[Script Info] Title: Ebirah, Horror of the Deep ScriptType: v4.00+ Collisions: Normal PlayResX: 1920 PlayResY: 1080 [V4+ Styles] Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding Style: Default,Arial,30,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H80000000,-1,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,0,2,10,10,10,1 [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:00:06.00,0:00:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just pressed play\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:00:10.00,0:01:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This theme is tantalizingly\Nclose to surf rock which\Nwould have been so perfect\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just pressed play\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:01:37.00,0:02:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This theme is tantalizingly\Nclose to surf rock which\Nwould have been so perfect\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just pressed play\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:02:46.00,0:03:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YATA IS NOT YET\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This theme is tantalizingly\Nclose to surf rock which\Nwould have been so perfect\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just pressed play\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:03:00.00,0:03:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YATA IS NOT YET\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This theme is tantalizingly\Nclose to surf rock which\Nwould have been so perfect\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just pressed play\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:03:48.00,0:04:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YATA IS NOT YET\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This theme is tantalizingly\Nclose to surf rock which\Nwould have been so perfect\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just pressed play\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:16.00,0:04:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}DANCE MARATHON\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YATA IS NOT YET\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This theme is tantalizingly\Nclose to surf rock which\Nwould have been so perfect\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just pressed play\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:04:54.00,0:05:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay that's the batman '66\Ntheme\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}DANCE MARATHON\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YATA IS NOT YET\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This theme is tantalizingly\Nclose to surf rock which\Nwould have been so perfect\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just pressed play\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}go go go!!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:05:13.00,0:05:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay that's the batman '66\Ntheme\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}DANCE MARATHON\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YATA IS NOT YET\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This theme is tantalizingly\Nclose to surf rock which\Nwould have been so perfect\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}just pressed play\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:05:48.00,0:06:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay that's the batman '66\Ntheme\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}DANCE MARATHON\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YATA IS NOT YET\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This theme is tantalizingly\Nclose to surf rock which\Nwould have been so perfect\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:06:08.00,0:06:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}HEREMGUEF GO GO BIG\NAPPLE...what?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay that's the batman '66\Ntheme\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}DANCE MARATHON\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YATA IS NOT YET\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.00,0:06:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nice cut\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}HEREMGUEF GO GO BIG\NAPPLE...what?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay that's the batman '66\Ntheme\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}DANCE MARATHON\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}YATA IS NOT YET\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}And the Studio Number 1\NDancers everybody\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:06:46.00,0:06:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wacky incidental music is\Nwacky\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nice cut\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}HEREMGUEF GO GO BIG\NAPPLE...what?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay that's the batman '66\Ntheme\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}DANCE MARATHON\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:06:54.00,0:07:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the gang steals a boat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wacky incidental music is\Nwacky\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nice cut\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}HEREMGUEF GO GO BIG\NAPPLE...what?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay that's the batman '66\Ntheme\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}DANCE MARATHON\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i dont know what that duck\Nposter says but I NEED it\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:07:11.00,0:07:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i hope they don't run into\Nany kaiju at sea\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the gang steals a boat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wacky incidental music is\Nwacky\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nice cut\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}HEREMGUEF GO GO BIG\NAPPLE...what?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay that's the batman '66\Ntheme\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}DANCE MARATHON\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}government implicitly\Nsuggesting they have no boats\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:07:46.00,0:07:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need dance marathons to\Nkeep the youth out of trouble\Nsuch as boat trespassing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i hope they don't run into\Nany kaiju at sea\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the gang steals a boat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wacky incidental music is\Nwacky\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nice cut\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}HEREMGUEF GO GO BIG\NAPPLE...what?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay that's the batman '66\Ntheme\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:07:58.00,0:09:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is this the Gilbert Gottfried\Nof Japan?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need dance marathons to\Nkeep the youth out of trouble\Nsuch as boat trespassing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i hope they don't run into\Nany kaiju at sea\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the gang steals a boat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wacky incidental music is\Nwacky\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nice cut\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}HEREMGUEF GO GO BIG\NAPPLE...what?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:09:12.00,0:09:18.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the funniest human\Nreunion premise yet\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is this the Gilbert Gottfried\Nof Japan?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need dance marathons to\Nkeep the youth out of trouble\Nsuch as boat trespassing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i hope they don't run into\Nany kaiju at sea\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the gang steals a boat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wacky incidental music is\Nwacky\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nice cut\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}HEREMGUEF GO GO BIG\NAPPLE...what?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I have this novelty record\Nthat's the batman theme song\Nand a bunch of\Nbatman-adjacent surf rock,\Nand it sounds exactly like\Nthis dance music\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:09:18.00,0:09:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}...A gift from the gods. Oh,\Nand I disassembled your\Ngun.Got any corned beef hash?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the funniest human\Nreunion premise yet\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is this the Gilbert Gottfried\Nof Japan?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need dance marathons to\Nkeep the youth out of trouble\Nsuch as boat trespassing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i hope they don't run into\Nany kaiju at sea\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the gang steals a boat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wacky incidental music is\Nwacky\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nice cut\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}HEREMGUEF GO GO BIG\NAPPLE...what?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}caked up yellow guy\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:09:53.00,0:09:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The guy in the yellow shirt\Nin the english dub sounds\Nlike a cartoon character\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}...A gift from the gods. Oh,\Nand I disassembled your\Ngun.Got any corned beef hash?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the funniest human\Nreunion premise yet\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is this the Gilbert Gottfried\Nof Japan?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need dance marathons to\Nkeep the youth out of trouble\Nsuch as boat trespassing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i hope they don't run into\Nany kaiju at sea\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the gang steals a boat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wacky incidental music is\Nwacky\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nice cut\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:09:54.00,0:10:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ooh he a yanqui\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The guy in the yellow shirt\Nin the english dub sounds\Nlike a cartoon character\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}...A gift from the gods. Oh,\Nand I disassembled your\Ngun.Got any corned beef hash?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the funniest human\Nreunion premise yet\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is this the Gilbert Gottfried\Nof Japan?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need dance marathons to\Nkeep the youth out of trouble\Nsuch as boat trespassing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i hope they don't run into\Nany kaiju at sea\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the gang steals a boat\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}wacky incidental music is\Nwacky\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:10:12.00,0:10:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to play\Nchekov’s gun…\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ooh he a yanqui\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The guy in the yellow shirt\Nin the english dub sounds\Nlike a cartoon character\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}...A gift from the gods. Oh,\Nand I disassembled your\Ngun.Got any corned beef hash?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the funniest human\Nreunion premise yet\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is this the Gilbert Gottfried\Nof Japan?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need dance marathons to\Nkeep the youth out of trouble\Nsuch as boat trespassing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i hope they don't run into\Nany kaiju at sea\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the gang steals a boat\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:10:35.00,0:10:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay no he stole it from a\Nyanqui. better\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to play\Nchekov’s gun…\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ooh he a yanqui\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The guy in the yellow shirt\Nin the english dub sounds\Nlike a cartoon character\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}...A gift from the gods. Oh,\Nand I disassembled your\Ngun.Got any corned beef hash?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the funniest human\Nreunion premise yet\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is this the Gilbert Gottfried\Nof Japan?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need dance marathons to\Nkeep the youth out of trouble\Nsuch as boat trespassing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i hope they don't run into\Nany kaiju at sea\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:10:54.00,0:12:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gosh i hope they don't run\Ninto any kaiju out here on\Nthe open seas\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay no he stole it from a\Nyanqui. better\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to play\Nchekov’s gun…\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ooh he a yanqui\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The guy in the yellow shirt\Nin the english dub sounds\Nlike a cartoon character\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}...A gift from the gods. Oh,\Nand I disassembled your\Ngun.Got any corned beef hash?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the funniest human\Nreunion premise yet\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is this the Gilbert Gottfried\Nof Japan?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need dance marathons to\Nkeep the youth out of trouble\Nsuch as boat trespassing\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:27.00,0:12:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these lads, these guys, these\Nboy-os\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gosh i hope they don't run\Ninto any kaiju out here on\Nthe open seas\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay no he stole it from a\Nyanqui. better\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to play\Nchekov’s gun…\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ooh he a yanqui\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The guy in the yellow shirt\Nin the english dub sounds\Nlike a cartoon character\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}...A gift from the gods. Oh,\Nand I disassembled your\Ngun.Got any corned beef hash?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the funniest human\Nreunion premise yet\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is this the Gilbert Gottfried\Nof Japan?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:12:28.00,0:13:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What? Did start early this\Nweek?Now I have to catch up\Nby watching at 2X!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these lads, these guys, these\Nboy-os\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gosh i hope they don't run\Ninto any kaiju out here on\Nthe open seas\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay no he stole it from a\Nyanqui. better\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to play\Nchekov’s gun…\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ooh he a yanqui\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The guy in the yellow shirt\Nin the english dub sounds\Nlike a cartoon character\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}...A gift from the gods. Oh,\Nand I disassembled your\Ngun.Got any corned beef hash?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is the funniest human\Nreunion premise yet\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:13:03.00,0:13:24.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant enemy crab!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What? Did start early this\Nweek?Now I have to catch up\Nby watching at 2X!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these lads, these guys, these\Nboy-os\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gosh i hope they don't run\Ninto any kaiju out here on\Nthe open seas\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay no he stole it from a\Nyanqui. better\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to play\Nchekov’s gun…\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ooh he a yanqui\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The guy in the yellow shirt\Nin the english dub sounds\Nlike a cartoon character\N\N{\c&H426D95&}wohali\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}...A gift from the gods. Oh,\Nand I disassembled your\Ngun.Got any corned beef hash?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:13:24.00,0:13:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Perhaps this plan could have\Nused more development\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant enemy crab!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What? Did start early this\Nweek?Now I have to catch up\Nby watching at 2X!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these lads, these guys, these\Nboy-os\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gosh i hope they don't run\Ninto any kaiju out here on\Nthe open seas\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay no he stole it from a\Nyanqui. better\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Interesting way to play\Nchekov’s gun…\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ooh he a yanqui\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The guy in the yellow shirt\Nin the english dub sounds\Nlike a cartoon character\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:13:39.00,0:14:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}look at the size of that\Nthing. we can make tempura\Nfor everyone\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh wait. I think I've seen\Nthis one. Did we do this last\Nyear?I remember the absurd\Nidea of a dance marathon to\Nwin a yacht.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Perhaps this plan could have\Nused more development\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant enemy crab!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What? Did start early this\Nweek?Now I have to catch up\Nby watching at 2X!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these lads, these guys, these\Nboy-os\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gosh i hope they don't run\Ninto any kaiju out here on\Nthe open seas\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay no he stole it from a\Nyanqui. better\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:16.00,0:14:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“You have your girlfriends,\NI have key.”\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}look at the size of that\Nthing. we can make tempura\Nfor everyone\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh wait. I think I've seen\Nthis one. Did we do this last\Nyear?I remember the absurd\Nidea of a dance marathon to\Nwin a yacht.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Perhaps this plan could have\Nused more development\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant enemy crab!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What? Did start early this\Nweek?Now I have to catch up\Nby watching at 2X!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these lads, these guys, these\Nboy-os\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}gosh i hope they don't run\Ninto any kaiju out here on\Nthe open seas\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:17.00,0:14:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The most realistic looking\Nepisode of Gilligan's Island\Never\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“You have your girlfriends,\NI have key.”\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}look at the size of that\Nthing. we can make tempura\Nfor everyone\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh wait. I think I've seen\Nthis one. Did we do this last\Nyear?I remember the absurd\Nidea of a dance marathon to\Nwin a yacht.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Perhaps this plan could have\Nused more development\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant enemy crab!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What? Did start early this\Nweek?Now I have to catch up\Nby watching at 2X!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these lads, these guys, these\Nboy-os\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:25.00,0:14:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A GIANT CLAW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The most realistic looking\Nepisode of Gilligan's Island\Never\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“You have your girlfriends,\NI have key.”\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}look at the size of that\Nthing. we can make tempura\Nfor everyone\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh wait. I think I've seen\Nthis one. Did we do this last\Nyear?I remember the absurd\Nidea of a dance marathon to\Nwin a yacht.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Perhaps this plan could have\Nused more development\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant enemy crab!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What? Did start early this\Nweek?Now I have to catch up\Nby watching at 2X!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}these lads, these guys, these\Nboy-os\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:36.00,0:14:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that was actually a cool\Nscene tho\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A GIANT CLAW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The most realistic looking\Nepisode of Gilligan's Island\Never\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“You have your girlfriends,\NI have key.”\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}look at the size of that\Nthing. we can make tempura\Nfor everyone\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh wait. I think I've seen\Nthis one. Did we do this last\Nyear?I remember the absurd\Nidea of a dance marathon to\Nwin a yacht.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Perhaps this plan could have\Nused more development\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Giant enemy crab!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What? Did start early this\Nweek?Now I have to catch up\Nby watching at 2X!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:42.00,0:14:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is making me wish one of\Nthose ultra serious American\Ndramas about seafaring had a\Nrandom kaiju plot twist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that was actually a cool\Nscene tho\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A GIANT CLAW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The most realistic looking\Nepisode of Gilligan's Island\Never\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“You have your girlfriends,\NI have key.”\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}look at the size of that\Nthing. we can make tempura\Nfor everyone\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh wait. I think I've seen\Nthis one. Did we do this last\Nyear?I remember the absurd\Nidea of a dance marathon to\Nwin a yacht.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Perhaps this plan could have\Nused more development\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:14:51.00,0:15:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In South Seas crab claw crack\Nyou\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is making me wish one of\Nthose ultra serious American\Ndramas about seafaring had a\Nrandom kaiju plot twist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that was actually a cool\Nscene tho\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A GIANT CLAW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The most realistic looking\Nepisode of Gilligan's Island\Never\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“You have your girlfriends,\NI have key.”\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}look at the size of that\Nthing. we can make tempura\Nfor everyone\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh wait. I think I've seen\Nthis one. Did we do this last\Nyear?I remember the absurd\Nidea of a dance marathon to\Nwin a yacht.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:07.00,0:15:08.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret There's probably a\Ngiant rubber band on the boat\Nsomewhere\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In South Seas crab claw crack\Nyou\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is making me wish one of\Nthose ultra serious American\Ndramas about seafaring had a\Nrandom kaiju plot twist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that was actually a cool\Nscene tho\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A GIANT CLAW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The most realistic looking\Nepisode of Gilligan's Island\Never\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“You have your girlfriends,\NI have key.”\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}look at the size of that\Nthing. we can make tempura\Nfor everyone\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh wait. I think I've seen\Nthis one. Did we do this last\Nyear?I remember the absurd\Nidea of a dance marathon to\Nwin a yacht.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:08.00,0:15:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Once you steal the money, the\Nfirst thing you do is buy a\Nbetter briefcase\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret There's probably a\Ngiant rubber band on the boat\Nsomewhere\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In South Seas crab claw crack\Nyou\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is making me wish one of\Nthose ultra serious American\Ndramas about seafaring had a\Nrandom kaiju plot twist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that was actually a cool\Nscene tho\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A GIANT CLAW\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The most realistic looking\Nepisode of Gilligan's Island\Never\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“You have your girlfriends,\NI have key.”\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}look at the size of that\Nthing. we can make tempura\Nfor everyone\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:39.00,0:15:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA8D19A&}Blunt Line Assembly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}EBIRAH BIG PINCHY (1966, dir.\NJun Fukuda)\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Even if you're all maniacs,\Nyou're still breaking and\Nentering. ... ok, you can\Nspend the night."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Once you steal the money, the\Nfirst thing you do is buy a\Nbetter briefcase\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret There's probably a\Ngiant rubber band on the boat\Nsomewhere\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In South Seas crab claw crack\Nyou\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is making me wish one of\Nthose ultra serious American\Ndramas about seafaring had a\Nrandom kaiju plot twist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that was actually a cool\Nscene tho\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A GIANT CLAW\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:40.00,0:15:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​\N\N{\c&HA8D19A&}Blunt Line Assembly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}EBIRAH BIG PINCHY (1966, dir.\NJun Fukuda)\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Even if you're all maniacs,\Nyou're still breaking and\Nentering. ... ok, you can\Nspend the night."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Once you steal the money, the\Nfirst thing you do is buy a\Nbetter briefcase\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret There's probably a\Ngiant rubber band on the boat\Nsomewhere\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In South Seas crab claw crack\Nyou\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is making me wish one of\Nthose ultra serious American\Ndramas about seafaring had a\Nrandom kaiju plot twist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that was actually a cool\Nscene tho\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:15:53.00,0:16:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Right, on account\Nof the intricate plot\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​\N\N{\c&HA8D19A&}Blunt Line Assembly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}EBIRAH BIG PINCHY (1966, dir.\NJun Fukuda)\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Even if you're all maniacs,\Nyou're still breaking and\Nentering. ... ok, you can\Nspend the night."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Once you steal the money, the\Nfirst thing you do is buy a\Nbetter briefcase\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret There's probably a\Ngiant rubber band on the boat\Nsomewhere\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In South Seas crab claw crack\Nyou\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is making me wish one of\Nthose ultra serious American\Ndramas about seafaring had a\Nrandom kaiju plot twist\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:10.00,0:16:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it was nice of shrimp kaiju\Nto leave them there\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Right, on account\Nof the intricate plot\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​\N\N{\c&HA8D19A&}Blunt Line Assembly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}EBIRAH BIG PINCHY (1966, dir.\NJun Fukuda)\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Even if you're all maniacs,\Nyou're still breaking and\Nentering. ... ok, you can\Nspend the night."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Once you steal the money, the\Nfirst thing you do is buy a\Nbetter briefcase\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret There's probably a\Ngiant rubber band on the boat\Nsomewhere\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}In South Seas crab claw crack\Nyou\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:15.00,0:16:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We're safe! We're on an\Nisland! And then nothing bad\Never happened again. Short\Nmovie.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it was nice of shrimp kaiju\Nto leave them there\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Right, on account\Nof the intricate plot\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​\N\N{\c&HA8D19A&}Blunt Line Assembly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}EBIRAH BIG PINCHY (1966, dir.\NJun Fukuda)\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Even if you're all maniacs,\Nyou're still breaking and\Nentering. ... ok, you can\Nspend the night."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Once you steal the money, the\Nfirst thing you do is buy a\Nbetter briefcase\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret There's probably a\Ngiant rubber band on the boat\Nsomewhere\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:16:37.00,0:17:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way you ate twenty\Nbananas each. you're gonna be\Nso sick\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We're safe! We're on an\Nisland! And then nothing bad\Never happened again. Short\Nmovie.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it was nice of shrimp kaiju\Nto leave them there\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Right, on account\Nof the intricate plot\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​\N\N{\c&HA8D19A&}Blunt Line Assembly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}EBIRAH BIG PINCHY (1966, dir.\NJun Fukuda)\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Even if you're all maniacs,\Nyou're still breaking and\Nentering. ... ok, you can\Nspend the night."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Once you steal the money, the\Nfirst thing you do is buy a\Nbetter briefcase\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:17:12.00,0:17:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ngl this island is beautiful\Nand I want to be there, Kaiju\Nor no.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way you ate twenty\Nbananas each. you're gonna be\Nso sick\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We're safe! We're on an\Nisland! And then nothing bad\Never happened again. Short\Nmovie.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it was nice of shrimp kaiju\Nto leave them there\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Right, on account\Nof the intricate plot\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​\N\N{\c&HA8D19A&}Blunt Line Assembly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}EBIRAH BIG PINCHY (1966, dir.\NJun Fukuda)\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Even if you're all maniacs,\Nyou're still breaking and\Nentering. ... ok, you can\Nspend the night."\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:17:13.00,0:17:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the amount of man cake in\Nthis movie is ​​\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ngl this island is beautiful\Nand I want to be there, Kaiju\Nor no.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way you ate twenty\Nbananas each. you're gonna be\Nso sick\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We're safe! We're on an\Nisland! And then nothing bad\Never happened again. Short\Nmovie.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it was nice of shrimp kaiju\Nto leave them there\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Right, on account\Nof the intricate plot\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​\N\N{\c&HA8D19A&}Blunt Line Assembly\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}EBIRAH BIG PINCHY (1966, dir.\NJun Fukuda)\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:17:42.00,0:18:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe don't brandish a sword\Nat people while yelling at\Nthem to help you\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the amount of man cake in\Nthis movie is ​​\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ngl this island is beautiful\Nand I want to be there, Kaiju\Nor no.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way you ate twenty\Nbananas each. you're gonna be\Nso sick\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We're safe! We're on an\Nisland! And then nothing bad\Never happened again. Short\Nmovie.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it was nice of shrimp kaiju\Nto leave them there\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Right, on account\Nof the intricate plot\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​​\N​​​​​​​​\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:01.00,0:18:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Steel tools with plastic\Nhandles?! Must be cannibals."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe don't brandish a sword\Nat people while yelling at\Nthem to help you\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the amount of man cake in\Nthis movie is ​​\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ngl this island is beautiful\Nand I want to be there, Kaiju\Nor no.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way you ate twenty\Nbananas each. you're gonna be\Nso sick\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We're safe! We're on an\Nisland! And then nothing bad\Never happened again. Short\Nmovie.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it was nice of shrimp kaiju\Nto leave them there\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Right, on account\Nof the intricate plot\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:12.00,0:18:17.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Holy shit how many bananas\Ndid you guys eat in one\Nsitting\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Steel tools with plastic\Nhandles?! Must be cannibals."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe don't brandish a sword\Nat people while yelling at\Nthem to help you\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the amount of man cake in\Nthis movie is ​​\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ngl this island is beautiful\Nand I want to be there, Kaiju\Nor no.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way you ate twenty\Nbananas each. you're gonna be\Nso sick\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We're safe! We're on an\Nisland! And then nothing bad\Never happened again. Short\Nmovie.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it was nice of shrimp kaiju\Nto leave them there\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:17.00,0:18:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you ate fruit ONCE, my dudes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Holy shit how many bananas\Ndid you guys eat in one\Nsitting\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Steel tools with plastic\Nhandles?! Must be cannibals."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe don't brandish a sword\Nat people while yelling at\Nthem to help you\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the amount of man cake in\Nthis movie is ​​\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ngl this island is beautiful\Nand I want to be there, Kaiju\Nor no.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way you ate twenty\Nbananas each. you're gonna be\Nso sick\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We're safe! We're on an\Nisland! And then nothing bad\Never happened again. Short\Nmovie.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:22.00,0:18:24.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dude almost everywhere there\Nare swords and almost nowhere\Nare there cannibals\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you ate fruit ONCE, my dudes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Holy shit how many bananas\Ndid you guys eat in one\Nsitting\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Steel tools with plastic\Nhandles?! Must be cannibals."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe don't brandish a sword\Nat people while yelling at\Nthem to help you\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the amount of man cake in\Nthis movie is ​​\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ngl this island is beautiful\Nand I want to be there, Kaiju\Nor no.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}there's no way you ate twenty\Nbananas each. you're gonna be\Nso sick\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We're safe! We're on an\Nisland! And then nothing bad\Never happened again. Short\Nmovie.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:18:24.00,0:19:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@RamenCatholic When I think\N"sophisticated metalworking\Nand also plastic" I\Ndefinitely think "cannibals".\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dude almost everywhere there\Nare swords and almost nowhere\Nare there cannibals\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you ate fruit ONCE, my dudes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Holy shit how many bananas\Ndid you guys eat in one\Nsitting\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Steel tools with plastic\Nhandles?! Must be cannibals."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe don't brandish a sword\Nat people while yelling at\Nthem to help you\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the amount of man cake in\Nthis movie is ​​\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ngl this island is beautiful\Nand I want to be there, Kaiju\Nor no.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:30.00,0:19:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Evil supervillain lair?! Give\Nme a one-way ticket, please!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@RamenCatholic When I think\N"sophisticated metalworking\Nand also plastic" I\Ndefinitely think "cannibals".\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dude almost everywhere there\Nare swords and almost nowhere\Nare there cannibals\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you ate fruit ONCE, my dudes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Holy shit how many bananas\Ndid you guys eat in one\Nsitting\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Steel tools with plastic\Nhandles?! Must be cannibals."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe don't brandish a sword\Nat people while yelling at\Nthem to help you\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the amount of man cake in\Nthis movie is ​​\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}ngl this island is beautiful\Nand I want to be there, Kaiju\Nor no.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:39.00,0:19:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyepatch villain eyepatch\Nvillain\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Evil supervillain lair?! Give\Nme a one-way ticket, please!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@RamenCatholic When I think\N"sophisticated metalworking\Nand also plastic" I\Ndefinitely think "cannibals".\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dude almost everywhere there\Nare swords and almost nowhere\Nare there cannibals\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you ate fruit ONCE, my dudes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Holy shit how many bananas\Ndid you guys eat in one\Nsitting\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Steel tools with plastic\Nhandles?! Must be cannibals."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe don't brandish a sword\Nat people while yelling at\Nthem to help you\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the amount of man cake in\Nthis movie is ​​\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:50.00,0:19:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is that a GDI base? Is there\Ntiberium on this island?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyepatch villain eyepatch\Nvillain\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Evil supervillain lair?! Give\Nme a one-way ticket, please!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@RamenCatholic When I think\N"sophisticated metalworking\Nand also plastic" I\Ndefinitely think "cannibals".\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dude almost everywhere there\Nare swords and almost nowhere\Nare there cannibals\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you ate fruit ONCE, my dudes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Holy shit how many bananas\Ndid you guys eat in one\Nsitting\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Steel tools with plastic\Nhandles?! Must be cannibals."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe don't brandish a sword\Nat people while yelling at\Nthem to help you\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:19:53.00,0:20:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The infamous cannibals of the\NJapanese coastline\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is that a GDI base? Is there\Ntiberium on this island?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyepatch villain eyepatch\Nvillain\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Evil supervillain lair?! Give\Nme a one-way ticket, please!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@RamenCatholic When I think\N"sophisticated metalworking\Nand also plastic" I\Ndefinitely think "cannibals".\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dude almost everywhere there\Nare swords and almost nowhere\Nare there cannibals\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you ate fruit ONCE, my dudes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Holy shit how many bananas\Ndid you guys eat in one\Nsitting\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Steel tools with plastic\Nhandles?! Must be cannibals."\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:03.00,0:20:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The tiny ship was\Ntossed...​"\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The infamous cannibals of the\NJapanese coastline\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is that a GDI base? Is there\Ntiberium on this island?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyepatch villain eyepatch\Nvillain\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Evil supervillain lair?! Give\Nme a one-way ticket, please!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@RamenCatholic When I think\N"sophisticated metalworking\Nand also plastic" I\Ndefinitely think "cannibals".\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dude almost everywhere there\Nare swords and almost nowhere\Nare there cannibals\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you ate fruit ONCE, my dudes\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Holy shit how many bananas\Ndid you guys eat in one\Nsitting\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:20:53.00,0:21:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What do they keep in there,\NKing Kong?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The tiny ship was\Ntossed...​"\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The infamous cannibals of the\NJapanese coastline\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is that a GDI base? Is there\Ntiberium on this island?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyepatch villain eyepatch\Nvillain\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Evil supervillain lair?! Give\Nme a one-way ticket, please!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@RamenCatholic When I think\N"sophisticated metalworking\Nand also plastic" I\Ndefinitely think "cannibals".\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dude almost everywhere there\Nare swords and almost nowhere\Nare there cannibals\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}you ate fruit ONCE, my dudes\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:06.00,0:21:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell @Taweret feels\Nlike I’m a minute or so\Nbehind on from the criterion\N/ Janus logos on my transfer\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What do they keep in there,\NKing Kong?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The tiny ship was\Ntossed...​"\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The infamous cannibals of the\NJapanese coastline\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is that a GDI base? Is there\Ntiberium on this island?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyepatch villain eyepatch\Nvillain\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Evil supervillain lair?! Give\Nme a one-way ticket, please!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@RamenCatholic When I think\N"sophisticated metalworking\Nand also plastic" I\Ndefinitely think "cannibals".\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dude almost everywhere there\Nare swords and almost nowhere\Nare there cannibals\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:25.00,0:21:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol holy shit. shrimp kaiju\Nfucking speared them like\Nfish\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell @Taweret feels\Nlike I’m a minute or so\Nbehind on from the criterion\N/ Janus logos on my transfer\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What do they keep in there,\NKing Kong?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The tiny ship was\Ntossed...​"\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The infamous cannibals of the\NJapanese coastline\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is that a GDI base? Is there\Ntiberium on this island?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyepatch villain eyepatch\Nvillain\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Evil supervillain lair?! Give\Nme a one-way ticket, please!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@RamenCatholic When I think\N"sophisticated metalworking\Nand also plastic" I\Ndefinitely think "cannibals".\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:26.00,0:21:59.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}my cat is very interested in\Nthe giant seafood monster\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol holy shit. shrimp kaiju\Nfucking speared them like\Nfish\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell @Taweret feels\Nlike I’m a minute or so\Nbehind on from the criterion\N/ Janus logos on my transfer\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What do they keep in there,\NKing Kong?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The tiny ship was\Ntossed...​"\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The infamous cannibals of the\NJapanese coastline\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is that a GDI base? Is there\Ntiberium on this island?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyepatch villain eyepatch\Nvillain\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Evil supervillain lair?! Give\Nme a one-way ticket, please!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:21:59.00,0:22:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it must really hate boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}my cat is very interested in\Nthe giant seafood monster\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol holy shit. shrimp kaiju\Nfucking speared them like\Nfish\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell @Taweret feels\Nlike I’m a minute or so\Nbehind on from the criterion\N/ Janus logos on my transfer\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What do they keep in there,\NKing Kong?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The tiny ship was\Ntossed...​"\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The infamous cannibals of the\NJapanese coastline\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is that a GDI base? Is there\Ntiberium on this island?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}eyepatch villain eyepatch\Nvillain\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:22:03.00,0:22:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, the fearsome call of\Nthe shrimp, "EEEEEEEEEEEE"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it must really hate boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}my cat is very interested in\Nthe giant seafood monster\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol holy shit. shrimp kaiju\Nfucking speared them like\Nfish\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell @Taweret feels\Nlike I’m a minute or so\Nbehind on from the criterion\N/ Janus logos on my transfer\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What do they keep in there,\NKing Kong?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The tiny ship was\Ntossed...​"\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The infamous cannibals of the\NJapanese coastline\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Is that a GDI base? Is there\Ntiberium on this island?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:22:14.00,0:23:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was not prepared for the\Ngoogly eyes on the shrimp\Nkaiju\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, the fearsome call of\Nthe shrimp, "EEEEEEEEEEEE"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it must really hate boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}my cat is very interested in\Nthe giant seafood monster\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol holy shit. shrimp kaiju\Nfucking speared them like\Nfish\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell @Taweret feels\Nlike I’m a minute or so\Nbehind on from the criterion\N/ Janus logos on my transfer\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What do they keep in there,\NKing Kong?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The tiny ship was\Ntossed...​"\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The infamous cannibals of the\NJapanese coastline\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:23:19.00,0:24:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want the balloon to make\Nthe same sound effect as the\None from 'The Prisoner.'\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was not prepared for the\Ngoogly eyes on the shrimp\Nkaiju\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, the fearsome call of\Nthe shrimp, "EEEEEEEEEEEE"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it must really hate boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}my cat is very interested in\Nthe giant seafood monster\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol holy shit. shrimp kaiju\Nfucking speared them like\Nfish\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell @Taweret feels\Nlike I’m a minute or so\Nbehind on from the criterion\N/ Janus logos on my transfer\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What do they keep in there,\NKing Kong?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"The tiny ship was\Ntossed...​"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:16.00,0:24:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im always struck by how\Nvibrant and colorful older\Nmovies lookso many modern\Nfilms have that washed out\Ndrab look. this is nice\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want the balloon to make\Nthe same sound effect as the\None from 'The Prisoner.'\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was not prepared for the\Ngoogly eyes on the shrimp\Nkaiju\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, the fearsome call of\Nthe shrimp, "EEEEEEEEEEEE"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it must really hate boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}my cat is very interested in\Nthe giant seafood monster\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol holy shit. shrimp kaiju\Nfucking speared them like\Nfish\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell @Taweret feels\Nlike I’m a minute or so\Nbehind on from the criterion\N/ Janus logos on my transfer\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:24:30.00,0:25:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Shoot down the spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im always struck by how\Nvibrant and colorful older\Nmovies lookso many modern\Nfilms have that washed out\Ndrab look. this is nice\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want the balloon to make\Nthe same sound effect as the\None from 'The Prisoner.'\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was not prepared for the\Ngoogly eyes on the shrimp\Nkaiju\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, the fearsome call of\Nthe shrimp, "EEEEEEEEEEEE"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it must really hate boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}my cat is very interested in\Nthe giant seafood monster\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol holy shit. shrimp kaiju\Nfucking speared them like\Nfish\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell @Taweret feels\Nlike I’m a minute or so\Nbehind on from the criterion\N/ Janus logos on my transfer\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:44.00,0:25:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do the storms mean something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Shoot down the spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im always struck by how\Nvibrant and colorful older\Nmovies lookso many modern\Nfilms have that washed out\Ndrab look. this is nice\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want the balloon to make\Nthe same sound effect as the\None from 'The Prisoner.'\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was not prepared for the\Ngoogly eyes on the shrimp\Nkaiju\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, the fearsome call of\Nthe shrimp, "EEEEEEEEEEEE"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it must really hate boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}my cat is very interested in\Nthe giant seafood monster\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lol holy shit. shrimp kaiju\Nfucking speared them like\Nfish\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:51.00,0:25:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Now I'm caught up.Just in\Ntime to enjoy ... whatever's\Ngoing on here.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do the storms mean something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Shoot down the spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im always struck by how\Nvibrant and colorful older\Nmovies lookso many modern\Nfilms have that washed out\Ndrab look. this is nice\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want the balloon to make\Nthe same sound effect as the\None from 'The Prisoner.'\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was not prepared for the\Ngoogly eyes on the shrimp\Nkaiju\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, the fearsome call of\Nthe shrimp, "EEEEEEEEEEEE"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it must really hate boats\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}my cat is very interested in\Nthe giant seafood monster\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:25:52.00,0:26:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey, there’s a dance\Nmarathon going on in this\Ncave!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Now I'm caught up.Just in\Ntime to enjoy ... whatever's\Ngoing on here.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do the storms mean something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Shoot down the spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im always struck by how\Nvibrant and colorful older\Nmovies lookso many modern\Nfilms have that washed out\Ndrab look. this is nice\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want the balloon to make\Nthe same sound effect as the\None from 'The Prisoner.'\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was not prepared for the\Ngoogly eyes on the shrimp\Nkaiju\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, the fearsome call of\Nthe shrimp, "EEEEEEEEEEEE"\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:26:19.00,0:27:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It sure made a big hole,\Ndidn't it?"Yeah, it must be\Nthe first storm this island\Nhas ever seen.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey, there’s a dance\Nmarathon going on in this\Ncave!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Now I'm caught up.Just in\Ntime to enjoy ... whatever's\Ngoing on here.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do the storms mean something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Shoot down the spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im always struck by how\Nvibrant and colorful older\Nmovies lookso many modern\Nfilms have that washed out\Ndrab look. this is nice\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want the balloon to make\Nthe same sound effect as the\None from 'The Prisoner.'\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I was not prepared for the\Ngoogly eyes on the shrimp\Nkaiju\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:27:21.00,0:27:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey some cheese dip!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It sure made a big hole,\Ndidn't it?"Yeah, it must be\Nthe first storm this island\Nhas ever seen.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey, there’s a dance\Nmarathon going on in this\Ncave!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Now I'm caught up.Just in\Ntime to enjoy ... whatever's\Ngoing on here.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do the storms mean something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Shoot down the spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im always struck by how\Nvibrant and colorful older\Nmovies lookso many modern\Nfilms have that washed out\Ndrab look. this is nice\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want the balloon to make\Nthe same sound effect as the\None from 'The Prisoner.'\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:27:29.00,0:28:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lobster or crab?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey some cheese dip!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It sure made a big hole,\Ndidn't it?"Yeah, it must be\Nthe first storm this island\Nhas ever seen.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey, there’s a dance\Nmarathon going on in this\Ncave!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Now I'm caught up.Just in\Ntime to enjoy ... whatever's\Ngoing on here.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do the storms mean something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Shoot down the spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im always struck by how\Nvibrant and colorful older\Nmovies lookso many modern\Nfilms have that washed out\Ndrab look. this is nice\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I want the balloon to make\Nthe same sound effect as the\None from 'The Prisoner.'\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:28:05.00,0:28:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So why did they decide one of\Nthese guys had to be dubbed\Nover like he was one of the\NThree Stooges?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lobster or crab?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey some cheese dip!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It sure made a big hole,\Ndidn't it?"Yeah, it must be\Nthe first storm this island\Nhas ever seen.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey, there’s a dance\Nmarathon going on in this\Ncave!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Now I'm caught up.Just in\Ntime to enjoy ... whatever's\Ngoing on here.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do the storms mean something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Shoot down the spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}im always struck by how\Nvibrant and colorful older\Nmovies lookso many modern\Nfilms have that washed out\Ndrab look. this is nice\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:28:11.00,0:28:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like if you're\Nabsolutely committed to\Ntaking slaves, maybe take\Nthem from somewhere that\Nisn't protected by Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So why did they decide one of\Nthese guys had to be dubbed\Nover like he was one of the\NThree Stooges?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lobster or crab?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey some cheese dip!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It sure made a big hole,\Ndidn't it?"Yeah, it must be\Nthe first storm this island\Nhas ever seen.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey, there’s a dance\Nmarathon going on in this\Ncave!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Now I'm caught up.Just in\Ntime to enjoy ... whatever's\Ngoing on here.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}do the storms mean something?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:28:35.00,0:28:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's not the mothra song.\Nthat's your problem\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like if you're\Nabsolutely committed to\Ntaking slaves, maybe take\Nthem from somewhere that\Nisn't protected by Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So why did they decide one of\Nthese guys had to be dubbed\Nover like he was one of the\NThree Stooges?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lobster or crab?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey some cheese dip!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It sure made a big hole,\Ndidn't it?"Yeah, it must be\Nthe first storm this island\Nhas ever seen.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey, there’s a dance\Nmarathon going on in this\Ncave!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah. Now I'm caught up.Just in\Ntime to enjoy ... whatever's\Ngoing on here.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:28:44.00,0:29:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@trixter I thought it was\Nsplit pea\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's not the mothra song.\Nthat's your problem\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like if you're\Nabsolutely committed to\Ntaking slaves, maybe take\Nthem from somewhere that\Nisn't protected by Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So why did they decide one of\Nthese guys had to be dubbed\Nover like he was one of the\NThree Stooges?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lobster or crab?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey some cheese dip!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It sure made a big hole,\Ndidn't it?"Yeah, it must be\Nthe first storm this island\Nhas ever seen.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey, there’s a dance\Nmarathon going on in this\Ncave!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:28.00,0:29:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}she literally told him his\Nname, age and location of\Ncourse he's alive\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@trixter I thought it was\Nsplit pea\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's not the mothra song.\Nthat's your problem\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like if you're\Nabsolutely committed to\Ntaking slaves, maybe take\Nthem from somewhere that\Nisn't protected by Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So why did they decide one of\Nthese guys had to be dubbed\Nover like he was one of the\NThree Stooges?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lobster or crab?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey some cheese dip!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It sure made a big hole,\Ndidn't it?"Yeah, it must be\Nthe first storm this island\Nhas ever seen.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:42.00,0:29:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s dance marathons all\Nthe way down!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}she literally told him his\Nname, age and location of\Ncourse he's alive\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@trixter I thought it was\Nsplit pea\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's not the mothra song.\Nthat's your problem\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like if you're\Nabsolutely committed to\Ntaking slaves, maybe take\Nthem from somewhere that\Nisn't protected by Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So why did they decide one of\Nthese guys had to be dubbed\Nover like he was one of the\NThree Stooges?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lobster or crab?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey some cheese dip!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It sure made a big hole,\Ndidn't it?"Yeah, it must be\Nthe first storm this island\Nhas ever seen.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:44.00,0:29:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s dance marathons all\Nthe way down!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}she literally told him his\Nname, age and location of\Ncourse he's alive\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@trixter I thought it was\Nsplit pea\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's not the mothra song.\Nthat's your problem\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like if you're\Nabsolutely committed to\Ntaking slaves, maybe take\Nthem from somewhere that\Nisn't protected by Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So why did they decide one of\Nthese guys had to be dubbed\Nover like he was one of the\NThree Stooges?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Lobster or crab?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:47.00,0:29:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}sing the right mothra song\Ndamnit\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s dance marathons all\Nthe way down!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}she literally told him his\Nname, age and location of\Ncourse he's alive\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@trixter I thought it was\Nsplit pea\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's not the mothra song.\Nthat's your problem\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like if you're\Nabsolutely committed to\Ntaking slaves, maybe take\Nthem from somewhere that\Nisn't protected by Mothra\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So why did they decide one of\Nthese guys had to be dubbed\Nover like he was one of the\NThree Stooges?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:52.00,0:29:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Infant island is pretty much\Nthis all day, every day.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}sing the right mothra song\Ndamnit\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s dance marathons all\Nthe way down!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}she literally told him his\Nname, age and location of\Ncourse he's alive\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@trixter I thought it was\Nsplit pea\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's not the mothra song.\Nthat's your problem\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like if you're\Nabsolutely committed to\Ntaking slaves, maybe take\Nthem from somewhere that\Nisn't protected by Mothra\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:29:58.00,0:30:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how mothra sleeps like\Na parked airplane.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Infant island is pretty much\Nthis all day, every day.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}sing the right mothra song\Ndamnit\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s dance marathons all\Nthe way down!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}she literally told him his\Nname, age and location of\Ncourse he's alive\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@trixter I thought it was\Nsplit pea\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}that's not the mothra song.\Nthat's your problem\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I feel like if you're\Nabsolutely committed to\Ntaking slaves, maybe take\Nthem from somewhere that\Nisn't protected by Mothra\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:30:46.00,0:31:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect ourselves, we'll\Nhave to attack them first.You\Nknow, the military base, with\Ncountless soldiers, a small\Nprivate navy, etc.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how mothra sleeps like\Na parked airplane.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Infant island is pretty much\Nthis all day, every day.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}sing the right mothra song\Ndamnit\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s dance marathons all\Nthe way down!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}she literally told him his\Nname, age and location of\Ncourse he's alive\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@trixter I thought it was\Nsplit pea\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:31:38.00,0:31:59.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't look chipper\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect ourselves, we'll\Nhave to attack them first.You\Nknow, the military base, with\Ncountless soldiers, a small\Nprivate navy, etc.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how mothra sleeps like\Na parked airplane.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Infant island is pretty much\Nthis all day, every day.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}sing the right mothra song\Ndamnit\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s dance marathons all\Nthe way down!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}she literally told him his\Nname, age and location of\Ncourse he's alive\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@trixter I thought it was\Nsplit pea\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:31:59.00,0:32:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't worry godzilla is just\Ntaking a nap\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't look chipper\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect ourselves, we'll\Nhave to attack them first.You\Nknow, the military base, with\Ncountless soldiers, a small\Nprivate navy, etc.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how mothra sleeps like\Na parked airplane.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Infant island is pretty much\Nthis all day, every day.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}sing the right mothra song\Ndamnit\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s dance marathons all\Nthe way down!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}she literally told him his\Nname, age and location of\Ncourse he's alive\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:00.00,0:32:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get his ass\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't worry godzilla is just\Ntaking a nap\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't look chipper\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect ourselves, we'll\Nhave to attack them first.You\Nknow, the military base, with\Ncountless soldiers, a small\Nprivate navy, etc.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how mothra sleeps like\Na parked airplane.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Infant island is pretty much\Nthis all day, every day.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}sing the right mothra song\Ndamnit\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s dance marathons all\Nthe way down!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:32:55.00,0:33:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}where did she take that bird\Nfrom\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get his ass\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't worry godzilla is just\Ntaking a nap\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't look chipper\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect ourselves, we'll\Nhave to attack them first.You\Nknow, the military base, with\Ncountless soldiers, a small\Nprivate navy, etc.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how mothra sleeps like\Na parked airplane.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Infant island is pretty much\Nthis all day, every day.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}sing the right mothra song\Ndamnit\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:33:32.00,0:33:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A dove! Abandon your posts!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}where did she take that bird\Nfrom\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get his ass\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't worry godzilla is just\Ntaking a nap\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't look chipper\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect ourselves, we'll\Nhave to attack them first.You\Nknow, the military base, with\Ncountless soldiers, a small\Nprivate navy, etc.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how mothra sleeps like\Na parked airplane.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Infant island is pretty much\Nthis all day, every day.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}sing the right mothra song\Ndamnit\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You guys are never going to\Nwin a yacht with that weak\Nass dancing\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:33:56.00,0:33:59.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}These Toho movies always say\N"Skeleton key" when they\Nclearly mean "lock pick".\NWhat a weird translation\Nerror. I wonder how they\Ndecided that was the right\Nphrase.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A dove! Abandon your posts!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}where did she take that bird\Nfrom\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get his ass\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't worry godzilla is just\Ntaking a nap\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't look chipper\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect ourselves, we'll\Nhave to attack them first.You\Nknow, the military base, with\Ncountless soldiers, a small\Nprivate navy, etc.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how mothra sleeps like\Na parked airplane.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:33:59.00,0:34:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get a load of the lockpicking\Nlawyer over here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}These Toho movies always say\N"Skeleton key" when they\Nclearly mean "lock pick".\NWhat a weird translation\Nerror. I wonder how they\Ndecided that was the right\Nphrase.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A dove! Abandon your posts!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}where did she take that bird\Nfrom\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get his ass\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't worry godzilla is just\Ntaking a nap\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't look chipper\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect ourselves, we'll\Nhave to attack them first.You\Nknow, the military base, with\Ncountless soldiers, a small\Nprivate navy, etc.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:34:39.00,0:34:49.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how sleepy Godzilla is\Nlike a whole persona\Nthroughout the Godzilla\Nfranchise\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get a load of the lockpicking\Nlawyer over here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}These Toho movies always say\N"Skeleton key" when they\Nclearly mean "lock pick".\NWhat a weird translation\Nerror. I wonder how they\Ndecided that was the right\Nphrase.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A dove! Abandon your posts!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}where did she take that bird\Nfrom\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get his ass\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't worry godzilla is just\Ntaking a nap\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't look chipper\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect ourselves, we'll\Nhave to attack them first.You\Nknow, the military base, with\Ncountless soldiers, a small\Nprivate navy, etc.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:34:49.00,0:35:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They've broken into the\NEnterprise\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how sleepy Godzilla is\Nlike a whole persona\Nthroughout the Godzilla\Nfranchise\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get a load of the lockpicking\Nlawyer over here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}These Toho movies always say\N"Skeleton key" when they\Nclearly mean "lock pick".\NWhat a weird translation\Nerror. I wonder how they\Ndecided that was the right\Nphrase.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A dove! Abandon your posts!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}where did she take that bird\Nfrom\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get his ass\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't worry godzilla is just\Ntaking a nap\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:35:21.00,0:36:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want an office like that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They've broken into the\NEnterprise\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how sleepy Godzilla is\Nlike a whole persona\Nthroughout the Godzilla\Nfranchise\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get a load of the lockpicking\Nlawyer over here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}These Toho movies always say\N"Skeleton key" when they\Nclearly mean "lock pick".\NWhat a weird translation\Nerror. I wonder how they\Ndecided that was the right\Nphrase.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A dove! Abandon your posts!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}where did she take that bird\Nfrom\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}get his ass\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}don't worry godzilla is just\Ntaking a nap\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:36:06.00,0:36:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It looks like a\Nlaboratory!"I mean, we\Nhaven't seen inside it yet,\Nbut that guy had a white\Ncoat, so what else could it\Nbe?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want an office like that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They've broken into the\NEnterprise\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how sleepy Godzilla is\Nlike a whole persona\Nthroughout the Godzilla\Nfranchise\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get a load of the lockpicking\Nlawyer over here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}These Toho movies always say\N"Skeleton key" when they\Nclearly mean "lock pick".\NWhat a weird translation\Nerror. I wonder how they\Ndecided that was the right\Nphrase.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}A dove! Abandon your posts!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:36:16.00,0:36:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh whoops! that one was a\Ngrenade\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It looks like a\Nlaboratory!"I mean, we\Nhaven't seen inside it yet,\Nbut that guy had a white\Ncoat, so what else could it\Nbe?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want an office like that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They've broken into the\NEnterprise\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how sleepy Godzilla is\Nlike a whole persona\Nthroughout the Godzilla\Nfranchise\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get a load of the lockpicking\Nlawyer over here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}These Toho movies always say\N"Skeleton key" when they\Nclearly mean "lock pick".\NWhat a weird translation\Nerror. I wonder how they\Ndecided that was the right\Nphrase.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:36:55.00,0:37:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, just hold down the\NRESET button on the vault\Ndoor.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh whoops! that one was a\Ngrenade\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It looks like a\Nlaboratory!"I mean, we\Nhaven't seen inside it yet,\Nbut that guy had a white\Ncoat, so what else could it\Nbe?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want an office like that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They've broken into the\NEnterprise\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how sleepy Godzilla is\Nlike a whole persona\Nthroughout the Godzilla\Nfranchise\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get a load of the lockpicking\Nlawyer over here\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}These Toho movies always say\N"Skeleton key" when they\Nclearly mean "lock pick".\NWhat a weird translation\Nerror. I wonder how they\Ndecided that was the right\Nphrase.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:37:03.00,0:37:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I thought you studied\Nscience!""I wasn't a very\Ngood student."That's actually\Na funny line.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, just hold down the\NRESET button on the vault\Ndoor.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh whoops! that one was a\Ngrenade\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It looks like a\Nlaboratory!"I mean, we\Nhaven't seen inside it yet,\Nbut that guy had a white\Ncoat, so what else could it\Nbe?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want an office like that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They've broken into the\NEnterprise\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how sleepy Godzilla is\Nlike a whole persona\Nthroughout the Godzilla\Nfranchise\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get a load of the lockpicking\Nlawyer over here\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:37:55.00,0:38:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Short sleeve lab coats, for\Ncasual summertime nuclear\Nscience\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I thought you studied\Nscience!""I wasn't a very\Ngood student."That's actually\Na funny line.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, just hold down the\NRESET button on the vault\Ndoor.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh whoops! that one was a\Ngrenade\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It looks like a\Nlaboratory!"I mean, we\Nhaven't seen inside it yet,\Nbut that guy had a white\Ncoat, so what else could it\Nbe?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want an office like that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They've broken into the\NEnterprise\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love how sleepy Godzilla is\Nlike a whole persona\Nthroughout the Godzilla\Nfranchise\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:38:20.00,0:38:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s ok I’ve played\NHitman before I know what to\Ndo here\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Short sleeve lab coats, for\Ncasual summertime nuclear\Nscience\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I thought you studied\Nscience!""I wasn't a very\Ngood student."That's actually\Na funny line.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, just hold down the\NRESET button on the vault\Ndoor.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh whoops! that one was a\Ngrenade\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It looks like a\Nlaboratory!"I mean, we\Nhaven't seen inside it yet,\Nbut that guy had a white\Ncoat, so what else could it\Nbe?\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i want an office like that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}They've broken into the\NEnterprise\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:38:34.00,0:38:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all of these base\Ninteriors. A perfect midpoint\Nbetween Bond villain lairs\Nand Star Trek sets\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s ok I’ve played\NHitman before I know what to\Ndo here\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Short sleeve lab coats, for\Ncasual summertime nuclear\Nscience\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I thought you studied\Nscience!""I wasn't a very\Ngood student."That's actually\Na funny line.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, just hold down the\NRESET button on the vault\Ndoor.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh whoops! that one was a\Ngrenade\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It looks like a\Nlaboratory!"I mean, we\Nhaven't seen inside it yet,\Nbut that guy had a white\Ncoat, so what else could it\Nbe?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:38:35.00,0:38:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Pretty cool…laid?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all of these base\Ninteriors. A perfect midpoint\Nbetween Bond villain lairs\Nand Star Trek sets\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s ok I’ve played\NHitman before I know what to\Ndo here\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Short sleeve lab coats, for\Ncasual summertime nuclear\Nscience\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I thought you studied\Nscience!""I wasn't a very\Ngood student."That's actually\Na funny line.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, just hold down the\NRESET button on the vault\Ndoor.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh whoops! that one was a\Ngrenade\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It looks like a\Nlaboratory!"I mean, we\Nhaven't seen inside it yet,\Nbut that guy had a white\Ncoat, so what else could it\Nbe?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:38:44.00,0:38:59.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this guy's ornamental\Neyepatch.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Pretty cool…laid?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all of these base\Ninteriors. A perfect midpoint\Nbetween Bond villain lairs\Nand Star Trek sets\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s ok I’ve played\NHitman before I know what to\Ndo here\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Short sleeve lab coats, for\Ncasual summertime nuclear\Nscience\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I thought you studied\Nscience!""I wasn't a very\Ngood student."That's actually\Na funny line.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, just hold down the\NRESET button on the vault\Ndoor.\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}oh whoops! that one was a\Ngrenade\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:38:59.00,0:39:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}even the smoke is colorful\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this guy's ornamental\Neyepatch.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Pretty cool…laid?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all of these base\Ninteriors. A perfect midpoint\Nbetween Bond villain lairs\Nand Star Trek sets\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s ok I’ve played\NHitman before I know what to\Ndo here\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Short sleeve lab coats, for\Ncasual summertime nuclear\Nscience\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I thought you studied\Nscience!""I wasn't a very\Ngood student."That's actually\Na funny line.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ah yes, just hold down the\NRESET button on the vault\Ndoor.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:39:12.00,0:40:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa glad I'm not the only\None bothered by those.\NThey're gonna get chemical\Nexposure on their forearms\Nreal bad\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}even the smoke is colorful\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this guy's ornamental\Neyepatch.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Pretty cool…laid?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all of these base\Ninteriors. A perfect midpoint\Nbetween Bond villain lairs\Nand Star Trek sets\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s ok I’ve played\NHitman before I know what to\Ndo here\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Short sleeve lab coats, for\Ncasual summertime nuclear\Nscience\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I thought you studied\Nscience!""I wasn't a very\Ngood student."That's actually\Na funny line.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:11.00,0:40:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like a wacky sitcom\Nabout breaking into a bond\Nvillain lair\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa glad I'm not the only\None bothered by those.\NThey're gonna get chemical\Nexposure on their forearms\Nreal bad\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}even the smoke is colorful\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this guy's ornamental\Neyepatch.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Pretty cool…laid?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all of these base\Ninteriors. A perfect midpoint\Nbetween Bond villain lairs\Nand Star Trek sets\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s ok I’ve played\NHitman before I know what to\Ndo here\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Short sleeve lab coats, for\Ncasual summertime nuclear\Nscience\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:15.00,0:40:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like a wacky sitcom\Nabout breaking into a bond\Nvillain lair\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa glad I'm not the only\None bothered by those.\NThey're gonna get chemical\Nexposure on their forearms\Nreal bad\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}even the smoke is colorful\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this guy's ornamental\Neyepatch.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Pretty cool…laid?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all of these base\Ninteriors. A perfect midpoint\Nbetween Bond villain lairs\Nand Star Trek sets\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s ok I’ve played\NHitman before I know what to\Ndo here\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Short sleeve lab coats, for\Ncasual summertime nuclear\Nscience\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:16.00,0:40:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well if it isn’t my\Narch-nemesis Boots\NMcDragoneyepatch\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like a wacky sitcom\Nabout breaking into a bond\Nvillain lair\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa glad I'm not the only\None bothered by those.\NThey're gonna get chemical\Nexposure on their forearms\Nreal bad\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}even the smoke is colorful\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this guy's ornamental\Neyepatch.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Pretty cool…laid?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all of these base\Ninteriors. A perfect midpoint\Nbetween Bond villain lairs\Nand Star Trek sets\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it’s ok I’ve played\NHitman before I know what to\Ndo here\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:45.00,0:40:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Our final glory requires\Naction, not tests."--Elon\NMusk\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well if it isn’t my\Narch-nemesis Boots\NMcDragoneyepatch\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like a wacky sitcom\Nabout breaking into a bond\Nvillain lair\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa glad I'm not the only\None bothered by those.\NThey're gonna get chemical\Nexposure on their forearms\Nreal bad\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}even the smoke is colorful\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this guy's ornamental\Neyepatch.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Pretty cool…laid?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all of these base\Ninteriors. A perfect midpoint\Nbetween Bond villain lairs\Nand Star Trek sets\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:40:52.00,0:41:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this escape plan fucking\Nruled as long as it was\Nworking\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Our final glory requires\Naction, not tests."--Elon\NMusk\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well if it isn’t my\Narch-nemesis Boots\NMcDragoneyepatch\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like a wacky sitcom\Nabout breaking into a bond\Nvillain lair\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa glad I'm not the only\None bothered by those.\NThey're gonna get chemical\Nexposure on their forearms\Nreal bad\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}even the smoke is colorful\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love this guy's ornamental\Neyepatch.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:14.00,0:41:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa Japan must have\Ndifferent PPE rules\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this escape plan fucking\Nruled as long as it was\Nworking\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Our final glory requires\Naction, not tests."--Elon\NMusk\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well if it isn’t my\Narch-nemesis Boots\NMcDragoneyepatch\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like a wacky sitcom\Nabout breaking into a bond\Nvillain lair\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa glad I'm not the only\None bothered by those.\NThey're gonna get chemical\Nexposure on their forearms\Nreal bad\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}even the smoke is colorful\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:21.00,0:41:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}President Brandon don't\Nshoot!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa Japan must have\Ndifferent PPE rules\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this escape plan fucking\Nruled as long as it was\Nworking\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Our final glory requires\Naction, not tests."--Elon\NMusk\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well if it isn’t my\Narch-nemesis Boots\NMcDragoneyepatch\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like a wacky sitcom\Nabout breaking into a bond\Nvillain lair\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa glad I'm not the only\None bothered by those.\NThey're gonna get chemical\Nexposure on their forearms\Nreal bad\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:41.00,0:41:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}President Brandon don't\Nshoot!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa Japan must have\Ndifferent PPE rules\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this escape plan fucking\Nruled as long as it was\Nworking\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Our final glory requires\Naction, not tests."--Elon\NMusk\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well if it isn’t my\Narch-nemesis Boots\NMcDragoneyepatch\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like a wacky sitcom\Nabout breaking into a bond\Nvillain lair\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa glad I'm not the only\None bothered by those.\NThey're gonna get chemical\Nexposure on their forearms\Nreal bad\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:41:51.00,0:42:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is really relatable\Nin this. I too would like to\Njust hide in a cave and\Nsleep.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}President Brandon don't\Nshoot!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa Japan must have\Ndifferent PPE rules\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this escape plan fucking\Nruled as long as it was\Nworking\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Our final glory requires\Naction, not tests."--Elon\NMusk\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well if it isn’t my\Narch-nemesis Boots\NMcDragoneyepatch\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Spy balloon!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}this is like a wacky sitcom\Nabout breaking into a bond\Nvillain lair\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:11.00,0:42:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if that wakes her up I stg\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is really relatable\Nin this. I too would like to\Njust hide in a cave and\Nsleep.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}President Brandon don't\Nshoot!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa Japan must have\Ndifferent PPE rules\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this escape plan fucking\Nruled as long as it was\Nworking\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Our final glory requires\Naction, not tests."--Elon\NMusk\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well if it isn’t my\Narch-nemesis Boots\NMcDragoneyepatch\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Spy balloon!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:26.00,0:42:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how flipping big is that cave\Nthat godzilla barely takes up\Nany of it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if that wakes her up I stg\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is really relatable\Nin this. I too would like to\Njust hide in a cave and\Nsleep.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}President Brandon don't\Nshoot!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa Japan must have\Ndifferent PPE rules\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this escape plan fucking\Nruled as long as it was\Nworking\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Our final glory requires\Naction, not tests."--Elon\NMusk\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}well if it isn’t my\Narch-nemesis Boots\NMcDragoneyepatch\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:31.00,0:42:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillas are so cute when\Nthey're sleeping\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how flipping big is that cave\Nthat godzilla barely takes up\Nany of it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if that wakes her up I stg\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is really relatable\Nin this. I too would like to\Njust hide in a cave and\Nsleep.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}President Brandon don't\Nshoot!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa Japan must have\Ndifferent PPE rules\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this escape plan fucking\Nruled as long as it was\Nworking\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Our final glory requires\Naction, not tests."--Elon\NMusk\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:41.00,0:42:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It would be amazing if a\Nballoon that size could lift\Na person.I'd have a personal\Nballoon that I launched from\Nmy roof.\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillas are so cute when\Nthey're sleeping\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how flipping big is that cave\Nthat godzilla barely takes up\Nany of it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if that wakes her up I stg\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is really relatable\Nin this. I too would like to\Njust hide in a cave and\Nsleep.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}President Brandon don't\Nshoot!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa Japan must have\Ndifferent PPE rules\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}okay this escape plan fucking\Nruled as long as it was\Nworking\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:42:45.00,0:43:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh I see the yellow stuff is\Nlike cat pee.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It would be amazing if a\Nballoon that size could lift\Na person.I'd have a personal\Nballoon that I launched from\Nmy roof.\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillas are so cute when\Nthey're sleeping\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how flipping big is that cave\Nthat godzilla barely takes up\Nany of it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if that wakes her up I stg\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is really relatable\Nin this. I too would like to\Njust hide in a cave and\Nsleep.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}President Brandon don't\Nshoot!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa Japan must have\Ndifferent PPE rules\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:43:14.00,0:43:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That dude was fucking\NPREPARED to be carried off by\Na spy balloon\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh I see the yellow stuff is\Nlike cat pee.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It would be amazing if a\Nballoon that size could lift\Na person.I'd have a personal\Nballoon that I launched from\Nmy roof.\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillas are so cute when\Nthey're sleeping\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how flipping big is that cave\Nthat godzilla barely takes up\Nany of it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if that wakes her up I stg\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is really relatable\Nin this. I too would like to\Njust hide in a cave and\Nsleep.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:43:30.00,0:43:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}make them sing the right\Nmothra song :grr:​\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That dude was fucking\NPREPARED to be carried off by\Na spy balloon\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh I see the yellow stuff is\Nlike cat pee.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It would be amazing if a\Nballoon that size could lift\Na person.I'd have a personal\Nballoon that I launched from\Nmy roof.\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillas are so cute when\Nthey're sleeping\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how flipping big is that cave\Nthat godzilla barely takes up\Nany of it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if that wakes her up I stg\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is really relatable\Nin this. I too would like to\Njust hide in a cave and\Nsleep.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:43:36.00,0:43:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}undercut keeps being racist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}make them sing the right\Nmothra song :grr:​\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That dude was fucking\NPREPARED to be carried off by\Na spy balloon\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh I see the yellow stuff is\Nlike cat pee.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It would be amazing if a\Nballoon that size could lift\Na person.I'd have a personal\Nballoon that I launched from\Nmy roof.\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillas are so cute when\Nthey're sleeping\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how flipping big is that cave\Nthat godzilla barely takes up\Nany of it\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if that wakes her up I stg\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla is really relatable\Nin this. I too would like to\Njust hide in a cave and\Nsleep.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:43:42.00,0:44:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah is like "this is the\NAcific Ocean. Notice there's\Nno P in it. Let's keep it\Nthat way."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}undercut keeps being racist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}make them sing the right\Nmothra song :grr:​\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That dude was fucking\NPREPARED to be carried off by\Na spy balloon\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh I see the yellow stuff is\Nlike cat pee.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It would be amazing if a\Nballoon that size could lift\Na person.I'd have a personal\Nballoon that I launched from\Nmy roof.\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillas are so cute when\Nthey're sleeping\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}how flipping big is that cave\Nthat godzilla barely takes up\Nany of it\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:44:40.00,0:45:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON FUCKING INTERRUPTED\NTHE SONG\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah is like "this is the\NAcific Ocean. Notice there's\Nno P in it. Let's keep it\Nthat way."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}undercut keeps being racist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}make them sing the right\Nmothra song :grr:​\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That dude was fucking\NPREPARED to be carried off by\Na spy balloon\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh I see the yellow stuff is\Nlike cat pee.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It would be amazing if a\Nballoon that size could lift\Na person.I'd have a personal\Nballoon that I launched from\Nmy roof.\N\N{\c&H8BE2CB&}Louisa\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzillas are so cute when\Nthey're sleeping\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:34.00,0:45:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Maybe start by taking off\Nyour brightly colored jackets\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON FUCKING INTERRUPTED\NTHE SONG\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah is like "this is the\NAcific Ocean. Notice there's\Nno P in it. Let's keep it\Nthat way."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}undercut keeps being racist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}make them sing the right\Nmothra song :grr:​\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That dude was fucking\NPREPARED to be carried off by\Na spy balloon\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh I see the yellow stuff is\Nlike cat pee.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It would be amazing if a\Nballoon that size could lift\Na person.I'd have a personal\Nballoon that I launched from\Nmy roof.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:45:42.00,0:46:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Handy that the balloon\Ndrifted to Infant Island. I\Nwonder if that's where the\NWizard of Oz wound up.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Maybe start by taking off\Nyour brightly colored jackets\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON FUCKING INTERRUPTED\NTHE SONG\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah is like "this is the\NAcific Ocean. Notice there's\Nno P in it. Let's keep it\Nthat way."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}undercut keeps being racist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}make them sing the right\Nmothra song :grr:​\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That dude was fucking\NPREPARED to be carried off by\Na spy balloon\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh I see the yellow stuff is\Nlike cat pee.\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It would be amazing if a\Nballoon that size could lift\Na person.I'd have a personal\Nballoon that I launched from\Nmy roof.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:22.00,0:46:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those don't even look like\Nthe shobijin\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Handy that the balloon\Ndrifted to Infant Island. I\Nwonder if that's where the\NWizard of Oz wound up.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Maybe start by taking off\Nyour brightly colored jackets\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON FUCKING INTERRUPTED\NTHE SONG\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah is like "this is the\NAcific Ocean. Notice there's\Nno P in it. Let's keep it\Nthat way."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}undercut keeps being racist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}make them sing the right\Nmothra song :grr:​\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That dude was fucking\NPREPARED to be carried off by\Na spy balloon\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh I see the yellow stuff is\Nlike cat pee.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:41.00,0:46:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Maybe the smell of\Nbrewing coffee will bring her\Naround\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those don't even look like\Nthe shobijin\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Handy that the balloon\Ndrifted to Infant Island. I\Nwonder if that's where the\NWizard of Oz wound up.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Maybe start by taking off\Nyour brightly colored jackets\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON FUCKING INTERRUPTED\NTHE SONG\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah is like "this is the\NAcific Ocean. Notice there's\Nno P in it. Let's keep it\Nthat way."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}undercut keeps being racist\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}make them sing the right\Nmothra song :grr:​\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That dude was fucking\NPREPARED to be carried off by\Na spy balloon\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:46:47.00,0:47:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​ caves​ villages​\Nsecret villain lairsalright\Nthis is a movie\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Maybe the smell of\Nbrewing coffee will bring her\Naround\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those don't even look like\Nthe shobijin\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Handy that the balloon\Ndrifted to Infant Island. I\Nwonder if that's where the\NWizard of Oz wound up.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Maybe start by taking off\Nyour brightly colored jackets\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON FUCKING INTERRUPTED\NTHE SONG\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah is like "this is the\NAcific Ocean. Notice there's\Nno P in it. Let's keep it\Nthat way."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}undercut keeps being racist\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:47:16.00,0:48:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, ... her "necklace" was\Njust a coil of a few hundred\Nmeters of copper wire?They've\Ngot weird fashions on Infant\NIsland.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​ caves​ villages​\Nsecret villain lairsalright\Nthis is a movie\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Maybe the smell of\Nbrewing coffee will bring her\Naround\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those don't even look like\Nthe shobijin\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Handy that the balloon\Ndrifted to Infant Island. I\Nwonder if that's where the\NWizard of Oz wound up.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Maybe start by taking off\Nyour brightly colored jackets\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON FUCKING INTERRUPTED\NTHE SONG\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah is like "this is the\NAcific Ocean. Notice there's\Nno P in it. Let's keep it\Nthat way."\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:48:31.00,0:49:23.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, how many kaiju are\Nsnoozing on this island?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, ... her "necklace" was\Njust a coil of a few hundred\Nmeters of copper wire?They've\Ngot weird fashions on Infant\NIsland.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​ caves​ villages​\Nsecret villain lairsalright\Nthis is a movie\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Maybe the smell of\Nbrewing coffee will bring her\Naround\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those don't even look like\Nthe shobijin\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Handy that the balloon\Ndrifted to Infant Island. I\Nwonder if that's where the\NWizard of Oz wound up.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Maybe start by taking off\Nyour brightly colored jackets\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BALLOON FUCKING INTERRUPTED\NTHE SONG\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:23.00,0:49:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}srsly is ebirah causing the\Nstorms or what's going on\Nwith that?\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, how many kaiju are\Nsnoozing on this island?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, ... her "necklace" was\Njust a coil of a few hundred\Nmeters of copper wire?They've\Ngot weird fashions on Infant\NIsland.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​ caves​ villages​\Nsecret villain lairsalright\Nthis is a movie\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Maybe the smell of\Nbrewing coffee will bring her\Naround\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those don't even look like\Nthe shobijin\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Handy that the balloon\Ndrifted to Infant Island. I\Nwonder if that's where the\NWizard of Oz wound up.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Maybe start by taking off\Nyour brightly colored jackets\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:36.00,0:49:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}srsly is ebirah causing the\Nstorms or what's going on\Nwith that?\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, how many kaiju are\Nsnoozing on this island?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, ... her "necklace" was\Njust a coil of a few hundred\Nmeters of copper wire?They've\Ngot weird fashions on Infant\NIsland.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​ caves​ villages​\Nsecret villain lairsalright\Nthis is a movie\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Maybe the smell of\Nbrewing coffee will bring her\Naround\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those don't even look like\Nthe shobijin\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Handy that the balloon\Ndrifted to Infant Island. I\Nwonder if that's where the\NWizard of Oz wound up.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:46.00,0:49:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}srsly is ebirah causing the\Nstorms or what's going on\Nwith that?\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, how many kaiju are\Nsnoozing on this island?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, ... her "necklace" was\Njust a coil of a few hundred\Nmeters of copper wire?They've\Ngot weird fashions on Infant\NIsland.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​ caves​ villages​\Nsecret villain lairsalright\Nthis is a movie\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Maybe the smell of\Nbrewing coffee will bring her\Naround\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}those don't even look like\Nthe shobijin\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:49:58.00,0:50:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}srsly is ebirah causing the\Nstorms or what's going on\Nwith that?\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, how many kaiju are\Nsnoozing on this island?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, ... her "necklace" was\Njust a coil of a few hundred\Nmeters of copper wire?They've\Ngot weird fashions on Infant\NIsland.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}​ caves​ villages​\Nsecret villain lairsalright\Nthis is a movie\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Maybe the smell of\Nbrewing coffee will bring her\Naround\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:50:35.00,0:51:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}srsly is ebirah causing the\Nstorms or what's going on\Nwith that?\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, how many kaiju are\Nsnoozing on this island?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, ... her "necklace" was\Njust a coil of a few hundred\Nmeters of copper wire?They've\Ngot weird fashions on Infant\NIsland.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:51:21.00,0:52:26.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get that guy some coffee STAT\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}srsly is ebirah causing the\Nstorms or what's going on\Nwith that?\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, how many kaiju are\Nsnoozing on this island?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, ... her "necklace" was\Njust a coil of a few hundred\Nmeters of copper wire?They've\Ngot weird fashions on Infant\NIsland.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:52:26.00,0:52:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Teeny tiny earless Godzilla\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get that guy some coffee STAT\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}srsly is ebirah causing the\Nstorms or what's going on\Nwith that?\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, how many kaiju are\Nsnoozing on this island?\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, ... her "necklace" was\Njust a coil of a few hundred\Nmeters of copper wire?They've\Ngot weird fashions on Infant\NIsland.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:52:30.00,0:52:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla wakes to ominous\Nsurf music\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Teeny tiny earless Godzilla\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get that guy some coffee STAT\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}srsly is ebirah causing the\Nstorms or what's going on\Nwith that?\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wait, how many kaiju are\Nsnoozing on this island?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:52:48.00,0:53:25.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dragons and shrimp are\Nnatural enemies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla wakes to ominous\Nsurf music\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Teeny tiny earless Godzilla\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get that guy some coffee STAT\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}srsly is ebirah causing the\Nstorms or what's going on\Nwith that?\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:53:25.00,0:53:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Someone get Godzilla a UPS.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dragons and shrimp are\Nnatural enemies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla wakes to ominous\Nsurf music\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Teeny tiny earless Godzilla\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get that guy some coffee STAT\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:53:46.00,0:54:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla and Ebirah are\Nnatural ballplayers\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Someone get Godzilla a UPS.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dragons and shrimp are\Nnatural enemies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla wakes to ominous\Nsurf music\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Teeny tiny earless Godzilla\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get that guy some coffee STAT\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}No ... don't go!Oh, you\Ninsist?Ok, we need you to\Ncarry this message that's the\Nlynch-pin of our plan.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:54:05.00,0:54:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're playing catch! Cute!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla and Ebirah are\Nnatural ballplayers\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Someone get Godzilla a UPS.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dragons and shrimp are\Nnatural enemies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla wakes to ominous\Nsurf music\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Teeny tiny earless Godzilla\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get that guy some coffee STAT\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok that wire is not the right\Ngauge for high voltage\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:54:21.00,0:54:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When you have one of those\Nsurprise naps and then wake\Nup unsure what day it is\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're playing catch! Cute!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla and Ebirah are\Nnatural ballplayers\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Someone get Godzilla a UPS.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dragons and shrimp are\Nnatural enemies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla wakes to ominous\Nsurf music\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Teeny tiny earless Godzilla\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get that guy some coffee STAT\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Now's the time for you to\Nfuck off."\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:54:55.00,0:55:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Dude! Leon the Monster got an\Nacting gig.\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When you have one of those\Nsurprise naps and then wake\Nup unsure what day it is\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're playing catch! Cute!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla and Ebirah are\Nnatural ballplayers\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Someone get Godzilla a UPS.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dragons and shrimp are\Nnatural enemies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla wakes to ominous\Nsurf music\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Teeny tiny earless Godzilla\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Get that guy some coffee STAT\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so mothra gets a lavish\Nmusical preformance as a wake\Nup and godzilla gets\Nelectrocuted?some serious\Nkaiju favoritism around here\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:55:04.00,0:55:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}love that they didn't use the\Nsword to kill anyone, but to\Nbring her back to life. it's\Nalmost as if this movie had\Nthemes or something\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Dude! Leon the Monster got an\Nacting gig.\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When you have one of those\Nsurprise naps and then wake\Nup unsure what day it is\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're playing catch! Cute!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla and Ebirah are\Nnatural ballplayers\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Someone get Godzilla a UPS.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dragons and shrimp are\Nnatural enemies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla wakes to ominous\Nsurf music\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Teeny tiny earless Godzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:55:27.00,0:56:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Splash fight! Oh wait,\Ngodzilla kind of upped the\Nstakes with atomic breath\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}love that they didn't use the\Nsword to kill anyone, but to\Nbring her back to life. it's\Nalmost as if this movie had\Nthemes or something\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Dude! Leon the Monster got an\Nacting gig.\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When you have one of those\Nsurprise naps and then wake\Nup unsure what day it is\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're playing catch! Cute!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla and Ebirah are\Nnatural ballplayers\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Someone get Godzilla a UPS.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dragons and shrimp are\Nnatural enemies\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla wakes to ominous\Nsurf music\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:56:05.00,0:56:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I said, before they started\Nplaying ball with that rock\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Splash fight! Oh wait,\Ngodzilla kind of upped the\Nstakes with atomic breath\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}love that they didn't use the\Nsword to kill anyone, but to\Nbring her back to life. it's\Nalmost as if this movie had\Nthemes or something\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Dude! Leon the Monster got an\Nacting gig.\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When you have one of those\Nsurprise naps and then wake\Nup unsure what day it is\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're playing catch! Cute!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla and Ebirah are\Nnatural ballplayers\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Someone get Godzilla a UPS.\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}dragons and shrimp are\Nnatural enemies\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:56:14.00,0:56:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It's a happening, a terrible\Nthing!""A revolt?""The kaiju\Nsigned a union card."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I said, before they started\Nplaying ball with that rock\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Splash fight! Oh wait,\Ngodzilla kind of upped the\Nstakes with atomic breath\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}love that they didn't use the\Nsword to kill anyone, but to\Nbring her back to life. it's\Nalmost as if this movie had\Nthemes or something\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Dude! Leon the Monster got an\Nacting gig.\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When you have one of those\Nsurprise naps and then wake\Nup unsure what day it is\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're playing catch! Cute!\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla and Ebirah are\Nnatural ballplayers\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:56:28.00,0:56:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa they gotta make you\Nwant the onk\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It's a happening, a terrible\Nthing!""A revolt?""The kaiju\Nsigned a union card."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I said, before they started\Nplaying ball with that rock\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Splash fight! Oh wait,\Ngodzilla kind of upped the\Nstakes with atomic breath\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}love that they didn't use the\Nsword to kill anyone, but to\Nbring her back to life. it's\Nalmost as if this movie had\Nthemes or something\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Dude! Leon the Monster got an\Nacting gig.\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When you have one of those\Nsurprise naps and then wake\Nup unsure what day it is\N\N{\c&H767749&}RamenCatholic \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're playing catch! Cute!\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:56:54.00,0:57:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it being night, underwater\Nand all, this scene was shot\Nquite well\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa they gotta make you\Nwant the onk\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It's a happening, a terrible\Nthing!""A revolt?""The kaiju\Nsigned a union card."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I said, before they started\Nplaying ball with that rock\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Splash fight! Oh wait,\Ngodzilla kind of upped the\Nstakes with atomic breath\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}love that they didn't use the\Nsword to kill anyone, but to\Nbring her back to life. it's\Nalmost as if this movie had\Nthemes or something\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Dude! Leon the Monster got an\Nacting gig.\N\N{\c&H643B67&}forestine\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}When you have one of those\Nsurprise naps and then wake\Nup unsure what day it is\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:16.00,0:57:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah and Isaiah Cassidy,\Nseparated at birth?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it being night, underwater\Nand all, this scene was shot\Nquite well\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa they gotta make you\Nwant the onk\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It's a happening, a terrible\Nthing!""A revolt?""The kaiju\Nsigned a union card."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I said, before they started\Nplaying ball with that rock\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Splash fight! Oh wait,\Ngodzilla kind of upped the\Nstakes with atomic breath\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}love that they didn't use the\Nsword to kill anyone, but to\Nbring her back to life. it's\Nalmost as if this movie had\Nthemes or something\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Dude! Leon the Monster got an\Nacting gig.\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:28.00,0:57:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seems like he's more lobster\Nthan crab.He's got that spiny\Nforehead.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah and Isaiah Cassidy,\Nseparated at birth?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it being night, underwater\Nand all, this scene was shot\Nquite well\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa they gotta make you\Nwant the onk\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It's a happening, a terrible\Nthing!""A revolt?""The kaiju\Nsigned a union card."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I said, before they started\Nplaying ball with that rock\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Splash fight! Oh wait,\Ngodzilla kind of upped the\Nstakes with atomic breath\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}love that they didn't use the\Nsword to kill anyone, but to\Nbring her back to life. it's\Nalmost as if this movie had\Nthemes or something\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:57:38.00,0:58:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mr. Safecracker\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seems like he's more lobster\Nthan crab.He's got that spiny\Nforehead.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah and Isaiah Cassidy,\Nseparated at birth?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it being night, underwater\Nand all, this scene was shot\Nquite well\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa they gotta make you\Nwant the onk\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It's a happening, a terrible\Nthing!""A revolt?""The kaiju\Nsigned a union card."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I said, before they started\Nplaying ball with that rock\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Splash fight! Oh wait,\Ngodzilla kind of upped the\Nstakes with atomic breath\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}love that they didn't use the\Nsword to kill anyone, but to\Nbring her back to life. it's\Nalmost as if this movie had\Nthemes or something\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:58:16.00,0:58:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It must be terrifying to film\Nwater scenes in a full body\Nrubber suit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mr. Safecracker\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seems like he's more lobster\Nthan crab.He's got that spiny\Nforehead.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah and Isaiah Cassidy,\Nseparated at birth?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it being night, underwater\Nand all, this scene was shot\Nquite well\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa they gotta make you\Nwant the onk\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It's a happening, a terrible\Nthing!""A revolt?""The kaiju\Nsigned a union card."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I said, before they started\Nplaying ball with that rock\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Splash fight! Oh wait,\Ngodzilla kind of upped the\Nstakes with atomic breath\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:58:29.00,0:59:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I forgot about [the Red\NBamboo]."So did we.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It must be terrifying to film\Nwater scenes in a full body\Nrubber suit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mr. Safecracker\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seems like he's more lobster\Nthan crab.He's got that spiny\Nforehead.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah and Isaiah Cassidy,\Nseparated at birth?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it being night, underwater\Nand all, this scene was shot\Nquite well\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa they gotta make you\Nwant the onk\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It's a happening, a terrible\Nthing!""A revolt?""The kaiju\Nsigned a union card."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I said, before they started\Nplaying ball with that rock\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:03.00,0:59:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he's always been crazy,\Ncrazy to help people in\Ntrouble!"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I forgot about [the Red\NBamboo]."So did we.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It must be terrifying to film\Nwater scenes in a full body\Nrubber suit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mr. Safecracker\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seems like he's more lobster\Nthan crab.He's got that spiny\Nforehead.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah and Isaiah Cassidy,\Nseparated at birth?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it being night, underwater\Nand all, this scene was shot\Nquite well\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Louisa they gotta make you\Nwant the onk\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"It's a happening, a terrible\Nthing!""A revolt?""The kaiju\Nsigned a union card."\N\N Dialogue: 0,0:59:13.00,1:00:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe these loveable\Nchuckleheads should stop\Ntrying to break into bond\Nvillain lairs and wake up\Nkaiju and just like so hang\Non the beach or something\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he's always been crazy,\Ncrazy to help people in\Ntrouble!"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I forgot about [the Red\NBamboo]."So did we.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It must be terrifying to film\Nwater scenes in a full body\Nrubber suit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mr. Safecracker\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seems like he's more lobster\Nthan crab.He's got that spiny\Nforehead.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah and Isaiah Cassidy,\Nseparated at birth?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}it being night, underwater\Nand all, this scene was shot\Nquite well\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:00:27.00,1:00:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Mothra gets nothing\Nmore and nothing less than\Nthey deserve! They're Mothra!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe these loveable\Nchuckleheads should stop\Ntrying to break into bond\Nvillain lairs and wake up\Nkaiju and just like so hang\Non the beach or something\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he's always been crazy,\Ncrazy to help people in\Ntrouble!"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I forgot about [the Red\NBamboo]."So did we.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It must be terrifying to film\Nwater scenes in a full body\Nrubber suit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mr. Safecracker\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seems like he's more lobster\Nthan crab.He's got that spiny\Nforehead.\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah and Isaiah Cassidy,\Nseparated at birth?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:00:52.00,1:01:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Mothra gets nothing\Nmore and nothing less than\Nthey deserve! They're Mothra!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe these loveable\Nchuckleheads should stop\Ntrying to break into bond\Nvillain lairs and wake up\Nkaiju and just like so hang\Non the beach or something\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he's always been crazy,\Ncrazy to help people in\Ntrouble!"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I forgot about [the Red\NBamboo]."So did we.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It must be terrifying to film\Nwater scenes in a full body\Nrubber suit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mr. Safecracker\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seems like he's more lobster\Nthan crab.He's got that spiny\Nforehead.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:01:34.00,1:02:04.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Mothra gets nothing\Nmore and nothing less than\Nthey deserve! They're Mothra!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe these loveable\Nchuckleheads should stop\Ntrying to break into bond\Nvillain lairs and wake up\Nkaiju and just like so hang\Non the beach or something\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he's always been crazy,\Ncrazy to help people in\Ntrouble!"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I forgot about [the Red\NBamboo]."So did we.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}It must be terrifying to film\Nwater scenes in a full body\Nrubber suit\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:02:04.00,1:02:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Mothra gets nothing\Nmore and nothing less than\Nthey deserve! They're Mothra!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe these loveable\Nchuckleheads should stop\Ntrying to break into bond\Nvillain lairs and wake up\Nkaiju and just like so hang\Non the beach or something\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he's always been crazy,\Ncrazy to help people in\Ntrouble!"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"I forgot about [the Red\NBamboo]."So did we.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:02:36.00,1:02:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Mothra gets nothing\Nmore and nothing less than\Nthey deserve! They're Mothra!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe these loveable\Nchuckleheads should stop\Ntrying to break into bond\Nvillain lairs and wake up\Nkaiju and just like so hang\Non the beach or something\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"he's always been crazy,\Ncrazy to help people in\Ntrouble!"\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:02:52.00,1:03:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Mothra gets nothing\Nmore and nothing less than\Nthey deserve! They're Mothra!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe these loveable\Nchuckleheads should stop\Ntrying to break into bond\Nvillain lairs and wake up\Nkaiju and just like so hang\Non the beach or something\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:07.00,1:03:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Mothra gets nothing\Nmore and nothing less than\Nthey deserve! They're Mothra!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe these loveable\Nchuckleheads should stop\Ntrying to break into bond\Nvillain lairs and wake up\Nkaiju and just like so hang\Non the beach or something\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:16.00,1:03:22.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Mothra gets nothing\Nmore and nothing less than\Nthey deserve! They're Mothra!\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}maybe these loveable\Nchuckleheads should stop\Ntrying to break into bond\Nvillain lairs and wake up\Nkaiju and just like so hang\Non the beach or something\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:22.00,1:03:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret Mothra gets nothing\Nmore and nothing less than\Nthey deserve! They're Mothra!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:03:36.00,1:04:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:02.00,1:04:18.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}“Not to brag, but I know\Nwhen I’m being hunted”\N[nearly blindsided by\Nheadshot]\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:18.00,1:04:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You have to let him smell the\Nback of your hand, then he'll\Nbe your friend\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:21.00,1:04:24.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:24.00,1:04:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TIME FOR MORE SURF ROCK\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla seems to be a lot\Nsmaller in this movie than\Nother movies\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:04:34.00,1:05:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla: quit it!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TIME FOR MORE SURF ROCK\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah they found and replaced\Nking kong with godzilla and\Nit shows\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:02.00,1:05:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So ... what was the deal with\Nthat bird?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla: quit it!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TIME FOR MORE SURF ROCK\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Fantastic shot right here.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:44.00,1:05:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We heard there was a balloon!\NWeapons free!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So ... what was the deal with\Nthat bird?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla: quit it!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TIME FOR MORE SURF ROCK\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla be chilling\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:05:56.00,1:06:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This dance defense doesn't\Nseem to be working, but it\Nisn't doing any harm either\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We heard there was a balloon!\NWeapons free!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So ... what was the deal with\Nthat bird?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla: quit it!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TIME FOR MORE SURF ROCK\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I don't think we've ever seen\Nher sitting\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:06:07.00,1:06:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}y’all have GOT to improve\Nyour missile guidance systems\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This dance defense doesn't\Nseem to be working, but it\Nisn't doing any harm either\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We heard there was a balloon!\NWeapons free!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So ... what was the deal with\Nthat bird?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla: quit it!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TIME FOR MORE SURF ROCK\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What's the bird's beef?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:06:27.00,1:06:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao kaiju dance competition\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}y’all have GOT to improve\Nyour missile guidance systems\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This dance defense doesn't\Nseem to be working, but it\Nisn't doing any harm either\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We heard there was a balloon!\NWeapons free!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So ... what was the deal with\Nthat bird?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla: quit it!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TIME FOR MORE SURF ROCK\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}BIRB\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:06:30.00,1:06:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's favorite Hot\NChicken place doesn't\Ndeliver, so he has to\Nimprovise.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao kaiju dance competition\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}y’all have GOT to improve\Nyour missile guidance systems\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This dance defense doesn't\Nseem to be working, but it\Nisn't doing any harm either\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We heard there was a balloon!\NWeapons free!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So ... what was the deal with\Nthat bird?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla: quit it!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TIME FOR MORE SURF ROCK\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Woop. Woop. That's the sound\Nof the Red Bamboo."\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:06:32.00,1:06:35.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK now godzilla is gogo\Ndancing\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's favorite Hot\NChicken place doesn't\Ndeliver, so he has to\Nimprovise.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao kaiju dance competition\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}y’all have GOT to improve\Nyour missile guidance systems\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This dance defense doesn't\Nseem to be working, but it\Nisn't doing any harm either\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We heard there was a balloon!\NWeapons free!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So ... what was the deal with\Nthat bird?\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla: quit it!\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}TIME FOR MORE SURF ROCK\N\N{\c&HAD5F5B&}Mike Switzer\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If you'll open your hymnal to\NM1 -\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:06:35.00,1:07:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wtf bird kaiju?!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg Godzilla fucked that bird\Nup\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK now godzilla is gogo\Ndancing\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's favorite Hot\NChicken place doesn't\Ndeliver, so he has to\Nimprovise.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao kaiju dance competition\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}y’all have GOT to improve\Nyour missile guidance systems\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This dance defense doesn't\Nseem to be working, but it\Nisn't doing any harm either\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We heard there was a balloon!\NWeapons free!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So ... what was the deal with\Nthat bird?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:11.00,1:07:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Skeksis vs Godzilla (1966)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wtf bird kaiju?!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg Godzilla fucked that bird\Nup\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK now godzilla is gogo\Ndancing\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's favorite Hot\NChicken place doesn't\Ndeliver, so he has to\Nimprovise.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao kaiju dance competition\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}y’all have GOT to improve\Nyour missile guidance systems\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This dance defense doesn't\Nseem to be working, but it\Nisn't doing any harm either\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We heard there was a balloon!\NWeapons free!\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So ... what was the deal with\Nthat bird?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:21.00,1:07:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not high enough for this\Nkind of Godzilla movie\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Skeksis vs Godzilla (1966)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wtf bird kaiju?!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg Godzilla fucked that bird\Nup\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK now godzilla is gogo\Ndancing\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's favorite Hot\NChicken place doesn't\Ndeliver, so he has to\Nimprovise.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao kaiju dance competition\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}y’all have GOT to improve\Nyour missile guidance systems\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This dance defense doesn't\Nseem to be working, but it\Nisn't doing any harm either\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We heard there was a balloon!\NWeapons free!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:44.00,1:07:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Slapping MiGs and dancing\Nfancy.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not high enough for this\Nkind of Godzilla movie\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Skeksis vs Godzilla (1966)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wtf bird kaiju?!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg Godzilla fucked that bird\Nup\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK now godzilla is gogo\Ndancing\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's favorite Hot\NChicken place doesn't\Ndeliver, so he has to\Nimprovise.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao kaiju dance competition\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}y’all have GOT to improve\Nyour missile guidance systems\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This dance defense doesn't\Nseem to be working, but it\Nisn't doing any harm either\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:45.00,1:07:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Do they not train pilots to\Nfly AROUND monsters?If you\Nfly your plane within arms'\Nreach of Godzilla, you\Ndeserve what you get.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Slapping MiGs and dancing\Nfancy.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not high enough for this\Nkind of Godzilla movie\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Skeksis vs Godzilla (1966)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wtf bird kaiju?!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg Godzilla fucked that bird\Nup\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK now godzilla is gogo\Ndancing\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's favorite Hot\NChicken place doesn't\Ndeliver, so he has to\Nimprovise.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}lmao kaiju dance competition\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:54.00,1:07:59.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah this godzilla is tiny\Ncompared to every other\Nversion. i think we've\Ndiscovered a rare dwarf\Nvariety of godzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Do they not train pilots to\Nfly AROUND monsters?If you\Nfly your plane within arms'\Nreach of Godzilla, you\Ndeserve what you get.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Slapping MiGs and dancing\Nfancy.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not high enough for this\Nkind of Godzilla movie\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Skeksis vs Godzilla (1966)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wtf bird kaiju?!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg Godzilla fucked that bird\Nup\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK now godzilla is gogo\Ndancing\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla's favorite Hot\NChicken place doesn't\Ndeliver, so he has to\Nimprovise.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:07:59.00,1:08:11.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suddenly Godzilla's 300 feet\Ntall\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah this godzilla is tiny\Ncompared to every other\Nversion. i think we've\Ndiscovered a rare dwarf\Nvariety of godzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Do they not train pilots to\Nfly AROUND monsters?If you\Nfly your plane within arms'\Nreach of Godzilla, you\Ndeserve what you get.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Slapping MiGs and dancing\Nfancy.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not high enough for this\Nkind of Godzilla movie\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Skeksis vs Godzilla (1966)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wtf bird kaiju?!\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Omg Godzilla fucked that bird\Nup\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}OK now godzilla is gogo\Ndancing\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:11.00,1:08:57.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla dimensions may vary\Nfrom scene to scene but\Nthat's okay we like it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suddenly Godzilla's 300 feet\Ntall\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah this godzilla is tiny\Ncompared to every other\Nversion. i think we've\Ndiscovered a rare dwarf\Nvariety of godzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Do they not train pilots to\Nfly AROUND monsters?If you\Nfly your plane within arms'\Nreach of Godzilla, you\Ndeserve what you get.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Slapping MiGs and dancing\Nfancy.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not high enough for this\Nkind of Godzilla movie\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Skeksis vs Godzilla (1966)\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Wtf bird kaiju?!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:08:57.00,1:09:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are the captives finding a\Nway to make a "big net?"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla dimensions may vary\Nfrom scene to scene but\Nthat's okay we like it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suddenly Godzilla's 300 feet\Ntall\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah this godzilla is tiny\Ncompared to every other\Nversion. i think we've\Ndiscovered a rare dwarf\Nvariety of godzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Do they not train pilots to\Nfly AROUND monsters?If you\Nfly your plane within arms'\Nreach of Godzilla, you\Ndeserve what you get.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Slapping MiGs and dancing\Nfancy.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not high enough for this\Nkind of Godzilla movie\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Skeksis vs Godzilla (1966)\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:09:16.00,1:10:02.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the guy in the suit must be\Nhaving the time of his life\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are the captives finding a\Nway to make a "big net?"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla dimensions may vary\Nfrom scene to scene but\Nthat's okay we like it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suddenly Godzilla's 300 feet\Ntall\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah this godzilla is tiny\Ncompared to every other\Nversion. i think we've\Ndiscovered a rare dwarf\Nvariety of godzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Do they not train pilots to\Nfly AROUND monsters?If you\Nfly your plane within arms'\Nreach of Godzilla, you\Ndeserve what you get.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Slapping MiGs and dancing\Nfancy.\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I am not high enough for this\Nkind of Godzilla movie\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:10:02.00,1:10:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his movements are way more\Nlimited usually\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the guy in the suit must be\Nhaving the time of his life\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are the captives finding a\Nway to make a "big net?"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla dimensions may vary\Nfrom scene to scene but\Nthat's okay we like it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suddenly Godzilla's 300 feet\Ntall\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah this godzilla is tiny\Ncompared to every other\Nversion. i think we've\Ndiscovered a rare dwarf\Nvariety of godzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Do they not train pilots to\Nfly AROUND monsters?If you\Nfly your plane within arms'\Nreach of Godzilla, you\Ndeserve what you get.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Slapping MiGs and dancing\Nfancy.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:10:32.00,1:10:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What are these things\Nsupposed to be?Why does the\Nfactory/laboratory have these\Nnets that catch fire?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his movements are way more\Nlimited usually\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the guy in the suit must be\Nhaving the time of his life\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are the captives finding a\Nway to make a "big net?"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla dimensions may vary\Nfrom scene to scene but\Nthat's okay we like it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suddenly Godzilla's 300 feet\Ntall\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah this godzilla is tiny\Ncompared to every other\Nversion. i think we've\Ndiscovered a rare dwarf\Nvariety of godzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Do they not train pilots to\Nfly AROUND monsters?If you\Nfly your plane within arms'\Nreach of Godzilla, you\Ndeserve what you get.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:10:53.00,1:11:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As awesome as it is for\Ngodzilla to fuck up a bond\Nvillain/command and conquer\Nbase, I wish he was doing it\Nmore in his own style than\Nfrankenkongzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What are these things\Nsupposed to be?Why does the\Nfactory/laboratory have these\Nnets that catch fire?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his movements are way more\Nlimited usually\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the guy in the suit must be\Nhaving the time of his life\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are the captives finding a\Nway to make a "big net?"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla dimensions may vary\Nfrom scene to scene but\Nthat's okay we like it\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Suddenly Godzilla's 300 feet\Ntall\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}yeah this godzilla is tiny\Ncompared to every other\Nversion. i think we've\Ndiscovered a rare dwarf\Nvariety of godzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:11:34.00,1:11:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the Red Bamboo have\Nelectrical power, then why\Nhave people grind the yellow\Njuice? These guys are as dumb\Nand punitive as a bunch of\NAmericans.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As awesome as it is for\Ngodzilla to fuck up a bond\Nvillain/command and conquer\Nbase, I wish he was doing it\Nmore in his own style than\Nfrankenkongzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What are these things\Nsupposed to be?Why does the\Nfactory/laboratory have these\Nnets that catch fire?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his movements are way more\Nlimited usually\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the guy in the suit must be\Nhaving the time of his life\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are the captives finding a\Nway to make a "big net?"\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}godzilla dimensions may vary\Nfrom scene to scene but\Nthat's okay we like it\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:11:39.00,1:11:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the Red Bamboo have\Nelectrical power, then why\Nhave people grind the yellow\Njuice? These guys are as dumb\Nand punitive as a bunch of\NAmericans.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As awesome as it is for\Ngodzilla to fuck up a bond\Nvillain/command and conquer\Nbase, I wish he was doing it\Nmore in his own style than\Nfrankenkongzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What are these things\Nsupposed to be?Why does the\Nfactory/laboratory have these\Nnets that catch fire?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his movements are way more\Nlimited usually\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the guy in the suit must be\Nhaving the time of his life\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}So are the captives finding a\Nway to make a "big net?"\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:11:44.00,1:12:06.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nuclear time bomb?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the Red Bamboo have\Nelectrical power, then why\Nhave people grind the yellow\Njuice? These guys are as dumb\Nand punitive as a bunch of\NAmericans.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As awesome as it is for\Ngodzilla to fuck up a bond\Nvillain/command and conquer\Nbase, I wish he was doing it\Nmore in his own style than\Nfrankenkongzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What are these things\Nsupposed to be?Why does the\Nfactory/laboratory have these\Nnets that catch fire?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his movements are way more\Nlimited usually\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the guy in the suit must be\Nhaving the time of his life\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:12:06.00,1:12:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wonder what ebirah is up to\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nuclear time bomb?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the Red Bamboo have\Nelectrical power, then why\Nhave people grind the yellow\Njuice? These guys are as dumb\Nand punitive as a bunch of\NAmericans.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As awesome as it is for\Ngodzilla to fuck up a bond\Nvillain/command and conquer\Nbase, I wish he was doing it\Nmore in his own style than\Nfrankenkongzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What are these things\Nsupposed to be?Why does the\Nfactory/laboratory have these\Nnets that catch fire?\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}his movements are way more\Nlimited usually\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:12:16.00,1:12:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}AHED\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wonder what ebirah is up to\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nuclear time bomb?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the Red Bamboo have\Nelectrical power, then why\Nhave people grind the yellow\Njuice? These guys are as dumb\Nand punitive as a bunch of\NAmericans.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As awesome as it is for\Ngodzilla to fuck up a bond\Nvillain/command and conquer\Nbase, I wish he was doing it\Nmore in his own style than\Nfrankenkongzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What are these things\Nsupposed to be?Why does the\Nfactory/laboratory have these\Nnets that catch fire?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:12:27.00,1:12:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, fixed that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}AHED\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wonder what ebirah is up to\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nuclear time bomb?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the Red Bamboo have\Nelectrical power, then why\Nhave people grind the yellow\Njuice? These guys are as dumb\Nand punitive as a bunch of\NAmericans.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As awesome as it is for\Ngodzilla to fuck up a bond\Nvillain/command and conquer\Nbase, I wish he was doing it\Nmore in his own style than\Nfrankenkongzilla\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}What are these things\Nsupposed to be?Why does the\Nfactory/laboratory have these\Nnets that catch fire?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:12:36.00,1:12:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the of fucking shit up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, fixed that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}AHED\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wonder what ebirah is up to\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nuclear time bomb?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the Red Bamboo have\Nelectrical power, then why\Nhave people grind the yellow\Njuice? These guys are as dumb\Nand punitive as a bunch of\NAmericans.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As awesome as it is for\Ngodzilla to fuck up a bond\Nvillain/command and conquer\Nbase, I wish he was doing it\Nmore in his own style than\Nfrankenkongzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:12:44.00,1:13:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey, it's the Genesis\NDevice.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the of fucking shit up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, fixed that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}AHED\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wonder what ebirah is up to\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nuclear time bomb?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the Red Bamboo have\Nelectrical power, then why\Nhave people grind the yellow\Njuice? These guys are as dumb\Nand punitive as a bunch of\NAmericans.\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}As awesome as it is for\Ngodzilla to fuck up a bond\Nvillain/command and conquer\Nbase, I wish he was doing it\Nmore in his own style than\Nfrankenkongzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:13:41.00,1:14:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he had a real ball\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Looks like a\Nthermos\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey, it's the Genesis\NDevice.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the of fucking shit up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, fixed that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}AHED\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wonder what ebirah is up to\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nuclear time bomb?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}If the Red Bamboo have\Nelectrical power, then why\Nhave people grind the yellow\Njuice? These guys are as dumb\Nand punitive as a bunch of\NAmericans.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:14:31.00,1:14:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're using funny yellow\Nliquid :baduk:​\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he had a real ball\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Looks like a\Nthermos\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey, it's the Genesis\NDevice.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the of fucking shit up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, fixed that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}AHED\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wonder what ebirah is up to\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nuclear time bomb?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:14:58.00,1:15:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Piss cannons to full power!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're using funny yellow\Nliquid :baduk:​\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he had a real ball\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Looks like a\Nthermos\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey, it's the Genesis\NDevice.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the of fucking shit up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, fixed that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}AHED\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wonder what ebirah is up to\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Nuclear time bomb?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}He's getting bigger and\Nbigger\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:10.00,1:15:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}User Story: "As a cartoon\Ndictator, I want to get AHED,\Nso I can escape the island\Nbefore the nuke goes off."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Piss cannons to full power!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're using funny yellow\Nliquid :baduk:​\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he had a real ball\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Looks like a\Nthermos\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey, it's the Genesis\NDevice.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the of fucking shit up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, fixed that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}AHED\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i wonder what ebirah is up to\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}The master of unlocking\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:15.00,1:15:24.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not enough piss jokes if you\Nask me\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}User Story: "As a cartoon\Ndictator, I want to get AHED,\Nso I can escape the island\Nbefore the nuke goes off."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Piss cannons to full power!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're using funny yellow\Nliquid :baduk:​\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he had a real ball\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Looks like a\Nthermos\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey, it's the Genesis\NDevice.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the of fucking shit up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, fixed that\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}AHED\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:24.00,1:15:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}something something finding\Nthe clit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not enough piss jokes if you\Nask me\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}User Story: "As a cartoon\Ndictator, I want to get AHED,\Nso I can escape the island\Nbefore the nuke goes off."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Piss cannons to full power!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're using funny yellow\Nliquid :baduk:​\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he had a real ball\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Looks like a\Nthermos\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey, it's the Genesis\NDevice.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}the of fucking shit up\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ok, fixed that\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:54.00,1:15:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so like a dozen people are\Ngonna use some vines to\Nquickly make a net big and\Nstrong enough to snare a\Nkaiju? is that what they're\Ndoing?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}something something finding\Nthe clit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not enough piss jokes if you\Nask me\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}User Story: "As a cartoon\Ndictator, I want to get AHED,\Nso I can escape the island\Nbefore the nuke goes off."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Piss cannons to full power!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're using funny yellow\Nliquid :baduk:​\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he had a real ball\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Looks like a\Nthermos\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Oh hey, it's the Genesis\NDevice.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:15:55.00,1:16:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah: "No gods, no masters,\Nno yellow liquid!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so like a dozen people are\Ngonna use some vines to\Nquickly make a net big and\Nstrong enough to snare a\Nkaiju? is that what they're\Ndoing?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}something something finding\Nthe clit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not enough piss jokes if you\Nask me\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}User Story: "As a cartoon\Ndictator, I want to get AHED,\Nso I can escape the island\Nbefore the nuke goes off."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Piss cannons to full power!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're using funny yellow\Nliquid :baduk:​\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}he had a real ball\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Looks like a\Nthermos\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:16:27.00,1:16:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"well it's not like cracking\Na safe"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah: "No gods, no masters,\Nno yellow liquid!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so like a dozen people are\Ngonna use some vines to\Nquickly make a net big and\Nstrong enough to snare a\Nkaiju? is that what they're\Ndoing?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}something something finding\Nthe clit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not enough piss jokes if you\Nask me\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}User Story: "As a cartoon\Ndictator, I want to get AHED,\Nso I can escape the island\Nbefore the nuke goes off."\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Piss cannons to full power!\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they're using funny yellow\Nliquid :baduk:​\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:16:47.00,1:17:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yeah, keep trying to will\Nyour arm to grow longer.Don't\Ntry to move the pipes, or\Nsmash the pipes, or anything\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"well it's not like cracking\Na safe"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah: "No gods, no masters,\Nno yellow liquid!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so like a dozen people are\Ngonna use some vines to\Nquickly make a net big and\Nstrong enough to snare a\Nkaiju? is that what they're\Ndoing?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}something something finding\Nthe clit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not enough piss jokes if you\Nask me\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}User Story: "As a cartoon\Ndictator, I want to get AHED,\Nso I can escape the island\Nbefore the nuke goes off."\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:17:09.00,1:17:13.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if you people don't sing the\Nright mothra song, im coming\Nover there\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yeah, keep trying to will\Nyour arm to grow longer.Don't\Ntry to move the pipes, or\Nsmash the pipes, or anything\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"well it's not like cracking\Na safe"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah: "No gods, no masters,\Nno yellow liquid!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so like a dozen people are\Ngonna use some vines to\Nquickly make a net big and\Nstrong enough to snare a\Nkaiju? is that what they're\Ndoing?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}something something finding\Nthe clit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not enough piss jokes if you\Nask me\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}User Story: "As a cartoon\Ndictator, I want to get AHED,\Nso I can escape the island\Nbefore the nuke goes off."\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:17:13.00,1:17:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Check Mothra for a pulse\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if you people don't sing the\Nright mothra song, im coming\Nover there\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yeah, keep trying to will\Nyour arm to grow longer.Don't\Ntry to move the pipes, or\Nsmash the pipes, or anything\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"well it's not like cracking\Na safe"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah: "No gods, no masters,\Nno yellow liquid!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so like a dozen people are\Ngonna use some vines to\Nquickly make a net big and\Nstrong enough to snare a\Nkaiju? is that what they're\Ndoing?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}something something finding\Nthe clit\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}not enough piss jokes if you\Nask me\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:17:15.00,1:17:42.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H5CC5E3&}Phil M0OFX\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I just stumbled on the\Nhashtag and for not the first\Ntime on this place I have no\Nclue what I'm looking at.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Check Mothra for a pulse\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if you people don't sing the\Nright mothra song, im coming\Nover there\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yeah, keep trying to will\Nyour arm to grow longer.Don't\Ntry to move the pipes, or\Nsmash the pipes, or anything\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"well it's not like cracking\Na safe"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah: "No gods, no masters,\Nno yellow liquid!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so like a dozen people are\Ngonna use some vines to\Nquickly make a net big and\Nstrong enough to snare a\Nkaiju? is that what they're\Ndoing?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:17:42.00,1:17:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still waiting on Chekhov’s\NMothra to go off\N\N{\c&H5CC5E3&}Phil M0OFX\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I just stumbled on the\Nhashtag and for not the first\Ntime on this place I have no\Nclue what I'm looking at.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Check Mothra for a pulse\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if you people don't sing the\Nright mothra song, im coming\Nover there\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yeah, keep trying to will\Nyour arm to grow longer.Don't\Ntry to move the pipes, or\Nsmash the pipes, or anything\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"well it's not like cracking\Na safe"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah: "No gods, no masters,\Nno yellow liquid!"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so like a dozen people are\Ngonna use some vines to\Nquickly make a net big and\Nstrong enough to snare a\Nkaiju? is that what they're\Ndoing?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:17:56.00,1:17:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Mr Skeleton Key\Nshould be able to fashion a\NSlim Jim\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still waiting on Chekhov’s\NMothra to go off\N\N{\c&H5CC5E3&}Phil M0OFX\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I just stumbled on the\Nhashtag and for not the first\Ntime on this place I have no\Nclue what I'm looking at.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Check Mothra for a pulse\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if you people don't sing the\Nright mothra song, im coming\Nover there\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yeah, keep trying to will\Nyour arm to grow longer.Don't\Ntry to move the pipes, or\Nsmash the pipes, or anything\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"well it's not like cracking\Na safe"\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Ebirah: "No gods, no masters,\Nno yellow liquid!"\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:17:58.00,1:18:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they should just let mothra\Nsleep out this one. it would\Nbe pretty funny\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Mr Skeleton Key\Nshould be able to fashion a\NSlim Jim\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still waiting on Chekhov’s\NMothra to go off\N\N{\c&H5CC5E3&}Phil M0OFX\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I just stumbled on the\Nhashtag and for not the first\Ntime on this place I have no\Nclue what I'm looking at.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Check Mothra for a pulse\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if you people don't sing the\Nright mothra song, im coming\Nover there\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yeah, keep trying to will\Nyour arm to grow longer.Don't\Ntry to move the pipes, or\Nsmash the pipes, or anything\Nlike that.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"well it's not like cracking\Na safe"\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:01.00,1:18:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seriously, this is ALL THEY\NDO on Infant Island.This is\Ntheir whole culture and\Ncivilization.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they should just let mothra\Nsleep out this one. it would\Nbe pretty funny\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Mr Skeleton Key\Nshould be able to fashion a\NSlim Jim\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still waiting on Chekhov’s\NMothra to go off\N\N{\c&H5CC5E3&}Phil M0OFX\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I just stumbled on the\Nhashtag and for not the first\Ntime on this place I have no\Nclue what I'm looking at.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Check Mothra for a pulse\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if you people don't sing the\Nright mothra song, im coming\Nover there\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Yeah, keep trying to will\Nyour arm to grow longer.Don't\Ntry to move the pipes, or\Nsmash the pipes, or anything\Nlike that.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:20.00,1:18:58.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i will never not love an\Nunderwater kaiju fight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seriously, this is ALL THEY\NDO on Infant Island.This is\Ntheir whole culture and\Ncivilization.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they should just let mothra\Nsleep out this one. it would\Nbe pretty funny\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Mr Skeleton Key\Nshould be able to fashion a\NSlim Jim\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still waiting on Chekhov’s\NMothra to go off\N\N{\c&H5CC5E3&}Phil M0OFX\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I just stumbled on the\Nhashtag and for not the first\Ntime on this place I have no\Nclue what I'm looking at.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Check Mothra for a pulse\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}if you people don't sing the\Nright mothra song, im coming\Nover there\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:18:58.00,1:19:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is like my foster\Nkittens trying to wake me up\Nan hour before my alarm,\Ndancing around and singing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i will never not love an\Nunderwater kaiju fight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seriously, this is ALL THEY\NDO on Infant Island.This is\Ntheir whole culture and\Ncivilization.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they should just let mothra\Nsleep out this one. it would\Nbe pretty funny\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Mr Skeleton Key\Nshould be able to fashion a\NSlim Jim\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still waiting on Chekhov’s\NMothra to go off\N\N{\c&H5CC5E3&}Phil M0OFX\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I just stumbled on the\Nhashtag and for not the first\Ntime on this place I have no\Nclue what I'm looking at.\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Check Mothra for a pulse\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:36.00,1:19:39.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is like my foster\Nkittens trying to wake me up\Nan hour before my alarm,\Ndancing around and singing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i will never not love an\Nunderwater kaiju fight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seriously, this is ALL THEY\NDO on Infant Island.This is\Ntheir whole culture and\Ncivilization.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they should just let mothra\Nsleep out this one. it would\Nbe pretty funny\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Mr Skeleton Key\Nshould be able to fashion a\NSlim Jim\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still waiting on Chekhov’s\NMothra to go off\N\N{\c&H5CC5E3&}Phil M0OFX\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I just stumbled on the\Nhashtag and for not the first\Ntime on this place I have no\Nclue what I'm looking at.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:39.00,1:19:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is like my foster\Nkittens trying to wake me up\Nan hour before my alarm,\Ndancing around and singing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i will never not love an\Nunderwater kaiju fight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seriously, this is ALL THEY\NDO on Infant Island.This is\Ntheir whole culture and\Ncivilization.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they should just let mothra\Nsleep out this one. it would\Nbe pretty funny\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Mr Skeleton Key\Nshould be able to fashion a\NSlim Jim\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Still waiting on Chekhov’s\NMothra to go off\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:52.00,1:19:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is like my foster\Nkittens trying to wake me up\Nan hour before my alarm,\Ndancing around and singing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i will never not love an\Nunderwater kaiju fight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seriously, this is ALL THEY\NDO on Infant Island.This is\Ntheir whole culture and\Ncivilization.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they should just let mothra\Nsleep out this one. it would\Nbe pretty funny\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@apLundell Mr Skeleton Key\Nshould be able to fashion a\NSlim Jim\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:19:56.00,1:20:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WAKEY WAKEY\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is like my foster\Nkittens trying to wake me up\Nan hour before my alarm,\Ndancing around and singing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i will never not love an\Nunderwater kaiju fight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seriously, this is ALL THEY\NDO on Infant Island.This is\Ntheir whole culture and\Ncivilization.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they should just let mothra\Nsleep out this one. it would\Nbe pretty funny\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:20:20.00,1:20:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a sick taunt, Godzilla\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WAKEY WAKEY\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is like my foster\Nkittens trying to wake me up\Nan hour before my alarm,\Ndancing around and singing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i will never not love an\Nunderwater kaiju fight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seriously, this is ALL THEY\NDO on Infant Island.This is\Ntheir whole culture and\Ncivilization.\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}they should just let mothra\Nsleep out this one. it would\Nbe pretty funny\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:20:32.00,1:20:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You think they have problems\Nwith kids climbing on Mothra?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a sick taunt, Godzilla\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WAKEY WAKEY\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is like my foster\Nkittens trying to wake me up\Nan hour before my alarm,\Ndancing around and singing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i will never not love an\Nunderwater kaiju fight\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Seriously, this is ALL THEY\NDO on Infant Island.This is\Ntheir whole culture and\Ncivilization.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:20:51.00,1:21:16.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Thank you for praying to\NMothra, your wait is 30\Nminutes."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You think they have problems\Nwith kids climbing on Mothra?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a sick taunt, Godzilla\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WAKEY WAKEY\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is like my foster\Nkittens trying to wake me up\Nan hour before my alarm,\Ndancing around and singing\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i will never not love an\Nunderwater kaiju fight\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:16.00,1:21:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra!\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Thank you for praying to\NMothra, your wait is 30\Nminutes."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You think they have problems\Nwith kids climbing on Mothra?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a sick taunt, Godzilla\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WAKEY WAKEY\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N{\c&HD5DEB7&}Trixter of the Moon Council\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}This is like my foster\Nkittens trying to wake me up\Nan hour before my alarm,\Ndancing around and singing\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:50.00,1:21:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra said song ain’t have\Nnothing to do with it this\Nisland’s about to blow,\Npeace\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra!\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Thank you for praying to\NMothra, your wait is 30\Nminutes."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You think they have problems\Nwith kids climbing on Mothra?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a sick taunt, Godzilla\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WAKEY WAKEY\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:51.00,1:21:59.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"So Mothra, we good? No?"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra said song ain’t have\Nnothing to do with it this\Nisland’s about to blow,\Npeace\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra!\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Thank you for praying to\NMothra, your wait is 30\Nminutes."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You think they have problems\Nwith kids climbing on Mothra?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a sick taunt, Godzilla\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WAKEY WAKEY\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra looks like she needs a\Nbathis she covered in dust?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:21:59.00,1:22:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@philpem welcome to the\Ncultural event of .\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"So Mothra, we good? No?"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra said song ain’t have\Nnothing to do with it this\Nisland’s about to blow,\Npeace\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra!\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Thank you for praying to\NMothra, your wait is 30\Nminutes."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You think they have problems\Nwith kids climbing on Mothra?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a sick taunt, Godzilla\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WAKEY WAKEY\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}We need an interpretive dance\Nthat says: "hey Mothra, we're\Nabout to get nuked, a little\Nhelp here?"\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:22:14.00,1:22:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Hurry! Everyone get in the\Nnet!"Oh no, I'm not falling\Nfor that again.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@philpem welcome to the\Ncultural event of .\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"So Mothra, we good? No?"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra said song ain’t have\Nnothing to do with it this\Nisland’s about to blow,\Npeace\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra!\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Thank you for praying to\NMothra, your wait is 30\Nminutes."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You think they have problems\Nwith kids climbing on Mothra?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a sick taunt, Godzilla\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}WAKEY WAKEY\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}*jazz antennae*\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:22:31.00,1:22:43.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i am NOT getting into that\Nnet you just haphazardly\Ncobbled together from vines\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Hurry! Everyone get in the\Nnet!"Oh no, I'm not falling\Nfor that again.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@philpem welcome to the\Ncultural event of .\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"So Mothra, we good? No?"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra said song ain’t have\Nnothing to do with it this\Nisland’s about to blow,\Npeace\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra!\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Thank you for praying to\NMothra, your wait is 30\Nminutes."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You think they have problems\Nwith kids climbing on Mothra?\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}That's a sick taunt, Godzilla\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:22:43.00,1:23:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i am NOT getting into that\Nnet you just haphazardly\Ncobbled together from vines\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Hurry! Everyone get in the\Nnet!"Oh no, I'm not falling\Nfor that again.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@philpem welcome to the\Ncultural event of .\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"So Mothra, we good? No?"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra said song ain’t have\Nnothing to do with it this\Nisland’s about to blow,\Npeace\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra!\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Thank you for praying to\NMothra, your wait is 30\Nminutes."\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}You think they have problems\Nwith kids climbing on Mothra?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:23:10.00,1:24:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey don't leave me here\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i am NOT getting into that\Nnet you just haphazardly\Ncobbled together from vines\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Hurry! Everyone get in the\Nnet!"Oh no, I'm not falling\Nfor that again.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@philpem welcome to the\Ncultural event of .\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"So Mothra, we good? No?"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra said song ain’t have\Nnothing to do with it this\Nisland’s about to blow,\Npeace\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra!\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Thank you for praying to\NMothra, your wait is 30\Nminutes."\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:09.00,1:24:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't need your\Npity, woman\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey don't leave me here\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i am NOT getting into that\Nnet you just haphazardly\Ncobbled together from vines\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Hurry! Everyone get in the\Nnet!"Oh no, I'm not falling\Nfor that again.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@philpem welcome to the\Ncultural event of .\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"So Mothra, we good? No?"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra said song ain’t have\Nnothing to do with it this\Nisland’s about to blow,\Npeace\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra!\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:31.00,1:24:40.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all the monster\Nconversations\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't need your\Npity, woman\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey don't leave me here\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i am NOT getting into that\Nnet you just haphazardly\Ncobbled together from vines\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Hurry! Everyone get in the\Nnet!"Oh no, I'm not falling\Nfor that again.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@philpem welcome to the\Ncultural event of .\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"So Mothra, we good? No?"\N\N{\c&HDC49A2&}\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}mothra said song ain’t have\Nnothing to do with it this\Nisland’s about to blow,\Npeace\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:40.00,1:24:43.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Man, what a wimpy nuke. Was\Nit a tactical or something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all the monster\Nconversations\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't need your\Npity, woman\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey don't leave me here\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i am NOT getting into that\Nnet you just haphazardly\Ncobbled together from vines\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Hurry! Everyone get in the\Nnet!"Oh no, I'm not falling\Nfor that again.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@philpem welcome to the\Ncultural event of .\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"So Mothra, we good? No?"\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:43.00,1:24:44.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why does godzilla need to\Nflee a nuke? he's literally\Nnuclear powered\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Man, what a wimpy nuke. Was\Nit a tactical or something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all the monster\Nconversations\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't need your\Npity, woman\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey don't leave me here\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i am NOT getting into that\Nnet you just haphazardly\Ncobbled together from vines\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Hurry! Everyone get in the\Nnet!"Oh no, I'm not falling\Nfor that again.\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@philpem welcome to the\Ncultural event of .\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:44.00,1:24:49.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why does godzilla need to\Nflee a nuke? he's literally\Nnuclear powered\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Man, what a wimpy nuke. Was\Nit a tactical or something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all the monster\Nconversations\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't need your\Npity, woman\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey don't leave me here\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i am NOT getting into that\Nnet you just haphazardly\Ncobbled together from vines\N\N{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"Hurry! Everyone get in the\Nnet!"Oh no, I'm not falling\Nfor that again.\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:24:49.00,1:25:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah The thing that would\Nreally benefit him is therapy\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why does godzilla need to\Nflee a nuke? he's literally\Nnuclear powered\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Man, what a wimpy nuke. Was\Nit a tactical or something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all the monster\Nconversations\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't need your\Npity, woman\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey don't leave me here\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}i am NOT getting into that\Nnet you just haphazardly\Ncobbled together from vines\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:25:36.00,1:26:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret godzilla doesn't,\Nbut frankenkongzilla does\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah The thing that would\Nreally benefit him is therapy\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why does godzilla need to\Nflee a nuke? he's literally\Nnuclear powered\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Man, what a wimpy nuke. Was\Nit a tactical or something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all the monster\Nconversations\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't need your\Npity, woman\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey don't leave me here\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:26:15.00,1:26:24.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Saved by Mothra ex machina\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret godzilla doesn't,\Nbut frankenkongzilla does\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah The thing that would\Nreally benefit him is therapy\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why does godzilla need to\Nflee a nuke? he's literally\Nnuclear powered\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Man, what a wimpy nuke. Was\Nit a tactical or something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all the monster\Nconversations\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't need your\Npity, woman\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}hey don't leave me here\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Everyone: *runs away from the\Nnet to greet Mothra*Fairies:\Nget in the net you imbeciles\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:26:24.00,1:26:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"In the event of a water\Nlanding, your woven net will\Nserve as a flotation device.\NThank you for flying Mothra\NAir."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Saved by Mothra ex machina\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret godzilla doesn't,\Nbut frankenkongzilla does\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah The thing that would\Nreally benefit him is therapy\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why does godzilla need to\Nflee a nuke? he's literally\Nnuclear powered\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Man, what a wimpy nuke. Was\Nit a tactical or something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all the monster\Nconversations\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Godzilla doesn't need your\Npity, woman\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:26:28.00,1:26:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so everyone was useless\Nexcept mothrathat's the\Nlesson here\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"In the event of a water\Nlanding, your woven net will\Nserve as a flotation device.\NThank you for flying Mothra\NAir."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Saved by Mothra ex machina\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret godzilla doesn't,\Nbut frankenkongzilla does\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah The thing that would\Nreally benefit him is therapy\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why does godzilla need to\Nflee a nuke? he's literally\Nnuclear powered\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Man, what a wimpy nuke. Was\Nit a tactical or something?\N\N{\c&HA1A0A9&}jjjjeeppyyaanngg \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}I love all the monster\Nconversations\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:26:37.00,1:26:46.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@freebird Yessssss\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so everyone was useless\Nexcept mothrathat's the\Nlesson here\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"In the event of a water\Nlanding, your woven net will\Nserve as a flotation device.\NThank you for flying Mothra\NAir."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Saved by Mothra ex machina\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret godzilla doesn't,\Nbut frankenkongzilla does\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah The thing that would\Nreally benefit him is therapy\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why does godzilla need to\Nflee a nuke? he's literally\Nnuclear powered\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Man, what a wimpy nuke. Was\Nit a tactical or something?\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:26:46.00,1:26:47.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nooo don't go straight you're\Nso sexy haha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@freebird Yessssss\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so everyone was useless\Nexcept mothrathat's the\Nlesson here\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"In the event of a water\Nlanding, your woven net will\Nserve as a flotation device.\NThank you for flying Mothra\NAir."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Saved by Mothra ex machina\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret godzilla doesn't,\Nbut frankenkongzilla does\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah The thing that would\Nreally benefit him is therapy\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}why does godzilla need to\Nflee a nuke? he's literally\Nnuclear powered\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:26:47.00,1:26:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Anyway, now they have to go\Nto jail for stealing that\Nboat in the first act..\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nooo don't go straight you're\Nso sexy haha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@freebird Yessssss\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so everyone was useless\Nexcept mothrathat's the\Nlesson here\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"In the event of a water\Nlanding, your woven net will\Nserve as a flotation device.\NThank you for flying Mothra\NAir."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Saved by Mothra ex machina\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret godzilla doesn't,\Nbut frankenkongzilla does\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah The thing that would\Nreally benefit him is therapy\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N Dialogue: 0,1:26:51.00,1:27:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(20,20)}{\an7}{\c&HDF8635&}Andy Lundell \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Anyway, now they have to go\Nto jail for stealing that\Nboat in the first act..\N\N{\c&HC184F5&}THE HAT IS CONICAL\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}nooo don't go straight you're\Nso sexy haha\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@freebird Yessssss\N\N{\c&H67C146&}4 8 15 16 23 42\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}so everyone was useless\Nexcept mothrathat's the\Nlesson here\N\N{\c&H777FF3&}tarot bird\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}"In the event of a water\Nlanding, your woven net will\Nserve as a flotation device.\NThank you for flying Mothra\NAir."\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Saved by Mothra ex machina\N\N{\c&HE692A4&}Mobile Suit Larry\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@Taweret godzilla doesn't,\Nbut frankenkongzilla does\N\N{\c&H3DECEA&}So many dynamos\N{\c&HFFFFFF&}@emmah The thing that would\Nreally benefit him is therapy\N\N{\c&H52D6AD&}Emma Builds \N{\c&HFFFFFF&}Mothra: "Godzilla, I do not\Nhave time for your bullshit."\N\N