[Script Info] Title: Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster ScriptType: v4.00+ Collisions: Normal PlayResX: 1920 PlayResY: 1080 [V4+ Styles] Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding Style: Default,Arial,30,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H80000000,-1,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,0,2,10,10,10,1 [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:00:06.00,0:01:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}already loving the very 60's\Nscore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:01:22.00,0:01:23.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wooooo!!!!\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}already loving the very 60's\Nscore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:01:23.00,0:02:33.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What, no cat ears?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wooooo!!!!\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}already loving the very 60's\Nscore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:02:33.00,0:02:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I always put my electronic\Nequipment on the roof - that\Nway it can be water-cooled\Nwhen it rains.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What, no cat ears?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wooooo!!!!\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}already loving the very 60's\Nscore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:02:48.00,0:03:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK so this one isn't solo? I\Nactually thought it would be\Njust Ghidorah since there's\Nno godzilla in the title\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I always put my electronic\Nequipment on the roof - that\Nway it can be water-cooled\Nwhen it rains.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What, no cat ears?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wooooo!!!!\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}already loving the very 60's\Nscore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:03:22.00,0:03:33.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@ambulocetus and include in\Nyour posts!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK so this one isn't solo? I\Nactually thought it would be\Njust Ghidorah since there's\Nno godzilla in the title\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I always put my electronic\Nequipment on the roof - that\Nway it can be water-cooled\Nwhen it rains.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What, no cat ears?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wooooo!!!!\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}already loving the very 60's\Nscore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:03:33.00,0:04:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley Maybe that's\Nall the Godzilla we get\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@ambulocetus and include in\Nyour posts!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK so this one isn't solo? I\Nactually thought it would be\Njust Ghidorah since there's\Nno godzilla in the title\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I always put my electronic\Nequipment on the roof - that\Nway it can be water-cooled\Nwhen it rains.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What, no cat ears?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wooooo!!!!\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}already loving the very 60's\Nscore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:09.00,0:04:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh sure, the heat wave isn't\Njust here, it's the WHOLE\NGALAXY.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley Maybe that's\Nall the Godzilla we get\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@ambulocetus and include in\Nyour posts!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK so this one isn't solo? I\Nactually thought it would be\Njust Ghidorah since there's\Nno godzilla in the title\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I always put my electronic\Nequipment on the roof - that\Nway it can be water-cooled\Nwhen it rains.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What, no cat ears?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wooooo!!!!\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}already loving the very 60's\Nscore\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:37.00,0:05:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The mansplaining is strong\Nhere\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh sure, the heat wave isn't\Njust here, it's the WHOLE\NGALAXY.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley Maybe that's\Nall the Godzilla we get\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@ambulocetus and include in\Nyour posts!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK so this one isn't solo? I\Nactually thought it would be\Njust Ghidorah since there's\Nno godzilla in the title\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I always put my electronic\Nequipment on the roof - that\Nway it can be water-cooled\Nwhen it rains.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What, no cat ears?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wooooo!!!!\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}already loving the very 60's\Nscore\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:05:03.00,0:05:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ma'am that's not an alien\Ninvasion. it's the quadrantid\Nmeteor shower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The mansplaining is strong\Nhere\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh sure, the heat wave isn't\Njust here, it's the WHOLE\NGALAXY.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley Maybe that's\Nall the Godzilla we get\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@ambulocetus and include in\Nyour posts!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK so this one isn't solo? I\Nactually thought it would be\Njust Ghidorah since there's\Nno godzilla in the title\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I always put my electronic\Nequipment on the roof - that\Nway it can be water-cooled\Nwhen it rains.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What, no cat ears?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:05:11.00,0:06:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why is it absurd to get\Nencephalitis in winter?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ma'am that's not an alien\Ninvasion. it's the quadrantid\Nmeteor shower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The mansplaining is strong\Nhere\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh sure, the heat wave isn't\Njust here, it's the WHOLE\NGALAXY.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley Maybe that's\Nall the Godzilla we get\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@ambulocetus and include in\Nyour posts!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK so this one isn't solo? I\Nactually thought it would be\Njust Ghidorah since there's\Nno godzilla in the title\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I always put my electronic\Nequipment on the roof - that\Nway it can be water-cooled\Nwhen it rains.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:06:29.00,0:08:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Did the meteor just hypnotize\Nthe princess?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why is it absurd to get\Nencephalitis in winter?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ma'am that's not an alien\Ninvasion. it's the quadrantid\Nmeteor shower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The mansplaining is strong\Nhere\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh sure, the heat wave isn't\Njust here, it's the WHOLE\NGALAXY.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley Maybe that's\Nall the Godzilla we get\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@ambulocetus and include in\Nyour posts!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK so this one isn't solo? I\Nactually thought it would be\Njust Ghidorah since there's\Nno godzilla in the title\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I always put my electronic\Nequipment on the roof - that\Nway it can be water-cooled\Nwhen it rains.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:08:07.00,0:08:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell and beyond the\Ngalaxy! In another 150\Nmillion years the evidence of\Nthat will reach us\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Did the meteor just hypnotize\Nthe princess?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why is it absurd to get\Nencephalitis in winter?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ma'am that's not an alien\Ninvasion. it's the quadrantid\Nmeteor shower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The mansplaining is strong\Nhere\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh sure, the heat wave isn't\Njust here, it's the WHOLE\NGALAXY.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley Maybe that's\Nall the Godzilla we get\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@ambulocetus and include in\Nyour posts!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK so this one isn't solo? I\Nactually thought it would be\Njust Ghidorah since there's\Nno godzilla in the title\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:08:13.00,0:08:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think I missed something\Nimportant, what nation is\Nthis princess from?I, uh,\Ncan't quite tell from the\Ncostumes. Did they say?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell and beyond the\Ngalaxy! In another 150\Nmillion years the evidence of\Nthat will reach us\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Did the meteor just hypnotize\Nthe princess?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why is it absurd to get\Nencephalitis in winter?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ma'am that's not an alien\Ninvasion. it's the quadrantid\Nmeteor shower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The mansplaining is strong\Nhere\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh sure, the heat wave isn't\Njust here, it's the WHOLE\NGALAXY.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley Maybe that's\Nall the Godzilla we get\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:08:41.00,0:09:23.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there is some award winning\Nwardrobe in this I recommend\Nwatching it just for that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think I missed something\Nimportant, what nation is\Nthis princess from?I, uh,\Ncan't quite tell from the\Ncostumes. Did they say?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell and beyond the\Ngalaxy! In another 150\Nmillion years the evidence of\Nthat will reach us\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Did the meteor just hypnotize\Nthe princess?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why is it absurd to get\Nencephalitis in winter?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ma'am that's not an alien\Ninvasion. it's the quadrantid\Nmeteor shower.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The mansplaining is strong\Nhere\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh sure, the heat wave isn't\Njust here, it's the WHOLE\NGALAXY.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:09:23.00,0:11:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Selgina. Their\Nprimary industry is\Nmanufacturing costumes for\Nthe Shakespeare troupes of\Nmidsized cities\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there is some award winning\Nwardrobe in this I recommend\Nwatching it just for that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think I missed something\Nimportant, what nation is\Nthis princess from?I, uh,\Ncan't quite tell from the\Ncostumes. Did they say?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell and beyond the\Ngalaxy! In another 150\Nmillion years the evidence of\Nthat will reach us\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Did the meteor just hypnotize\Nthe princess?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, why is it absurd to get\Nencephalitis in winter?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ma'am that's not an alien\Ninvasion. it's the quadrantid\Nmeteor shower.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:11:32.00,0:12:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My compass is pointing\Nnorth!""Ha! You must have\Nbought a cheap one.""Wait,\Nmine is doing it\Ntoo!"Experienced orienteers,\Nthese guys.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Selgina. Their\Nprimary industry is\Nmanufacturing costumes for\Nthe Shakespeare troupes of\Nmidsized cities\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there is some award winning\Nwardrobe in this I recommend\Nwatching it just for that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think I missed something\Nimportant, what nation is\Nthis princess from?I, uh,\Ncan't quite tell from the\Ncostumes. Did they say?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell and beyond the\Ngalaxy! In another 150\Nmillion years the evidence of\Nthat will reach us\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Did the meteor just hypnotize\Nthe princess?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:16.00,0:12:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they borrowed this\Nset from a Star Trek episode.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My compass is pointing\Nnorth!""Ha! You must have\Nbought a cheap one.""Wait,\Nmine is doing it\Ntoo!"Experienced orienteers,\Nthese guys.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Selgina. Their\Nprimary industry is\Nmanufacturing costumes for\Nthe Shakespeare troupes of\Nmidsized cities\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there is some award winning\Nwardrobe in this I recommend\Nwatching it just for that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think I missed something\Nimportant, what nation is\Nthis princess from?I, uh,\Ncan't quite tell from the\Ncostumes. Did they say?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell and beyond the\Ngalaxy! In another 150\Nmillion years the evidence of\Nthat will reach us\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:28.00,0:14:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like every kaiju movie\Nshould start by telling you\Nwhich previous movies are\Ngonna be canon to this story\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they borrowed this\Nset from a Star Trek episode.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My compass is pointing\Nnorth!""Ha! You must have\Nbought a cheap one.""Wait,\Nmine is doing it\Ntoo!"Experienced orienteers,\Nthese guys.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Selgina. Their\Nprimary industry is\Nmanufacturing costumes for\Nthe Shakespeare troupes of\Nmidsized cities\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there is some award winning\Nwardrobe in this I recommend\Nwatching it just for that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think I missed something\Nimportant, what nation is\Nthis princess from?I, uh,\Ncan't quite tell from the\Ncostumes. Did they say?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:00.00,0:14:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet a princess who made her\Nstaff dress like that would\Nhave a lot of enemies tho\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like every kaiju movie\Nshould start by telling you\Nwhich previous movies are\Ngonna be canon to this story\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they borrowed this\Nset from a Star Trek episode.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My compass is pointing\Nnorth!""Ha! You must have\Nbought a cheap one.""Wait,\Nmine is doing it\Ntoo!"Experienced orienteers,\Nthese guys.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Selgina. Their\Nprimary industry is\Nmanufacturing costumes for\Nthe Shakespeare troupes of\Nmidsized cities\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there is some award winning\Nwardrobe in this I recommend\Nwatching it just for that\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think I missed something\Nimportant, what nation is\Nthis princess from?I, uh,\Ncan't quite tell from the\Ncostumes. Did they say?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:26.00,0:15:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The earth is on the brink of\Ndestruction!"Yeah, lady, we\Nknow.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet a princess who made her\Nstaff dress like that would\Nhave a lot of enemies tho\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like every kaiju movie\Nshould start by telling you\Nwhich previous movies are\Ngonna be canon to this story\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they borrowed this\Nset from a Star Trek episode.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My compass is pointing\Nnorth!""Ha! You must have\Nbought a cheap one.""Wait,\Nmine is doing it\Ntoo!"Experienced orienteers,\Nthese guys.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Selgina. Their\Nprimary industry is\Nmanufacturing costumes for\Nthe Shakespeare troupes of\Nmidsized cities\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there is some award winning\Nwardrobe in this I recommend\Nwatching it just for that\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:27.00,0:15:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*dr who voice* lots of\Nplanets have a Japan\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The earth is on the brink of\Ndestruction!"Yeah, lady, we\Nknow.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet a princess who made her\Nstaff dress like that would\Nhave a lot of enemies tho\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like every kaiju movie\Nshould start by telling you\Nwhich previous movies are\Ngonna be canon to this story\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they borrowed this\Nset from a Star Trek episode.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My compass is pointing\Nnorth!""Ha! You must have\Nbought a cheap one.""Wait,\Nmine is doing it\Ntoo!"Experienced orienteers,\Nthese guys.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Selgina. Their\Nprimary industry is\Nmanufacturing costumes for\Nthe Shakespeare troupes of\Nmidsized cities\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:32.00,0:16:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}After the big game I love to\Ngo see a street preacher with\Nmy teammates without\Nbothering to change first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*dr who voice* lots of\Nplanets have a Japan\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The earth is on the brink of\Ndestruction!"Yeah, lady, we\Nknow.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet a princess who made her\Nstaff dress like that would\Nhave a lot of enemies tho\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like every kaiju movie\Nshould start by telling you\Nwhich previous movies are\Ngonna be canon to this story\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they borrowed this\Nset from a Star Trek episode.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My compass is pointing\Nnorth!""Ha! You must have\Nbought a cheap one.""Wait,\Nmine is doing it\Ntoo!"Experienced orienteers,\Nthese guys.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:30.00,0:16:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, OK, she MIGHT be from\NVenus, but there's no way\Nshe's right about a volcano\Nerupting!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}After the big game I love to\Ngo see a street preacher with\Nmy teammates without\Nbothering to change first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*dr who voice* lots of\Nplanets have a Japan\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The earth is on the brink of\Ndestruction!"Yeah, lady, we\Nknow.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet a princess who made her\Nstaff dress like that would\Nhave a lot of enemies tho\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like every kaiju movie\Nshould start by telling you\Nwhich previous movies are\Ngonna be canon to this story\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think they borrowed this\Nset from a Star Trek episode.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"My compass is pointing\Nnorth!""Ha! You must have\Nbought a cheap one.""Wait,\Nmine is doing it\Ntoo!"Experienced orienteers,\Nthese guys.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:31.00,0:18:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i swear i spend the first\Nhalf hour of each of these\Ntrying to suss out if Gojira\Nor the first mothra movie are\Ncanon in this one or not\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, OK, she MIGHT be from\NVenus, but there's no way\Nshe's right about a volcano\Nerupting!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}After the big game I love to\Ngo see a street preacher with\Nmy teammates without\Nbothering to change first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*dr who voice* lots of\Nplanets have a Japan\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The earth is on the brink of\Ndestruction!"Yeah, lady, we\Nknow.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet a princess who made her\Nstaff dress like that would\Nhave a lot of enemies tho\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i feel like every kaiju movie\Nshould start by telling you\Nwhich previous movies are\Ngonna be canon to this story\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:06.00,0:18:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought the Venus lady\Nmight have been the princess\Nin disguise but now I'm not\Nsure\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i swear i spend the first\Nhalf hour of each of these\Ntrying to suss out if Gojira\Nor the first mothra movie are\Ncanon in this one or not\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, OK, she MIGHT be from\NVenus, but there's no way\Nshe's right about a volcano\Nerupting!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}After the big game I love to\Ngo see a street preacher with\Nmy teammates without\Nbothering to change first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*dr who voice* lots of\Nplanets have a Japan\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The earth is on the brink of\Ndestruction!"Yeah, lady, we\Nknow.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet a princess who made her\Nstaff dress like that would\Nhave a lot of enemies tho\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:16.00,0:19:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BRING OUT MOSURA\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought the Venus lady\Nmight have been the princess\Nin disguise but now I'm not\Nsure\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i swear i spend the first\Nhalf hour of each of these\Ntrying to suss out if Gojira\Nor the first mothra movie are\Ncanon in this one or not\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, OK, she MIGHT be from\NVenus, but there's no way\Nshe's right about a volcano\Nerupting!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}After the big game I love to\Ngo see a street preacher with\Nmy teammates without\Nbothering to change first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*dr who voice* lots of\Nplanets have a Japan\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The earth is on the brink of\Ndestruction!"Yeah, lady, we\Nknow.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:26.00,0:19:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, the mothra fairies are\Nhere. now we got a movie\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BRING OUT MOSURA\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought the Venus lady\Nmight have been the princess\Nin disguise but now I'm not\Nsure\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i swear i spend the first\Nhalf hour of each of these\Ntrying to suss out if Gojira\Nor the first mothra movie are\Ncanon in this one or not\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, OK, she MIGHT be from\NVenus, but there's no way\Nshe's right about a volcano\Nerupting!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}After the big game I love to\Ngo see a street preacher with\Nmy teammates without\Nbothering to change first\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*dr who voice* lots of\Nplanets have a Japan\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The earth is on the brink of\Ndestruction!"Yeah, lady, we\Nknow.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:51.00,0:20:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}fancy clothes now smol\Nladies! :blobaww: I have no\Nidea where this is going but\Nit sparks joy anyways\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, the mothra fairies are\Nhere. now we got a movie\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BRING OUT MOSURA\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought the Venus lady\Nmight have been the princess\Nin disguise but now I'm not\Nsure\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i swear i spend the first\Nhalf hour of each of these\Ntrying to suss out if Gojira\Nor the first mothra movie are\Ncanon in this one or not\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, OK, she MIGHT be from\NVenus, but there's no way\Nshe's right about a volcano\Nerupting!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}After the big game I love to\Ngo see a street preacher with\Nmy teammates without\Nbothering to change first\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:44.00,0:20:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So happy those little boys\Ndidn't have to be dubbed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}fancy clothes now smol\Nladies! :blobaww: I have no\Nidea where this is going but\Nit sparks joy anyways\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, the mothra fairies are\Nhere. now we got a movie\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BRING OUT MOSURA\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought the Venus lady\Nmight have been the princess\Nin disguise but now I'm not\Nsure\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i swear i spend the first\Nhalf hour of each of these\Ntrying to suss out if Gojira\Nor the first mothra movie are\Ncanon in this one or not\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, OK, she MIGHT be from\NVenus, but there's no way\Nshe's right about a volcano\Nerupting!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}After the big game I love to\Ngo see a street preacher with\Nmy teammates without\Nbothering to change first\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:48.00,0:20:49.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, do the fairies just do\Nthe talk-show circuit now, or\Nwhat?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So happy those little boys\Ndidn't have to be dubbed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}fancy clothes now smol\Nladies! :blobaww: I have no\Nidea where this is going but\Nit sparks joy anyways\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, the mothra fairies are\Nhere. now we got a movie\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BRING OUT MOSURA\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought the Venus lady\Nmight have been the princess\Nin disguise but now I'm not\Nsure\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i swear i spend the first\Nhalf hour of each of these\Ntrying to suss out if Gojira\Nor the first mothra movie are\Ncanon in this one or not\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, OK, she MIGHT be from\NVenus, but there's no way\Nshe's right about a volcano\Nerupting!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:49.00,0:21:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Captions for the Mothra song?\NFinally.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, do the fairies just do\Nthe talk-show circuit now, or\Nwhat?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So happy those little boys\Ndidn't have to be dubbed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}fancy clothes now smol\Nladies! :blobaww: I have no\Nidea where this is going but\Nit sparks joy anyways\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, the mothra fairies are\Nhere. now we got a movie\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BRING OUT MOSURA\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought the Venus lady\Nmight have been the princess\Nin disguise but now I'm not\Nsure\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i swear i spend the first\Nhalf hour of each of these\Ntrying to suss out if Gojira\Nor the first mothra movie are\Ncanon in this one or not\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:26.00,0:21:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The twins have fallen on hard\Ntimes if they're doing this\Nkind of celebrity variety TV\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Captions for the Mothra song?\NFinally.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, do the fairies just do\Nthe talk-show circuit now, or\Nwhat?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So happy those little boys\Ndidn't have to be dubbed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}fancy clothes now smol\Nladies! :blobaww: I have no\Nidea where this is going but\Nit sparks joy anyways\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, the mothra fairies are\Nhere. now we got a movie\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BRING OUT MOSURA\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought the Venus lady\Nmight have been the princess\Nin disguise but now I'm not\Nsure\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:36.00,0:22:33.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So what is the studio\Naudience seeing now?And do\Nthe Infant Island priests do\Nthis whole bowing theing\Nevery night? Or are they\Ndoing it special for this TV\Nshow?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The twins have fallen on hard\Ntimes if they're doing this\Nkind of celebrity variety TV\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Captions for the Mothra song?\NFinally.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, do the fairies just do\Nthe talk-show circuit now, or\Nwhat?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So happy those little boys\Ndidn't have to be dubbed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}fancy clothes now smol\Nladies! :blobaww: I have no\Nidea where this is going but\Nit sparks joy anyways\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay, the mothra fairies are\Nhere. now we got a movie\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:22:33.00,0:23:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they are singing\Nthough...sounds very pretty\Nbut you know shit's gonna go\Ndown before long now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So what is the studio\Naudience seeing now?And do\Nthe Infant Island priests do\Nthis whole bowing theing\Nevery night? Or are they\Ndoing it special for this TV\Nshow?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The twins have fallen on hard\Ntimes if they're doing this\Nkind of celebrity variety TV\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Captions for the Mothra song?\NFinally.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, do the fairies just do\Nthe talk-show circuit now, or\Nwhat?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So happy those little boys\Ndidn't have to be dubbed\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}fancy clothes now smol\Nladies! :blobaww: I have no\Nidea where this is going but\Nit sparks joy anyways\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:01.00,0:23:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}guy bored out of his mind by\Nthe actual fucking fairies\Nlive on tv\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they are singing\Nthough...sounds very pretty\Nbut you know shit's gonna go\Ndown before long now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So what is the studio\Naudience seeing now?And do\Nthe Infant Island priests do\Nthis whole bowing theing\Nevery night? Or are they\Ndoing it special for this TV\Nshow?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The twins have fallen on hard\Ntimes if they're doing this\Nkind of celebrity variety TV\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Captions for the Mothra song?\NFinally.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, do the fairies just do\Nthe talk-show circuit now, or\Nwhat?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So happy those little boys\Ndidn't have to be dubbed\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:14.00,0:23:57.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra caterpillar's got a\Nsnout like a hound dog\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}guy bored out of his mind by\Nthe actual fucking fairies\Nlive on tv\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they are singing\Nthough...sounds very pretty\Nbut you know shit's gonna go\Ndown before long now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So what is the studio\Naudience seeing now?And do\Nthe Infant Island priests do\Nthis whole bowing theing\Nevery night? Or are they\Ndoing it special for this TV\Nshow?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The twins have fallen on hard\Ntimes if they're doing this\Nkind of celebrity variety TV\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Captions for the Mothra song?\NFinally.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, do the fairies just do\Nthe talk-show circuit now, or\Nwhat?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:57.00,0:24:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm going to start dressing\Nlike these royals.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra caterpillar's got a\Nsnout like a hound dog\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}guy bored out of his mind by\Nthe actual fucking fairies\Nlive on tv\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they are singing\Nthough...sounds very pretty\Nbut you know shit's gonna go\Ndown before long now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So what is the studio\Naudience seeing now?And do\Nthe Infant Island priests do\Nthis whole bowing theing\Nevery night? Or are they\Ndoing it special for this TV\Nshow?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The twins have fallen on hard\Ntimes if they're doing this\Nkind of celebrity variety TV\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Captions for the Mothra song?\NFinally.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:01.00,0:24:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ye olde ruffled collars and\Nsunglasses sure are a look\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm going to start dressing\Nlike these royals.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra caterpillar's got a\Nsnout like a hound dog\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}guy bored out of his mind by\Nthe actual fucking fairies\Nlive on tv\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they are singing\Nthough...sounds very pretty\Nbut you know shit's gonna go\Ndown before long now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So what is the studio\Naudience seeing now?And do\Nthe Infant Island priests do\Nthis whole bowing theing\Nevery night? Or are they\Ndoing it special for this TV\Nshow?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The twins have fallen on hard\Ntimes if they're doing this\Nkind of celebrity variety TV\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:07.00,0:24:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There once was a lady from\NVenus...\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ye olde ruffled collars and\Nsunglasses sure are a look\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm going to start dressing\Nlike these royals.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra caterpillar's got a\Nsnout like a hound dog\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}guy bored out of his mind by\Nthe actual fucking fairies\Nlive on tv\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they are singing\Nthough...sounds very pretty\Nbut you know shit's gonna go\Ndown before long now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So what is the studio\Naudience seeing now?And do\Nthe Infant Island priests do\Nthis whole bowing theing\Nevery night? Or are they\Ndoing it special for this TV\Nshow?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The twins have fallen on hard\Ntimes if they're doing this\Nkind of celebrity variety TV\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:39.00,0:24:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh my god it's not just that\None guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There once was a lady from\NVenus...\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ye olde ruffled collars and\Nsunglasses sure are a look\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm going to start dressing\Nlike these royals.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra caterpillar's got a\Nsnout like a hound dog\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}guy bored out of his mind by\Nthe actual fucking fairies\Nlive on tv\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they are singing\Nthough...sounds very pretty\Nbut you know shit's gonna go\Ndown before long now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So what is the studio\Naudience seeing now?And do\Nthe Infant Island priests do\Nthis whole bowing theing\Nevery night? Or are they\Ndoing it special for this TV\Nshow?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:51.00,0:25:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet they call those big\Nfrilly collars "crumb\Ncatchers"\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh my god it's not just that\None guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There once was a lady from\NVenus...\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ye olde ruffled collars and\Nsunglasses sure are a look\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm going to start dressing\Nlike these royals.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra caterpillar's got a\Nsnout like a hound dog\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}guy bored out of his mind by\Nthe actual fucking fairies\Nlive on tv\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they are singing\Nthough...sounds very pretty\Nbut you know shit's gonna go\Ndown before long now\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So what is the studio\Naudience seeing now?And do\Nthe Infant Island priests do\Nthis whole bowing theing\Nevery night? Or are they\Ndoing it special for this TV\Nshow?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:03.00,0:25:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}spreading rumours isn't a\Ncrime in fact it's just\Npolitics as usual\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet they call those big\Nfrilly collars "crumb\Ncatchers"\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh my god it's not just that\None guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There once was a lady from\NVenus...\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ye olde ruffled collars and\Nsunglasses sure are a look\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm going to start dressing\Nlike these royals.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra caterpillar's got a\Nsnout like a hound dog\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}guy bored out of his mind by\Nthe actual fucking fairies\Nlive on tv\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they are singing\Nthough...sounds very pretty\Nbut you know shit's gonna go\Ndown before long now\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:58.00,0:26:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}spreading rumours isn't a\Ncrime in fact it's just\Npolitics as usual\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet they call those big\Nfrilly collars "crumb\Ncatchers"\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh my god it's not just that\None guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There once was a lady from\NVenus...\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ye olde ruffled collars and\Nsunglasses sure are a look\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm going to start dressing\Nlike these royals.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra caterpillar's got a\Nsnout like a hound dog\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}guy bored out of his mind by\Nthe actual fucking fairies\Nlive on tv\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:26:04.00,0:28:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rodan too?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}spreading rumours isn't a\Ncrime in fact it's just\Npolitics as usual\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet they call those big\Nfrilly collars "crumb\Ncatchers"\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh my god it's not just that\None guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There once was a lady from\NVenus...\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ye olde ruffled collars and\Nsunglasses sure are a look\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm going to start dressing\Nlike these royals.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra caterpillar's got a\Nsnout like a hound dog\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:28:13.00,0:28:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the yellow poncho and white\Nhat is some sort of mandatory\Ngrad student uniform I take\Nit? This wardrobe I tell you\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rodan too?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}spreading rumours isn't a\Ncrime in fact it's just\Npolitics as usual\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet they call those big\Nfrilly collars "crumb\Ncatchers"\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh my god it's not just that\None guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There once was a lady from\NVenus...\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ye olde ruffled collars and\Nsunglasses sure are a look\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I'm going to start dressing\Nlike these royals.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:28:30.00,0:28:43.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the yellow poncho and white\Nhat is some sort of mandatory\Ngrad student uniform I take\Nit? This wardrobe I tell you\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rodan too?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}spreading rumours isn't a\Ncrime in fact it's just\Npolitics as usual\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet they call those big\Nfrilly collars "crumb\Ncatchers"\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh my god it's not just that\None guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There once was a lady from\NVenus...\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ye olde ruffled collars and\Nsunglasses sure are a look\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:28:43.00,0:29:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the yellow poncho and white\Nhat is some sort of mandatory\Ngrad student uniform I take\Nit? This wardrobe I tell you\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rodan too?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}spreading rumours isn't a\Ncrime in fact it's just\Npolitics as usual\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet they call those big\Nfrilly collars "crumb\Ncatchers"\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh my god it's not just that\None guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}There once was a lady from\NVenus...\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:29.00,0:29:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the yellow poncho and white\Nhat is some sort of mandatory\Ngrad student uniform I take\Nit? This wardrobe I tell you\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rodan too?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}spreading rumours isn't a\Ncrime in fact it's just\Npolitics as usual\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet they call those big\Nfrilly collars "crumb\Ncatchers"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:38.00,0:29:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bird muppet!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the yellow poncho and white\Nhat is some sort of mandatory\Ngrad student uniform I take\Nit? This wardrobe I tell you\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rodan too?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}spreading rumours isn't a\Ncrime in fact it's just\Npolitics as usual\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I bet they call those big\Nfrilly collars "crumb\Ncatchers"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:58.00,0:30:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's…sam the eagle????\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bird muppet!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the yellow poncho and white\Nhat is some sort of mandatory\Ngrad student uniform I take\Nit? This wardrobe I tell you\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rodan too?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}spreading rumours isn't a\Ncrime in fact it's just\Npolitics as usual\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:17.00,0:30:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it looks so goofy when they\Nspeed up the footage.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's…sam the eagle????\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bird muppet!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the yellow poncho and white\Nhat is some sort of mandatory\Ngrad student uniform I take\Nit? This wardrobe I tell you\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rodan too?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:25.00,0:30:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Itsa baby rodan from Venus\N:blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it looks so goofy when they\Nspeed up the footage.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's…sam the eagle????\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bird muppet!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the yellow poncho and white\Nhat is some sort of mandatory\Ngrad student uniform I take\Nit? This wardrobe I tell you\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Rodan too?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If that's the princess how'd\Nshe get all her hair under\Nthat cap? Venusian magic?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:28.00,0:30:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Back in the 1960s\N$2 could get you a pretty\Nsnazzy looking $2 bill though\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Itsa baby rodan from Venus\N:blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it looks so goofy when they\Nspeed up the footage.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's…sam the eagle????\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bird muppet!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the yellow poncho and white\Nhat is some sort of mandatory\Ngrad student uniform I take\Nit? This wardrobe I tell you\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:37.00,0:30:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Great, now I'm going to be up\Nhalf the night wondering what\Nhappened to that hat...\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Back in the 1960s\N$2 could get you a pretty\Nsnazzy looking $2 bill though\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Itsa baby rodan from Venus\N:blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it looks so goofy when they\Nspeed up the footage.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's…sam the eagle????\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bird muppet!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:46.00,0:30:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I liked the bus models.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Great, now I'm going to be up\Nhalf the night wondering what\Nhappened to that hat...\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Back in the 1960s\N$2 could get you a pretty\Nsnazzy looking $2 bill though\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Itsa baby rodan from Venus\N:blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it looks so goofy when they\Nspeed up the footage.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's…sam the eagle????\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bird muppet!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's fine, dude. you dont\Nwanna be a fedora guy\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:55.00,0:30:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H32D23A&}Merry Jerry, powered by AI\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I still have not seen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I liked the bus models.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Great, now I'm going to be up\Nhalf the night wondering what\Nhappened to that hat...\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Back in the 1960s\N$2 could get you a pretty\Nsnazzy looking $2 bill though\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Itsa baby rodan from Venus\N:blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it looks so goofy when they\Nspeed up the footage.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's…sam the eagle????\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bird muppet!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Awww, that hat is totally\Ngonna get it.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:56.00,0:31:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love to go into a crater\Nthat may be full of deadly\Nvolcanic gases for two\Ndollars\N\N{\c&H32D23A&}Merry Jerry, powered by AI\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I still have not seen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I liked the bus models.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Great, now I'm going to be up\Nhalf the night wondering what\Nhappened to that hat...\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Back in the 1960s\N$2 could get you a pretty\Nsnazzy looking $2 bill though\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Itsa baby rodan from Venus\N:blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it looks so goofy when they\Nspeed up the footage.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's…sam the eagle????\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}bird muppet!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}200 Yen is about $2. They're\Nreally making that guy hustle\Nfor his spare change.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:31:05.00,0:32:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sunglasses guy took off his\Nwhite ruff. The perfect\Ndisguise\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love to go into a crater\Nthat may be full of deadly\Nvolcanic gases for two\Ndollars\N\N{\c&H32D23A&}Merry Jerry, powered by AI\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I still have not seen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I liked the bus models.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Great, now I'm going to be up\Nhalf the night wondering what\Nhappened to that hat...\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Back in the 1960s\N$2 could get you a pretty\Nsnazzy looking $2 bill though\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Itsa baby rodan from Venus\N:blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it looks so goofy when they\Nspeed up the footage.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it's…sam the eagle????\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:36.00,0:32:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}always wear your snuggliest\Nxmas sweater when you go\Nkaiju watching\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sunglasses guy took off his\Nwhite ruff. The perfect\Ndisguise\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love to go into a crater\Nthat may be full of deadly\Nvolcanic gases for two\Ndollars\N\N{\c&H32D23A&}Merry Jerry, powered by AI\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I still have not seen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I liked the bus models.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Great, now I'm going to be up\Nhalf the night wondering what\Nhappened to that hat...\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Back in the 1960s\N$2 could get you a pretty\Nsnazzy looking $2 bill though\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Itsa baby rodan from Venus\N:blobaww:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it looks so goofy when they\Nspeed up the footage.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:55.00,0:36:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HAAD8FF&}Ryan Peters\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What is ?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}always wear your snuggliest\Nxmas sweater when you go\Nkaiju watching\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sunglasses guy took off his\Nwhite ruff. The perfect\Ndisguise\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love to go into a crater\Nthat may be full of deadly\Nvolcanic gases for two\Ndollars\N\N{\c&H32D23A&}Merry Jerry, powered by AI\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I still have not seen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I liked the bus models.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Great, now I'm going to be up\Nhalf the night wondering what\Nhappened to that hat...\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Back in the 1960s\N$2 could get you a pretty\Nsnazzy looking $2 bill though\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Itsa baby rodan from Venus\N:blobaww:\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:36:34.00,0:36:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The bit where the fairies run\Nover and grab the door handle\Nwas nice.Always like to see\Ngiant props.\N\N{\c&HAAD8FF&}Ryan Peters\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What is ?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}always wear your snuggliest\Nxmas sweater when you go\Nkaiju watching\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sunglasses guy took off his\Nwhite ruff. The perfect\Ndisguise\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love to go into a crater\Nthat may be full of deadly\Nvolcanic gases for two\Ndollars\N\N{\c&H32D23A&}Merry Jerry, powered by AI\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I still have not seen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I liked the bus models.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Great, now I'm going to be up\Nhalf the night wondering what\Nhappened to that hat...\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Back in the 1960s\N$2 could get you a pretty\Nsnazzy looking $2 bill though\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:36:58.00,0:37:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}With this many subplots in\Nthe air I don't think we're\Ngoing to have room for\NGhidorah too\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The bit where the fairies run\Nover and grab the door handle\Nwas nice.Always like to see\Ngiant props.\N\N{\c&HAAD8FF&}Ryan Peters\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What is ?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}always wear your snuggliest\Nxmas sweater when you go\Nkaiju watching\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sunglasses guy took off his\Nwhite ruff. The perfect\Ndisguise\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love to go into a crater\Nthat may be full of deadly\Nvolcanic gases for two\Ndollars\N\N{\c&H32D23A&}Merry Jerry, powered by AI\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I still have not seen\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I liked the bus models.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:37:35.00,0:38:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Venus lady learned a lot from\ND B Cooper but laying low\Nwasn't one of them\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}With this many subplots in\Nthe air I don't think we're\Ngoing to have room for\NGhidorah too\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The bit where the fairies run\Nover and grab the door handle\Nwas nice.Always like to see\Ngiant props.\N\N{\c&HAAD8FF&}Ryan Peters\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What is ?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}always wear your snuggliest\Nxmas sweater when you go\Nkaiju watching\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sunglasses guy took off his\Nwhite ruff. The perfect\Ndisguise\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love to go into a crater\Nthat may be full of deadly\Nvolcanic gases for two\Ndollars\N\N{\c&H32D23A&}Merry Jerry, powered by AI\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I still have not seen\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:38:11.00,0:38:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She fell into a dimensional\Ngap. If anything, it makes\Ntoo much sense.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Venus lady learned a lot from\ND B Cooper but laying low\Nwasn't one of them\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}With this many subplots in\Nthe air I don't think we're\Ngoing to have room for\NGhidorah too\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The bit where the fairies run\Nover and grab the door handle\Nwas nice.Always like to see\Ngiant props.\N\N{\c&HAAD8FF&}Ryan Peters\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What is ?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}always wear your snuggliest\Nxmas sweater when you go\Nkaiju watching\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sunglasses guy took off his\Nwhite ruff. The perfect\Ndisguise\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love to go into a crater\Nthat may be full of deadly\Nvolcanic gases for two\Ndollars\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:38:29.00,0:40:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SKREE-ONK!!!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She fell into a dimensional\Ngap. If anything, it makes\Ntoo much sense.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Venus lady learned a lot from\ND B Cooper but laying low\Nwasn't one of them\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}With this many subplots in\Nthe air I don't think we're\Ngoing to have room for\NGhidorah too\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The bit where the fairies run\Nover and grab the door handle\Nwas nice.Always like to see\Ngiant props.\N\N{\c&HAAD8FF&}Ryan Peters\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What is ?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}always wear your snuggliest\Nxmas sweater when you go\Nkaiju watching\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Sunglasses guy took off his\Nwhite ruff. The perfect\Ndisguise\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:08.00,0:40:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. I always love the scene\Nin monster movies where they\Ntalk to a scientist and he\Nsays something like "Most\Npeople don't realize, but\N[completely insane nonsense]"\Nand then the plot just\Nproceeds as if that was fully\Nexplained.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SKREE-ONK!!!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She fell into a dimensional\Ngap. If anything, it makes\Ntoo much sense.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Venus lady learned a lot from\ND B Cooper but laying low\Nwasn't one of them\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}With this many subplots in\Nthe air I don't think we're\Ngoing to have room for\NGhidorah too\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The bit where the fairies run\Nover and grab the door handle\Nwas nice.Always like to see\Ngiant props.\N\N{\c&HAAD8FF&}Ryan Peters\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What is ?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:10.00,0:40:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}at least we get the real\Ngodzilla theme music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. I always love the scene\Nin monster movies where they\Ntalk to a scientist and he\Nsays something like "Most\Npeople don't realize, but\N[completely insane nonsense]"\Nand then the plot just\Nproceeds as if that was fully\Nexplained.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SKREE-ONK!!!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She fell into a dimensional\Ngap. If anything, it makes\Ntoo much sense.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Venus lady learned a lot from\ND B Cooper but laying low\Nwasn't one of them\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}With this many subplots in\Nthe air I don't think we're\Ngoing to have room for\NGhidorah too\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The bit where the fairies run\Nover and grab the door handle\Nwas nice.Always like to see\Ngiant props.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:31.00,0:41:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H5D74D5&}Jim Mutilator Jr.\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it smell crazy in\Nthere\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}at least we get the real\Ngodzilla theme music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. I always love the scene\Nin monster movies where they\Ntalk to a scientist and he\Nsays something like "Most\Npeople don't realize, but\N[completely insane nonsense]"\Nand then the plot just\Nproceeds as if that was fully\Nexplained.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SKREE-ONK!!!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She fell into a dimensional\Ngap. If anything, it makes\Ntoo much sense.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Venus lady learned a lot from\ND B Cooper but laying low\Nwasn't one of them\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}With this many subplots in\Nthe air I don't think we're\Ngoing to have room for\NGhidorah too\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:04.00,0:41:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool to see Godzilla put in\Nan appearance again even\Nthough he's not in the title\Nor anything\N\N{\c&H5D74D5&}Jim Mutilator Jr.\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it smell crazy in\Nthere\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}at least we get the real\Ngodzilla theme music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. I always love the scene\Nin monster movies where they\Ntalk to a scientist and he\Nsays something like "Most\Npeople don't realize, but\N[completely insane nonsense]"\Nand then the plot just\Nproceeds as if that was fully\Nexplained.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SKREE-ONK!!!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She fell into a dimensional\Ngap. If anything, it makes\Ntoo much sense.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Venus lady learned a lot from\ND B Cooper but laying low\Nwasn't one of them\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:47.00,0:42:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh oh, the theramin started\Nplaying. Sh about to hit the\Nfan.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool to see Godzilla put in\Nan appearance again even\Nthough he's not in the title\Nor anything\N\N{\c&H5D74D5&}Jim Mutilator Jr.\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it smell crazy in\Nthere\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}at least we get the real\Ngodzilla theme music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. I always love the scene\Nin monster movies where they\Ntalk to a scientist and he\Nsays something like "Most\Npeople don't realize, but\N[completely insane nonsense]"\Nand then the plot just\Nproceeds as if that was fully\Nexplained.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SKREE-ONK!!!\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She fell into a dimensional\Ngap. If anything, it makes\Ntoo much sense.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:05.00,0:42:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so i guess Rodan ate Magneto\Nat some point must have\Npretty bad indigestion then\Nthis won't turn out well\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh oh, the theramin started\Nplaying. Sh about to hit the\Nfan.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool to see Godzilla put in\Nan appearance again even\Nthough he's not in the title\Nor anything\N\N{\c&H5D74D5&}Jim Mutilator Jr.\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it smell crazy in\Nthere\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}at least we get the real\Ngodzilla theme music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. I always love the scene\Nin monster movies where they\Ntalk to a scientist and he\Nsays something like "Most\Npeople don't realize, but\N[completely insane nonsense]"\Nand then the plot just\Nproceeds as if that was fully\Nexplained.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SKREE-ONK!!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:09.00,0:45:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Must be a quiet fire alarm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so i guess Rodan ate Magneto\Nat some point must have\Npretty bad indigestion then\Nthis won't turn out well\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh oh, the theramin started\Nplaying. Sh about to hit the\Nfan.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool to see Godzilla put in\Nan appearance again even\Nthough he's not in the title\Nor anything\N\N{\c&H5D74D5&}Jim Mutilator Jr.\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it smell crazy in\Nthere\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}at least we get the real\Ngodzilla theme music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. I always love the scene\Nin monster movies where they\Ntalk to a scientist and he\Nsays something like "Most\Npeople don't realize, but\N[completely insane nonsense]"\Nand then the plot just\Nproceeds as if that was fully\Nexplained.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:12.00,0:45:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the fairies sure get around\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Must be a quiet fire alarm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so i guess Rodan ate Magneto\Nat some point must have\Npretty bad indigestion then\Nthis won't turn out well\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh oh, the theramin started\Nplaying. Sh about to hit the\Nfan.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool to see Godzilla put in\Nan appearance again even\Nthough he's not in the title\Nor anything\N\N{\c&H5D74D5&}Jim Mutilator Jr.\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it smell crazy in\Nthere\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}at least we get the real\Ngodzilla theme music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. I always love the scene\Nin monster movies where they\Ntalk to a scientist and he\Nsays something like "Most\Npeople don't realize, but\N[completely insane nonsense]"\Nand then the plot just\Nproceeds as if that was fully\Nexplained.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:20.00,0:45:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She learned method acting on\NVenus\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the fairies sure get around\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Must be a quiet fire alarm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so i guess Rodan ate Magneto\Nat some point must have\Npretty bad indigestion then\Nthis won't turn out well\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh oh, the theramin started\Nplaying. Sh about to hit the\Nfan.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool to see Godzilla put in\Nan appearance again even\Nthough he's not in the title\Nor anything\N\N{\c&H5D74D5&}Jim Mutilator Jr.\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it smell crazy in\Nthere\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}at least we get the real\Ngodzilla theme music\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. I always love the scene\Nin monster movies where they\Ntalk to a scientist and he\Nsays something like "Most\Npeople don't realize, but\N[completely insane nonsense]"\Nand then the plot just\Nproceeds as if that was fully\Nexplained.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:30.00,0:46:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}all cops are1. bastards, and\N2. lousy shots\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She learned method acting on\NVenus\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the fairies sure get around\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Must be a quiet fire alarm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so i guess Rodan ate Magneto\Nat some point must have\Npretty bad indigestion then\Nthis won't turn out well\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh oh, the theramin started\Nplaying. Sh about to hit the\Nfan.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool to see Godzilla put in\Nan appearance again even\Nthough he's not in the title\Nor anything\N\N{\c&H5D74D5&}Jim Mutilator Jr.\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I know it smell crazy in\Nthere\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}at least we get the real\Ngodzilla theme music\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:14.00,0:48:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Where is Ghidora?I was\Npromised a three-headed\Nmonster.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh yeah. id already forgotten\Nabout rodan\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}all cops are1. bastards, and\N2. lousy shots\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She learned method acting on\NVenus\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the fairies sure get around\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Must be a quiet fire alarm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so i guess Rodan ate Magneto\Nat some point must have\Npretty bad indigestion then\Nthis won't turn out well\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh oh, the theramin started\Nplaying. Sh about to hit the\Nfan.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Cool to see Godzilla put in\Nan appearance again even\Nthough he's not in the title\Nor anything\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:48:38.00,0:49:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell My guess is\Nchilling in a magnetic egg\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Where is Ghidora?I was\Npromised a three-headed\Nmonster.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh yeah. id already forgotten\Nabout rodan\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}all cops are1. bastards, and\N2. lousy shots\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She learned method acting on\NVenus\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the fairies sure get around\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Must be a quiet fire alarm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so i guess Rodan ate Magneto\Nat some point must have\Npretty bad indigestion then\Nthis won't turn out well\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Uh oh, the theramin started\Nplaying. Sh about to hit the\Nfan.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:08.00,0:49:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, he's got a pretty\Nwell-equipped lab.You know,\Nfor a psychiatrist.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell My guess is\Nchilling in a magnetic egg\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Where is Ghidora?I was\Npromised a three-headed\Nmonster.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh yeah. id already forgotten\Nabout rodan\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}all cops are1. bastards, and\N2. lousy shots\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She learned method acting on\NVenus\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the fairies sure get around\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Must be a quiet fire alarm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so i guess Rodan ate Magneto\Nat some point must have\Npretty bad indigestion then\Nthis won't turn out well\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:40.00,0:49:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H5492BA&}The Mario of Sucking Things Down\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh look, I dropped my magnum\Ncondom for my\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, he's got a pretty\Nwell-equipped lab.You know,\Nfor a psychiatrist.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell My guess is\Nchilling in a magnetic egg\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Where is Ghidora?I was\Npromised a three-headed\Nmonster.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh yeah. id already forgotten\Nabout rodan\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}all cops are1. bastards, and\N2. lousy shots\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She learned method acting on\NVenus\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the fairies sure get around\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Must be a quiet fire alarm.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so i guess Rodan ate Magneto\Nat some point must have\Npretty bad indigestion then\Nthis won't turn out well\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:50.00,0:50:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You can tell the lab is super\Nhigh tech because of all the\Nblinking lights.\N\N{\c&H5492BA&}The Mario of Sucking Things Down\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh look, I dropped my magnum\Ncondom for my\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, he's got a pretty\Nwell-equipped lab.You know,\Nfor a psychiatrist.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell My guess is\Nchilling in a magnetic egg\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Where is Ghidora?I was\Npromised a three-headed\Nmonster.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh yeah. id already forgotten\Nabout rodan\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}all cops are1. bastards, and\N2. lousy shots\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She learned method acting on\NVenus\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the fairies sure get around\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:19.00,0:50:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}takashi shimura? fuck yeah\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You can tell the lab is super\Nhigh tech because of all the\Nblinking lights.\N\N{\c&H5492BA&}The Mario of Sucking Things Down\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh look, I dropped my magnum\Ncondom for my\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, he's got a pretty\Nwell-equipped lab.You know,\Nfor a psychiatrist.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell My guess is\Nchilling in a magnetic egg\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Where is Ghidora?I was\Npromised a three-headed\Nmonster.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh yeah. id already forgotten\Nabout rodan\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}all cops are1. bastards, and\N2. lousy shots\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}She learned method acting on\NVenus\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:31.00,0:50:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought those kaiju were\Ngoing to be fighting for\Nanother twenty minutes. The\Nscene just ended!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}takashi shimura? fuck yeah\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You can tell the lab is super\Nhigh tech because of all the\Nblinking lights.\N\N{\c&H5492BA&}The Mario of Sucking Things Down\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh look, I dropped my magnum\Ncondom for my\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, he's got a pretty\Nwell-equipped lab.You know,\Nfor a psychiatrist.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell My guess is\Nchilling in a magnetic egg\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Where is Ghidora?I was\Npromised a three-headed\Nmonster.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh yeah. id already forgotten\Nabout rodan\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}all cops are1. bastards, and\N2. lousy shots\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:36.00,0:50:57.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Why does she say she's from\NVenus?""I don't know, I'll\Ngive her an experimental mind\Ncontrol drug. Maybe that'll\Nhelp."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought those kaiju were\Ngoing to be fighting for\Nanother twenty minutes. The\Nscene just ended!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}takashi shimura? fuck yeah\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You can tell the lab is super\Nhigh tech because of all the\Nblinking lights.\N\N{\c&H5492BA&}The Mario of Sucking Things Down\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh look, I dropped my magnum\Ncondom for my\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, he's got a pretty\Nwell-equipped lab.You know,\Nfor a psychiatrist.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell My guess is\Nchilling in a magnetic egg\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Where is Ghidora?I was\Npromised a three-headed\Nmonster.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:57.00,0:51:33.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ghidora will show\Nup soon bad things always\Nhappen in 3s...3 monsters\Nappear the third with 3 heads\Nso it will be epic scale bad\Nright?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Why does she say she's from\NVenus?""I don't know, I'll\Ngive her an experimental mind\Ncontrol drug. Maybe that'll\Nhelp."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought those kaiju were\Ngoing to be fighting for\Nanother twenty minutes. The\Nscene just ended!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}takashi shimura? fuck yeah\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You can tell the lab is super\Nhigh tech because of all the\Nblinking lights.\N\N{\c&H5492BA&}The Mario of Sucking Things Down\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh look, I dropped my magnum\Ncondom for my\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, he's got a pretty\Nwell-equipped lab.You know,\Nfor a psychiatrist.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:51:33.00,0:52:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When camping, remember to\Nleave all your lights on when\Nyou sleep. Bright enough to\Nshine through canvas.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ghidora will show\Nup soon bad things always\Nhappen in 3s...3 monsters\Nappear the third with 3 heads\Nso it will be epic scale bad\Nright?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Why does she say she's from\NVenus?""I don't know, I'll\Ngive her an experimental mind\Ncontrol drug. Maybe that'll\Nhelp."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought those kaiju were\Ngoing to be fighting for\Nanother twenty minutes. The\Nscene just ended!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}takashi shimura? fuck yeah\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You can tell the lab is super\Nhigh tech because of all the\Nblinking lights.\N\N{\c&H5492BA&}The Mario of Sucking Things Down\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh look, I dropped my magnum\Ncondom for my\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:52:50.00,0:54:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh @apLundell I think we're\Ngonna get a 2v2, Ghidorah and\NRodan vs Godzilla and Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When camping, remember to\Nleave all your lights on when\Nyou sleep. Bright enough to\Nshine through canvas.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ghidora will show\Nup soon bad things always\Nhappen in 3s...3 monsters\Nappear the third with 3 heads\Nso it will be epic scale bad\Nright?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Why does she say she's from\NVenus?""I don't know, I'll\Ngive her an experimental mind\Ncontrol drug. Maybe that'll\Nhelp."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought those kaiju were\Ngoing to be fighting for\Nanother twenty minutes. The\Nscene just ended!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}takashi shimura? fuck yeah\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You can tell the lab is super\Nhigh tech because of all the\Nblinking lights.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:54:01.00,0:54:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, space eggs hatch in a\Nreally weird, complicated\Nway.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh @apLundell I think we're\Ngonna get a 2v2, Ghidorah and\NRodan vs Godzilla and Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When camping, remember to\Nleave all your lights on when\Nyou sleep. Bright enough to\Nshine through canvas.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ghidora will show\Nup soon bad things always\Nhappen in 3s...3 monsters\Nappear the third with 3 heads\Nso it will be epic scale bad\Nright?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Why does she say she's from\NVenus?""I don't know, I'll\Ngive her an experimental mind\Ncontrol drug. Maybe that'll\Nhelp."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought those kaiju were\Ngoing to be fighting for\Nanother twenty minutes. The\Nscene just ended!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:54:06.00,0:54:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TFW you accidentally set up\Ncamp on a monster's nest\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, space eggs hatch in a\Nreally weird, complicated\Nway.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh @apLundell I think we're\Ngonna get a 2v2, Ghidorah and\NRodan vs Godzilla and Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When camping, remember to\Nleave all your lights on when\Nyou sleep. Bright enough to\Nshine through canvas.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ghidora will show\Nup soon bad things always\Nhappen in 3s...3 monsters\Nappear the third with 3 heads\Nso it will be epic scale bad\Nright?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Why does she say she's from\NVenus?""I don't know, I'll\Ngive her an experimental mind\Ncontrol drug. Maybe that'll\Nhelp."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I thought those kaiju were\Ngoing to be fighting for\Nanother twenty minutes. The\Nscene just ended!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:54:31.00,0:54:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HAFAD50&}Pilum::the tinkle lol\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Scrolling through the TL at\N5am like someone traversing a\Nbog in waders.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TFW you accidentally set up\Ncamp on a monster's nest\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, space eggs hatch in a\Nreally weird, complicated\Nway.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh @apLundell I think we're\Ngonna get a 2v2, Ghidorah and\NRodan vs Godzilla and Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When camping, remember to\Nleave all your lights on when\Nyou sleep. Bright enough to\Nshine through canvas.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ghidora will show\Nup soon bad things always\Nhappen in 3s...3 monsters\Nappear the third with 3 heads\Nso it will be epic scale bad\Nright?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Why does she say she's from\NVenus?""I don't know, I'll\Ngive her an experimental mind\Ncontrol drug. Maybe that'll\Nhelp."\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:54:40.00,0:55:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, Ghidora really waggles\Nhis heads around when he\Nflies.Can't be good for his\Nnecks.\N\N{\c&HAFAD50&}Pilum::the tinkle lol\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Scrolling through the TL at\N5am like someone traversing a\Nbog in waders.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TFW you accidentally set up\Ncamp on a monster's nest\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, space eggs hatch in a\Nreally weird, complicated\Nway.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh @apLundell I think we're\Ngonna get a 2v2, Ghidorah and\NRodan vs Godzilla and Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When camping, remember to\Nleave all your lights on when\Nyou sleep. Bright enough to\Nshine through canvas.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ghidora will show\Nup soon bad things always\Nhappen in 3s...3 monsters\Nappear the third with 3 heads\Nso it will be epic scale bad\Nright?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:55:34.00,0:57:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Three monsters, five heads,\Ntwo fairies, and a Venusian\Nprophet... could this get any\Nbetter?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, Ghidora really waggles\Nhis heads around when he\Nflies.Can't be good for his\Nnecks.\N\N{\c&HAFAD50&}Pilum::the tinkle lol\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Scrolling through the TL at\N5am like someone traversing a\Nbog in waders.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TFW you accidentally set up\Ncamp on a monster's nest\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, space eggs hatch in a\Nreally weird, complicated\Nway.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh @apLundell I think we're\Ngonna get a 2v2, Ghidorah and\NRodan vs Godzilla and Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When camping, remember to\Nleave all your lights on when\Nyou sleep. Bright enough to\Nshine through canvas.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:15.00,0:57:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like that they're taking\Nthe time to close the\Nshutters before they flee.\NWouldn't want looting in the\Naftermath of a kaiju attack\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Three monsters, five heads,\Ntwo fairies, and a Venusian\Nprophet... could this get any\Nbetter?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, Ghidora really waggles\Nhis heads around when he\Nflies.Can't be good for his\Nnecks.\N\N{\c&HAFAD50&}Pilum::the tinkle lol\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Scrolling through the TL at\N5am like someone traversing a\Nbog in waders.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TFW you accidentally set up\Ncamp on a monster's nest\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, space eggs hatch in a\Nreally weird, complicated\Nway.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@msh @apLundell I think we're\Ngonna get a 2v2, Ghidorah and\NRodan vs Godzilla and Mothra\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:30.00,0:58:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, are Godzilla and Rodan\Nfighting for a reason?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like that they're taking\Nthe time to close the\Nshutters before they flee.\NWouldn't want looting in the\Naftermath of a kaiju attack\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Three monsters, five heads,\Ntwo fairies, and a Venusian\Nprophet... could this get any\Nbetter?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, Ghidora really waggles\Nhis heads around when he\Nflies.Can't be good for his\Nnecks.\N\N{\c&HAFAD50&}Pilum::the tinkle lol\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Scrolling through the TL at\N5am like someone traversing a\Nbog in waders.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TFW you accidentally set up\Ncamp on a monster's nest\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, space eggs hatch in a\Nreally weird, complicated\Nway.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:58:03.00,0:59:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, did the fairies bring\Nformal clothes with them? Or\Ndid they just steal some\Ndoilies from the hotel?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, are Godzilla and Rodan\Nfighting for a reason?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like that they're taking\Nthe time to close the\Nshutters before they flee.\NWouldn't want looting in the\Naftermath of a kaiju attack\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Three monsters, five heads,\Ntwo fairies, and a Venusian\Nprophet... could this get any\Nbetter?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, Ghidora really waggles\Nhis heads around when he\Nflies.Can't be good for his\Nnecks.\N\N{\c&HAFAD50&}Pilum::the tinkle lol\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Scrolling through the TL at\N5am like someone traversing a\Nbog in waders.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TFW you accidentally set up\Ncamp on a monster's nest\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:08.00,0:59:24.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that tantrum lol aww Godzilla\Nyou are so cute when you are\Nangry :blobcatpats:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, did the fairies bring\Nformal clothes with them? Or\Ndid they just steal some\Ndoilies from the hotel?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, are Godzilla and Rodan\Nfighting for a reason?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like that they're taking\Nthe time to close the\Nshutters before they flee.\NWouldn't want looting in the\Naftermath of a kaiju attack\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Three monsters, five heads,\Ntwo fairies, and a Venusian\Nprophet... could this get any\Nbetter?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, Ghidora really waggles\Nhis heads around when he\Nflies.Can't be good for his\Nnecks.\N\N{\c&HAFAD50&}Pilum::the tinkle lol\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Scrolling through the TL at\N5am like someone traversing a\Nbog in waders.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:24.00,0:59:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why are they having a meeting\Nwhile the kaiju are fighting?\NSomeone break out the masers!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that tantrum lol aww Godzilla\Nyou are so cute when you are\Nangry :blobcatpats:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, did the fairies bring\Nformal clothes with them? Or\Ndid they just steal some\Ndoilies from the hotel?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, are Godzilla and Rodan\Nfighting for a reason?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like that they're taking\Nthe time to close the\Nshutters before they flee.\NWouldn't want looting in the\Naftermath of a kaiju attack\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Three monsters, five heads,\Ntwo fairies, and a Venusian\Nprophet... could this get any\Nbetter?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, Ghidora really waggles\Nhis heads around when he\Nflies.Can't be good for his\Nnecks.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:32.00,0:59:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SAY THE LINE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why are they having a meeting\Nwhile the kaiju are fighting?\NSomeone break out the masers!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that tantrum lol aww Godzilla\Nyou are so cute when you are\Nangry :blobcatpats:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, did the fairies bring\Nformal clothes with them? Or\Ndid they just steal some\Ndoilies from the hotel?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, are Godzilla and Rodan\Nfighting for a reason?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like that they're taking\Nthe time to close the\Nshutters before they flee.\NWouldn't want looting in the\Naftermath of a kaiju attack\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Three monsters, five heads,\Ntwo fairies, and a Venusian\Nprophet... could this get any\Nbetter?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wow, Ghidora really waggles\Nhis heads around when he\Nflies.Can't be good for his\Nnecks.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:51.00,0:59:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think the pilot light on\Ngodzilla's atomic breath went\Nout\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SAY THE LINE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why are they having a meeting\Nwhile the kaiju are fighting?\NSomeone break out the masers!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that tantrum lol aww Godzilla\Nyou are so cute when you are\Nangry :blobcatpats:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, did the fairies bring\Nformal clothes with them? Or\Ndid they just steal some\Ndoilies from the hotel?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, are Godzilla and Rodan\Nfighting for a reason?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like that they're taking\Nthe time to close the\Nshutters before they flee.\NWouldn't want looting in the\Naftermath of a kaiju attack\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Three monsters, five heads,\Ntwo fairies, and a Venusian\Nprophet... could this get any\Nbetter?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:58.00,1:01:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He said the line (but it\Ndidn't say "fairies)\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think the pilot light on\Ngodzilla's atomic breath went\Nout\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SAY THE LINE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why are they having a meeting\Nwhile the kaiju are fighting?\NSomeone break out the masers!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that tantrum lol aww Godzilla\Nyou are so cute when you are\Nangry :blobcatpats:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, did the fairies bring\Nformal clothes with them? Or\Ndid they just steal some\Ndoilies from the hotel?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, are Godzilla and Rodan\Nfighting for a reason?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like that they're taking\Nthe time to close the\Nshutters before they flee.\NWouldn't want looting in the\Naftermath of a kaiju attack\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:01:05.00,1:02:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are those priests just\Nbowing and praying 24/7?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He said the line (but it\Ndidn't say "fairies)\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think the pilot light on\Ngodzilla's atomic breath went\Nout\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SAY THE LINE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why are they having a meeting\Nwhile the kaiju are fighting?\NSomeone break out the masers!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that tantrum lol aww Godzilla\Nyou are so cute when you are\Nangry :blobcatpats:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, did the fairies bring\Nformal clothes with them? Or\Ndid they just steal some\Ndoilies from the hotel?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, are Godzilla and Rodan\Nfighting for a reason?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I like that they're taking\Nthe time to close the\Nshutters before they flee.\NWouldn't want looting in the\Naftermath of a kaiju attack\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:02:26.00,1:02:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I genuinely did not know this\Nis where this was from\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are those priests just\Nbowing and praying 24/7?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He said the line (but it\Ndidn't say "fairies)\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think the pilot light on\Ngodzilla's atomic breath went\Nout\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SAY THE LINE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why are they having a meeting\Nwhile the kaiju are fighting?\NSomeone break out the masers!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that tantrum lol aww Godzilla\Nyou are so cute when you are\Nangry :blobcatpats:\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}, did the fairies bring\Nformal clothes with them? Or\Ndid they just steal some\Ndoilies from the hotel?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So, are Godzilla and Rodan\Nfighting for a reason?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:02:37.00,1:03:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Every time the model\Nbuildings get destroyed I\Nkeep expecting to see lego\Npeople fleeing for their\Nlives.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I genuinely did not know this\Nis where this was from\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are those priests just\Nbowing and praying 24/7?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He said the line (but it\Ndidn't say "fairies)\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think the pilot light on\Ngodzilla's atomic breath went\Nout\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SAY THE LINE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why are they having a meeting\Nwhile the kaiju are fighting?\NSomeone break out the masers!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that tantrum lol aww Godzilla\Nyou are so cute when you are\Nangry :blobcatpats:\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:39.00,1:03:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey! what happened to the\Nsub-titles? Why do us\NEnglish-speakers only get to\Nunderstand parts of the\NMothra song?Is it too\Ndangerous for us to know all\Nthe lyrics?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Every time the model\Nbuildings get destroyed I\Nkeep expecting to see lego\Npeople fleeing for their\Nlives.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I genuinely did not know this\Nis where this was from\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are those priests just\Nbowing and praying 24/7?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He said the line (but it\Ndidn't say "fairies)\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think the pilot light on\Ngodzilla's atomic breath went\Nout\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}SAY THE LINE\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why are they having a meeting\Nwhile the kaiju are fighting?\NSomeone break out the masers!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:40.00,1:06:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We'll try Shock Treatment!And\Nif that doesn't work, we'll\Ntry the Rocky Horror Picture\NShow!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey! what happened to the\Nsub-titles? Why do us\NEnglish-speakers only get to\Nunderstand parts of the\NMothra song?Is it too\Ndangerous for us to know all\Nthe lyrics?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Every time the model\Nbuildings get destroyed I\Nkeep expecting to see lego\Npeople fleeing for their\Nlives.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I genuinely did not know this\Nis where this was from\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are those priests just\Nbowing and praying 24/7?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He said the line (but it\Ndidn't say "fairies)\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I think the pilot light on\Ngodzilla's atomic breath went\Nout\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:06:40.00,1:08:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Turn it up to 500, but no\Nhigher or it will kill\Nher."Ooo. Foreshadowing.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We'll try Shock Treatment!And\Nif that doesn't work, we'll\Ntry the Rocky Horror Picture\NShow!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey! what happened to the\Nsub-titles? Why do us\NEnglish-speakers only get to\Nunderstand parts of the\NMothra song?Is it too\Ndangerous for us to know all\Nthe lyrics?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Every time the model\Nbuildings get destroyed I\Nkeep expecting to see lego\Npeople fleeing for their\Nlives.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I genuinely did not know this\Nis where this was from\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are those priests just\Nbowing and praying 24/7?\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He said the line (but it\Ndidn't say "fairies)\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:05.00,1:08:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tfw Godzilla and Rodan\Nattacking gets in the way of\Nyour international\Nassassination mission\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Turn it up to 500, but no\Nhigher or it will kill\Nher."Ooo. Foreshadowing.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We'll try Shock Treatment!And\Nif that doesn't work, we'll\Ntry the Rocky Horror Picture\NShow!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey! what happened to the\Nsub-titles? Why do us\NEnglish-speakers only get to\Nunderstand parts of the\NMothra song?Is it too\Ndangerous for us to know all\Nthe lyrics?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Every time the model\Nbuildings get destroyed I\Nkeep expecting to see lego\Npeople fleeing for their\Nlives.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I genuinely did not know this\Nis where this was from\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:15.00,1:08:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did the bad guys know\Nthat the princess was hooked\Nup to that dial? Just a lucky\Nguess?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tfw Godzilla and Rodan\Nattacking gets in the way of\Nyour international\Nassassination mission\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Turn it up to 500, but no\Nhigher or it will kill\Nher."Ooo. Foreshadowing.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We'll try Shock Treatment!And\Nif that doesn't work, we'll\Ntry the Rocky Horror Picture\NShow!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey! what happened to the\Nsub-titles? Why do us\NEnglish-speakers only get to\Nunderstand parts of the\NMothra song?Is it too\Ndangerous for us to know all\Nthe lyrics?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Every time the model\Nbuildings get destroyed I\Nkeep expecting to see lego\Npeople fleeing for their\Nlives.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:41.00,1:09:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would the dial even go up\Nthat far???\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did the bad guys know\Nthat the princess was hooked\Nup to that dial? Just a lucky\Nguess?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tfw Godzilla and Rodan\Nattacking gets in the way of\Nyour international\Nassassination mission\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Turn it up to 500, but no\Nhigher or it will kill\Nher."Ooo. Foreshadowing.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We'll try Shock Treatment!And\Nif that doesn't work, we'll\Ntry the Rocky Horror Picture\NShow!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey! what happened to the\Nsub-titles? Why do us\NEnglish-speakers only get to\Nunderstand parts of the\NMothra song?Is it too\Ndangerous for us to know all\Nthe lyrics?\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Every time the model\Nbuildings get destroyed I\Nkeep expecting to see lego\Npeople fleeing for their\Nlives.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:09:19.00,1:09:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}someone dropped a kaiju on\Nthe powerlines. aint that\Njust the way\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would the dial even go up\Nthat far???\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did the bad guys know\Nthat the princess was hooked\Nup to that dial? Just a lucky\Nguess?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tfw Godzilla and Rodan\Nattacking gets in the way of\Nyour international\Nassassination mission\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Turn it up to 500, but no\Nhigher or it will kill\Nher."Ooo. Foreshadowing.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We'll try Shock Treatment!And\Nif that doesn't work, we'll\Ntry the Rocky Horror Picture\NShow!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Hey! what happened to the\Nsub-titles? Why do us\NEnglish-speakers only get to\Nunderstand parts of the\NMothra song?Is it too\Ndangerous for us to know all\Nthe lyrics?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:09:32.00,1:09:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Really poor design to have\Nthe voltage read-out in the\Nother room.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}someone dropped a kaiju on\Nthe powerlines. aint that\Njust the way\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would the dial even go up\Nthat far???\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did the bad guys know\Nthat the princess was hooked\Nup to that dial? Just a lucky\Nguess?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tfw Godzilla and Rodan\Nattacking gets in the way of\Nyour international\Nassassination mission\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Turn it up to 500, but no\Nhigher or it will kill\Nher."Ooo. Foreshadowing.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We'll try Shock Treatment!And\Nif that doesn't work, we'll\Ntry the Rocky Horror Picture\NShow!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:09:37.00,1:10:18.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ever since\NGodzilla lost his cat ears\Nhe's been a big ol' grump who\Npicks fights with everyone\Nfor no particular reason but\Nhe's a good egg deep down and\Nalways does right by Earth in\Nthe end\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Really poor design to have\Nthe voltage read-out in the\Nother room.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}someone dropped a kaiju on\Nthe powerlines. aint that\Njust the way\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would the dial even go up\Nthat far???\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did the bad guys know\Nthat the princess was hooked\Nup to that dial? Just a lucky\Nguess?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tfw Godzilla and Rodan\Nattacking gets in the way of\Nyour international\Nassassination mission\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Turn it up to 500, but no\Nhigher or it will kill\Nher."Ooo. Foreshadowing.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:10:18.00,1:11:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla used TAIL WHIP! It's\NSUPER EFFECTIVE!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ever since\NGodzilla lost his cat ears\Nhe's been a big ol' grump who\Npicks fights with everyone\Nfor no particular reason but\Nhe's a good egg deep down and\Nalways does right by Earth in\Nthe end\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Really poor design to have\Nthe voltage read-out in the\Nother room.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}someone dropped a kaiju on\Nthe powerlines. aint that\Njust the way\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would the dial even go up\Nthat far???\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did the bad guys know\Nthat the princess was hooked\Nup to that dial? Just a lucky\Nguess?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}tfw Godzilla and Rodan\Nattacking gets in the way of\Nyour international\Nassassination mission\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:11:27.00,1:11:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why do I feel like this is\Nhow the WWE got started?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla used TAIL WHIP! It's\NSUPER EFFECTIVE!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ever since\NGodzilla lost his cat ears\Nhe's been a big ol' grump who\Npicks fights with everyone\Nfor no particular reason but\Nhe's a good egg deep down and\Nalways does right by Earth in\Nthe end\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Really poor design to have\Nthe voltage read-out in the\Nother room.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}someone dropped a kaiju on\Nthe powerlines. aint that\Njust the way\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would the dial even go up\Nthat far???\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did the bad guys know\Nthat the princess was hooked\Nup to that dial? Just a lucky\Nguess?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:11:39.00,1:12:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This Godzilla Rodan fight is\Nsuper goofy\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why do I feel like this is\Nhow the WWE got started?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla used TAIL WHIP! It's\NSUPER EFFECTIVE!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ever since\NGodzilla lost his cat ears\Nhe's been a big ol' grump who\Npicks fights with everyone\Nfor no particular reason but\Nhe's a good egg deep down and\Nalways does right by Earth in\Nthe end\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Really poor design to have\Nthe voltage read-out in the\Nother room.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}someone dropped a kaiju on\Nthe powerlines. aint that\Njust the way\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why would the dial even go up\Nthat far???\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}How did the bad guys know\Nthat the princess was hooked\Nup to that dial? Just a lucky\Nguess?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:12:12.00,1:12:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly this just sounds\Nlike the raccoons fighting\Nbehind my building (which is\Nalso happening right now)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This Godzilla Rodan fight is\Nsuper goofy\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why do I feel like this is\Nhow the WWE got started?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla used TAIL WHIP! It's\NSUPER EFFECTIVE!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ever since\NGodzilla lost his cat ears\Nhe's been a big ol' grump who\Npicks fights with everyone\Nfor no particular reason but\Nhe's a good egg deep down and\Nalways does right by Earth in\Nthe end\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Really poor design to have\Nthe voltage read-out in the\Nother room.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}someone dropped a kaiju on\Nthe powerlines. aint that\Njust the way\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:12:29.00,1:12:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL! So that's what they mean\Nwhen someone says "Kick\Nrocks!"\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly this just sounds\Nlike the raccoons fighting\Nbehind my building (which is\Nalso happening right now)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This Godzilla Rodan fight is\Nsuper goofy\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why do I feel like this is\Nhow the WWE got started?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla used TAIL WHIP! It's\NSUPER EFFECTIVE!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ever since\NGodzilla lost his cat ears\Nhe's been a big ol' grump who\Npicks fights with everyone\Nfor no particular reason but\Nhe's a good egg deep down and\Nalways does right by Earth in\Nthe end\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Really poor design to have\Nthe voltage read-out in the\Nother room.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:12:40.00,1:14:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're all going to be\Ndisapointed when they realize\NMothra is still in her larval\Nform.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL! So that's what they mean\Nwhen someone says "Kick\Nrocks!"\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly this just sounds\Nlike the raccoons fighting\Nbehind my building (which is\Nalso happening right now)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This Godzilla Rodan fight is\Nsuper goofy\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why do I feel like this is\Nhow the WWE got started?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla used TAIL WHIP! It's\NSUPER EFFECTIVE!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ever since\NGodzilla lost his cat ears\Nhe's been a big ol' grump who\Npicks fights with everyone\Nfor no particular reason but\Nhe's a good egg deep down and\Nalways does right by Earth in\Nthe end\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:14:05.00,1:14:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, they're not fighting,\Nthey're playing hot potato!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're all going to be\Ndisapointed when they realize\NMothra is still in her larval\Nform.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL! So that's what they mean\Nwhen someone says "Kick\Nrocks!"\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly this just sounds\Nlike the raccoons fighting\Nbehind my building (which is\Nalso happening right now)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This Godzilla Rodan fight is\Nsuper goofy\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why do I feel like this is\Nhow the WWE got started?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla used TAIL WHIP! It's\NSUPER EFFECTIVE!\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell ever since\NGodzilla lost his cat ears\Nhe's been a big ol' grump who\Npicks fights with everyone\Nfor no particular reason but\Nhe's a good egg deep down and\Nalways does right by Earth in\Nthe end\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:14:34.00,1:14:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}watching Monster Pro\NWrestling in fast forward is\Nso delightful\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, they're not fighting,\Nthey're playing hot potato!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're all going to be\Ndisapointed when they realize\NMothra is still in her larval\Nform.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL! So that's what they mean\Nwhen someone says "Kick\Nrocks!"\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly this just sounds\Nlike the raccoons fighting\Nbehind my building (which is\Nalso happening right now)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This Godzilla Rodan fight is\Nsuper goofy\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why do I feel like this is\Nhow the WWE got started?\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla used TAIL WHIP! It's\NSUPER EFFECTIVE!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:14:44.00,1:15:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ghidorah has been in this\Nmovie for like less than a\Nminute so far\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}watching Monster Pro\NWrestling in fast forward is\Nso delightful\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, they're not fighting,\Nthey're playing hot potato!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're all going to be\Ndisapointed when they realize\NMothra is still in her larval\Nform.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL! So that's what they mean\Nwhen someone says "Kick\Nrocks!"\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly this just sounds\Nlike the raccoons fighting\Nbehind my building (which is\Nalso happening right now)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This Godzilla Rodan fight is\Nsuper goofy\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Why do I feel like this is\Nhow the WWE got started?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:00.00,1:15:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Turns out Godzilla is a power\Nforward\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ghidorah has been in this\Nmovie for like less than a\Nminute so far\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}watching Monster Pro\NWrestling in fast forward is\Nso delightful\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, they're not fighting,\Nthey're playing hot potato!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're all going to be\Ndisapointed when they realize\NMothra is still in her larval\Nform.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL! So that's what they mean\Nwhen someone says "Kick\Nrocks!"\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly this just sounds\Nlike the raccoons fighting\Nbehind my building (which is\Nalso happening right now)\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This Godzilla Rodan fight is\Nsuper goofy\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:01.00,1:15:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If I was Mothra I would let\Nthese goobers keep playing\Nvolleyball and go deal with\NGhidorah myself\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Turns out Godzilla is a power\Nforward\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ghidorah has been in this\Nmovie for like less than a\Nminute so far\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}watching Monster Pro\NWrestling in fast forward is\Nso delightful\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, they're not fighting,\Nthey're playing hot potato!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're all going to be\Ndisapointed when they realize\NMothra is still in her larval\Nform.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL! So that's what they mean\Nwhen someone says "Kick\Nrocks!"\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly this just sounds\Nlike the raccoons fighting\Nbehind my building (which is\Nalso happening right now)\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:53.00,1:15:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Rhodan puppet is much\Nmore muppety then the other\Ncostumes.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If I was Mothra I would let\Nthese goobers keep playing\Nvolleyball and go deal with\NGhidorah myself\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Turns out Godzilla is a power\Nforward\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ghidorah has been in this\Nmovie for like less than a\Nminute so far\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}watching Monster Pro\NWrestling in fast forward is\Nso delightful\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, they're not fighting,\Nthey're playing hot potato!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're all going to be\Ndisapointed when they realize\NMothra is still in her larval\Nform.\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}LOL! So that's what they mean\Nwhen someone says "Kick\Nrocks!"\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:58.00,1:15:59.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra is ever the voice of\Nreason\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Rhodan puppet is much\Nmore muppety then the other\Ncostumes.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If I was Mothra I would let\Nthese goobers keep playing\Nvolleyball and go deal with\NGhidorah myself\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Turns out Godzilla is a power\Nforward\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ghidorah has been in this\Nmovie for like less than a\Nminute so far\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}watching Monster Pro\NWrestling in fast forward is\Nso delightful\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, they're not fighting,\Nthey're playing hot potato!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They're all going to be\Ndisapointed when they realize\NMothra is still in her larval\Nform.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:59.00,1:16:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to get your\Nfriends to stop arguing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra is ever the voice of\Nreason\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Rhodan puppet is much\Nmore muppety then the other\Ncostumes.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If I was Mothra I would let\Nthese goobers keep playing\Nvolleyball and go deal with\NGhidorah myself\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Turns out Godzilla is a power\Nforward\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ghidorah has been in this\Nmovie for like less than a\Nminute so far\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}watching Monster Pro\NWrestling in fast forward is\Nso delightful\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh, they're not fighting,\Nthey're playing hot potato!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:16:04.00,1:16:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}genuinely laughed at "i don't\Nspeak monster"\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to get your\Nfriends to stop arguing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra is ever the voice of\Nreason\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Rhodan puppet is much\Nmore muppety then the other\Ncostumes.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If I was Mothra I would let\Nthese goobers keep playing\Nvolleyball and go deal with\NGhidorah myself\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Turns out Godzilla is a power\Nforward\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ghidorah has been in this\Nmovie for like less than a\Nminute so far\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}watching Monster Pro\NWrestling in fast forward is\Nso delightful\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:16:16.00,1:16:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still in the arm-flapping era\NI see\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}genuinely laughed at "i don't\Nspeak monster"\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to get your\Nfriends to stop arguing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra is ever the voice of\Nreason\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Rhodan puppet is much\Nmore muppety then the other\Ncostumes.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If I was Mothra I would let\Nthese goobers keep playing\Nvolleyball and go deal with\NGhidorah myself\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Turns out Godzilla is a power\Nforward\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ghidorah has been in this\Nmovie for like less than a\Nminute so far\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}watching Monster Pro\NWrestling in fast forward is\Nso delightful\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:16:37.00,1:18:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this having the fairies\Ntranslate thing is taking\Nthis all in a weird direction\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still in the arm-flapping era\NI see\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}genuinely laughed at "i don't\Nspeak monster"\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to get your\Nfriends to stop arguing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra is ever the voice of\Nreason\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Rhodan puppet is much\Nmore muppety then the other\Ncostumes.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If I was Mothra I would let\Nthese goobers keep playing\Nvolleyball and go deal with\NGhidorah myself\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Turns out Godzilla is a power\Nforward\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ghidorah has been in this\Nmovie for like less than a\Nminute so far\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:01.00,1:18:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The only fair way to\Nsettle things is\Nrock-paper-scissors\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this having the fairies\Ntranslate thing is taking\Nthis all in a weird direction\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still in the arm-flapping era\NI see\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}genuinely laughed at "i don't\Nspeak monster"\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to get your\Nfriends to stop arguing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra is ever the voice of\Nreason\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Rhodan puppet is much\Nmore muppety then the other\Ncostumes.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If I was Mothra I would let\Nthese goobers keep playing\Nvolleyball and go deal with\NGhidorah myself\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:34.00,1:18:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This blow-by-blow debate\Nbetween Godzilla an Rhodan is\Nreally wierd.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The only fair way to\Nsettle things is\Nrock-paper-scissors\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this having the fairies\Ntranslate thing is taking\Nthis all in a weird direction\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still in the arm-flapping era\NI see\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}genuinely laughed at "i don't\Nspeak monster"\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to get your\Nfriends to stop arguing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra is ever the voice of\Nreason\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Rhodan puppet is much\Nmore muppety then the other\Ncostumes.\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If I was Mothra I would let\Nthese goobers keep playing\Nvolleyball and go deal with\NGhidorah myself\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:38.00,1:18:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Have a little dignity, fellas\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This blow-by-blow debate\Nbetween Godzilla an Rhodan is\Nreally wierd.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The only fair way to\Nsettle things is\Nrock-paper-scissors\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this having the fairies\Ntranslate thing is taking\Nthis all in a weird direction\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still in the arm-flapping era\NI see\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}genuinely laughed at "i don't\Nspeak monster"\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to get your\Nfriends to stop arguing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra is ever the voice of\Nreason\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The Rhodan puppet is much\Nmore muppety then the other\Ncostumes.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:51.00,1:19:43.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's really a shame they only\Never built one Jet Jaguar. A\Ncouple of him could have made\Na difference here.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly the special effects\Nfor Ghidorah are so much\Nbetter than the others' it\Nmakes sense they could\Napparently only afford\Nexactly two (2) minutes of\Nfootage\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Have a little dignity, fellas\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This blow-by-blow debate\Nbetween Godzilla an Rhodan is\Nreally wierd.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The only fair way to\Nsettle things is\Nrock-paper-scissors\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this having the fairies\Ntranslate thing is taking\Nthis all in a weird direction\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still in the arm-flapping era\NI see\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:43.00,1:21:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Just imagine how the fairies\Nmust be bouncing around in\Nthat box.Someone should build\Nthem little seatbelts.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's really a shame they only\Never built one Jet Jaguar. A\Ncouple of him could have made\Na difference here.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly the special effects\Nfor Ghidorah are so much\Nbetter than the others' it\Nmakes sense they could\Napparently only afford\Nexactly two (2) minutes of\Nfootage\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Have a little dignity, fellas\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This blow-by-blow debate\Nbetween Godzilla an Rhodan is\Nreally wierd.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The only fair way to\Nsettle things is\Nrock-paper-scissors\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this having the fairies\Ntranslate thing is taking\Nthis all in a weird direction\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:39.00,1:22:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WHY DOES HE KEEP WAGGLING HIS\NHEADS LIKE THAT?Don't his\Nnecks hurt?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Just imagine how the fairies\Nmust be bouncing around in\Nthat box.Someone should build\Nthem little seatbelts.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's really a shame they only\Never built one Jet Jaguar. A\Ncouple of him could have made\Na difference here.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly the special effects\Nfor Ghidorah are so much\Nbetter than the others' it\Nmakes sense they could\Napparently only afford\Nexactly two (2) minutes of\Nfootage\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Have a little dignity, fellas\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This blow-by-blow debate\Nbetween Godzilla an Rhodan is\Nreally wierd.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret The only fair way to\Nsettle things is\Nrock-paper-scissors\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:22:02.00,1:23:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is godzilla gonna fastball\Nspecial Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WHY DOES HE KEEP WAGGLING HIS\NHEADS LIKE THAT?Don't his\Nnecks hurt?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Just imagine how the fairies\Nmust be bouncing around in\Nthat box.Someone should build\Nthem little seatbelts.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's really a shame they only\Never built one Jet Jaguar. A\Ncouple of him could have made\Na difference here.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly the special effects\Nfor Ghidorah are so much\Nbetter than the others' it\Nmakes sense they could\Napparently only afford\Nexactly two (2) minutes of\Nfootage\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Have a little dignity, fellas\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This blow-by-blow debate\Nbetween Godzilla an Rhodan is\Nreally wierd.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:23:02.00,1:23:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nice of Godzilla to give his\Nbestie a tow\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is godzilla gonna fastball\Nspecial Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WHY DOES HE KEEP WAGGLING HIS\NHEADS LIKE THAT?Don't his\Nnecks hurt?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Just imagine how the fairies\Nmust be bouncing around in\Nthat box.Someone should build\Nthem little seatbelts.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's really a shame they only\Never built one Jet Jaguar. A\Ncouple of him could have made\Na difference here.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly the special effects\Nfor Ghidorah are so much\Nbetter than the others' it\Nmakes sense they could\Napparently only afford\Nexactly two (2) minutes of\Nfootage\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Have a little dignity, fellas\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:23:10.00,1:23:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I had no idea Godzilla relied\Non rock attacks so often.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nice of Godzilla to give his\Nbestie a tow\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is godzilla gonna fastball\Nspecial Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WHY DOES HE KEEP WAGGLING HIS\NHEADS LIKE THAT?Don't his\Nnecks hurt?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Just imagine how the fairies\Nmust be bouncing around in\Nthat box.Someone should build\Nthem little seatbelts.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's really a shame they only\Never built one Jet Jaguar. A\Ncouple of him could have made\Na difference here.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly the special effects\Nfor Ghidorah are so much\Nbetter than the others' it\Nmakes sense they could\Napparently only afford\Nexactly two (2) minutes of\Nfootage\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:23:37.00,1:23:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I didn't know he could throw\Nheaters\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I had no idea Godzilla relied\Non rock attacks so often.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nice of Godzilla to give his\Nbestie a tow\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is godzilla gonna fastball\Nspecial Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WHY DOES HE KEEP WAGGLING HIS\NHEADS LIKE THAT?Don't his\Nnecks hurt?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Just imagine how the fairies\Nmust be bouncing around in\Nthat box.Someone should build\Nthem little seatbelts.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It's really a shame they only\Never built one Jet Jaguar. A\Ncouple of him could have made\Na difference here.\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}honestly the special effects\Nfor Ghidorah are so much\Nbetter than the others' it\Nmakes sense they could\Napparently only afford\Nexactly two (2) minutes of\Nfootage\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:23:56.00,1:25:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they coulda got a lot more\Nmileage outta the monster\Nfootage and made it more\Nmenacing if\Nthey...like...slowed it diwn\Ninstead if speeding it up you\Nknow? but Benny Hill Kaiju is\Nstill pretty fantastic I\Nthink\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I didn't know he could throw\Nheaters\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I had no idea Godzilla relied\Non rock attacks so often.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nice of Godzilla to give his\Nbestie a tow\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is godzilla gonna fastball\Nspecial Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WHY DOES HE KEEP WAGGLING HIS\NHEADS LIKE THAT?Don't his\Nnecks hurt?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Just imagine how the fairies\Nmust be bouncing around in\Nthat box.Someone should build\Nthem little seatbelts.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:25:56.00,1:26:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When being attacked by a\Nsniper, the best defense is\Nto stand in the open and\Nreturn fire with a\Npistol.They teach you that at\Npolice academy.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they coulda got a lot more\Nmileage outta the monster\Nfootage and made it more\Nmenacing if\Nthey...like...slowed it diwn\Ninstead if speeding it up you\Nknow? but Benny Hill Kaiju is\Nstill pretty fantastic I\Nthink\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I didn't know he could throw\Nheaters\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I had no idea Godzilla relied\Non rock attacks so often.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nice of Godzilla to give his\Nbestie a tow\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is godzilla gonna fastball\Nspecial Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WHY DOES HE KEEP WAGGLING HIS\NHEADS LIKE THAT?Don't his\Nnecks hurt?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:26:19.00,1:27:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell the box can't be\Nfun to carry running cross\Ncountry. The move would have\Nbeen to ditch the box and let\Nthem ride on shoulders like\Nparrots imo\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When being attacked by a\Nsniper, the best defense is\Nto stand in the open and\Nreturn fire with a\Npistol.They teach you that at\Npolice academy.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they coulda got a lot more\Nmileage outta the monster\Nfootage and made it more\Nmenacing if\Nthey...like...slowed it diwn\Ninstead if speeding it up you\Nknow? but Benny Hill Kaiju is\Nstill pretty fantastic I\Nthink\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I didn't know he could throw\Nheaters\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I had no idea Godzilla relied\Non rock attacks so often.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nice of Godzilla to give his\Nbestie a tow\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:27:11.00,1:27:23.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}did godzilla just straight up\Nfaceplant lmao\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell the box can't be\Nfun to carry running cross\Ncountry. The move would have\Nbeen to ditch the box and let\Nthem ride on shoulders like\Nparrots imo\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When being attacked by a\Nsniper, the best defense is\Nto stand in the open and\Nreturn fire with a\Npistol.They teach you that at\Npolice academy.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they coulda got a lot more\Nmileage outta the monster\Nfootage and made it more\Nmenacing if\Nthey...like...slowed it diwn\Ninstead if speeding it up you\Nknow? but Benny Hill Kaiju is\Nstill pretty fantastic I\Nthink\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I didn't know he could throw\Nheaters\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I had no idea Godzilla relied\Non rock attacks so often.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:27:23.00,1:28:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}larval mothra riding rodan is\Ntruly an S-tier move and also\Nonce again produced actual\Nlaughter\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}did godzilla just straight up\Nfaceplant lmao\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell the box can't be\Nfun to carry running cross\Ncountry. The move would have\Nbeen to ditch the box and let\Nthem ride on shoulders like\Nparrots imo\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When being attacked by a\Nsniper, the best defense is\Nto stand in the open and\Nreturn fire with a\Npistol.They teach you that at\Npolice academy.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they coulda got a lot more\Nmileage outta the monster\Nfootage and made it more\Nmenacing if\Nthey...like...slowed it diwn\Ninstead if speeding it up you\Nknow? but Benny Hill Kaiju is\Nstill pretty fantastic I\Nthink\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:28:37.00,1:30:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}More rocks from Godzilla! LOL\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}larval mothra riding rodan is\Ntruly an S-tier move and also\Nonce again produced actual\Nlaughter\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}did godzilla just straight up\Nfaceplant lmao\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell the box can't be\Nfun to carry running cross\Ncountry. The move would have\Nbeen to ditch the box and let\Nthem ride on shoulders like\Nparrots imo\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When being attacked by a\Nsniper, the best defense is\Nto stand in the open and\Nreturn fire with a\Npistol.They teach you that at\Npolice academy.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they coulda got a lot more\Nmileage outta the monster\Nfootage and made it more\Nmenacing if\Nthey...like...slowed it diwn\Ninstead if speeding it up you\Nknow? but Benny Hill Kaiju is\Nstill pretty fantastic I\Nthink\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:30:03.00,1:30:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So the result of that long\Nmeeting earlier is that the\Nmilitary does nothing at all,\Nright? Your taxes at work\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}More rocks from Godzilla! LOL\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}larval mothra riding rodan is\Ntruly an S-tier move and also\Nonce again produced actual\Nlaughter\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}did godzilla just straight up\Nfaceplant lmao\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell the box can't be\Nfun to carry running cross\Ncountry. The move would have\Nbeen to ditch the box and let\Nthem ride on shoulders like\Nparrots imo\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When being attacked by a\Nsniper, the best defense is\Nto stand in the open and\Nreturn fire with a\Npistol.They teach you that at\Npolice academy.\N\N{\c&HADC0DA&}Mark Shane Hayden\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they coulda got a lot more\Nmileage outta the monster\Nfootage and made it more\Nmenacing if\Nthey...like...slowed it diwn\Ninstead if speeding it up you\Nknow? but Benny Hill Kaiju is\Nstill pretty fantastic I\Nthink\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:30:07.00,1:31:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla throwing things\Nfeels wrong\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So the result of that long\Nmeeting earlier is that the\Nmilitary does nothing at all,\Nright? Your taxes at work\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}More rocks from Godzilla! LOL\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}larval mothra riding rodan is\Ntruly an S-tier move and also\Nonce again produced actual\Nlaughter\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}did godzilla just straight up\Nfaceplant lmao\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell the box can't be\Nfun to carry running cross\Ncountry. The move would have\Nbeen to ditch the box and let\Nthem ride on shoulders like\Nparrots imo\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When being attacked by a\Nsniper, the best defense is\Nto stand in the open and\Nreturn fire with a\Npistol.They teach you that at\Npolice academy.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:31:21.00,1:31:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley He's more of a\Nbatter\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla throwing things\Nfeels wrong\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So the result of that long\Nmeeting earlier is that the\Nmilitary does nothing at all,\Nright? Your taxes at work\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}More rocks from Godzilla! LOL\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}larval mothra riding rodan is\Ntruly an S-tier move and also\Nonce again produced actual\Nlaughter\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}did godzilla just straight up\Nfaceplant lmao\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell the box can't be\Nfun to carry running cross\Ncountry. The move would have\Nbeen to ditch the box and let\Nthem ride on shoulders like\Nparrots imo\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When being attacked by a\Nsniper, the best defense is\Nto stand in the open and\Nreturn fire with a\Npistol.They teach you that at\Npolice academy.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:31:50.00,1:32:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@robotcarsley He's more of a\Nbatter\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla throwing things\Nfeels wrong\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So the result of that long\Nmeeting earlier is that the\Nmilitary does nothing at all,\Nright? Your taxes at work\N\N{\c&HE0C067&}J.M. Payer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}More rocks from Godzilla! LOL\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}larval mothra riding rodan is\Ntruly an S-tier move and also\Nonce again produced actual\Nlaughter\N\N{\c&HEA4667&}nev\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}did godzilla just straight up\Nfaceplant lmao\N\N{\c&H71FE5C&}Robert\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell the box can't be\Nfun to carry running cross\Ncountry. The move would have\Nbeen to ditch the box and let\Nthem ride on shoulders like\Nparrots imo\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When being attacked by a\Nsniper, the best defense is\Nto stand in the open and\Nreturn fire with a\Npistol.They teach you that at\Npolice academy.\N\N