:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Wonder if it's good\Nto eat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we probably should've checked\Nfor dragons before we landed,\Nhuh?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Are they going to discover\Nthat the earth is run by apes\Nor something now?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, there are pine trees\Nthat can cut through steel,\Nand everyone is just taking\Nthat as normal?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, if you want me to take\Nyou seriously, you NEED to\Nstop using the phrase\N"godzilla's organ"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, finally back to our home\Nplanet. Let's bomb it, for\Nold time's sake.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Church of the Face-palm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bunch of men on a quest for a\Nmysterious tiny organ okayyyy\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:19.00,0:45:24.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well if Earth has\Ndragons now, I call the iron\Nthrone. it's mine\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Wonder if it's good\Nto eat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we probably should've checked\Nfor dragons before we landed,\Nhuh?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Are they going to discover\Nthat the earth is run by apes\Nor something now?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, there are pine trees\Nthat can cut through steel,\Nand everyone is just taking\Nthat as normal?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, if you want me to take\Nyou seriously, you NEED to\Nstop using the phrase\N"godzilla's organ"\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah, finally back to our home\Nplanet. Let's bomb it, for\Nold time's sake.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Church of the Face-palm.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:24.00,0:46:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we could just leave but like,\Nthere's a whole rest of the\Nplanet we might wanna check\Nout first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well if Earth has\Ndragons now, I call the iron\Nthrone. it's mine\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Wonder if it's good\Nto eat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we probably should've checked\Nfor dragons before we landed,\Nhuh?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Are they going to discover\Nthat the earth is run by apes\Nor something now?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, there are pine trees\Nthat can cut through steel,\Nand everyone is just taking\Nthat as normal?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, if you want me to take\Nyou seriously, you NEED to\Nstop using the phrase\N"godzilla's organ"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:50.00,0:48:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah the poplar tree fluff is\Nstill unrelenting in the\Nspring even in the distant\Nfuture\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we could just leave but like,\Nthere's a whole rest of the\Nplanet we might wanna check\Nout first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well if Earth has\Ndragons now, I call the iron\Nthrone. it's mine\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Wonder if it's good\Nto eat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we probably should've checked\Nfor dragons before we landed,\Nhuh?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Are they going to discover\Nthat the earth is run by apes\Nor something now?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, there are pine trees\Nthat can cut through steel,\Nand everyone is just taking\Nthat as normal?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:48:40.00,0:48:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa yeah don’t follow the\Nguy whose plan is to die a\Nhero\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah the poplar tree fluff is\Nstill unrelenting in the\Nspring even in the distant\Nfuture\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we could just leave but like,\Nthere's a whole rest of the\Nplanet we might wanna check\Nout first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well if Earth has\Ndragons now, I call the iron\Nthrone. it's mine\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Wonder if it's good\Nto eat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we probably should've checked\Nfor dragons before we landed,\Nhuh?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Are they going to discover\Nthat the earth is run by apes\Nor something now?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, there are pine trees\Nthat can cut through steel,\Nand everyone is just taking\Nthat as normal?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:48:48.00,0:50:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we're getting close to the\Nthird act here. godzilla\Nbetter show the fuck up\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa yeah don’t follow the\Nguy whose plan is to die a\Nhero\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah the poplar tree fluff is\Nstill unrelenting in the\Nspring even in the distant\Nfuture\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we could just leave but like,\Nthere's a whole rest of the\Nplanet we might wanna check\Nout first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well if Earth has\Ndragons now, I call the iron\Nthrone. it's mine\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Wonder if it's good\Nto eat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we probably should've checked\Nfor dragons before we landed,\Nhuh?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Are they going to discover\Nthat the earth is run by apes\Nor something now?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:53.00,0:52:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So there's a soldier who\Ndoesn't want to go back to\Nspace, and a mech that has to\Nbe left behind?Wait a\Nmoment...!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we're getting close to the\Nthird act here. godzilla\Nbetter show the fuck up\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa yeah don’t follow the\Nguy whose plan is to die a\Nhero\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah the poplar tree fluff is\Nstill unrelenting in the\Nspring even in the distant\Nfuture\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we could just leave but like,\Nthere's a whole rest of the\Nplanet we might wanna check\Nout first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well if Earth has\Ndragons now, I call the iron\Nthrone. it's mine\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Wonder if it's good\Nto eat\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:52:32.00,0:53:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that better be godzilla,\Ngoddamnit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So there's a soldier who\Ndoesn't want to go back to\Nspace, and a mech that has to\Nbe left behind?Wait a\Nmoment...!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we're getting close to the\Nthird act here. godzilla\Nbetter show the fuck up\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa yeah don’t follow the\Nguy whose plan is to die a\Nhero\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah the poplar tree fluff is\Nstill unrelenting in the\Nspring even in the distant\Nfuture\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we could just leave but like,\Nthere's a whole rest of the\Nplanet we might wanna check\Nout first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well if Earth has\Ndragons now, I call the iron\Nthrone. it's mine\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:53:04.00,0:55:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Finally.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that better be godzilla,\Ngoddamnit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So there's a soldier who\Ndoesn't want to go back to\Nspace, and a mech that has to\Nbe left behind?Wait a\Nmoment...!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we're getting close to the\Nthird act here. godzilla\Nbetter show the fuck up\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa yeah don’t follow the\Nguy whose plan is to die a\Nhero\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah the poplar tree fluff is\Nstill unrelenting in the\Nspring even in the distant\Nfuture\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we could just leave but like,\Nthere's a whole rest of the\Nplanet we might wanna check\Nout first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay well if Earth has\Ndragons now, I call the iron\Nthrone. it's mine\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:55:46.00,0:56:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla upgraded its roar\Nwith THX not sure what to\Nthink of that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Finally.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that better be godzilla,\Ngoddamnit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So there's a soldier who\Ndoesn't want to go back to\Nspace, and a mech that has to\Nbe left behind?Wait a\Nmoment...!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we're getting close to the\Nthird act here. godzilla\Nbetter show the fuck up\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa yeah don’t follow the\Nguy whose plan is to die a\Nhero\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah the poplar tree fluff is\Nstill unrelenting in the\Nspring even in the distant\Nfuture\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we could just leave but like,\Nthere's a whole rest of the\Nplanet we might wanna check\Nout first\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:56:08.00,0:57:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does look pretty\Ncool\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla upgraded its roar\Nwith THX not sure what to\Nthink of that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Finally.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that better be godzilla,\Ngoddamnit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So there's a soldier who\Ndoesn't want to go back to\Nspace, and a mech that has to\Nbe left behind?Wait a\Nmoment...!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we're getting close to the\Nthird act here. godzilla\Nbetter show the fuck up\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa yeah don’t follow the\Nguy whose plan is to die a\Nhero\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah the poplar tree fluff is\Nstill unrelenting in the\Nspring even in the distant\Nfuture\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:04.00,0:57:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Was he attacking Godzilla in\Norder to find out where the\Nmysterious organ is located?\NOr just going nuts?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does look pretty\Ncool\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla upgraded its roar\Nwith THX not sure what to\Nthink of that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Finally.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that better be godzilla,\Ngoddamnit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So there's a soldier who\Ndoesn't want to go back to\Nspace, and a mech that has to\Nbe left behind?Wait a\Nmoment...!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we're getting close to the\Nthird act here. godzilla\Nbetter show the fuck up\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Whoa yeah don’t follow the\Nguy whose plan is to die a\Nhero\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:48.00,0:57:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg that shot where his hover\Nbike arcs over the clouds to\Ndrop back down\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Was he attacking Godzilla in\Norder to find out where the\Nmysterious organ is located?\NOr just going nuts?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does look pretty\Ncool\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla upgraded its roar\Nwith THX not sure what to\Nthink of that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Finally.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that better be godzilla,\Ngoddamnit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So there's a soldier who\Ndoesn't want to go back to\Nspace, and a mech that has to\Nbe left behind?Wait a\Nmoment...!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we're getting close to the\Nthird act here. godzilla\Nbetter show the fuck up\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:53.00,1:00:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we COULD all die fighting\Ngodzilla or OR - here me out\N- we could just go live on\Nsome other part of the planet\Nwhere godzilla isn't\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg that shot where his hover\Nbike arcs over the clouds to\Ndrop back down\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Was he attacking Godzilla in\Norder to find out where the\Nmysterious organ is located?\NOr just going nuts?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does look pretty\Ncool\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla upgraded its roar\Nwith THX not sure what to\Nthink of that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Finally.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that better be godzilla,\Ngoddamnit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So there's a soldier who\Ndoesn't want to go back to\Nspace, and a mech that has to\Nbe left behind?Wait a\Nmoment...!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:00:04.00,1:01:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, but ...even if we kill\NGodzilla, won't the planet\Nstill be infested with\Ndragons?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we COULD all die fighting\Ngodzilla or OR - here me out\N- we could just go live on\Nsome other part of the planet\Nwhere godzilla isn't\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg that shot where his hover\Nbike arcs over the clouds to\Ndrop back down\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Was he attacking Godzilla in\Norder to find out where the\Nmysterious organ is located?\NOr just going nuts?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does look pretty\Ncool\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla upgraded its roar\Nwith THX not sure what to\Nthink of that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Finally.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that better be godzilla,\Ngoddamnit\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:01:12.00,1:02:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They keep saying "The dorsal\Nfin", but doesn't godzilla\Nhave a whole dorsal ridge?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, but ...even if we kill\NGodzilla, won't the planet\Nstill be infested with\Ndragons?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we COULD all die fighting\Ngodzilla or OR - here me out\N- we could just go live on\Nsome other part of the planet\Nwhere godzilla isn't\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg that shot where his hover\Nbike arcs over the clouds to\Ndrop back down\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Was he attacking Godzilla in\Norder to find out where the\Nmysterious organ is located?\NOr just going nuts?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does look pretty\Ncool\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla upgraded its roar\Nwith THX not sure what to\Nthink of that\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:02:46.00,1:03:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so by "provoke godzilla from\Na distance" they meant fly\Nstraight into his face\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They keep saying "The dorsal\Nfin", but doesn't godzilla\Nhave a whole dorsal ridge?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, but ...even if we kill\NGodzilla, won't the planet\Nstill be infested with\Ndragons?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we COULD all die fighting\Ngodzilla or OR - here me out\N- we could just go live on\Nsome other part of the planet\Nwhere godzilla isn't\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg that shot where his hover\Nbike arcs over the clouds to\Ndrop back down\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Was he attacking Godzilla in\Norder to find out where the\Nmysterious organ is located?\NOr just going nuts?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla does look pretty\Ncool\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:05.00,1:03:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell The others are\Nprobably all spares\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so by "provoke godzilla from\Na distance" they meant fly\Nstraight into his face\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They keep saying "The dorsal\Nfin", but doesn't godzilla\Nhave a whole dorsal ridge?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, but ...even if we kill\NGodzilla, won't the planet\Nstill be infested with\Ndragons?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we COULD all die fighting\Ngodzilla or OR - here me out\N- we could just go live on\Nsome other part of the planet\Nwhere godzilla isn't\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg that shot where his hover\Nbike arcs over the clouds to\Ndrop back down\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Was he attacking Godzilla in\Norder to find out where the\Nmysterious organ is located?\NOr just going nuts?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:50.00,1:04:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah see. godzilla is the boss\Nand the dragons are his adds\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell The others are\Nprobably all spares\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so by "provoke godzilla from\Na distance" they meant fly\Nstraight into his face\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They keep saying "The dorsal\Nfin", but doesn't godzilla\Nhave a whole dorsal ridge?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, but ...even if we kill\NGodzilla, won't the planet\Nstill be infested with\Ndragons?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we COULD all die fighting\Ngodzilla or OR - here me out\N- we could just go live on\Nsome other part of the planet\Nwhere godzilla isn't\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg that shot where his hover\Nbike arcs over the clouds to\Ndrop back down\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Was he attacking Godzilla in\Norder to find out where the\Nmysterious organ is located?\NOr just going nuts?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:02.00,1:04:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Weren't they supposed to keep\Ntheir distance?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah see. godzilla is the boss\Nand the dragons are his adds\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell The others are\Nprobably all spares\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so by "provoke godzilla from\Na distance" they meant fly\Nstraight into his face\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They keep saying "The dorsal\Nfin", but doesn't godzilla\Nhave a whole dorsal ridge?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, but ...even if we kill\NGodzilla, won't the planet\Nstill be infested with\Ndragons?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we COULD all die fighting\Ngodzilla or OR - here me out\N- we could just go live on\Nsome other part of the planet\Nwhere godzilla isn't\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg that shot where his hover\Nbike arcs over the clouds to\Ndrop back down\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:07.00,1:06:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Take the five pilots with\Nthe most testosterone..."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Weren't they supposed to keep\Ntheir distance?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah see. godzilla is the boss\Nand the dragons are his adds\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell The others are\Nprobably all spares\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so by "provoke godzilla from\Na distance" they meant fly\Nstraight into his face\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They keep saying "The dorsal\Nfin", but doesn't godzilla\Nhave a whole dorsal ridge?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, but ...even if we kill\NGodzilla, won't the planet\Nstill be infested with\Ndragons?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we COULD all die fighting\Ngodzilla or OR - here me out\N- we could just go live on\Nsome other part of the planet\Nwhere godzilla isn't\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:06:34.00,1:07:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He spent the last 20,000\Nyears lifting.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Take the five pilots with\Nthe most testosterone..."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Weren't they supposed to keep\Ntheir distance?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah see. godzilla is the boss\Nand the dragons are his adds\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell The others are\Nprobably all spares\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so by "provoke godzilla from\Na distance" they meant fly\Nstraight into his face\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They keep saying "The dorsal\Nfin", but doesn't godzilla\Nhave a whole dorsal ridge?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, but ...even if we kill\NGodzilla, won't the planet\Nstill be infested with\Ndragons?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}we COULD all die fighting\Ngodzilla or OR - here me out\N- we could just go live on\Nsome other part of the planet\Nwhere godzilla isn't\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:42.00,1:08:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like when Chevy Chase\Ntook the fam to Wally World\Nbut it was closed but they\Nwere going in anyway we came\Nall this way dammit!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He spent the last 20,000\Nyears lifting.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Take the five pilots with\Nthe most testosterone..."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Weren't they supposed to keep\Ntheir distance?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah see. godzilla is the boss\Nand the dragons are his adds\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell The others are\Nprobably all spares\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so by "provoke godzilla from\Na distance" they meant fly\Nstraight into his face\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They keep saying "The dorsal\Nfin", but doesn't godzilla\Nhave a whole dorsal ridge?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:42.00,1:09:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh Sunk cost fallacy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like when Chevy Chase\Ntook the fam to Wally World\Nbut it was closed but they\Nwere going in anyway we came\Nall this way dammit!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He spent the last 20,000\Nyears lifting.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Take the five pilots with\Nthe most testosterone..."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Weren't they supposed to keep\Ntheir distance?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah see. godzilla is the boss\Nand the dragons are his adds\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell The others are\Nprobably all spares\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so by "provoke godzilla from\Na distance" they meant fly\Nstraight into his face\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They keep saying "The dorsal\Nfin", but doesn't godzilla\Nhave a whole dorsal ridge?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:09:39.00,1:10:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those dorsal fins look sharp\Nand nasty\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh Sunk cost fallacy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like when Chevy Chase\Ntook the fam to Wally World\Nbut it was closed but they\Nwere going in anyway we came\Nall this way dammit!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He spent the last 20,000\Nyears lifting.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Take the five pilots with\Nthe most testosterone..."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Weren't they supposed to keep\Ntheir distance?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah see. godzilla is the boss\Nand the dragons are his adds\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell The others are\Nprobably all spares\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so by "provoke godzilla from\Na distance" they meant fly\Nstraight into his face\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:10:01.00,1:13:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Aw, I feel sorry for Godzilla\Nnow\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those dorsal fins look sharp\Nand nasty\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh Sunk cost fallacy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like when Chevy Chase\Ntook the fam to Wally World\Nbut it was closed but they\Nwere going in anyway we came\Nall this way dammit!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He spent the last 20,000\Nyears lifting.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Take the five pilots with\Nthe most testosterone..."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Weren't they supposed to keep\Ntheir distance?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah see. godzilla is the boss\Nand the dragons are his adds\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell The others are\Nprobably all spares\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:13:01.00,1:15:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}probe insertion successful\N:bloblewd:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Aw, I feel sorry for Godzilla\Nnow\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those dorsal fins look sharp\Nand nasty\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh Sunk cost fallacy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like when Chevy Chase\Ntook the fam to Wally World\Nbut it was closed but they\Nwere going in anyway we came\Nall this way dammit!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He spent the last 20,000\Nyears lifting.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Take the five pilots with\Nthe most testosterone..."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Weren't they supposed to keep\Ntheir distance?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ah see. godzilla is the boss\Nand the dragons are his adds\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:03.00,1:15:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, he didn't even get a\Nchance to send a radioactive\Nbreath attack off as\Nforeshadowed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}probe insertion successful\N:bloblewd:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Aw, I feel sorry for Godzilla\Nnow\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those dorsal fins look sharp\Nand nasty\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh Sunk cost fallacy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like when Chevy Chase\Ntook the fam to Wally World\Nbut it was closed but they\Nwere going in anyway we came\Nall this way dammit!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He spent the last 20,000\Nyears lifting.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Take the five pilots with\Nthe most testosterone..."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Weren't they supposed to keep\Ntheir distance?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:12.00,1:15:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, he didn't even get a\Nchance to send a radioactive\Nbreath attack off as\Nforeshadowed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}probe insertion successful\N:bloblewd:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Aw, I feel sorry for Godzilla\Nnow\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those dorsal fins look sharp\Nand nasty\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh Sunk cost fallacy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like when Chevy Chase\Ntook the fam to Wally World\Nbut it was closed but they\Nwere going in anyway we came\Nall this way dammit!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He spent the last 20,000\Nyears lifting.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:39.00,1:16:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, he didn't even get a\Nchance to send a radioactive\Nbreath attack off as\Nforeshadowed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}probe insertion successful\N:bloblewd:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Aw, I feel sorry for Godzilla\Nnow\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those dorsal fins look sharp\Nand nasty\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh Sunk cost fallacy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like when Chevy Chase\Ntook the fam to Wally World\Nbut it was closed but they\Nwere going in anyway we came\Nall this way dammit!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:16:30.00,1:18:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, he didn't even get a\Nchance to send a radioactive\Nbreath attack off as\Nforeshadowed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}probe insertion successful\N:bloblewd:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Aw, I feel sorry for Godzilla\Nnow\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those dorsal fins look sharp\Nand nasty\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh Sunk cost fallacy\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:02.00,1:19:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, he didn't even get a\Nchance to send a radioactive\Nbreath attack off as\Nforeshadowed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}probe insertion successful\N:bloblewd:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Aw, I feel sorry for Godzilla\Nnow\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those dorsal fins look sharp\Nand nasty\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:25.00,1:19:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, he didn't even get a\Nchance to send a radioactive\Nbreath attack off as\Nforeshadowed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}probe insertion successful\N:bloblewd:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Aw, I feel sorry for Godzilla\Nnow\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:37.00,1:20:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, he didn't even get a\Nchance to send a radioactive\Nbreath attack off as\Nforeshadowed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}probe insertion successful\N:bloblewd:\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:20:26.00,1:20:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bigger Godzilla Theory\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, he didn't even get a\Nchance to send a radioactive\Nbreath attack off as\Nforeshadowed\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:20:39.00,1:21:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}900 GIGAWATTS????!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bigger Godzilla Theory\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, he didn't even get a\Nchance to send a radioactive\Nbreath attack off as\Nforeshadowed\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:15.00,1:21:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suicide is the only option!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}900 GIGAWATTS????!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bigger Godzilla Theory\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:51.00,1:22:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a cliffhanger?! rip\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suicide is the only option!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}900 GIGAWATTS????!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bigger Godzilla Theory\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way there's any\Nkind of explosion that humans\Nsurvive and godzilla doesn't\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:22:52.00,1:23:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's an after credits\Nscene btw\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a cliffhanger?! rip\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suicide is the only option!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}900 GIGAWATTS????!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bigger Godzilla Theory\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did they set off all\Nthose EMP probes without\Nknocking out their own\Nequipment?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:23:28.00,1:23:33.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If he kills Godzilla 2 then\Nan even bigger Godzilla 3 is\Ngoing to rise up, might as\Nwell quit\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's an after credits\Nscene btw\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a cliffhanger?! rip\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suicide is the only option!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}900 GIGAWATTS????!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bigger Godzilla Theory\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He looks exactly like\NGodzilla, so the only logical\Nconclusion is that he is not\NGodzilla.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:23:33.00,1:23:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If he kills Godzilla 2 then\Nan even bigger Godzilla 3 is\Ngoing to rise up, might as\Nwell quit\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's an after credits\Nscene btw\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a cliffhanger?! rip\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suicide is the only option!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}900 GIGAWATTS????!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bigger Godzilla Theory\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:23:45.00,1:24:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Doc Brown is jealous\Nof all those GIGAWATTS\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If he kills Godzilla 2 then\Nan even bigger Godzilla 3 is\Ngoing to rise up, might as\Nwell quit\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's an after credits\Nscene btw\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a cliffhanger?! rip\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suicide is the only option!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}900 GIGAWATTS????!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bigger Godzilla Theory\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL that was just Smolzilla\N:blobcheeky:\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's not any more\Nunbelievable than the rest of\Nit\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:45.00,1:25:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well I don't think there was\Nreally enough of them to\Nre-colonize an entire planet\Nanyway, and their chemistry\Nwasn't that great either\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Doc Brown is jealous\Nof all those GIGAWATTS\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If he kills Godzilla 2 then\Nan even bigger Godzilla 3 is\Ngoing to rise up, might as\Nwell quit\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's an after credits\Nscene btw\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a cliffhanger?! rip\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suicide is the only option!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}900 GIGAWATTS????!!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Bigger Godzilla Theory\N\N{\c&HA053B7&}Zack\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Better Godzilla!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:25:31.00,1:25:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They should have brought\Nmasers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well I don't think there was\Nreally enough of them to\Nre-colonize an entire planet\Nanyway, and their chemistry\Nwasn't that great either\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Doc Brown is jealous\Nof all those GIGAWATTS\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If he kills Godzilla 2 then\Nan even bigger Godzilla 3 is\Ngoing to rise up, might as\Nwell quit\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's an after credits\Nscene btw\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}a cliffhanger?! rip\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suicide is the only option!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}900 GIGAWATTS????!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:25:52.00,1:27:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret thank you it was fun\Nas always and DrawnZilla was\Na bit of a fun switch up\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien At\N1:27:05\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They should have brought\Nmasers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well I don't think there was\Nreally enough of them to\Nre-colonize an entire planet\Nanyway, and their chemistry\Nwasn't that great either\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Doc Brown is jealous\Nof all those GIGAWATTS\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If he kills Godzilla 2 then\Nan even bigger Godzilla 3 is\Ngoing to rise up, might as\Nwell quit\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's an after credits\Nscene btw\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:27:26.00,1:29:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret thank you it was fun\Nas always and DrawnZilla was\Na bit of a fun switch up\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@SeanAloysiusOBrien At\N1:27:05\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They should have brought\Nmasers.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Well I don't think there was\Nreally enough of them to\Nre-colonize an entire planet\Nanyway, and their chemistry\Nwasn't that great either\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Doc Brown is jealous\Nof all those GIGAWATTS\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ty for joining, everyone!!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If he kills Godzilla 2 then\Nan even bigger Godzilla 3 is\Ngoing to rise up, might as\Nwell quit\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's an after credits\Nscene btw\N\N